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水基推进系统综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水基推进系统的发展为航天器推进、供电、能量储存、系统构建提供了新的选择。这一系统的核心是一体化可再生燃料电池,它利用太阳能电池帆板提供的电能电解水.产生的氢氧气体既可以用于燃烧推进,又可以通过燃料电池反应重新复合为水进行供电。介绍了水基推进系统的基本组成与工作原理,通过质量估算与性能分析,评估了水基推进系统的工作能力、适用范围及空间应用优势。  相似文献   

林庆国  王浩明  程诚 《上海航天》2019,36(6):114-120
针对未来空间任务对能源和动力日益提高的需求,提出了基于氢化镁的核电核热双模共质空间核动力技术。该技术以一种储氢密度高、热稳定性较好,能够以常温常压储存的氢化镁作为工质,通过核能加热后氢化镁分解成为核热推进可用的高压氢气和电推进可用的单质镁,并结合高效动态热电转换系统,形成大功率核电源、大功率超高比冲核电推进、高比冲氢气核热推进以及大推力镁核热推进多种工作模式。基于氢化镁的多模共质空间核动力技术解决了低温推进剂、气态工质在空间应用时的存储安全性和存储密度低的问题,其具备的多种工作模式能够针对不同任务需求提供相应的能源或者动力输出,提高核动力飞行器任务能力。  相似文献   

Small satellites, weighting between 100 and 200 kg, have witnessed increasing use for a variety of space applications including remote sensing constellations and technology demonstrations. The energy storage/stored power demands of most spacecraft, including small satellites, are currently accommodated by rechargeable batteries—typically nickel–cadmium cells (specific energy of 50 Wh kg−1), or more recently lithium-ion cells (150 Wh kg−1). High energy density is a primary concern for spacecraft energy storage design, and these batteries have been sufficient for most applications. However, constraints on the allowable on-board battery size have limited peak power performance such that the maximum power supply capability of small satellites currently ranges between only 70 and 200 W. This relatively low maximum power limits the capabilities of small satellites in terms of payload design and selection. In order to enhance these satellites' power performance, the research reported in this paper focused on the implementation of super-capacitors as practical rechargeable energy storage medium, and as an alternative to chemical batteries. Compared to batteries, some super-capacitors are able to supply high power at high energy-efficiency, but unfortunately they still have a very low energy density (5–30 Wh kg−1). However, the provision of this high power capability would considerably widen the range of small satellite applications.  相似文献   

霍尔电推进技术的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
霍尔电推进具有推力密度大、推力功率比大、比冲高及系统可靠等优点,在20世纪60~70年代突破关键技术、完成空间试验后,在俄、美、欧等航天器上获得大量应用,执行位置保持、轨道转移、轨道调整和深空探测主推进等任务。目前,100 W级到5 k W级功率的霍尔推力器已经实现在轨应用,100 k W功率的霍尔推力器已在研制中。针对未来载人深空探测、GEO卫星、低轨和超低轨卫星及轨道机动飞行器等任务需求,霍尔电推进朝着更大功率包络,更强多模式调节能力,更高性能,更长寿命及推进剂多样化等方向发展。在分析霍尔电推进技术特点和适用任务后,对国内外霍尔电推进技术的发展现状、任务应用等进行了综述,最后对霍尔电推进的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

SAR卫星用能量功率兼顾型锂离子电池研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
未来大功率合成孔径雷达(SAR)卫星的发展对储能电池组提出了轻量化、倍率高及在轨寿命长等要求,而现有的SAR卫星用功率型锂离子电池产品已无法满足未来需求。通过优化正极材料和电池设计,加入功能电解液,在保证电池功率特性的同时,显著提升了电池的能量密度和循环稳定性。本文研制出的新一代能量功率兼顾型锂离子蓄电池,额定容量为25.0 Ah,初期放电比能量达到180.0 Wh·kg~(-1),2 C放电容量为0.2 C容量的91.0%,1 C-100%放电深度(DOD)和2 C-30%DOD循环性能优异,可以满足下一代大功率SAR卫星的供配电需求,且大幅降低了电源系统重量,提高了卫星储能系统的利用率和平台有效载荷能力。  相似文献   

文章通过对X-37B飞行器的飞行试验任务分析,指出了X-37B飞行器不是空天飞机,也不是全球快速打击平台,而是一种低成本太空进入能力的飞行验证器,它的作用定位在空间而不是在空中。通过飞行试验和验证试验,旨在打造一个可重复使用的轨道转移运载器。将美国2010年航天战略的重大调整、国际空间站的运行延期和航天飞机退役等事件结合起来,对X-37B发展的背后动因进行分析,有助于了解美国航天发展的未来趋势。经过动因的详尽分析,指出要特别关注美国航天战略调整的两个重心转向,尤其是两个转向背后的动机。如何正确地认识国际空间站的作用定位,对于审视载人航天的未来发展有重要意义。美国航天战略的调整使载人航天的重心回到近地轨道上。基于中国目前的能力现实,建议中国的载人航天重心放在地球轨道上,做好各种能力的建设,并利用这些能力把地球轨道上的事做得更好。  相似文献   

