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针对地外天体星壤剖面的潜入式探测任务,对星球表面热场、星壤剖面原位力学特性等科学目标探测的基本原理、实现方案和典型案例进行了资料调研与分析,并阐明了国际上开展地外天体星壤剖面潜入式探测活动的目的和科学意义。在此基础上,提出了我国月面采样科学目标拓展方案以及我国开展潜入式探测的预先研究规划,对蠕动掘进和冲击贯入式探测方案的基本原理和应用前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

火星无人探测与行星保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
行星保护是每一个开展深空探测的国家都要面对的问题,火星是太阳系里最可能存在地外生命的星球之一,也是行星保护的重点关注对象,在我国火星探测即将正式启动之际,对标国际上行星保护的政策、标准、技术和管理措施,对我国未来在火星探测中满足国际上行星保护的要求至关重要。主要回顾了行星保护的历史,国外在火星探测历史上行星保护正向防护所采取的措施,以及现代科学技术发展对行星保护正向防护相关技术的影响,并对我国未来火星及深空探测活动中应该采取的行星保护正向污染防护技术提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着人类空间探测范围的不断拓展,行星保护成为人类后续深空探测必须要面临的一个重要问题。从行星保护的概念入手,对其研究背景以及美国、欧洲、俄罗斯等国目前相关的研究进展做了简要介绍,涉及了政策制定、标准规范、污染防控、技术体系等各个方面。载人深空探测过程中各个环节都可能存在污染源,必须针对性地开展保护和防护技术研究;深入研究国际行星保护政策、法规和技术体系,对于我国后续开展相关研究具有很好的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

质谱计多次应用于行星系统和小天体的大气层与土壤吸附气体或挥发组分及其同位素含量探索,是太阳系行星系统和小天体探测计划中的首选载荷之一。大气和土壤元素及其同位素组分探测对资源勘探、行星系统的宜居性、天体演化、起源及其重要事件的精准时间坐标研究等具有重要意义。质谱计已多次成功应用于火星、土星系、木星系、彗星等探测任务中开展大气环境探测。质谱计的探测对象主要包括太阳系行星、行星卫星如月球、木星伽利略卫星、土卫,以及地外小行星和彗星。四极杆质谱计在当前的深空空间环境探测活动中应用最为广泛。利用四极杆质谱计除可用于探测稀薄天体大气与土壤析出气体外,如增加抽真空能力的前端设计,则具备探测稠密大气成分的能力。中科院空间中心研发的星载质谱计已多次成功应用于地球行星大气成分和密度探测。  相似文献   

以月壤剖面的原位探测为目标,提出一种利用土体结构侵彻原理的冲击式贯入器设计方案。重点阐述了冲击式贯入器的工作原理和机构实现方案,并开展多方案设计与分析。研制了原理样机并开展实验验证,证明利用冲击式贯入方法实现月壤剖面自动潜入的可行性,并对我国未来开展月壤剖面原位探测提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

根据"第五届国防科技工业试验与测试技术发展战略高层论坛"消息,我国有望在2020年采用搭乘长征五号直接转移方式首次发射火星环绕器和火星车。本刊针对读者关心的问题,采访了我国绕月探测工程首席科学家、长期系统开展各类地外物质(陨石、宇宙尘、月岩)、比较行星学、天体化学与地球化学的研究的中国科学院欧阳自远院士,请他点评火星探测的最新进展和中国探测火星的科学目标着眼点。  相似文献   

太阳系探测的发展趋势与科学问题分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
分析了太阳系探测的发展趋势,认为从月球到火星是未来太阳系探测的主线,太阳系探测将从普查性探测向重点天体探测转变,从技术实现为主向科学牵引转变,国际合作成为太阳系探测的必然趋势。归纳了太阳系探测的关键科学问题,认为太阳系与行星系统的起源和演化是探测的终极科学目标,寻找地外生命和宜居环境是探测的主要驱动力,预防太阳活动和小天体撞击对地球的灾害性影响是探测的现实意义。在探月工程取得进展之后,中国应以月球和火星探测为主线,以火星探测为切入点,有序开展火星、小行星、太阳、金星、木星系统等太阳系探测任务,牵引航天技术进步,推动行星科学发展。  相似文献   

