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模拟载人探月中航天员空间辐射风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间辐射是长期载人航天飞行任务中影响航天员健康的重要风险因素。为了探求载人探月过程中对空间辐射的合理防护方式,文章借助空间辐射场模型对"嫦娥三号"飞行任务在不同质量厚度材料屏蔽下的舱内空间辐射环境进行了仿真计算,并确定了航天员各器官接受的空间辐射剂量、剂量当量以及有效剂量等辐射防护量以进行辐射风险评估。结果表明,随着屏蔽厚度的增加,航天员的各组织或器官的吸收剂量和剂量当量以及有效剂量均明显降低;采用质量屏蔽的方法对低于100 Me V的质子具有很好的防护效果,但对高能质子或重离子的防护效果不明显。计算和分析显示,载人探月过程中,只要采取适当的防护措施,航天员的空间辐射风险是可控的。  相似文献   

火星载人探测中辐射防护综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火星探测是人类太空探索的重要组成部分,火星载人探测中航天员的辐射安全问题是人们最为关心的问题。文章扼要介绍了美国/俄罗斯火星载人探测技术的发展过程,重点阐述了探测中的辐射环境、辐射效应以及国外探测结果;在此基础上,对火星探测中的辐射剂量进行了预示,提出了辐射防护建议。  相似文献   

空间辐射环境工程的现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
空间辐射环境是航天器在轨运行所面临的重要环境要素之一,因其诱发的单粒子效应、总剂量效应、位移损伤效应、表面充放电效应、内带电效应等既可引起航天器材料、器件、结构等在轨损伤、性能退化甚至失效,然而又可以利用其开展空间育种等活动。文章从空间辐射环境与模型、空间辐射效应及机理、空间辐射环境与效应试验的评价标准、空间辐射环境效应试验方法、空间辐射环境与效应地面模拟试验设备、空间辐射环境与效应数值模拟、空间辐射环境与效应飞行试验及抗辐射加固技术等角度对空间辐射环境工程的现状进行了评述,进而提出了空间辐射环境工程各个领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

空间辐射对飞行器可造成辐射损伤甚至失效,对航天员的生命健康安全存在着威胁。随着航天活动的深入,对空间辐射探测技术的发展提出了更高的要求。通过辐射敏感场效应晶体管(RADFET)探测技术设计研制了总剂量探测器,介绍了探测器的设计原理和测试数据分析,以及研究发展方向和空间应用展望。  相似文献   

深空辐射环境及其效应的分析与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深空辐射环境对深空探测活动将带来严重的威胁。文章首先对深空辐射环境及效应进行了分析,接着对月球、火星、木星和土星等不同星体的辐射环境及效应进行了详细的探讨及比较。文章得到的结论可为深空探测器的设计和航天员的防护设计提供重要的指导与帮助。  相似文献   

国外航天员心理卫生研究进展(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张其吉 《中国航天》2000,(8):27-28,38
随着载人航天事业的发展,人在宇宙空间的时间越来越长,俄罗斯宇航员已创造了在空间停留438天的最新记录。未来的永久性空间站和火星计划使得航天员在空间停留的时间可能会长达3-5年。今后同时在空间停留的航天员也会越来越多,他们的背景和从事的职业也会各不相同。加之航天特殊环境如失重、社会隔离、狭小空间限制、缺乏独处、感觉输入减少或过多、生活单调乏味、累积的辐射剂量和有毒物质的污染、潜在的对生命的威胁等应激因素,均可使航天员产生明显的心理影响,从而对航天员的身心健康造成危害。因此筛除具有心理病理学情况的航…  相似文献   

舱外航天服是航天员出舱活动所必须个体防护系统,具有为航天员提供生命保障的功能。在空间特殊的环境中,如高真空、极端温度交变环境、微流星和空间碎片、各种辐射等,舱外航天服外层材料必须有特殊的防护功能。  相似文献   

