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星载GPS相位非差低轨卫星事后精密定轨无需考虑复杂的动力学模型和地面资料,只需低轨卫星上的GPS观测资料和IGS的GPS精密星历产品,而且对于不同高度的卫星定轨都适用,计算简单、方便,能快速、高精度地确定轨道,同时还能确定部分动力学参数。本文在研究相位非差定轨方法基础上,对低轨卫星的误差影响及其处理措施进行探讨,给出了GPS相位非差定轨流程,编写了相应的定轨软件(SHKINE),并利用CHAMP卫星资料对定轨的可靠性和精度进行分析,表明:利用自行编写的SHKINE定轨软件对CHAMP卫星定轨,3个方向坐标精度为10cm-20cm,点位精度为30cm-40cm,能满足一般定轨要求,是一种简单方便、行之有效的定轨方法。  相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)超快精密定轨为GNSS实时应用提供了高精度空间基准。基于天地协同定位、导航与授时(PNT)网络服务中心实现了四系统GNSS卫星超快精密定轨,并对定轨结果进行精度评价。介绍了天地协同PNT网络的概念内涵以及网络服务中心部署的超快精密定轨软件架构和详细功能,并针对实时应用需求提出了一种双线程滑动窗口超快精密定轨策略。最后利用重叠弧段比较、与外部轨道产品比较以及卫星激光测距(SLR)检核3种方式对定轨结果进行了精度评价。结果表明,与武汉大学分析中心的最终事后精密轨道产品相比,四系统GNSS MEO卫星预报6 h弧段的径向均方根(RMS)误差整体在2~5 cm水平,BDS2 IGSO卫星最小一维RMS误差在10~15 cm水平;GPS和Galileo卫星的SLR检核残差均值在1~3 cm水平,标准差在3~6 cm水平,能够满足后续厘米级实时应用对空间基准的精度需求。  相似文献   

仿真研究DORIS测轨系统,重点考察了大气密度模型误差、测量精度、测轨网分布对定轨精度的影响。仿真结果表明,除了测轨网的地理分布,动力学模型中的大气模型误差对中低轨卫星精密定轨结果影响也较大。对ENVISAT卫星的DORIS实测数据进行了定轨分析,结果表明实测数据的定轨精度比仿真精度大约低1个量级不到。综合仿真结果和实测数据进行精度分析,推断对800km高度的太阳卫星轨道,采用8个DORIS信标站布设,24h定轨,定轨三维位置精度可以达到29cm(1σ),其中径向误差为3.4cm(1σ)。若采用30个DORIS信标站布设,定轨精度可提高30%。  相似文献   

当前,北斗卫星导航定位系统正处于快速发展阶段,在全球GNSS卫星导航定位领域中受到了越来越多的关注,分析BDS-3卫星观测数据质量以及钟差性能对中国北斗导航事业的发展与应用具有重要意义。深入分析了IGMAS监测站BDS-3卫星的数据质量,同时采用现有的观测数据进行了BDS-3卫星三天弧段的定轨实验。结果表明,轨道重叠弧段1D RMS径向优于20cm,钟差重叠弧段STD精度优于1ns。为准确掌握BDS-3卫星钟差的时频特性,利用估计的钟差数据计算了BDS-3卫星钟差频率稳定性指标,其千秒稳定度、万秒稳定度和日稳定度分别为4.64×10-13、8.55×10-14和1.28×10-14,相对于BDS-2系统最高提升了25.89%。  相似文献   