中国深空探测器技术的发展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
□□人类所生存的地球,只是浩瀚宇宙中的沧海一粟。自古以来,随着科学技术的进步和发展,了解太空、探索地球以外的物质,一直是人类不懈追求的目标。人造地球卫星、载人航天技术的发展,使人类认识宇宙的目光越来越远;而探索更深更广的太空,则成为了现代人类航天活动的一个主要方向。深空探测主要包括对月球的探测、行星及其卫星探测和行星际探测三大方面。深空探测对人类了解太阳系的起源、演变历史和现状,通过对太阳系内各主要行星的比较研究,进一步认识地球环境的形成与演变、探索生命的起源和演变以及积极开发和利用空间资源具有…  相似文献   

行星探测是人类认识宇宙的重要手段,随着航天技术的不断发展,主要航天国家先后实施了百余次太阳系内行星探测活动,实现了太阳系内行星的飞越、环绕、着陆、巡视及采样返回。结合已实施的系内行星探测活动和将要开展的系内行星探测任务,分析了行星探测任务的特点,总结了行星探测的主要科学问题及主要发现,展望了系内行星探测的发展趋势,并结合我国行星探测近期发展规划,提出了中长期发展路线设想与引领任务建议,可为我国行星探测任务规划提供支持。  相似文献   

21世纪国际月球与行星探测的发展趋势王景泉宋智(北京空间科技信息研究所)1月球和行星探测的主要成就□□月球探测曾有美国“先驱者”等3个系列、前苏联月球号等3个系列共发射49个探测器,其中以“阿波罗”飞船载人登月达到高峰。90年代,国际上又掀起重返月球...  相似文献   

The physical and mechanical properties as well as the heat flux of regolith are critical evidence in the study of planetary origin and evolution. Moreover, the mechanical properties of planetary regolith have great value for guiding future human planetary activities. For planetary subsurface exploration, an inchworm boring robot (IBR) has been proposed to penetrate the regolith, and the mechanical properties of the regolith are expected to be simultaneously investigated during the penetration process using the drilling tool on the IBR. This paper provides a preliminary study of an in situ method for measuring planetary regolith mechanical parameters using a drilling tool on a test bed. A conical-screw drilling tool was designed, and its drilling load characteristics were experimentally analyzed. Based on the drilling tool-regolith interaction model, two identification methods for determining the planetary regolith bearing and shearing parameters are proposed. The bearing and shearing parameters of lunar regolith simulant were successfully determined according to the pressure-sinkage tests and shear tests conducted on the test bed. The effects of the operating parameters on the identification results were also analyzed. The results indicate a feasible scheme for future planetary subsurface exploration.  相似文献   

地外天体着陆点选择综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行星表面具有科学研究价值的区域往往地形复杂,对着陆的安全性提出了很高的要求。如何选择既满足工程约束又具有很好科学价值的着陆点,在提高任务可靠性的同时获得最优的科学回报,成为未来行星着陆任务需要解决的首要问题之一。回顾了以往地外天体着陆任务的着陆点分布情况,总结归纳了着陆点选取过程中需要考虑的因素,分析了当前的研究现状并给出一般选取流程,最后针对我国未来深空探测任务着陆点选择问题提出了一些思考与建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a conceptual design of a spaceborne instrument for the in situ production of rock thin sections on planetary surfaces. The in situ Automated Rock Thin Section Instrument (IS-ARTS) conceptual design demonstrates that the in situ production of thin sections on a planetary body is a plausible new instrument capability for future planetary exploration. Thin section analysis would reduce much ambiguity in the geological history of a sampled site that is present with instruments currently flown. The technical challenge of producing a thin section device compatible with the spacecraft environment is formidable and has been thought too technically difficult to be practical. Terrestrial thin section preparation requires a skilled petrographist, several preparation instruments that individually exceed typical spacecraft mass and power limits, and consumable materials that are not easily compatible with spaceflight. In two companion papers we present research and development work used to constrain the capabilities of IS-ARTS in the technical space compatible with the spacecraft environment. For the design configuration shown we conclude that a device can be constructed that is capable of 50 sample preparations over a 2 year lifespan with mass, power, and volume constraints compatible with current landed Mars mission configurations. The technical requirements of IS-ARTS (mass, power and number of samples produced) depend strongly on the sample mechanical properties, sample processing rate, the sample size and number of samples to be produced.  相似文献   