航天电子抗辐射研究综述   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
冯彦君  华更新  刘淑芬 《宇航学报》2007,28(5):1071-1080
辐射是影响航天电子设备高可靠长寿命运行的重要因素,是当前航天电子技术的研究重点。首先介绍了造成各种辐射效应的空间辐射环境,以及总剂量、单粒子、位移损伤和航天器带电等辐射效应的内在物理原理;然后,综述了当前最新的抗辐射措施、辐射试验方法、抗辐射加固保障等技术,最后指出抗辐射研究的方向。  相似文献   

文章梳理了面向航天器总体设计的空间辐射效应分析技术现状,重点归纳了航天器空间辐射效应分析中需关注的总剂量效应、位移损伤效应、单粒子效应分析的要素、分析方法及软件工具,并结合近年来国际上空间辐射环境模型的最新进展,就辐射环境动态变化认知、在轨辐射风险表征、陌生轨道区域辐射环境影响分析等方面提出国内空间辐射效应分析技术的不足及后续发展建议。  相似文献   

太阳同步轨道空间粒子辐射剂量探测与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨晓超  王世金  王月  张微 《宇航学报》2008,29(1):357-361
利用“实践六号”A星3台辐射剂量仪2004年9月至2007年1月的在轨探测数据,对太阳活动低年,该卫星所处太阳同步轨道不同方向、不同屏蔽厚度下的辐射剂量水平及辐射剂量增长变化特性进行了分析和讨论。结果表明:空间环境扰动会导致日辐射剂量率较之空间环境宁静期有1个数量级的增长,这种增长一般滞后于空间环境扰动事件1~2天,持续时间为十几天至数十天;太阳活动低年,平均日辐射剂量率小于5rad天,与地球辐射带模型计算结果大致相当。这些结果对卫星的在轨安全保障和抗辐射加固设计都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In order to explore the Moon and Mars it is necessary to investigate the hazards due to the space environment and especially ionizing radiation. According to previous papers, much information has been presented in radiation analysis inside the Earth's magnetosphere, but much of this work was not directly relevant to the interplanetary medium. This work intends to explore the effect of radiation on humans inside structures such as the ISS and provide a detailed analysis of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) and solar proton events (SPEs) using SPENVIS (Space Environment Effects and Information System) and CREME96 data files for particle flux outside the Earth's magnetosphere. The simulation was conducted using GRAS, a European Space Agency (ESA) software based on GEANT4. Dose and equivalent dose have been calculated as well as secondary particle effects and GCR energy spectrum. The calculated total dose effects and equivalent dose indicate the risk and effects that space radiation could have on the crew, these values are calculated using two different types of structures, the ISS and the TransHab modules. Final results indicate the amounts of radiation expected to be absorbed by the astronauts during long duration interplanetary flights; this denotes importance of radiation shielding and the use of proper materials to reduce the effects.  相似文献   

For a reliable prediction of dose loads on a crew and its habitation environment, which, so far, cannot be calculated with sufficient accuracy, an experimental study of the dynamics of radiation situation characteristics in the modules of the manned International Space Station (ISS) is carried out. The results of prompt monitoring and individual dose control of the crews of seven basic missions in the period of flight from August 1, 2000, to October 28, 2003, are presented. This period of time coincided with the maximum phase of solar activity. On the basis of comparing the measurement data, it was shown that the value of an accumulated individual absorbed dose did not exceed the limits of readings of a two-channel standard R-16 radiometer. The power of the radiation dose absorbed by crew members lies within the range 0.017–0.02 cGy/day and mainly depends on the solar activity level.  相似文献   

文章叙述了空间环境与卫星长寿命高可靠的关系,着重分析了影响GEO卫星长寿命高可靠的各种空间环境效应,如:地磁亚暴电子造成的卫星表面带电及诱导的二次放电、辐射带高能电子引起卫星内带电、太阳耀斑质子和银河宇宙射线造成的单粒子效应、空间带电粒子和太阳电磁辐照造成的辐照总剂量效应以及空间环境下敏感表面的污染效应等.文章最后给出GEO卫星空间环境效应的评估、验证和保障技术研究的必要性及其主要研究方向.  相似文献   