空间飞行器需要实时的高精度轨道信息来完成对栽荷的指令操作和遥感数据的实时处理。除了星栽GPS技术,星载多普勒无线电定轨定位系统(DORIS,Doppler Orbitography and Radio—positioning Intergrated by Satellite)是仅有的有能力提供分米级精度的实时在轨轨道确定技术,它可通过测量星地相对多普勒频移,在星上完成实时定轨和预报,目前该技术已在国外多个卫星上实现,达到了较好的效果,而我国还没有建立这样实时自主定轨系统。为此,结合我国高分辨率空间对地观测系统的建设需求和我国航天器对实时自主定轨及其精度的要求,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对多普勒测量进行了实时自主定轨仿真计算,分析了频率偏差估计与否、初轨误差、地面信标站地理分布以及观测精度等对实时自主定轨的滤波收敛时间和定轨精度的影响,为我国利用DORIS技术进行实时在轨轨道确定提供方案和软件原型。仿真计算表明,基于28个全球分布的地面站,对于高度为800km的卫星,在忽略其动力学模型误差的假设下,若初轨三维位置、速度误差分别为100m(或差至1km)、1m/S(1d),2h后滤波可以达到稳定收敛,收敛后的实时定轨误差可以达到0.1m(1d)。滤波估计参数除了6个卫星轨道状态参数,还估计了地面信标相对于卫星超稳定振荡器的频率偏差;  相似文献   

介绍了空间飞行器综合定轨与参数分析软件COMPASS的开发过程。软件的初级阶段目标是可以利用SLR观测对多颗激光卫星进行同时定轨、可以利用非差GPS观测对GPS星座进行同时定轨,并估计有意叉的地学参数。COMPASS的开发采取了由简到繁、循序渐进的技术策略,软件开发经历了这样几个主要过程:多星多技术定轨框架的建立。利用SLR观测确定GPS卫星的轨道,利用IGS的SP3轨道确定GPS星座的轨道,利用非差GPS伪距观测确定GPS星座的轨道,利用非差GPS伪距和相位观测确定GPS星座的轨道。激光卫星的定轨精度已经达到国际水平,可以用于提供国际服务(如IERSEOP;ILRS快速分析);GPS定轨内符精度达到国际先进水平,平均外符精度好于30cm。  相似文献   

联合定轨技术及其应用前景   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了联合定轨的基本原理并给出了计算方法,通过对中继卫星系统和编队飞行星座两种不同应用的联合定轨的计算分析,总结出了联合定轨不同于一般传统定轨的基本特点。中继卫星与用户星的联合定轨在精度 上优于传统定轨,并能够降低对地面测量站的测量几何和测站数量的要求。编队飞行星座的联合定轨,能够显著提高星间相对位置的精度,且几乎不受动力学模型误差的影响,从而在轨道外推时误差不会扩大。  相似文献   

卡尔曼滤波定轨算法的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
本文对国外卡尔曼滤波定轨算法的研究与试验进行了综述。80年代关于地球引场模型误差的研究,有大地改善了滤波的稳定性,在滤波的同时加进卡尔曼平滑,又显著提高了卡尔曼滤波的定轨精度。90年代美国、法国继研制成功卡尔曼波滤定轨软件,并投入试验运行,NASA的TONS软件(中继星星上导航系统)从1992年7月14日开始,在EUVE星上连续运行了320天,定轨精度(RMS)为25m。法国的DIODE(DORIS实时轨道确定)软件从1998年3月26日开始在SPOT4上运行的两年中,最长连接运行12个月,定轨精度(RMS)为6m。  相似文献   

建立了基于双星定位系统距离和观测数据的近地卫星联合定轨模型,设计了相应的数值融合联合定轨算法;为进一步提高近地卫星定轨精度,考虑融合双星及备份星距离和观测数据,建立了基于双星和备份星的近地卫星联合定轨模型及实现算法,并针对不同仿真条件进行了联合定轨仿真实验。仿真计算结果表明,联合定轨方式较传统近地卫星精密定轨方式可以更好地抑制双星星历误差对近地卫星定轨精度的影响,近地卫星和双星的定轨精度均得到了一定程度的提高;同时,融合备份星观测数据的近地卫星联合定轨精度得到进一步改善,达到5.17m。  相似文献   