A novel and versatile wireless light sensing device has been designed and tested for stellar and planetary photometric observations. The device weighing few 10 s of grams finds a number of potential applications in the fields of astronomy and in situ planetary exploration. A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using a number of these devices has been deployed to successfully carry out simultaneous photometric observations under different conditions viz. sunlight, twilight, moonlight etc. Observation of a star of known magnitude for flux calibration at low intensity has been carried out by coupling the device to a 1.2 m telescope which demonstrates its sensitivity. A WSN using these devices is further capable of spatio-temporal investigations of sky background intensities. Such a network can also be used to effectively monitor certain astronomical events (lunar eclipse, asteroid occultation etc.) simultaneously from several locations. The capability of the device, level of miniaturization and its versatility makes it a potential tool for many photometric applications.  相似文献   

In light of the rapidly growing New Space Economy, the landscape of space exploration and development activities will certainly become much more complicated year by year. Relevant commercial space actors have already emerged, pushing the boundaries of entrepreneurial space ventures beyond the Earth-oriented upstream and downstream market segments and opening up the path towards the novel segments of space exploration, space resources utilization, and space research. Planetary protection is usually defined as a set of guidelines concerning the avoidance of bidirectional biological material exchange between the Earth and other celestial bodies. Recent success stories of established and new-entrant NewSpace actors, although posing no realistic planetary protection threat at present, clearly indicate that serious work needs to be done in order for the relevant guidelines to keep up with the rapid advances of the technology development cycles that occur within NewSpace companies. This need may become even more urgent, as space entrepreneurs acquire and develop the resources and competencies to target the currently underserved market segments of space research, exploration, and utilization. As of now, these capabilities were maintained solely by public space agencies; thus, all planetary protection priorities, strategies, and responsibilities were discussed, agreed-upon, and delegated for implementation among national and international working groups of public stakeholders. Although top-down regulations can be effective in controlling the quality and conformity of the deliverables of private subcontractors to public contractors, international planetary protection frameworks might need to evolve even beyond such unmet public-private interaction and partnership models. For this reason, this study did not focus on the legal and political issues of mandating NewSpace actors to adhere to planetary protection guidelines; rather, drawing from the field of sustainable development on Earth, an environmental economics approach was followed, with the goal of viewing the relationship between planetary protection and private space exploration and development as another “tragedy of the commons” problem that must be settled accordingly. After the problem’s framing, i.e. the conceptual presentation and synthesis of four extraterrestrial non-excludable goods, the initial approach of their total economic value, and the negative externalities of their exploitation, a discussion of the forward contamination mitigation costs was conducted. Drawing from the literature and using examples from both the terrestrial and aerospace sectors, a pre-emptive move was suggested: the establishment of a global industry consortium for the pre-competitive collaboration in forward contamination mitigation technologies, centered on an international planetary protection analogue program and its respective testbed facility.  相似文献   

随着深空探测的距离越来越远,测控资源及能源的约束使得目前的行星表面漫游车采用遥操作加部分自主移动的在轨任务操作方式,越来越不适应未来科学探测的需求,而未来的深空探测任务对漫游车控制系统提出了更快、更轻、更智能的要求.对目前月球与火星表面漫游车自主导航控制系统的结构、能力进行了对比分析,给出了目前控制系统自主能力的约束条件,提出了未来行星表面漫游车的自主导航控制系统的体系结构及设计期望,并对未来行星表面漫游车自主等级进行了初步划分,为我国未来行星表面漫游车自主导航控制系统的研究提供技术支撑与发展规划指导.  相似文献   

The pace of scientific exploration of our solar system provides ever-increasing insights into potentially habitable environments, and associated concerns for their contamination by Earth organisms. Biological and organic-chemical contamination has been extensively considered by the COSPAR Panel on Planetary Protection (PPP) and has resulted in the internationally recognized regulations to which spacefaring nations adhere, and which have been in place for 40 years. The only successful Mars lander missions with system-level “sterilization” were the Viking landers in the 1970s. Since then different cleanliness requirements have been applied to spacecraft based on their destination, mission type, and scientific objectives. The Planetary Protection Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council has noted that a strategic Research & Technology Development (R&TD) roadmap would be very beneficial to encourage the timely availability of effective tools and methodologies to implement planetary protection requirements. New research avenues in planetary protection for ambitious future exploration missions can best be served by developing an over-arching program that integrates capability-driven developments with mission-driven implementation efforts. This paper analyzes the current status concerning microbial reduction and cleaning methods, recontamination control and bio-barriers, operational analysis methods, and addresses concepts for human exploration. Crosscutting research and support activities are discussed and a rationale for a Strategic Planetary Protection R&TD Roadmap is outlined. Such a roadmap for planetary protection provides a forum for strategic planning and will help to enable the next phases of solar system exploration.  相似文献   

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