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1992年至1997年是邓小平生命历程中的最后5年.在这几年中,围绕财富分配、废除终身制、坚持四项基本原则、民主集中制、国防和军队建设等问题,邓小平进行了深刻的理论思考,提出了一系列重要思想,为我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设提供了科学的理论指导.  相似文献   

江泽民同志在"5.31"讲话和十六大报告中提出了建设社会主义政治文明的重要观点,丰富了邓小平的两个文明建设思想,发展了社会主义建设理论,拓展了社会主义建设的视野.对于推进中国特色社会主义的全面发展、全面进步具有重大实践意义.  相似文献   

邓小平是中国改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师,其现代化思想的萌芽得益于他早年留学的经历,而其对中国现代化发展的大局的形成则得益于他出国的经历。探讨邓小平现代化思想的形成与发展,有助于全面建设小康社会,加快推进中国现代化的进程。  相似文献   

义利观是人们在处理义与利关系上所持的基本观点和态度。邓小平坚持义利并重、义利相宜的思想,肯定了人的正当利益的合理性,遵循"人民利益至高无上"的原则,强调"义"对人的思想塑造作用,丰富和发展了马克思主义义利理论。全面理解邓小平义利观的内涵和实质,对我国当前制定分配政策、解决民生问题、建设社会主义核心价值体系以及推进对外开放具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

江泽民同志在“5.31”讲话和十六大报告中提出了建设社会主义政治文明的重要观点,丰富了邓小平的两个文明建设思想,发展了社会主义建设理论,拓展了社会主义建设的视野。对于推进中国特色社会主义的全面发展、全面进步具有重大实践意义。  相似文献   

我国社会主义建设的总设计师邓小平同志虽然不是区域经济学家,但是他的许多经济思想具有相当的超前性,在很多方面与现代区域经济学理论出现竞合。我国各个区域都应该深入领会邓小平经济理论并以其为指导加快发展。  相似文献   

我国社会主义建设的总设计师邓小平同志虽然不是区域经济学家,但是他的许多经济思想具有相当的超前性,在很多方面与现代区域经济学理论出现竞合.我国各个区域都应该深入领会邓小平经济理论并以其为指导加快发展.  相似文献   

在世界现代化发展过程当中,发达国家积累了丰富的现代化经验,邓小平现代化理论的形成,不仅是建设有中国特色的社会主义的实践成果,也是对西方现代化理论的借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>一、我国陆地观测卫星地面系统作为1979年邓小平访美期间与卡特总统签署的中美科学技术合作协议项目,1986年中国遥感卫星地面站的运行翻开了中  相似文献   

北京自修大学成立于1997年,是新中国成立以后创办的第一所综合性、全日制民办大学。1984年,邓小平同志将我校命名为北京自修大学,并亲笔题写了校名。学校创办30年来,共为国家培养了三十万各类人才。  相似文献   

“解放思想、实事求是”是邓小平理论的精髓,是我们党的思想路线的核心内容。在改革开放和社会主义建设中要坚持“解放思想、实事求是”的原则,立足于现代理论的视角,对“解放思想、实事求是”的理论精髓进行不断的思考与创新,不断开创建设有中国特色社会主义事业的新局面。  相似文献   

Graham Ryder died in January 2002 at the age of 53. He was a Staff Scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Science Institute in Houston, TX for most of his professional life, studying lunar petrology and planetary impacts. For many years he was the senior editor of the Proceedings of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, and he was the senior editor of Geological Society of America Special Paper 307, The Cretaceous-Tertiary Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History. He was the major advocate for the 3.8 Ga lunar impact cataclysm and was just beginning to publish on correlations of the early lunar impact record to that of the other inner planets at the time of his death. Graham's abstract to the Rubey Colloquium was never presented. Although Graham made many of the points in this abstract to lunar science audiences, he certainly would have wanted these views to be shared with the Astrobiology community. We have taken the liberty of publishing this abstract with the Rubey proceedings, with only a few minor revisions to include reference to some recently published papers. These revisions were recommended by Gary R. Byerly, who reviewed this abstract for publication.  相似文献   

Dr. Olgierd Wo?czek died in August, 1982 in Warsaw. From 1971 he edited the scientific-popular Polish bimonthly Astronautyka and also, from 1973, the scientific journal of the Polish Astronautical Society (PAS) “Post?py Astronautyki” (Progresses in Astronautics). He was one of the founders of PAS (1954), then its General Secretary for 10 years, and later the deputy of the President of PAS for 15 years.He was very active also in the field of the scientific research in astronautics and space physics. The scope and width of his knowledge can be seen in his 22 books and 34 papers on astronautics and space physics, 10 books and 14 papers on nuclear physics and other subjects. He published also several hundred papers in popular journals, and took part several hundred times in radio and television programmes. His PhD-degree (1963) was based on his research in nuclear spectroscopy. But astronautics became the main interest and aim of his life.He was corresponding member of the IAA in Paris, and a member of several IAA and IAF committees, spoke at more than 20 IAF Congresses and was an honorary member of several foreign astronautical societies.Dealing with almost all astronautics and space physics on popular level, his scientific activity of qualitative character can be placed in four subjects: (1) nuclear energy in rocketry; (2) impact of astronautics on science, our civilization and mankind; various non-selected problems in astronautics; (3) evolution of matter in the Universe; planetology; (4) life in the Universe.During his several last years Dr. Wo?czek was dealing mainly with subjects (3) and (4). Scientific papers of Dr. Wo?czek according to the above classification are reviewed. A full list of Dr. Wo?czek's scientific papers are included.  相似文献   