NASA is very interested in improving its ability to monitor and forecast the radiation levels that pose a health risk to space-walking astronauts as they construct the International Space Station and astronauts that will participate in long-term and deep-space missions. Human exploratory missions to the moon and Mars within the next quarter century, will expose crews to transient radiation from solar particle events which include high-energy galactic cosmic rays and high-energy protons. Because the radiation levels in space are high and solar activity is presently unpredictable, adequate shielding is needed to minimize the deleterious health effects of exposure to radiation. Today, numerous models have been developed and used to predict radiation exposure. Such a model is the Space Environment Information Systems (SPENVIS) modeling program, developed by the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronautics. SPENVIS, which has been assessed to be an excellent tool in characterizing the radiation environment for microelectronics and investigating orbital debris, is being evaluated for its usefulness with determining the dose and dose-equivalent for human exposure. Thus far. the calculations for dose-depth relations under varying shielding conditions have been in agreement with calculations done using HZETRN and PDOSE, which are well-known and widely used models for characterizing the environments for human exploratory missions. There is disagreement when assessing the impact of secondary radiation particles since SPENVIS does a crude estimation of the secondary radiation particles when calculating LET versus Flux. SPENVIS was used to model dose-depth relations for the blood-forming organs. Radiation sickness and cancer are life-threatening consequences resulting from radiation exposure. In space. exposure to radiation generally includes all of the critical organs. Biological and toxicological impacts have been included for discussion along with alternative risk mitigation methods--shielding and anti-carcinogens.  相似文献   

空间环境是诱发卫星异常和故障的主要原因之一。光学遥感器作为卫星最重要的有效载荷之一,在空间会受到空间辐射环境的影响。因此在研制光学遥感器的同时,需要同时考虑空间辐射环境因素,文章就空间光学遥感器天然辐射效应数据库的设计和应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

文章分析了国内外卫星空间辐射效应飞行试验的现状和发展趋势,根据我国卫星空间辐射效应及防护技术的具体情况,对卫星空间辐射效应及防护技术空间飞行试验的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The results of radiation control onboard the Service Module of the International Space Station are considered for the period of increased radiation background from 28 to 30 October, 2003. The values of additional irradiation dose caused by strong solar proton events on October 28 and 29, 2003 are obtained. A comparison is made with similar data obtained in the periods of disturbed radiation conditions of fall 2001. The results of estimating the dependence of the absorbed dose on the shield thickness, based on the onboard measurements, are presented. It is established that the daily-averaged dose power onboard the International Space Station increased after the solar proton events of October 2003.  相似文献   

航天器近地空间环境效应综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空间环境是影响航天器飞行的重要因素之一。文章在总结近地空间环境含义的基础上,按形成因素对近地空间环境进行分类,并详细分析了辐射环境、摄动环境、磁场环境、等离子体环境、微流星体和冷黑环境及其对近地空间航天器的效应。  相似文献   

OLTARIS (On-Line Tool for the Assessment of Radiation In Space) is a space radiation analysis tool available on the World Wide Web. It can be used to study the effects of space radiation for various spacecraft and mission scenarios involving humans and electronics. The transport is based on the HZETRN transport code and the input nuclear physics model is NUCFRG. This paper describes the tools behind the web interface and the types of inputs required to obtain results. Typical inputs are mission parameters and slab definitions or vehicle thickness distributions. Radiation environments can be chosen by the user. This paper describes these inputs as well as the output response functions including dose, dose equivalent, whole body effective dose equivalent, LET spectra and detector response models.  相似文献   

空间环境是影响航天器可靠性的重要因素。与地球轨道航天器相比,行星际探测任务可能会遭受更加恶劣的空间环境,例如极端温度环境,辐射环境,腐蚀性大气环境、宇宙尘等,再加上行星际任务寿命长,采用先进的器件和材料,空间环境对行星际探测器的可靠性构成严重的威胁,直接关系到探测目标能否实现。因此考虑空间环境对行星际探测器的影响,开展相关的预先研究无论是对于制定行星际空间探测计划,还是搭载仪器的设计都具有非常重要的意义。文章分析了极端温度、辐射环境和行星表面综合环境对探测器的影响,并对开展相关研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

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