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杨朋涛  牛量  蒋军昌 《航空学报》2008,29(3):657-663
 在分析飞机数字式油量测量过程中目前广泛使用的切片法油量测量原理的基础上,针对现有的定步长切片法无法得到准确、可靠的燃油质量特性数据库的缺陷,结合对飞机油箱模型形状特征的分析,提出了基于飞机油箱模型形状特征的油量测量切片步长选择方法。此方法包括切片步长整体和局部选择两个过程,整体选择以实现相邻两切片平面所夹油箱模型体积近似相等为目的来确定切片步长,以体现油箱模型截面整体变化规律;局部选择以设计切片平面与截面突变平面重合或尽可能接近的方式,突出油箱截面的局部变化特征。实验结果表明:该切片步长选择方法较定步长方法能够建立更为合理、可靠的燃油质量特性数据库,从而提高了油量测量精度。  相似文献   

通过对Boltzmann方程碰撞积分进行模型化处理,提出了统一描述各流域复杂高超声速流动输运现象的气体分子速度分布函数控制方程,使用离散速度坐标法对分布函数方程所依赖的速度空间离散降维,构造出直接求解分子速度分布函数的气体动理论耦合迭代数值格式,研制了复杂飞行器高超声速绕流气动热力学计算模型。基于对气体动理论数值计算方法内在并行性、变量依赖关系、数据通信与并行可扩展性的分析研究,使用区域分解并行化方法提出了新型的气体动理论数值算法并行方案;研究了数据的并行分布与并行执行特征,开展了大规模的并行化程序设计,构造了可稳定运行于成千上万CPU的高性能并行算法,用以模拟各流域复杂飞行器的高超声速绕流问题。以稀薄流到连续流环境下不同Knudsen数、不同马赫数的可重复使用类球锥卫星体及翼身组合复杂飞行器等气动力、热绕流问题为研究对象展开大规模并行计算,并进行算法验证,所得计算结果与理论分析、直接模拟蒙特卡罗方法(DSMC)的模拟值及有关实验数据吻合较好,揭示了飞行器跨流域高超声速下的复杂流动机理与变化规律,提供了一条能够可靠模拟高超声速飞行器跨流域气动力及热问题的统一的算法应用研究途径。  相似文献   

二维翼段颤振的μ控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用超声电机作为作动器来实现含控制面的翼段颤振鲁棒抑制。针对作者设计的二维翼段颤振主动抑制系统,通过理论与实验相结合的方法,建立了考虑沉浮方向阻尼和作动器模型参数不确定性的控制系统模型,设计了μ控制器,并对控制器做了降阶处理。数值仿真和风洞试验表明,μ控制器可有效地抑制颤振的发生,将颤振临界速度提高23.4%。相对于H控制器,μ控制器的控制效果和鲁棒性更好。  相似文献   

Abnormal Shape Mould Winding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决网格化芯模的缠绕问题,本文提出了复合材料面片缠绕机理;接着详细分析了面片缠绕过程中的芯模凹曲面上纤维滑线和架空现象,应用微分几何曲面理论和空间几何理论,提出判据及其解决方案;最后,针对飞机发动机进气道的缠绕成型,编制缠绕控制程序并进行相应的实验,验证了面片缠绕方法的可行性。  相似文献   

μ理论在电液负载模拟器中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 研究μ理论在电液负载模拟器中的应用,提出电液负载模拟器的鲁棒控制策略。电液负载模拟器是一个复杂的机-电-液复合系统,且是一个强耦合、时变受控对象。综合考虑参数变化、模型变动和干扰等不确定性的影响,利用μ综合控制理论设计电液负载模拟器的鲁棒力控制器,并通过μ分析使用鲁棒力控制器时系统的鲁棒稳定性和鲁棒性能。给出使用鲁棒力控制器和经典力控制器时的实验结果,实验结果表明所设计鲁棒力控制器的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

基于H性能指标的质量矩拦截弹鲁棒控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以所建立的质量矩拦截弹数学模型为基础,利用微分几何的反馈线性化理论,得到一个解耦线性系统,考虑到拦截弹的鲁棒性要求和3个滑块的协调控制问题,提出采用双回路的设计方法,内回路采用线性二次调节器(LQR),外回路采用考虑混合灵敏度问题的H控制设计。仿真结果证明了该方法动态性能满足设计要求,同时对系统参数的不确定性具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

航天器返回地球的气动特性综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方方  周璐  李志辉 《航空学报》2015,36(1):24-38
航天器返回地球的飞行过程中,气动特性是实现将宇宙飞行速度减到落地前速度、保证再入飞行得到有效控制以及再入防热安全可靠的关键因素。针对简单旋成体气动外形、半弹道式再入控制、烧蚀防热类返回航天器,综述了返回地球过程中变化的空气流域特性、航天器周围的气体绕流环境、空气与航天器作用产生的动力学与热效应等。系统地给出了该类航天器的再入气动特性参数与飞行性能的共性规律,包括:气动阻力与再入减速、气动升力与再入轨迹控制、配平攻角与飞行稳定性、气动加热与防热,以及再入过程中不同气动特性航天器、气象条件变化等对再入飞行性能的影响规律。为航天器开展返回飞行过程的跨流域气动性能工程研制提供设计参考。  相似文献   