Life and living systems need several important factors to establish themselves and to have a continued tradition. In this article the nature of the borderline situation for microbial life under heavy salt stress is analyzed and discussed using the example of biofilms and microbial mats of sabkha systems of the Red Sea. Important factors ruling such environments are described, and include the following: (1) Microbial life is better suited for survival in extremely changing and only sporadically water-supplied environments than are larger organisms (including humans). (2) Microbial life shows extremely poikilophilic adaptation patterns to conditions that deviate significantly from conditions normal for life processes on Earth today. (3) Microbial life adapts itself to such extremely changing and only ephemerally supportive conditions by the capacity of extreme changes (a) in morphology (pleomorphy), (b) in metabolic patterns (poikilotrophy), (c) in survival strategies (poikilophily), and (d) by trapping and enclosing all necessary sources of energy matter in an inwardly oriented diffusive cycle. All this is achieved without any serious attempt at escaping from the extreme and extremely changing conditions. Furthermore, these salt swamp systems are geophysiological generators of energy and material reservoirs recycled over a geological time scale. Neither energy nor material is wasted for propagation by spore formation. This capacity is summarized as poikilophilic and poikilotroph behavior of biofilm or microbial mat communities in salt and irradiationstressed environmental conditions of the sabkha or salt desert type. We use mainly cyanobacteria as an example, although other bacteria and even eukaryotic fungi may exhibit the same potential of living and surviving under conditions usually not suitable for life on Earth. It may, however, be postulated that such poikilophilic organisms are the true candidates for life support and survival under conditions never recorded on Planet Earth. Mars and some planets of other suns may be good candidates to search for life under conditions normally not thought to be favorable for the maintenance of life.  相似文献   

在邓小平同志诞辰 10 0周年的前夕 ,回顾了邓小平同志对中国航天事业作出的几次重要指示 ,并探讨了这些指示的精髓  相似文献   

“三育人”是具有中国特色的一种教育模式,它对整个教育过程都会产生深远的影响。然而现实中却时常出现一些误区,其中主要是思想认识问题。这些问题或是简单的理解,或是片面的追求,或是死抱着过时的东西不放。其结果必然损害育人质量。我们必须以邓小平教育思想为指导,以服务国家和社会为前提,纠正不正确观念,使育人质量和育人水平不断提高。  相似文献   

In recent years, Bacteria and Archaea have been discovered living in practically every conceivable terrestrial environment, including some previously thought to be too extreme for survival. Exploration of our solar system has revealed a number of extraterrestrial bodies that harbor environments analogous to many of the terrestrial environments in which extremophiles flourish. The recent discovery of more than 105 extrasolar planets suggests that planetary systems are quite common. These three findings have led some to speculate that life is therefore common in the universe, as life as we know it can seemingly survive almost anywhere there is liquid water. It is suggested here that while environments capable of supporting life may be common, this does not in itself support the notion that life is common in the universe. Given that interplanetary transfer of life may be unlikely, the actual origin of life may require specific environmental and geological conditions that may be much less common than the mere existence of liquid water.  相似文献   

Life is constructed from a limited toolkit: the Periodic Table. The reduction of oxygen provides the largest free energy release per electron transfer, except for the reduction of fluorine and chlorine. However, the bonding of O2 ensures that it is sufficiently stable to accumulate in a planetary atmosphere, whereas the more weakly bonded halogen gases are far too reactive ever to achieve significant abundance. Consequently, an atmosphere rich in O2 provides the largest feasible energy source. This universal uniqueness suggests that abundant O2 is necessary for the high-energy demands of complex life anywhere, i.e., for actively mobile organisms of approximately 10(-1)-10(0) m size scale with specialized, differentiated anatomy comparable to advanced metazoans. On Earth, aerobic metabolism provides about an order of magnitude more energy for a given intake of food than anaerobic metabolism. As a result, anaerobes do not grow beyond the complexity of uniseriate filaments of cells because of prohibitively low growth efficiencies in a food chain. The biomass cumulative number density, n, at a particular mass, m, scales as n (> m) proportional to m(-1) for aquatic aerobes, and we show that for anaerobes the predicted scaling is n proportional to m (-1.5), close to a growth-limited threshold. Even with aerobic metabolism, the partial pressure of atmospheric O2 (P(O2)) must exceed approximately 10(3) Pa to allow organisms that rely on O2 diffusion to evolve to a size approximately 10(3) m x P(O2) in the range approximately 10(3)-10(4) Pa is needed to exceed the threshold of approximately 10(2) m size for complex life with circulatory physiology. In terrestrial life, O(2) also facilitates hundreds of metabolic pathways, including those that make specialized structural molecules found only in animals. The time scale to reach P(O(2)) approximately 10(4) Pa, or "oxygenation time," was long on the Earth (approximately 3.9 billion years), within almost a factor of 2 of the Sun's main sequence lifetime. Consequently, we argue that the oxygenation time is likely to be a key rate-limiting step in the evolution of complex life on other habitable planets. The oxygenation time could preclude complex life on Earth-like planets orbiting short-lived stars that end their main sequence lives before planetary oxygenation takes place. Conversely, Earth-like planets orbiting long-lived stars are potentially favorable habitats for complex life.  相似文献   

与时俱进、理论创新,是马克思主义的灵魂与基本品格。马克思主义具有强大生命力的根本原因就在于它是一种能够在实践中不断创新的科学理论。邓小平理论把马克思主义普遍真理同当代中国具体实际相结合,开创了马克思主义在中国发展的新阶段,是当代中国的马克思主义。在新的历史时期,高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持理论创新,不断丰富和发展马克思主义,是当代中国共产党人义不容辞的历史责任。  相似文献   

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