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将于2007年4月9日隆重开幕的第十届中国国际机床展(CIMT 2007)吸引着众多业内人士期盼的目光,这将是机床界的又一次盛会.细心的观众应该还记得,在2006年的上海数控机床展上,沈阳机床集团颇引人注目:2000m2的展览面积;26台拥有自主知识产权的展品;一轮接一轮的媒体采访攻势;在"中国数控机床产业之路"CCMT2006网上直播中的率先亮相.沈阳机床无疑成为那次展会上耀眼的明星.  相似文献   


这是一张珍贵的历史照片,这架飞机也相当罕见,至少我从来没见过。上面的文字似乎是阿拉伯文,这让我完全糊涂了,这是哪国的飞机?又是什么型号?艾菲只能求助各位了。如果您知道,就请把答案写信寄至:北京市学院路37号航空知识杂志社王亚男收,邮编100083。也可以发送 E-mail 到hollyduke@163.com,回答正确的读者就有机会获得主编奖(来信或 E-mail中务必注明姓名、地址及邮编)。  相似文献   

作为切削工具行业领先品牌的员工,欧士机(上海)精密工具有限公司营业本部市场部主管杜鹏完全有理由为欧士机感到骄傲。  相似文献   

(2007年1月23日) 一、二○○六年工作回顾 2006年,在党中央、国务院、中央军委的正确领导下,在上级主管部门的指导下,中航二集团公司党组带领广大干部职工,坚持科学发展,着力改革创新,迎难而上,开拓前进,各项工作都取得较好成绩,实现了"十一五"开门红.  相似文献   

航空公司以经营性租赁方式引进使用过航空器,其突出优势在于:使用过航空器的租赁成本低、不存在生产周期、租期可选,能够迅速、灵活地投入运营以应对市场的需求变化,特别是对于资金紧张的中、小航空公司而言使用过航空器对于缓解机队规模小、运力紧张、迅速占领市场可起到立竿见影的效果。  相似文献   

4月13日,由中国民航局与波音公司联合主办的基于性能的导航(PBN)技术推广和支持研讨会在京召开,来自各地区管理局和航空公司负责PBN工作的领导和相关人员参加了研  相似文献   

PMA 部件是否正在经历着期待已久的复兴?PMA 部件的可信度逐步增加是否会对发动机 OEM 在售后市场的垄断形成挑战?  相似文献   

智能变形飞行器的发展道路   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
无论是飞行动物还是人造飞行器,为了执行不同任务(如巡航、盘旋、攻击、逃生等),或为了满足飞行环境(如高度、速度、气候等)的不同要求,往往需要相应调整其形态,以达到高效能、安全以及任务要求等目的.  相似文献   

空空导弹综合保障现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对空空导弹的特点,总结了某型号开展的综合保障工作和收效,结合存在的问题,分析了综合保障现状,指出了空空导弹综合保障目前急需开展的工作和需要突破的技术.  相似文献   

Airspace safety and airport capacity are two key challenges to sustain the growth in Air Transportation. In this paper, we model the Air Transportation Network as two sub-networks of airspace and airports, such that the safety and capacity of the overall Air Transportation network emerge from the interaction between the two. We propose a safety-capacity trade-off approach,using a computational framework, where the two networks can inter-act and the trade-off between capacity and safety in an Air Transport Network can be established. The framework comprise of an evolutionary computation based air traffic scenario generation using a flow capacity estimation module(for capacity), Collision risk estimation module(for safety) and an air traffic simulation module(for evaluation). The proposed methodology to evolve air traffic scenarios such that it minimizes collision risk for given capacity estimation was tested on two different air transport network topologies(random and small-world) with the same number of airports. Experimental results indicate that though airspace collision risk increases almost linearly with the increasing flow(flow intensity) in the corresponding airport network, the critical flow depend on the underlying network configuration. It was also found that, in general, the capacity upper bound depends not only on the connectivity among airports and their individual performances but also the configuration of waypoints and mid-air interactions among conflicts. Results also show that airport network can accommodate more traffic in terms of capacity but the corresponding airspace network cannot accommodate the resulting traffic flow due to the bounds on collision risk.  相似文献   

基于功能脆弱性的空中交通相依网络流量分配   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王兴隆  齐雁楠  潘维煌 《航空学报》2020,41(4):323479-323479
依据空中交通管理与航班运行规则,采用复杂网络理论构建由机场、航路与管制扇区组成的相依网络模型,建立不同扰动策略的影响规则,提出以网络流量熵和交通流损失比变化率为指标识别网络功能脆弱性。并以网络总流量熵最小为目标,建立基于改进遗传算法的网络流量协调分配策略,以降低空中交通相依网络的脆弱性。以民航华北地区空域为原型,发现了其相依网络脆弱性表现规律和脆弱源,采用遗传算法求解网络流量分配方案,优化结果降低了网络总熵值和功能脆弱性,其中机场网络流量分配后效果最为显著,验证了方法的有效性,研究结果可为空中流量管理决策提供一定的理论支撑。  相似文献   