李永洲  张堃元 《航空学报》2015,36(1):289-301
提出了一种高超声速飞行器乘波前体的外锥形基准流场设计方法,在锥面马赫数分布规律给定的条件下,通过有旋特征线法实现反设计,提高了基准流场设计的灵活性。该基准流场通过锥形"下凹"弯曲激波和波后等熵压缩波系压缩气流,可以在较短的长度内完成高效压缩。基于反正切马赫数分布外锥形基准流场设计的乘波前体具有较高的容积率,乘波特性良好且出口均匀,设计点时有黏升阻比为1.89。另外,基于该乘波前体和马赫数分布可控的内收缩进气道给出了一种双乘波的前体与进气道一体化设计方案,实现了内外流分别独立乘波,充分发挥了乘波前体和内收缩进气道的各自优势。  相似文献   

Advanced gas turbine stages are designed to operate at increasingly higher inlet temperatures to increase thermal efficiency and specific power output.To maintain durability and reasonable life,film cooling is needed in addition to internal cooling,especially for the first stage.Film cooling lowers material temperature by forced convection inside film-cooling holes and by forming a layer of coolant about component surfaces to insulate them from the hot gases.Unfortunately,each cooling jet forms a pair of counter-rotating vortices that entrains hot gas and causes the film-cooling jet to lift off from the surface that it is intended to protect.This paper gives an overview of efforts to enhance the effectiveness of film-cooling.This paper also describes two new design concepts.One design concept seeks to minimize the entrainment of hot gases underneath of film-cooling jets by using flow-aligned blockers.The other design concept shifts the interaction between the approaching hot gas and the cooling jet to occur further above the surface by using an upstream ramp.For both design concepts,computational fluid dynamics results are presented to examine their usefulness in enhancing film-cooling effectiveness.   相似文献   

IntroductionExpensive turbine parts like HPT(HighPressure Turine)blades or vanes are replaced bynew parts in case of damage.For example theburn through of the inner side of a blade or vane(Figure 1)is a frequently appearing damage,which cannot be repaired…  相似文献   

<正>About Journal Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(CJA)is a comprehensive academic journal dealing with the fields of aeronautics and astronautics.It reports researches concerning the two fields in China and abroad to promote the academic exchange.Founded in 1988 and sponsored by the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Beihang University,CJA publishes papers bimonthly,with issues released in February,April,June,August,October and December.  相似文献   

何巍  徐世杰 《航空学报》2007,28(2):263-268
 基于由飞行器、行星及其卫星组成圆型限制性三体问题模型,通过庞加莱映射的方法,研究了飞行器从行星卫星附近逃逸的问题。在Jacobi常数确定的前提下,通过逆向积分,飞行器从L1或L2点附近返回近月点,得到近月点速度出发速度。研究结果表明绕飞L1点和L2点逃逸行星卫星需要的最低能量是不同的,从月球表面逃逸所需的速度脉冲分别比开普勒算法节省46.5m/s和42.3m/s,且均小于Villac等人在Hill模型下得到38.9m/s,从而改进了Villac等人的相关工作,同时也给出了从太阳系主要行星卫星表面逃逸所需的最小能量。  相似文献   

对星载磁悬浮单框架控制力矩陀螺,建立其转子的平动与转动的动力学方程。所建模型反映了转子的动、静不平衡特性,以及转子运动与框架、星体运动的耦合关系。模型是主动磁悬浮控制与动框架效应分析的基础。对动、静不平衡量未知的转子,设计了自适应对中控制器。在分散PD、比例交叉反馈控制器与高低通滤波器的基础上,通过动、静不平衡量的辨识与补偿控制,使转子绕其惯量主轴旋转,衰减角动量交换执行机构高速转子因不平衡而对基座产生的干扰力,消除星上主要颤振源,达到降低卫星姿态抖动的目的。  相似文献   

一种鼻锥钝化高超声速轴对称进气道流动特性实验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
前缘钝化尺度是高超声速进气道设计中的关键参数。针对一种前体锥加弯曲压缩面的高超声速轴对称进气道,选取最大尺度为3.2mm(5%唇缘半径)的几种典型鼻锥钝化半径,在马赫数Ma=6来流,及模型安装攻角为0°、4°、7°的条件下开展鼻锥钝化尺度对进气道流动性能影响的实验研究。采用纹影拍摄及压力测量记录各来流条件下进气道前体流场结构及壁面压强分布,并在无攻角来流条件下利用微型扰流器进行边界层强制转捩研究。结果表明,对无攻角来流而言,即使是尺度高达3.2mm的钝化半径对进气道前体流场结构及壁面静压分布也基本没有影响。此来流条件下,几种不同鼻锥钝化半径的前体压缩面均出现小范围流动分离,而添加扰流器后该分离区均消失。钝化尺度的影响随着攻角的增加而显现,尽管不同鼻锥钝化尺度下迎风面流场及壁面压强分布几乎没有差别,但背风面随钝化尺度增大表现为边界层明显增厚、流动趋于不稳定。其中最大钝化尺度R=3.2mm的构型在4°攻角来流时背风面即出现明显的分离区,而7°攻角来流时背风面更是出现大范围流动分离、进气道背风侧不起动,并导致进气道内部壁面压强显著下降。  相似文献   

