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罗庆  张涛  单鹏  张文涛  刘子豪 《航空学报》2021,42(8):525792-525792
重构蓝图定义了故障状态下系统软硬件资源的重新配置方案,是实现综合模块化航空电子系统重构容错的关键。提出了一种基于改进Q学习的重构蓝图生成方法,综合考虑负载均衡、重构影响、重构时间、重构降级等多优化目标,并应用模拟退火框架改进探索策略,提高了传统Q学习算法的收敛性能。实验结果表明,与模拟退火算法、差分进化算法、传统Q学习算法相比,本文提出的改进Q学习算法效率更高,所生成重构蓝图质量更高。  相似文献   

胡莘婷  吴宇 《航空学报》2021,42(6):324383-324383
为了提高无人机(UAV)在城市环境中运行的安全性,且能生成多条备选路径,提出一种离散型城市环境下基于无人机飞行安全的多路径规划方法。根据定义的城市环境模型、无人机的飞行规则和安全性原则,建立无人机飞行安全性分析模型和离散型多路径规划问题的数学模型。为提高算法的收敛速度和解的优质性,以及使算法能够同时输出多条路径,针对蚁群(ACO)算法的运行机制,设计聚类算子,提出改进聚类蚁群(CIACO)算法。实验结果表明,所提方法能够快速的收敛输出多条风险值较低的飞行路径。  相似文献   

航迹规划技术是无人机任务规划系统中重要的核心技术之一,无人机飞行空间广阔,需要一种快速搜索最佳路径的方法.首先在飞行区域中建立数字地图模型和防空威胁区模型,在满足无人机飞行约束条件的情况下,为无人机航迹规划提供一种遗传模拟退火算法,充分利用模拟退化算法的概率突跳特性和遗传算法强大的快速搜索能力.仿真结果表明,使用该算法无人机能够自动避开模拟数字地图的威胁区,搜索出一条安全有效航迹,并保证航线的完整性和最优性.  相似文献   

针对多无人机编队集结路径规划问题,提出了具有合作机制的分布式协同粒子群(CPSO)算法。为了满足无人机运动学约束,采用曲率连续的PH曲线作为备选路径。基于协同进化思想提出CPSO算法,为每架无人机规划出一条满足机间协同约束的最优安全可飞行路径。仿真结果表明,规划得到的多条路径能够满足无人机运动学约束、安全性及无人机之间的协同性要求;相比于协同进化遗传算法,CPSO算法搜索成功率更高,稳定性更好。  相似文献   

随着无人机技术的发展,无人机在低空的应用场景越来越多,复杂的低空环境对无人机路径规划算法提出了新的要求。本文总结了近年来常用的无人机路径规划算法,包括图搜索算法,线性规划算法,智能优化算法(遗传算法、粒子群算法、蚁群算法),强化学习算法;对这些算法的原理、适用场景及其优缺点进行了归纳分析;并基于无人机发展现状对无人机路径规划算法进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对旋翼无人机在三维障碍物环境中自主飞行时路径搜索速度慢、轨迹生成通常忽略无人机动力学特性的问题,发展一种基于改进A^*算法并同时考虑无人机动力学特性和运动学性能的快速轨迹规划方法。首先,在三维障碍物环境中运用改进A^*算法通过剔除部分网格节点降低A^*算法的节点计算量,提升算法的路径搜索速度;其次,以最小化飞行轨迹的四阶导数作为目标函数,以路径点处的位置、速度、加速度等各阶导数作为约束条件优化飞行轨迹;最后,在三维障碍物环境中对比A^*算法改进前后的路径搜索结果,并对优化的飞行轨迹进行仿真飞行测试。结果表明:改进A^*算法大幅降低了A^*算法的节点计算量,显著提升了路径搜索速度;且无人机能够始终以较小位置误差沿优化轨迹光滑连续飞行。  相似文献   

