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Mega wildfires are one of the environmental disasters worldwide. This study evaluates the pre-fire species diversity and the indirect effects, including habitat loss for one of the largest wildfires in Manavgat (Antalya-Turkey) in 2021, with a two-step methodology. Here, (1) burnt areas in the Manavgat district (2021) were detected with remote sensing data from Sentinel-2A by delta Normalized Burn Ratio calculation for a selected area in Google Earth Engine, and (2) mammals' habitat vector data of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List were integrated into Habitat and Biodiversity modelling of Terrset to analyze the alpha, beta, gamma diversity and Range Restriction Index for the wildfire region. In the total 4210 km2 study area, 696 km2 of the area was damaged by different fire severity; also, there were 56 mammal species' habitats here. These species include bats (i.e. Nyctalus leisleri), felids (i.e. Felis chaus), rodents (i.e. Rattus norvegicus) and large mammals (i.e. Ursus arctos). 88 % of these species are in IUCN's Least Concern category. The remaining classes are Near Threatened (3.7 %) and Vulnerable (7.4 %). This study also indicated that the burnt area's species richness does not totally consist of endemic species. Therefore, pre-fire species richness analyses of this study can be a base for further studies about the species' post-fire activity and occupancy.Furthermore, the 2021 mega wildfires show us the necessity of wildfire monitoring and risk studies in the entire Mediterranean ecosystem to evaluate the risks to the Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, post-fire spatial data, fire migration monitorization, and recording of the species' activities should be performed temporally. In this way, the ability of wildlife's recovering, and the direct and indirect effects of the fire will be examined for ecosystems in the long term.  相似文献   
在民机研制过程中,有效地实施重量控制对于项目的成功非常关键。飞机超重不仅会导致设计和运营成本的增加,也将无法实现既定的商载和航程等设计指标。从各部门与重量控制工作的联系出发,结合某型民用飞机的设计实践,介绍了产品联合研发团队(IPDT)模式下重量控制的工作内容、工作流程和常用的减重方法,为民机的重量控制工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
论述了国外车载轻型多联装防空导弹系统发展现状及其主要性能特点,综述了该武器系统的抗红外干扰导引头、光电搜索跟踪、激光近炸引信、整车高度集成化、行进间或短停作战、通信及组网作战等关键技术,并讨论了以红外寻的导弹为主体的整车设计、一种平台多种用途、提高拦截低空小目标与适应复杂电磁环境能力,以及提高信息化和网络化水平等发展趋...  相似文献   
航天运输领域发展的核心目标包括提高运载能力、降低发射成本及减少发射准备时间等。相对于传统的化学推进技术,先进推进技术采用新能源或新机理,旨在从根本上满足未来对有效载荷、发射成本和发射周期的要求。对国内外组合动力装置、核聚变动力推进、离子推进、激光推进、核子脉冲推进、太阳帆推进、磁场帆推进、布萨德喷气推进、反物质推进等先进推进技术的研究进展进行综述和可行性分析,并给出了发展启示。  相似文献   
用于校准航空γ谱仪的137Cs,60Co大面积航空平面源对传统的涂刷制源技术提出了挑战,为确保平面上的均匀性,借鉴现代网格点阵喷涂技术,将137Cs,60Co两种放射性标准溶液分别定量滴注在底衬滤纸上,晾干后热塑封并用环氧树脂将塑封片固定在梯形铝板上,由8块梯形铝板拼接为边长1m的正六边形航空平面源。制备的航空平面源的扩展不确定度(k=2)为4%,不均匀性优于10%。  相似文献   
文章介绍了作者对于空间电子学内涵和学科体系的认识,试图对于空间电子学的发展和展望予以简要说明。  相似文献   
我国东西部私营经济发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东部沿海地区私营经济发展的实践证明,私营经济对拉动经济增长、增加就业等作用显著。通过对比分析东西部私营经济发展的总体规模和对社会的贡献,借鉴东部私营经济发展的成功经验,从思想认识上、制度管理上和环境建设上对中西部地区私营经济提出了扶持、造血和集群化发展的建议。  相似文献   
社会主义义利观 ,把国家和人民利益放在首位而又充分尊重公民个人合法利益 ,使义利关系真正得到了科学认识和辩证统一 ,是中国伦理史上关于义利观的第二次科学杨弃和重大发展。  相似文献   
Based on a formerly developed ground-based prototype of space plant-growing facility, the development of its improved prototype has been finished, so as to make its operating principle better adapt to the space microgravity environment. According to the developing experience of its first generation prototype and detailed demonstration and design of technique plan, its blueprint design and machining of related components, whole facility installment, debugging and trial operations were all done gradually. Its growing chamber contains a volume of about 0.5 m3 and a growing area of approximate 0.5 m2; the atmospheric environmental parameters in the growing chamber and water content in the growing media were controlled totally and effectively; lighting source is a combination of both red and blue light emitting diodes (LED). The following demonstrating results showed that the entire system design of the prototype is reasonable and its operating principle can nearly meet the requirements of space microgravity environment. Therefore, our plant-growing technique in space was advanced further, which laid an important foundation for next development of the space plant-growing facility and plant-cultivating experimental research in space microgravity condition.  相似文献   
自从工业化时代以来,随着环境污染的日益加重,资源环境瓶颈约束加剧,人和自然和谐发展的问题日益提上了议程。建设节约型社会是人和自然和谐发展的有效途径,我们有必要从哲学角度出发来思考人和自然和谐发展,构建节约型社会的必要性,以及我们应该如何构建节约型社会。  相似文献   
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