介绍了质子交换膜(PEM)水电解技术的特点及其在国内外航天领域的应用现状,在分析空间任务的发展趋势,以及能源、动力、环境控制与生命保障系统需求变化的基础上,认为在未来载人航天任务中,能源、动力、生保物质互用的解决方法是摆脱依赖地面支持、实现自主和可持续保障的最优途径,并指出了PEM水电解技术作为实现这一技术途径的关键环节所面临的挑战。  相似文献   

The increasing market request for mini and microsatellites has led in the recent years to the development of small propulsion devices referred to as microthrusters. In the realm of microthruster different classifications have been made which help understanding the possible solutions depending on the satellite mass class and on the required thrust level. The present paper addresses thrusters for the class of microsatellites, that is that of satellites of 10–100 kg mass. A novel solution is proposed for microthruster which is based on hydrogen storage by chemical bond in hydrogen rich materials. Hydrogen microthrusters are studied resorting to basic rocket science. The results allow one to get a first evaluation of the possible advantages achievable once the proposed materials will be made safely available.  相似文献   

Hydrogen being an ecological fuel is very attractive now for rocket engines designers. However, peculiarities of hydrogen combustion kinetics, the presence of zones of inverse dependence of reaction rate on pressure, etc. prevents from using hydrogen engines in all stages not being supported by other types of engines, which often brings the ecological gains back to zero from using hydrogen. Computer aided design of new effective and clean hydrogen engines needs mathematical tools for supercomputer modeling of hydrogen–oxygen components mixing and combustion in rocket engines.The paper presents the results of developing verification and validation of mathematical model making it possible to simulate unsteady processes of ignition and combustion in rocket engines.  相似文献   

电推进作为一种新型推进技术已受到国内外航天界的广泛关注,且已成功应用于卫星、深空探测器等任务。在众多电推进器中,螺旋波等离子体推进器以其无须电极、比冲大、使用寿命长、性能高等优点成为近年来人们重点研究的对象。文章首先从螺旋波等离子体推进器的发展历程、研究现状和发展态势等角度进行了系统介绍;然后对此种推进器的结构组成以及推进原理进行了阐述;并对几种典型离子加速方式进行了研讨;最后对螺旋波等离子体推进器的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近地空间是各种载人飞船、应用卫星、空间站的主要活动区域,区域内存在大量由地磁场捕获的高能带电粒子,严重影响航天器和航天员的安全。为此,需要对内辐射带低高度空间的高能带电粒子环境及其通量分布进行研究。如何对质子进行有效屏蔽对空间辐射防护有重要的研究意义。文章针对粒子在空间环境中的辐射,简要介绍了质子在空间环境中的分布情况及在物质中的传输问题。利用SRIM软件模拟质子在不同材料(铝、聚乙烯)中输运过程。根据得到的射程与能量关系及对阻止本领的分析,从理论上提出航天器防护的合理方案。  相似文献   

返回式卫星现阶段在经济与军事等方面有其巨大的应用价值,同时它也为航天高技术的核心——建立永久性载人空间站的两个先决条件——裁人技术与在轨技术提供试验条件,因此具有十分诱人的发展前景。我国返回式卫星具有自己的优势,充分发掘其潜力将产生很好的经济效益。尽早地安排一些关键技术的研究与试验,统筹兼顾主战场任务与航天高技术发展的需要,将使返回式卫星在发展我国航天高技术的总体规划中立新功。  相似文献   

针对某型号液体火箭发动机试验,介绍了液氢低温流量测量系统组成及原理。根据液氢质量流量测量数学模型,分析影响液氢流量测量不确定度的主要压力对贮箱容积的影响因素,依据不确定度评定相关标准和方法,对各种影响因素进行分析,最终得出液氢质量流量扩展不确定度为±0.88%,满足发动机设计部门对液氢低温质量流量测量不确定度±1%的要求。  相似文献   

This paper continues the series of papers [1–5] and generalizes the previous results to a proto-ring of magnetized plasma whose density decreases in the radial direction. The problem of quantization of the sector and orbital velocities, and of the radii and periods of revolution of elite plasma rings is considered. A new concept of super-elite rings is introduced. Their isomorphism with the orbits of the planets and planetary satellites in the Solar System is proved. This isomorphism also extends to the orbits of electrons in the Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom.  相似文献   

