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基于星间链路的导航星座自主导航,存在星座整体旋转误差随时间累积问题,致使星座难于长时间自主运行。X射线脉冲星导航为星座整体旋转问题提供了一种新的解决途径:在导航卫星上安装X射线探测器,探测脉冲星辐射的X射线光子,整合脉冲轮廓和提取影像信息,星载时钟记录脉冲到达时间,经过星载计算机处理得到卫星位置、速度、时间和姿态等导航参数;脉冲星辐射的X射线信号为导航卫星提供了绝对时空基准,不存在星座整体旋转问题。在简要论述基于X射线脉冲星的导航卫星自主导航的基本概念、系统组成和几何原理的基础上,重点研究了导航卫星轨道确定与时间同步的自适应卡尔曼滤波算法,并通过数值分析试验,初步论证利用X射线脉冲星解决自主导航星座整体旋转问题的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

基于星联网的深空自主导航方案设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了降低地面测控系统的负担、提高深空探测器的导航效率,提出了基于星联网的航天器自主导航概念,对星联网的应用体系进行了设计。借助脉冲星、星间链路等手段实现星联网系统中基准航天器完全自主的高精度导航,用户航天器通过与基准航天器或其他用户航天器的交互通信与测量就可以实现自身状态估计。以地月转移任务为例,设计了星联网系统在地月空间的具体应用方案,分析了地月空间基准航天器的配置与自主导航方法,阐述了用户航天器的单层与多层导航策略。对基于脉冲星与星间链路观测的基准航天器自主导航进行了仿真,验证了观测基准航天器或者其他用户航天器时,地月转移段航天器自主导航的可行性。结果表明:基准航天器可以达到20 m的定位精度,用户航天器可以达到优于30 m的定位精度。基于星联网的航天器自主导航是可行的,发展星联网可以为我国构建天基自主基准导航系统提供有力支持。  相似文献   

北斗导航星座可以通过星间测距和传输链路实现自主定轨和性能增强。导航卫星间进行数据传输时,卫星相对位置时变,传输信道特性也随之不断发生变化。针对导航卫星间传输链路时变特性,提出了一种基于星历的星间通信速率控制方法。在满足传输服务质量的需求下,根据导航卫星自有的高精度星历资源定量计算星间最优通信速率,通过速率的动态调整提高星座的传输效能。仿真结果表明,采用所提方法,北斗导航星座星间传输效能可以提高1.92倍,验证了方法的有效性。   相似文献   

星间链路是导航卫星实现精密定轨和自主导航的关键技术之一。导航卫星通过星间链路完成伪距测量和数据交换,维持系统稳定运行的时空基准,保证系统持续提供精准导航服务。根据全球导航卫星系统的建设情况和发展趋势,首先介绍星间观测和信息传输频段,并从天线特征、多址控制方式和网络拓扑结构等角度分析了射频链路的工作体制。最后,针对实际导航卫星星座,应用OPNET平台建立导航信息传输仿真模型,通过分析信息传输效率,验证了基于射频链路导航信息传输的可行性和有效性,对全球导航卫星系统的星间链路研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

星间链路是导航卫星实现精密定轨和自主导航的关键技术之一。导航卫星通过星间链路完成伪距测量和数据交换,维持系统稳定运行的时空基准,保证系统持续提供精准导航服务。根据全球导航卫星系统的建设情况和发展趋势,首先介绍星间观测和信息传输频段,并从天线特征、多址控制方式和网络拓扑结构等角度分析了射频链路的工作体制。最后,针对实际导航卫星星座,应用OPNET平台建立导航信息传输仿真模型,通过分析信息传输效率,验证了基于射频链路导航信息传输的可行性和有效性,对全球导航卫星系统的星间链路研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对北斗系统加入低轨增强星座后的高中低混合星座特点,为了满足下一代导航星座主要的星间链路业务需求,提出了一种分级规划的混合星座星间链路规划方案。优先为激光星间链路的MEO、LEO、MEO-LEO建立拓扑,基于此拓扑提出了时分体制的分组拓扑规划算法。针对导航星座高中低速混合星间网络不同体制的路由提出了2种不同的改进路由算法,并对混合体制星间链路进行了仿真和规划。对规划结果进行了统计分析,验证了混合网络规划方法的正确性和混合网络在低轨监测数据回传、层间数据传输、导航信息上注3个典型导航业务场景的数据传输效能。低轨监测数据回传和连续体制节点导航信息上注时延均在1s之内,在94%的时间里有5~8条层间星间链路,时分体制节点在92%的时间里可以在12s内完成上行注入,为下一代导航系统规划设计提供参考建议。  相似文献   