戴健  许菲  陈琪锋 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723770-723770
针对多无人机广域协同搜索问题,研究无人机工作区间划分和全区域覆盖搜索路径规划2个子问题。采用按无人机来向均衡划分的方法和凹点凸分解的方法,开展了凸多边形和非凸多边形的区域划分研究,将多机协同搜索问题转化为子区域上的单机搜索问题;在此基础上采用"Z"型路径覆盖方法以及Dubins转弯路径,对各个无人机开展覆盖其子区域的搜索路径规划,从而建立了一个区域划分和路径规划的整体调用框架,能够对目标区域快速进行划分并生成飞行路线。最后,对凸多边形和非凸多边形区域搜索开展仿真计算,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对无人机运动避障人工势场算法本身存在的极小值问题和局部最小值问题,采用改进的人工势场算法,提出了一种新的路径规划方法。不同于目前的人工势场法,该模型从双机相互作用开始,在障碍物斥力的基础上,增加了无人机之间的斥力,同时定义集群的前置形心作为另一个引力源。算法分析表明,该方法能够有效避免无人机陷入局部最小值,并增强了无人机机群的控制和避障能力。基于该无人机控制模型,给出了路径规划设计并进行了仿真实验。实验结果表明,基于该模型的无人机机群控制具有更好的避障性能和追踪目标的能力。  相似文献   

针对战场环境下无人机的侦察路径规划问题,首先设计突防飞行与多目标区域搜索的一体化侦察航迹规划策略。然后针对侦察任务中的突防问题,在传统快速扩展随机树(RRT)的改进算法基础上,提出一种基于改进RRT*的无人机突防航迹规划方法,通过设计目标偏置算法解决了传统RRT算法采样点随机性大、收敛速度慢等问题。针对侦察任务中的目标搜索问题,使用改进的旋转卡壳路径规划器(RCPP)进行覆盖式航迹规划,提高了搜索覆盖率。最终通过对比仿真试验,验证了所提出算法的优越性,以及算法应用于战场侦察任务的有效性。  相似文献   

针对复杂城市环境下多无人机(UAVS)协同巡检、配送等任务,提出一种基于多指标动态优先级的协同路径规划方法,以节省运行成本和增加任务效率。综合考虑碰撞风险、总路程、等待时间等指标构建动态优先级模型,并在优先级单边避碰机制下,定制组合规避策略以处理局部冲突,更好地权衡协同规划效率和路径质量。针对无人机个体路径规划,在Lazy Theta*算法基础上引入拥堵权值地图,引导无人机避开拥堵区域,降低冲突发生可能性。对比仿真试验表明:提出的个体规划算法可以减少拥堵区域和降低拥堵持续时间,提出的多指标动态优先级协同规划算法相比于飞行时间驱动的动态优先级,能够提高规划效率和结果最优性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a bio-inspired path planning algorithm in 3D space is proposed. The algorithm imitates the basic mechanisms of plant growth, including phototropism, negative geotropism and branching. The algorithm proposed in this paper solves the dynamic obstacle avoidance path planning problem of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the case of unknown environment maps. Compared with other path planning algorithms, the algorithm has the advantages of fast path planning speed and fewer route points, and can achieve the effect of low delay real-time path planning. The feasibility of the algorithm is verified in the Gazebo simulator based on the Robot Operating System (ROS) platform. Finally, an actual UAV autonomous obstacle avoidance path planning experimental platform is built, and a UAV obstacle avoidance path planning flight test is carried out based on this actual environment.  相似文献   

针对无人机三维在线航迹规划对算法速率、航迹最优性的需求,提出了基于改进ARA*算法的无人机在线航迹规划方法。首先,建立无人机三维航迹规划的数学模型;然后,提出了节点空间约简策略、局部启发项策略以提高算法收敛速率,并针对复杂规划环境提出了启发因子自适应递减策略。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够快速、稳定地生成首条可行航迹,并在剩余时间内不断提高航迹质量,可应用于不同类型的在线规划任务,动态地适应规划时间与航迹最优性的要求。  相似文献   

Study on UAV Path Planning Approach Based on Fuzzy Virtual Force   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
This article proposes a novel fuzzy virtual force (FVF) method for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) path planning in complicated environment. An integrated mathematical model of UAV path planning based on virtual force (VF) is constructed and the corresponding optimal solving method under the given indicators is presented. Specifically, a fixed step method is developed to reduce computational cost and the reachable condition of path planning is proved. The Bayesian belief network and fuzzy logic reasoning theories are applied to setting the path planning parameters adaptively, which can reflect the battlefield situation dynamically and precisely. A new way of combining threats is proposed to solve the local minima problem completely. Simulation results prove the feasibility and usefulness of using FVF for UAV path planning. Performance comparisons between the FVF method and the A* search algorithm demonstrate that the proposed approach is fast enough to meet the real-time requirements of the online path planning problems.  相似文献   