Resilience is the ability of a system to withstand and stay operational in the face of an unexpected disturbance or unpredicted changes. Recent studies on air transport system resilience focus on topology characteristics after the disturbance and measure the robustness of the network with respect to connectivity. The dynamic processes occurring at the node and link levels are often ignored. Here we analyze airport network resilience by considering both structural and dynamical aspects. We develop a simulation model to study the operational performance of the air transport system when airports operate at degraded capacity rather than completely shutting down. Our analyses show that the system deteriorates soon after disruptive events occur but returns to an acceptable level after a period of time. Static resilience of the airport network is captured by a phase transition in which a small change to airport capacity will result in a sharp change in system punctuality. After the phase transition point, decreasing airport capacity has little impact on system performance. Critical airports which have significant influence on the performance of whole system are identified, and we find that some of these cannot be detected based on the analysis of network structural indicators alone. Our work shows that air transport system’s resilience can be well understood by combining network science and operational dynamics.  相似文献   

随着中欧之间航空运输量的不断增加,中欧几个主要枢纽机场之间互飞的航班量增长迅速,从欧洲空中交通流量管理系统发展的经验来看,协调枢纽机场航班放行时间可以显著地减少空域拥挤,减少航班延误,提高航班的正常性和可预测性.尝试从分析中国北京首都机场等几大枢纽机场中欧之间航班飞行流量、起降时刻出发,从减少中国枢纽机场拥挤的角度分析中欧协同放行的必要性,从航班和机场信息共享、协同放行机制等角度分析其可行性,以期望为进一步加强中欧航空合作打下基础.由于时间和数据限制,研究无法从欧洲空管角度做出类似的分析.  相似文献   

Air route network optimization,one of the essential parts of the airspace planning,is an effective way to optimize airspace resources,increase airspace capacity,and alleviate air traffic con gestion.However,little has been done on the optimization of air route network in the fragmented airspace caused by prohibited,restricted,and dangerous areas (PRDs).In this paper,an air route network optimization model is developed with the total operational cost as the objective function while airspace restriction,air route network capacity,and non-straight-line factors (NSLF) are taken as major constraints.A square grid cellular space,Moore neighbors,a fixed boundary,together with a set of rules for solving the route network optimization model are designed based on cellular automata.The empirical traffic of airports with the largest traffic volume in each of the 9 flight information regions in mainland China is collected as the origin-destination (OD) air port pair demands.Based on traffic patterns,the model generates 35 air routes which successfully avoids 144 PRDs.Compared with the current air route network structure,the number of nodes decreases by 41.67%,while the total length of flight segments and air routes drop by 32.03% and 5.82% respectively.The NSLF decreases by 5.82% with changes in the total length of the air route network.More importantly,the total operational cost of the whole network decreases by 6.22%.The computational results show the potential benefits of the model and the advantage of the algorithm.Optimization of air route network can significantly reduce operational cost while ensuring operation safety.  相似文献   

机场协同决策可以有效提升机场的运行效率,进而提升整个民航运输网络的运行效率。本文查阅整理了机场协同决策的相关标准、政策文件与研究论文,梳理了机场协同决策的发展历程以及国内外学界业界有关协同决策的研究及应用现状;分析讨论了机场协同决策未来的发展趋势与当前时期协同决策所面临的挑战;同时基于我国的实际情况,给出了一些机场协同决策的发展建议;总结了机场协同决策的理论与应用价值以及协同决策在我国面临的问题与挑战。本文研究可以为提升机场与整个航空交通网络的运行效率与经济效益提供理论支撑和依据。  相似文献   

基于地面等待策略的航班时刻规划方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
地面等待是空中交通管理中普遍应用的一种方法。根据机场实际容量的约束,从地面等待策略的思想提出了航班时刻规划专家系统,即通过修改航班时刻表中高峰时段的航班,以达到平滑交通流量的目的。最后根据全国航班时刻表,选择了10个主要的繁忙机场进行了仿真计算,验证了方法的实用性。  相似文献   

首都机场飞行流量的灰色区间预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首都机场是中国航班最为密集的机场之一,科学准确地预测飞行流量的发展趋势,是首都机场各级决策部门制定发展规划的重要依据。区间预测相对于以往的单一值预测而言,能更好地反应出飞行流量的长期发展趋势,为辅助决策提供了一定的选择余地。针对飞行流量的长期预测存在影响因素较多、相关数据不足等特点,提出了以GM(1,N)模型为基础的灰色区间预测新模型,该模型利用指数回归模型得出的地区GDP的长期预测值,预测出年飞行流量未来的取值区间。通过对首都机场年飞行流量的仿真计算,说明该模型能够较好地显示出飞行流量的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The air transportation system has a critical impact on the global economy. While the system reliability is essential for the operational management of air traffic, it remains challenging to understand the network reliability of the air transportation system. This paper focuses on how the global air traffic is integrated from local scale along with operational time. The integration process of air traffic into a temporally connected network is viewed as percolation process by increasing the integration time constantly. The critical integration time TP which is found during the integration process can measure the global reliability of air traffic. The critical links at TP are also identified, the delay of which will influence the global integration of the airport network. These findings may provide insights on the reliability management for the temporal airport network.  相似文献   

以2003—2006年国际航空旅客运输量和流向为数据构建,通过可视化软件和复杂网络的理论和方法,对以国家/地区为节点所组成的国际航空客运网络结构进行研究。以平均路径长度、簇系数、度分布和中心性等网络结构特征指标为依据,分析了国际航空客运网络结构特点和中国航空客运在网络结构中的结构特征。  相似文献   

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