星间时标误差的自主测量对于中国自主研发地球重力卫星具有重要意义. 提出利用双向时间传递法实现重力卫星时标误差的自主测量, 设计了测量方案, 建立了包含卫星运动导致的链路非对称、电离层效应、设备零值以及随机测时误差在内的测量模型. 结合地球重力卫星相关特性, 分析了时标误差测量中各误差源的影响及相应的误差校正方法. 以GRACE重力卫星为例, 利用提出的方法和校正措施, 星间时标误差自主测量精度可以达到0.62ns, 其中误差主要来自系统零值标定误差和随机测时误差.   相似文献   

联合北斗导航与星间链路的大椭圆卫星定轨方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
传统的地面测控和GNSS均无法实现HEO卫星全弧段的跟踪观测.在分析北斗导航信号及其星间链路信号对典型HEO的观测几何及覆盖特性的基础上,利用北斗导航及其星间链路对HEO测控支持形成互补的特点,提出了一种卫星导航与星间链路相结合的自主导航方法.对HEO定轨进行分段划分并基于EKF设计了卫星导航与星间链路数据融合定轨的自主导航算法.分析结果表明,本文提出的方法能够从全弧段上改善HEO的观测几何,定轨精度比仅使用卫星导航提高了2个数量级,并且仅需较少的星间链路资源.   相似文献   

星间链路联合磁测约束的低轨星座自主导航   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为解决星座仅依靠星间链路测量进行自主导航时的整体旋转和漂移问题,提出一种星间链路联合磁测约束的低轨星座自主导航方法.通过星间观测相机和磁强计,获得同轨道相邻卫星视线矢量与地磁场方向之间的角距和地磁场模值,为低轨星座引入空间基准信息.在非秩亏性分析的基础上,分别建立状态方程和量测方程,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波方法进行整星座的最优状态估计.仿真结果表明,星座卫星自主导航位置精度优于20m,速度精度优于0.05m·s-1,自主导航运行时间维持180天,能够满足低轨卫星星座自主导航的应用需求.   相似文献   

基于星间距离测量的高精度自主导航   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究利用地球卫星和月球卫星之间的测距信息进行自主导航的方法.基于三体摄动轨道动力学方程和星间测距信息,可以同时确定参与导航的地球卫星和月球卫星的绝对位置;但是在初始位置误差较大的情况下,导航系统的定位性能会受到影响.为了解决这一问题,提出基于"星间测距+紫外导航敏感器"的组合导航方法.采用该导航方法,能够在初始位置误差和紫外导航敏感器测量误差较大的情况下实现高精度自主导航.基于Cramer-Rao下界(CRLB)分析了组合导航系统的性能,并通过数学仿真验证了该导航方法的有效性.  相似文献   

Autonomous satellite navigation is based on the ability of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), such as Beidou, to estimate orbits and clock parameters onboard satellites using Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) measurements instead of tracking data from a ground monitoring network. This paper focuses on the time synchronization of new-generation Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) satellites equipped with an ISL payload. Two modes of Ka-band ISL measurements, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) mode and the continuous link mode, were used onboard these BDS satellites. Using a mathematical formulation for each measurement mode along with a derivation of the satellite clock offsets, geometric ranges from the dual one-way measurements were introduced. Then, pseudoranges and clock offsets were evaluated for the new-generation BDS satellites. The evaluation shows that the ranging accuracies of TDMA ISL and the continuous link are approximately 4?cm and 1?cm (root mean square, RMS), respectively. Both lead to ISL clock offset residuals of less than 0.3?ns (RMS). For further validation, time synchronization between these satellites to a ground control station keeping the systematic time in BDT was conducted using L-band Two-way Satellite Time Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT). System errors in the ISL measurements were calibrated by comparing the derived clock offsets with the TWSTFT. The standard deviations of the estimated ISL system errors are less than 0.3?ns, and the calibrated ISL clock parameters are consistent with that of the L-band TWSTFT. For the regional BDS network, the addition of ISL measurements for medium orbit (MEO) BDS satellites increased the clock tracking coverage by more than 40% for each orbital revolution. As a result, the clock predicting error for the satellite M1S was improved from 3.59 to 0.86?ns (RMS), and the predicting error of the satellite M2S was improved from 1.94 to 0.57?ns (RMS), which is a significant improvement by a factor of 3–4.  相似文献   

