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波兰天文学家赫维利斯于1690年划定了这个星座,为的是纪念波兰国王索别斯基三世于1683年率领军队抗拒土耳其军队,从而保卫了维也纳。所以他设想的星座图形是一面绘有盾徽的盾牌。  相似文献   

独霸全球的美国“天军”力量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年8月2日凌晨,当伊拉克坦克隆隆地驶入科威特城的市区时,全世界为之震惊。对此美国做出强烈反应,组织多国部队开赴海湾,实施了“沙漠盾牌’行动、“沙漠风暴”行动和“沙漠军刀”行动。为配合这次政治、外交和军事行动,美国先后动用70多颗卫星,用于侦察、监视、通信,导航及气象支援等勤务保障,有效地配合了地面上的军事活动。早在7月29日,即伊拉克入侵科威特的前4天,  相似文献   

自古以来.人们对北极光就有着种种传说。古代的芬兰人称之为“狐火”,因为芬兰地处北极罔内,是北极狐的故乡,那里的人们便认为,这种现象是由无数皮毛发亮的北极狐在芬兰北部靠近北极的拉伯兰地区的高山中奔跑造成的。从古希腊一直到罗马帝国.人们都相信北极光是战神手中所执的盾牌上射出来的光辉:每当地球上发生一次战争后,  相似文献   

首先介绍了热管辐射器的计算及优化设计的理论。制作了两个铝蜂窝板热管辐射器单元试件,一个是热管预埋的,一个是热管外贴的。通过试验比较了这两种形式辐射器,并验证了理论计算。还介绍了用于广播通信卫星行波管散热用热管辐射器的设计及太阳模拟热平衡试验结果。  相似文献   

近日,中国航天科技集团公司六院11所圆满完成新一代运载火箭一级机架静力试验所有状态试验任务,为新一代运载火箭发动机研制提供了坚实的理论基础,为后续不同型号机架的静力试验积累了宝贵经验。这是该所首次应用液压自动加载系统进行该型号机架的静力试验。加载过程实现了从手动到自动加载的跨越,系统能力得到大幅度提升,试验控制精度与加载精度也得到进一步提高。  相似文献   

越战结束至今已有35年,在美国每年都会举行各种的纪念活动。越战期间,日本是美军的后勤支援中心,许多美国大兵在放假时都会选择日本为休闲渡假的去处,在部分驻日美国海军、空军、陆战队基地附近的酒吧、咖啡厅、军品店、玩具枪店等,都会看到许多美国大兵在越战期间留下的各种盾牌、照片、纪念徽章等物品。1986年开始出版的《战斗》及1989年开始的《轻武器杂志》从创刊至现在为止,  相似文献   

立方镜是航天器产品制造过程中不可缺少的工艺基准。针对基于三坐标测量机的立方镜标定精度问题,进行了不同采样策略的采样试验,获得了立方镜夹角测量重复性数据。并利用解析法和蒙特卡罗方法两种理论分析方法分别对立方镜相邻面夹角测量不确定度进行了评估。数据表明,试验和理论分析结果一致, 两种理论分析方法得到的立方镜相邻面夹角测量不确定度相差微小,且夹角的测量不确定度随着采样点的数量增多而减小,最小接近0.0020°。利用理论分析的方法可以进行面向测量任务的立方镜标定精度的评估和采样规划。  相似文献   

对撞球机器人的母球控制问题展开研究,设计了一种基于神经网络(NN)的控制器,使机器人能够控制母球在击打目标球后按照预定的模式运动至目标点——即完成走位。针对该问题非线性且非光滑的特点,对坐标系进行阐述并给出机器人击球的模型;在光滑的假设下使用理论分析的方法建立母球的运动学模型与边库反弹的理想镜像模型;进而使用神经网络方法对理想模型进行修正,并对不同的轨迹模式进行分析与分类。测试结果表明:经过训练的机器人能够掌握各种模式的走位,统计结果与模型分析结果相吻合;相比于单一使用神经网络方法,本文使用理论分析与神经网络相结合的方法能够有效地提升网络的品质,降低训练的误差。  相似文献   