中国重型运载火箭动力系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了未来航天发展趋势,指出为实现载人登月和深空探测,发展重型运载火箭,研制大推力火箭发动机势在必行.提出了中国重型运载火箭主动力--_1500吨级液氧煤油发动机和200吨级液氧液氢发动机的总体方案,确定了发动机的主要参数,明确了发动机的关键技术,考虑了发动机的研制条件,进行了发动机研制策划.根据中国的技术水平和经济实...  相似文献   

The European Student Moon Orbiter (ESMO) spacecraft is a student-built mini satellite being designed for a mission to the Moon. Designing and launching mini satellites are becoming a current trend in the space sector since they provide an economic way to perform innovative scientific experiments and in-flight demonstration of novel space technologies. The generation, storage, control, and distribution of the electrical power in a mini satellite represents unique challenges to the power engineer since the mass and volume restrictions are very stringent. Regardless of these problems, every subsystem and payload equipment must be operated within their specified voltage band whenever they required to be turned on. This paper presents the preliminary design of a lightweight, compact, and reliable power system for ESMO that can generate 720 W. Some of the key components of the EPS include ultra triple-junction (UTJ) GaAs solar cells controlled by maximum power point trackers, and high efficiency Li-ion secondary batteries recharged in parallel.  相似文献   

The history of the deployment of nuclear reactors in Earth orbits is reviewed with emphases on lessons learned and the operation and safety experiences. The former Soviet Union's “BUK” power systems, with SiGe thermoelectric conversion and fast neutron energy spectrum reactors, powered a total of 31 Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellites (RORSATs) from 1970 to 1988 in 260 km orbit. Two of the former Soviet Union's TOPAZ reactors, with in-core thermionic conversion and epithermal neutron energy spectrum, powered two Cosmos missions launched in 1987 in ~800 km orbit. The US’ SNAP-10A system, with SiGe energy conversion and a thermal neutron energy spectrum reactor, was launched in 1965 in 1300 km orbit. The three reactor systems used liquid NaK-78 coolant, stainless steel structure and highly enriched uranium fuel (90–96 wt%) and operated at a reactor exit temperature of 833–973 K. The BUK reactors used U-Mo fuel rods, TOPAZ used UO2 fuel rods and four ZrH moderator disks, and the SNAP-10A used moderated U-ZrH fuel rods. These low power space reactor systems were designed for short missions (~0.5 kWe and ~1 year for SNAP-10A, <3.0 kWe and <6 months for BUK, and ~5.5 kWe and up to 1 year for TOPAZ). The deactivated BUK reactors at the end of mission, which varied in duration from a few hours to ~4.5 months, were boosted into ~800 km storage orbit with a decay life of more than 600 year. The ejection of the last 16 BUK reactor fuel cores caused significant contamination of Earth orbits with NaK droplets that varied in sizes from a few microns to 5 cm. Power systems to enhance or enable future interplanetary exploration, in-situ resources utilization on Mars and the Moon, and civilian missions in 1000–3000 km orbits would generate significantly more power of 10's to 100's kWe for 5–10 years, or even longer. A number of design options to enhance the operation reliability and safety of these high power space reactor power systems are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

深空探测作为我国航天领域未来的重要任务之一,需要性能更高的推进系统提供动力。核热推进系统具有高比冲、大推力、长运行寿命、可重复启动等优点,可为未来深空探测任务提供可靠的动力支撑。经过了60多年的发展,核热推进固态堆芯燃料元件被研制出了多种类型,如六棱柱石墨基燃料元件、扭曲条带燃料元件、六棱柱金属陶瓷燃料元件、球形包覆颗粒燃料元件、MITEE型燃料元件、SLHC型燃料元件、Grooved Ring型燃料元件等。总结归纳了核热推进固态堆芯燃料元件的发展状况,提出了发展核热推进固态堆芯燃料元件的关键技术,可为我国核热推进系统燃料元件的研制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过分析航天测试发射活动的独特性质和组织指挥模式,提出了航天测试发射C4I系统的一般体系结构,研究了进行系统设计的关键技术及解决方案,并以载人航天工程C4I系统为例介绍了一个具体的航天测试发射C4I系统框架,最后对未来航天测试发射C4I系统的发展方向进行了探索.  相似文献   

This addendum is an extension of a series of research work on the combined energy and attitude control system (CEACS) for small satellites. Previous works appeared in Acta Astronautica showed that the CEACS is able to simultaneously perform the attitude control and energy storage task. This addendum focuses on the CEACS attitude control enhancement by employing the H2 optimal control method. Governing equations describing the CEACS H2 attitude control architecture are established. Numerical treatments are performed in order to validate the attitude control option.  相似文献   

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