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对于太阳抵近探测任务,从地球直接发射探测器至太阳附近需要消耗巨大能量,通过多次金星借力飞行,可有效降低地球发射能量C3及中途变轨的燃料消耗.本文研究基于金星共振借力的太阳抵近探测任务轨道优化设计,建立了连续共振借力和混合共振借力的转移轨道优化设计模型,并针对2025—2028年的发射窗口开展太阳抵近探测任务轨道优化设计.仿真结果表明,相比连续共振借力,混合共振借力可以有效缩短太阳抵近探测任务的轨道转移时间,对于地球发射能量C3和中途变轨燃料消耗的影响未见明显的规律性,能量降低与序列中的共振比相关.   相似文献   

采用2(1/2)维全粒子电磁模拟方法研究了等离子体片中稳态对流及局地爆发高速流对磁层亚暴触发过程的影响.研究发现,地向瞬时局地高速流可触发磁场重联,导致储存于磁尾磁场能量的快速释放.但是,等离子体片稳态对流可抑制磁尾磁场重联过程.此项研究结果表明,局地爆发高速流能够触发磁层亚暴;而行星际磁场(IMF)持续南向时的稳态磁层对流期间,不易发生亚暴.   相似文献   

太阳大气的诸多观测事件(如耀斑、喷流等)均被归因于磁重联产生的能量转换. 近年来, 关于太阳风起源, 有研究提出了磁重联使闭合磁圈开放为太阳风供应物质的新模式. 在该模式中, 闭合磁圈被光球超米粒组织对流携带, 向超米粒边界运动, 与位于边界的开放磁场相碰撞进而发生磁重联. 该模式中磁重联的驱动及其效应是本文的研究目标. 磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是研究太阳大气磁重联物理过程的重要途径. 本文建立了一个二维MHD数值模型, 结合太阳大气温度和密度的分层分布, 在超米粒组织尺度上模拟了水平流动驱动的闭合磁圈与开放磁场的重联过程. 通过对模拟结果的定量分析, 认为磁重联确实能够将闭合磁圈的物质释放, 进而供应给新的开放磁结构并产生向上流动. 该结果为进一步模拟研究太阳风初始外流奠定了基础.   相似文献   

太阳物理学是研究太阳上发生的物理过程及其对行星际空间环境影响的学科。太阳是人类唯一可以进行细致探测的恒星,也是天然的多尺度过程并存的等离子体实验室,同时,太阳活动直接影响日地空间环境和人类地球家园的宜居性,剧烈的太阳活动如耀斑和日冕物质抛射还会影响人类的航天航空、通信导航、电网等高技术活动与设施。因此对太阳物理的研究不仅是理解浩瀚宇宙的基石,也是理解日地联系和行星宜居性的基础,同时还是国家在航天和空间安全领域的战略需求。21世纪以来,随着卫星探测技术发展,太阳物理学进入了全新的发展阶段。本文梳理了近年来太阳物理学在空间探测中的发展态势,凝练中国太阳物理学未来空间探测发展的重点领域,优化学科布局,推进太阳物理的高质量发展。  相似文献   

近地磁尾准无碰撞磁重联事件   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
综合分析了ClusterⅡ-C1飞船在2001年9月15日飞越地球磁尾等离子体片区的热离子和磁场观测资料。结果表明,约在0340-0440UT时间期间,资料多次呈现出较强的尾向离子流(VXGSM<0),明显的南向磁场分量(BZGSM<0),以及明显的晨-昏向磁场分量BYGSM等特征。由此可以推断,在磁尾等离子体片中,在径向方向XGSE>-18.6Re范围内,可能发生了多次磁重联事件,整个事件持续期约1h。磁重联事件的观测特征与准无(或半)碰撞磁重联理论的基本图像符合一致,因此这些事件应当是准无碰撞磁重联事件。  相似文献   

在历时20余年的立项和研制进程后,2020年2月10日由欧空局(ESA)主导、美国参加的太阳轨道探测器任务在美国发射升空,这是人类首个对太阳极区成像的空间太阳物理任务。太阳轨道探测器将用约3年时间在水星轨道以内的大椭圆日心轨道开展近距离太阳观测,用7年(包括3年延寿期)时间在黄道面外开展太阳极区高分辨率成像及探测。该任务有望进一步揭示太阳磁场,太阳活动爆发,太阳风起源、加速及其行星际传播和对地球空间天气的驱动等重要前沿问题的本质,加深对太阳活动周以及日地联系的理解。该任务启示中国空间科学要重视太阳深空观测任务的前瞻布局与立项实施。   相似文献   