编队无人机的高生存力协同航路规划方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于多目标遗传算法的编队无人机高生存力协同航路规划方法。方法由备选航路生成和协同规划两个步骤组成。备选航路生成的目的是为编队中的每一个无人机生成多条航路,该步骤采用的算法是多目标遗传算法。协同规划的目的是为各个无人机从备选航路中选择航路,使得各个无人机同时到达目标区域,以增加任务突然性,提高整个编队的生存力。通过仿真算例,把方法与基于Voronoi图的方法作了对比,给出了方法的优缺点分析。  相似文献   

刘海涛  顾新宇  方晓钰  李冬霞 《航空学报》2019,40(7):322633-322633
无人机中继通信是实现远距离无线通信的一种重要技术手段,无人机的飞行航迹对无人机中继通信系统的链路传输可靠性存在显著的影响,在频率选择性衰落信道环境下研究了基于直序列码分多址(DS-CDMA)的无人机中继通信系统的航迹优化的问题。首先,给出了基于DS-CDMA的译码转发无人机中继通信系统的模型,并理论分析给出无人机中继通信系统的链路中断概率及平均误码率计算公式,以此为基础,基于链路中断概率最小化准则提出了中继无人机的航迹规划方法,最后通过仿真验证了所提出方法的正确性与有效性。研究表明:最大比值合并DS-CDMA无人机中继通信系统可充分获取频率选择性衰落信道提供的分集增益,显著改善链路传输的可靠性。  相似文献   

随着无人机应用环境的多样化,在复杂环境中寻找无碰撞路径是非常重要的。传统的路径规划算法可以找到可行的路径,但它们在时间效率和路径长度之间没有很好的平衡,传统的几何算法只能避免特殊形状的障碍物。提出了一种改进的几何路径规划算法,使无人机能够在复杂的环境中避开任意形状的障碍物,找到较短的路径。首先,针对不规则障碍物,建立了凸多边形覆盖模型。然后解决了传统几何算法陷入局部最优解的缺点。提出了从相邻路径段生成无碰撞路径的二次规划思想,并针对该方法提出了一种新的安全阀值策略。最后,为了验证算法的性能,在不同的复杂环境下进行了仿真,并从几个方面对所提出的算法与A*算法进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as relay platforms have attracted considerable attention due to the advantages of extending coverage and improving connectivity for long-range communications. Specifically, in the scenario where the access point (AP) is mobile, a UAV needs to find an efficient path to guarantee the connectivity of the relay link. Motivated by this fact, this paper proposes an optimal design for beamforming (BF) and UAV path planning. First of all, we study a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) wireless relay network, in which a UAV is used as relay between a mobile AP and a fixed base station (BS). In the network, both of the AP and the BS are equipped with multiple antennas, whereas the UAV has a single antenna. Then, we obtain the output signal~to-noise ratio (SNR) of the dual-hop relay network. Based on the criterion of maximizing the output SNR, we develop an optimal design to obtain the solution of the optimal BF weight vector and the UAV heading angle. Next, we derive the closed-form outage probability (OP) expression to investigate the performance of the dual-hop relay network conveniently. Finally, computer simulations show that the proposed approach can obtain nearly optimal flying path and OP performance, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, we find that increasing the antenna number at the BS or the maximal heading angle can significantly improve the performance of the considered relay network.  相似文献   

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) have been used in research and development community due to their strong potential in high-risk missions. One of the most important civilian implementations of UAV/UGV cooperative path planning is delivering medical or emergency supplies during disasters such as wildfires, the focus of this paper. However, wildfires themselves pose risk to the UAVs/UGVs and their paths should be planned to avert the risk as well as complete the mission. In this paper, wildfire growth is simulated using a coupled Partial Differential Equation (PDE) model, widely used in literature for modeling wildfires, in a grid environment with added process and measurement noise. Using principles of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), and with an appropriate choice of decomposition modes, a low-dimensional equivalent fire growth model is obtained for the deployment of the space–time Kalman Filtering (KF) paradigm for estimation of wildfires using simulated data. The KF paradigm is then used to estimate and predict the propagation of wildfire based on local data obtained from a camera mounted on the UAV. This information is then used to obtain a safe path for the UGV that needs to travel from an initial location to the final position while the UAV’s path is planned to gather information on wildfire. Path planning of both UAV and UGV is carried out using a PDE based method that allows incorporation of threats due to wildfire and other obstacles in the form of risk function. The results from numerical simulation are presented to validate the proposed estimation and path planning methods.  相似文献   

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