因不受作业空间的限制,月球表层采样机具设计形式多样,为建模分析带来较大难度。为避免不同结构机具分析时重复建模,建立了一种模块化的月球表层采样力学模型。该模型将复杂的采样机具拆分成若干个基本面单元,基于朗肯土压力理论、最大抗剪强度理论和地基极限承载力理论对面单元在采样过程中的受力进行分析,组合各个面单元所受到的力获得复杂机具的力学模型。基于不同机具形式与贯入角度的模拟月壤贯入试验,对理论模型进行了试验验证,通过引入月壤密度沿深度的影响修正公式,将理论模型的误差率降低至8.2%。结果证明该力学模型和模块化理论可行,为后期月球表层采样机具的设计研发提供了参考。  相似文献   

航空产品加速寿命试验研究及应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对加速寿命试验的理论及航空产品加速寿命试验的实例进行了简要阐述,并对航空机械产品的可靠性加速寿命试验与长试等效加速寿命试验的特点及困难进行了初步的分析,对今后的研究提出了一些看法。应用实例中的方法和结论对同类航空产品有积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

Radiobiological effects of heavy charged particles are compared for a large variety of ions from Helium to Uranium and energies between 1 and 1000 MeV/u which correspond to LET values between 10 and 16000 keV/micrometers. The different cross section for the induction of strand breaks and chromosomal aberrations as well as for inactivation and mutation induction exhibit striking similarities when compared as function of the linear energy transfer (LET). At LET values below 100 keV/micrometers all data points of one specific effect form one single curve as a function of LET, independent of the atomic number of the ion. In this LET range, the biological effects are independ from the particle energy or track structure and depend only on the energy transfer. Therefore, LET is a good parameter in this regime. For LET values greater than 100 keV/micrometers, the curves for the different ions separate from the common curve in order of increasing atomic numbers. In this regime LET is no longer a good parameter and the physical parameters of the formation of particle tracks are important. The similarity of the sigma-LET curves for different endpoints indicates that the 'hook-structure' is produced by physical and chemical effects which occur before the biologically relevant lesions are formed. However, from the existing data of biological effects, it can be concluded that the efficiencies for cell killing are always smaller than those extrapolated from X-ray data on the basis of the energy deposition only. Therefore, cells which are directly hit by an HZE particle are not killed and undergo a finite risk of mutation and transformation.  相似文献   

Current dayside optical studies of Aurora Australis from the Amundsen-Scott Research Station at the South Pole (74 degrees magnetic latitude) show some striking differences from optical results reported from Svalbard. A 6-channel meridian scanning photometer operating during the past three austral winters shows, in particular, the 630 nm emission is much lower, on average, than the Arctic dayside aurora and very weak on some days. The 558 nm intensity is higher relative to 630 nm suggesting the incoming electrons have a higher average energy. There are notable differences in auroral forms, giving further evidence of asymmetries in the two dayside ovals.  相似文献   

Designing space vehicle shields for meteoroid protection: A new analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dual-layer meteroid shields consisting of sacrificial bumper plates spaced some distance outboard from the vehicle hull are the most effective structures yet conceived for protecting space vehicles from supervelocity meteroid impacts. This paper presents a new analysis for designing dual-layer shields. The analysis is based upon energy and momentum conservation, fundamental electromagnetic radiation physics, and observation of results from extensive experimental impact investigations conducted at relatively low velocities (near 7 km/s). One important conclusion is that most of the kinetic energy of a meteoroid striking a dual-layer shield is expended as radiation at the stagnation zone on the face plate of the underlying structure. The analysis includes systematic procedures to evaluate the response of shield designs for a given impact threat. Similar applications of the analysis can be used to support a mathematically rigorous procedure for optimum shield design. The research described here supported the Halley Intercept Mission Project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, C.I.T., under Contract No. NAS 7–100, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The Galactic transient black hole candidate H 1743–322 exhibited a long duration outburst in 2003 after more than two and a half decades of inactivity. The 2003 event was extensively studied in multi-wavelength bands by many groups. The striking feature is that the total energy released is extremely high as compared to that in tens of outbursts which followed. In this paper, we look at this event and study both the spectral and temporal properties of the source using two component advective flow (TCAF) paradigm. We extract accretion flow parameters for each observation from spectral properties of the decay phase and determine the mass of the black hole. We computed the energy released during all the known outbursts since 2003 and showed that on an average, the energy release in an outburst is proportional to the duration of the quiescent state just prior to it, with the exception of the 2004 outburst. A constant rate of supply of matter from the companion cannot explain the energy release in 2004 outburst. However, if the energy release of 2003 is incomplete and the leftover is released in 2004, then the companion’s rate of matter supply can be constant since 1977 till date. We believe that erratic behaviour of viscosity at the accumulation radius Xp of matter as well as location the Xp itself, rather than the random variation of mass transfer rate from the companion, could be responsible for non-uniformity in outburst pattern. We discuss several factors on which the waiting time and duration of the next outburst could depend.  相似文献   