地球磁尾等离子体片在太阳风-磁层耦合过程中起着重要的作用,其中冷而密的等离子体片是地磁活动平静期太阳风等离子体进入磁层的重要区域.以往的研究通常没有利用局地探测数据针对冷而密的等离子体片发生率在地心太阳磁层坐标系(GSM)中xy平面分布的统计分析.本文利用GEOTAIL卫星1996-2016年的局地测量数据,给出了等离子体片密度、温度及冷而密的等离子体片发生率的二维分布.与温度具有晨昏对称分布不同,等离子体片数密度呈现明显的晨昏不对称性,并且冷而密的等离子体片发生率在晨侧较高.   相似文献   

磁雷诺数(Rm)是影响磁场重联的重要因素. 真实的物理环境中Rm往往很高, 例如, 在行星际空间和太阳日冕中Rm通常大于104量级. 高Rm条件下的磁重联表现出很多异常特性, 然而高Rm条件下的磁场重联数值模拟需要很高的时空分辨率, 否则很难分辨出重联过程中形成的薄电流片. 本文基于自适应软件包PARAMESH将并行自适应网格技术引入磁场重联数值模拟, 建立了一个2.5维自适应磁场重联MHD模式, 研究高磁雷诺数条件下重联的动态演化过程, 进而将不同磁雷诺数的参数进行对比研究. 结果表明, 该模式可以自动捕捉到磁场重联产生的奇性电流片, 高磁雷诺数条件下产生的慢激波结构可提供一种快速磁能释放机制.   相似文献   

利用二维混合数值模拟研究了有速度驱动、低等离子体β值情况下的磁场重联过程,结果表明磁重联过程可以产生Alfven波,该Alfven波动对重新区中的新生离子作用,使得新生离子经历投掷角散射方程,具有球壳分布特征,部分新生离子得到加速,其获得的最大能量约为4(miVA0^2/2),此加速过程所需的加速时间在100/Ωi量级,是一个极快的加速机制,加速粒子能谱为双幂律谱。  相似文献   

在Petschek模型中,排空区边界处的一对慢激波是能量耗散的重要机制.已有大量行星际空间的Petschek型磁场重联排空区观测事件被报道,但是只有少量的排空区边界处观测到了慢激波.针对一例位于磁云边界层中的Petschek型磁场重联排空区观测事件,在排空区靠近磁云一侧边界处证认了一例慢激波.激波跃变层两侧的磁场和等离子体参数满足Rankine-Hugoniot关系,且激波上下游的中间马赫数均小于1,上游的慢马赫数为2.94(>1),下游的慢马赫数为0.65(<1),符合慢激波的观测特征.磁云内部的等离子体β值很低,局地阿尔芬速度高,同时磁云边界层中可能发生丰富的磁场重联活动,这可能是磁云前边界处慢激波形成的原因.   相似文献   

We have studied a number of interplanetary space mission scenarios for space weather research and operational forecasting experiments and concluded that a spacecraft should be deployed at the L5 point of the Sun–Earth system to enable remote sensing of the Sun and interplanetary space and in situ measurements of solar wind plasma and high energy solar particle events. The L5 point is an appropriate position for making side-view observations of geo-effective coronal mass ejections and interplanetary plasma clouds.Here, we describe briefly the mission plan and the ongoing BBM development of important subsystems such as the wide field coronal imager (WCI) and the mission processor. The WCI will have a large CCD array with 16-bit sampling, to achieve a dynamic range of several thousand in order to detect very small deviations due to plasma clouds under zodiacal light contaminations a hundred times brighter than the clouds. The L5 mission we propose will surely contribute to the construction of an international space weather observation network.  相似文献   

It is established that the large-scale and global magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere do not change smoothly, and long-lasting periods of gradual variations are superseded by fast structural changes of the global magnetic field. Periods of fast global changes on the Sun are accompanied by anomalous manifestations in the interplanetary space and in the geomagnetic field. There is a regular recurrence of these periods in each cycle of solar activity, and the periods are characterized by enhanced flaring activity that reflects fast changes in magnetic structures. Is demonstrated, that the fast changes have essential influencing on a condition of space weather, as most strong geophysical disturbances are connected to sporadic phenomena on the Sun. An explanation has been offered for the origin of anomalous geomagnetic disturbances that are unidentifiable in traditionally used solar activity indices. Is shown, main physical mechanism that leads to fast variations of the magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere is the reconnection process.  相似文献   