关于北斗卫星导航系统的被动式定位算法比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国北斗卫星导航系统空间卫星共有2或3颗,无法单独满足被动导航定位的要求.针对这种卫星稀少的情况提出了3种被动式定位算法: 2星定位算法、 3星3参数定位算法和3星4参数定位算法, 这些算法分别采用气压测高方法增加观测数据和采用数学模型描述接收机钟差的方法减少定位方程求解的未知数;探讨了北斗卫星导航系统备份星的可用性和对导航定位精度的贡献;还提出了准差分修正技术,提高了定位精度.实验证明, 3种算法都取得了100m以内的定位结果,可以满足一般用户定位需求.  相似文献   

With the improvement in the service accuracy and expansion of the application scope of satellite navigation systems, users now have high demands for system integrity that are directly related to navigation safety. As a crucial index to measure the reliability of satellite navigation systems, integrity is the ability of the system to send an alarm when an abnormity occurs. The new-generation Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3) prioritized the upgrading of system integrity as an important objective in system construction. Because the system provides both basic navigation and satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) services by the operational control system, BDS-3 adopts an integrated integrity monitoring and processing strategy that applies satellite autonomous integrity monitoring and ground-based integrity monitoring for both the basic navigation service and SBAS navigation service. BDS-3 also uses an improved and refined integrity parameter system to provide slow, fast and real-time integrity parameters for basic navigation, and provide SBAS-provided integrity information messages in accordance with Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA) specification and dual frequency, multi-constellation (DFMC) specification to support the SBAS signal frequency, single constellation operation and DFMC operation respectively. The performance of BDS-3 system integrity monitoring is preliminarily verified during on-orbit testing in different states, including normal operation, satellite clock failure and satellite ephemeris failure. The results show that satellite autonomous integrity monitoring, ground-based integrity monitoring and satellite-based augmentation all correctly work within the system. Satellite autonomous integrity monitoring can detect satellite clock failure but not satellite orbit failure. However, ground-based integrity monitoring can detect both. Moreover, the satellite-based augmentation integrity system monitors the differential range error after satellite ephemeris and clock error corrections based on user requirements. Compared to the near minute-level time-to-alert capability of ground-based integrity monitoring, satellite autonomous integrity monitoring reduces the system alert time to less than 4 s. With a combined satellite-ground monitoring strategy and the implementation of different monitoring technologies, the BDS-3 integrity of service has been considerably improved.  相似文献   

High-precision time synchronization between satellites and ground stations plays the vital role in satellite navigation system. Laser time transfer (LTT) technology is widely recognized as the highest accuracy way to achieve time synchronization derived from satellite laser ranging (SLR) technology. Onboard LTT payload has been designed and developed by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and successfully applied to Chinese Beidou navigation satellites. By using the SLR system, with strictly controlling laser firing time and developing LTT data processing system on ground, the high precise onboard laser time transfer experiment has been first performed for satellite navigation system in the world. The clock difference and relative frequency difference between the ground hydrogen maser and space rubidium clocks have been obtained, with the precision of approximately 300 ps and relative frequency stability of 10E−14. This article describes the development of onboard LTT payload, introduces the principle, system composition, applications and LTT measuring results for Chinese satellite navigation system.  相似文献   

针对目前高轨GPS信号可用性差及定位精度低的特点, 对GPS/北斗组合系统的 高轨卫星定位技术进行研究, 对比分析了单GPS系统与GPS/北斗组合系统的卫 星可见性和几何精度因子. 结果表明, GPS/北斗组合系统比单GPS系统的卫星可 见性好, 且定位精度高. 同时通过提出在星载接收机上采用高精度原子钟, 可实现三星定位, 降低对接收机的技术要求.   相似文献   

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