战斗机对地攻击作战效能分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
运用马尔柯夫过程理论,建立了战斗机攻击地面目标的战场想定和数学模型.通过分析战斗机的作战生存特征、打击能力和所使用的进攻战术以及各种战场防空武器系统的物理特性和损伤机理,评估了任务成功率、目标被毁率、飞机损失率以及与费用相关的最优战斗时间等作战效能指标.给出了战斗机对地攻击作战效能的计算实例.结果表明所建模型客观地描述了对地攻击作战的实质.  相似文献   

识别结构撞击响应的时序法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先把识别质点与结构撞击载荷的时序法应用于分析结构弹性碰撞的瞬间响应,并且针对质眯和杆、杆和杆的刚性(不考虑接触变形)撞击问题,用时序法得到了与波动解完全相同的结果,从而进一步验证了用时序法识别撞击响应的可行性。  相似文献   

基于任务的作战飞机效能评估模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对作战飞机的任务效能评估问题,提出了基于作战飞机任务的任务效能新概念;采用概率分析方法将飞机作战过程分解并抽象为一组概率值,建立了相应的任务效能评估模型;该模型可以在兼顾传统仿真评估模型结果精度的同时,具有模型简明、计算消耗低、方便快捷等特点;更具有实际作战指挥意义,其快速可信的评估结果有利于作战指挥官进行合理的、科学的任务规划,从而有利于在执行特定任务时更好地运用现有的作战飞机和武器;算例结果表明该模型可以较为有效地对作战飞机携带不同机载武器时在不同作战环境中打击不同作战目标进行效能评估.  相似文献   

给定条件下直接命中月球轨道计算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在给定飞行时间、着月时间、着月入射角及停泊轨道等约束条件下,建立飞月轨道数学模型;采用可变容差多面体算法及罚函数方法进行二点边值搜索,借助双二体理论近似确定迭代初始条件,得到满足要求直接命中月球的飞月轨道。  相似文献   

激波在行星际介质中的能量耗散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导出激波下游介质相对上游介质能流通量增量公式,并由HeliosA,B飞船太阳风观测资料得出不同流速太阳风流中各参量随日心距的幂律变化。以此作为背景值分别计算出磁能、内能、动能和总能在不同日心距离处的能量耗散率。结果指出激波后介质以动能增加为主,内能次之,磁能最少;总能耗率在近日处较大,但下降较快。从0.3-1.0AU,不同强度激波总能耗随初始Alfvén激波数A10增大而增大,对A10从2.0-10.0的计算结果与观测值一致。   相似文献   

建设月球基地、深入开展月球探测是后续深空探测发展的必然趋势,能源系统是维持月球基地正常工作的基本条件。结合月球基地能源需求和月面环境特点,确定了能源系统的基本要求;对比分析了各种能源类型的特点及应用前景,明确了初级阶段月球基地能源系统应以太阳能的利用为主要方式,核心技术是解决太阳能的高效存储问题;通过储能技术的分析,提出了热化学制氢结合氢氧燃料电池及光伏发电装置的能源系统方案,并对系统设计的关键技术进行了分析,相关内容可为月球基地的深入论证及其能源系统的具体设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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