磁层顶磁场重联是太阳风向磁层输入能量的主要方式.重联如何触发一直是空间物理研究的难点,其机制仍然有待深入研究.由于卫星穿越磁层顶时,很难恰好穿越重联发生的区域,因此难以观测到重联的触发条件.本文利用THEMIS卫星观测,确立了反演磁层顶重联点的方法.当重联刚开始发生时,卫星能够观测到离子的能量色散特征,可利用其计算卫星到重联发生位置的距离.沿着磁力线模型追踪该距离即可反演出磁层顶发生重联的位置.与其他方法进行了对比分析,结果显示本文方法比其他方法具有更高的精度.   相似文献   

Solar Ring (SOR) is a proposed space science mission to monitor and study the Sun and inner heliosphere from a full 360° perspective in the ecliptic plane. It will deploy-three 120°-separated spacecraft on the 1-AU orbit. The first spacecraft, S1, locates 30° upstream of the Earth, the second, S2, 90° downstream, and the third, S3, completes the configuration. This design with necessary science instruments, e.g., the Doppler-velocity and vector magnetic field imager, wide-angle coronagraph, and in-situ instruments, will allow us to establish many unprecedented capabilities: (1) provide simultaneous Doppler-velocity observations of the whole solar surface to understand the deep interior, (2) provide vector magnetograms of the whole photosphere — the inner boundary of the solar atmosphere and heliosphere, (3) provide the information of the whole lifetime evolution of solar featured structures, and (4) provide the whole view of solar transients and space weather in the inner heliosphere. With these capabilities, Solar Ring mission aims to address outstanding questions about the origin of solar cycle, the origin of solar eruptions and the origin of extreme space weather events. The successful accomplishment of the mission will construct a panorama of the Sun and inner-heliosphere, and therefore advance our understanding of the star and the space environment that holds our life.  相似文献   

太阳是一个异常活跃的天体,其爆发过程会对地球周围空间环境产生重要影响. 通常,单个高能质子即足以引起飞行器中微电子器件出现异常,因此太阳质子事件预报是空间天气预报的重要内容. 关于预报模型的参数选择尚有值得改进之处. 研究认为,Ⅰ型噪暴与日冕加热磁重联具有密切关系,可以作为预报参数. 通过两个典型太阳爆发事件的详细资料分析,说明了Ⅰ型噪暴与质子事件及CME的相关性.   相似文献   

The scientific objective of solar corona and interplanetary research is the understanding of the various phenomena related to solar activities and their effects on the space environments of the Earth. Great progress has been made in the study of solar corona and interplanetary physics by the Chinese space physics community during the past years. This paper will give a brief report about the latest progress of the corona and interplanetary research in China during the years of 2010?2012. The paper can be divided into the following parts: solar corona and solar wind, CMEICME, magnetic reconnection, energetic particles, space plasma, space weather numerical modeling by 3D SIP-CESE MHD model, space weather prediction methods, and proposed missions. They constitute the abundant content of study for the complicated phenomena that originate from the solar corona, propagate in interplanetary space, and produce geomagnetic disturbances. All these progresses are acquired by the Chinese space physicists, either independently or through international collaborations.   相似文献   

Solar Orbiter will orbit the Sun down to a distance of 0.22 AU allowing detailed in situ studies of important but unexplored regions of the solar wind in combination with coordinated remote sensing of the Sun. In-situ measurements require high quality measurements of particle distributions and electric and magnetic fields. We show that such important scientific topics as the identification of coronal heating remnants, solar wind turbulence, magnetic reconnection and shock formation within coronal mass ejections all require electric field and plasma density measurements in the frequency range from DC up to about 100 Hz. We discuss how such measurements can be achieved using the double-probe technique. We sketch a few possible antenna design solutions.  相似文献   

Time variations of the magnetic field of the Sun, seen as a star (the data 1968–2018, with more than 27 thousand daily measurements of the solar mean magnetic field), allowed to specify the rotation period of the gravitating solar mass: 27.027(6)?days, synodic. This indicates a presumably unknown physical connection between motions of the Sun and the Earth: in the course of a year our star accomplishes nearly 27 half-revolutions, while the planet itself performs an identical number of its spinnings during one complete axial revolution of the Sun. True origin of this strange Sun–Earth resonance is unknown, but it is supposed the phenomenon might be caused by slight coherent perturbations of gravity within the solar system.  相似文献   

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