Theoretical analysis and numerical calculations of Love wave propagation in layered graded composites with imperfectly bonded interface are described in this paper. On the basis of WKB method, the approximate analytic solutions for Love waves are obtained. By the interface shear spring model, the dispersion relations for Love waves in layered graded composite structures with rigid, slip, and imperfectly bonded interfaces are given, and the effects of the interface conditions on the phase velocities of Love waves in SiC/Al lay- ered graded composites are discussed. Numerical analysis shows that the phase velocity decreases when the defined flexibility parameter is greater. For the general imperfectly bonded interface, the phase velocity changes in the range of the velocities for the rigid and slip interface conditions.  相似文献   

The compression creep deformation of the high volume fraction of SiC particles reinforced Al-Mg-Si composite fabricated by pressure-less infiltration was investigated. The experimental results show that the creep stress exponents are very high at temperatures of 673 K, 723 K and 773 K, and if taking the threshold stress into account, the true stress exponent of minimum creep strain rate is still approximately 5, although the volume fraction of reinforcements is very high. The creep strain rate in the high volume fraction rein- forced aluminum alloy matrix composites is controlled by matrix lattice diffusion. It is found that the creep-strengthening effect of high volume fraction of silicon carbide particles is significant, although the particles do not form effective obstacles to dislocation motion.  相似文献   

The PDRE test model used in these experiments utilized kerosene as the fuel, oxygen as oxidizer, and nitrogen as purge gas. The solenoid valves were employed to control intermittent supplies of kerosene, oxygen and purge gas. PDRE test model was 50 mm in inner diameter by 1.2 m long. The DDT (deflagration to detonation transition) enhancement device Shchelkin spiral was used in the test model. The effects of detonation frequency on its time-averaged thrust and specific impulse were experimentally investigated. The obtained results showes that the time-averaged thrust of PDRE test model was approximately proportional to the detonation frequency. For the detonation frequency 20 Hz, the time-averaged thrust was around 107 N, and the specific impulse was around 125 s. The nozzle experiments were conducted using PDRE test model with three traditional nozzles. The experimental results obtained demonstrated that all of those nozzles could augment the thrust and specific impulse. Among those three nozzles, the convergent nozzle had the largest increased augmentation, which was approximately 18%, under the specific condition of the experiment.  相似文献   

The process of evolution, especially that of nonlinear evolution, of C-type instability of laminar-turbulent flow transition in nonparallel boundary layers are studied by means of a newly developed method called parabolic stability equations (PSE). Initial conditions, which are very important for the nonlinear problem, are investigated by computing initial solution of the harmonic waves, modifying the mean-flow-distortion, and giving initial value of TS wave and its subharmonic waves at initial station by solving linear PSE. A numerical method with high-order accuracy are developed in the text, the key normalization conditions in the PSE are satisfied, and nonlinear PSE are solved efficiently and implemented stably by the spatial marching. It has been shown that the computed process of nonlinear evolution of C-type instability in Blasius boundary layer is in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Adaptive Sliding Control of Six-DOF Flight Simulator Motion Platform   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文使用Newton-Euler法推导了六自由度飞行模拟器运动平台完整的线性化形式的动力学方程,并以此为基础,提出了一种在任务空间中的非线性自适应滑模控制方法。这种控制方法将系统中的不确定性分为定常不确定参数和时变不确定参数,利用非线性自适应控制对定常不确定参数进行辨识,同时结合滑模控制对时变不确定参数和外部扰动进行补偿。通过数值仿真分析表明,该控制策略能准确识别运动平台的载荷、惯量、重心等参数,同时又能有效地提高系统的鲁棒性能。  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器高温流场数值模拟面临的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高超声速飞行器目标光辐射和电磁散射特性研究的发展和深入,高温流场特性日益引起人们的关注。由于高温流场特性研究中涉及到非常多的复杂气动现象,如气动加热、烧蚀、辐射、燃烧、化学反应以及湍流等,因此其数值模拟面临着诸多挑战。这里基于连续流计算流体力学(CFD)技术和稀薄气体蒙特卡罗直接仿真(DSMC)方法,从化学物理模型建模、方法稳定性与数值求解效率出发,分析了高超声速飞行器外部绕流、尾迹和发动机喷焰三方面的流场特性数值模拟在不同弹道、热防护手段和飞行流域环境下所面临的问题。在此基础上提出了数值求解技术和化学物理模型建模今后需要发展的方向,为有效提高高超声速高温流场特性数值模拟效率、增加流场特性预测精度提供了指导,从而为研究流场对高超声速飞行器目标光辐射和电磁散射特性影响提供有效的基础数据。  相似文献   

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