卫星单点定位方法和卫星定轨方法均采用GPS接收机测量得到的伪距和伪距率作为原始观测量。前者依据几何学原理,采用最小二乘法对单个历元的原始观测量进行处理,解算出卫星的位置和速度;而后者依据轨道动力学理论,采用卡尔曼滤波方法通过连续的原始观测量对滤波器状态量的修正使定轨结果收敛。通过比较,星载定轨方法能够明显改善定位测速的精度和数据的稳定性,其外推功能可以有效避免观测量短时间中断对定轨结果连续性的影响。我们已经将实时定轨算法应用到星载型号任务的工程中,并取得了较好的结果。  相似文献   

The visibility for low earth orbit(LEO) satellites provided by the BeiDou-2 system is analyzed and compared with the global positioning system(GPS). In addition, the spaceborne receivers' observations are simulated by the BeiDou satellites broadcast ephemeris and LEO satellites orbits. The precise orbit determination(POD) results show that the along-track component accuracy is much better over the service area than the non-service area, while the accuracy of the other two directions keeps at the same level over different areas. However, the 3-dimensional(3D) accuracy over the two areas shows almost no difference. Only taking into consideration the observation noise and navigation satellite ephemeris errors, the 3D accuracy of the POD is about30 cm. As for the precise relative orbit determination(PROD), the 3D accuracy is much better over the eastern hemisphere than that of the western hemisphere. The baseline length accuracy is 3.4 mm over the service area, and it is still better than 1 cm over the non-service area. This paper demonstrates that the BeiDou regional constellation could provide global service to LEO satellites for the POD and the PROD. Finally, the benefit of geostationary earth orbit(GEO) satellites is illustrated for POD.  相似文献   

Precise Point Positioning(PPP) requires precise products, including high-accuracy satellite orbit and clock parameters. It is impossible to obtain an orbit solution that is sufficiently accurate for PPP services with a regional tracking network; therefore, satellite orbits are usually estimated by a global tracking network with a large number of ground stations. However, it is expensive to build globally distributed stations. Fortunately, BeiDou-3 satellites carry an InterSatellite Link(ISL) pay...  相似文献   

通过对比北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)广播星历与事后精密星历,提取了轨道和卫星时钟误差。基于北斗轨道误差及北斗卫星时钟误差统计特征分析,构建区别于全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)的BDS空间信号用户测距误差(Signal-In-Space User Range Error,SISRE)描述方法,对BDS广播星历中用户测距精度(User Range Accuracy,URA)进行了验证。6个月的北斗数据测试结果表明,北斗GEO、IGSO和MEO卫星的URA分别为3.0m、1.9m和1.6m。  相似文献   

北斗三号全球卫星导航系统已正式建成并开通服务。为了利用实时改正数信息系统地揭示北斗三号精密单点定位性能,并为用户提供理论依据和应用参考,首先解算了卫星实时精密轨道、钟差及其改正数,分析了其精度。然后基于实时改正数信息,利用监测站广播星历和观测数据,分别进行了双频静态、双频仿动态、单频静态和单频仿动态仿实时精密单点定位,以评估其性能。结果表明:北斗三号MEO卫星实时轨道和钟差精度均值分别约为12cm和0.2ns,满足实时精密单点定位需求。静态实时精密单点定位精度优于动态,双频优于单频,均可达到分米级。对于定位收敛时间,双频静态最短,约为40min;双频动态和单频静态均约为85min;单频动态最长,约为120min。  相似文献   

The Tianhui-2 02 (TH02-02) satellite formation, as a supplement to the microwave mapping satellite system Tianhui-2 01 (TH02-01), is the first Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite formation-flying system that supports the tracking of BeiDou global navigation Satellite system (BDS3) new B1C and B2a signals. Meanwhile, the twin TH02-02 satellites also support the tracking of Global Positioning System (GPS) L1&L2 and BDS B1I&B3I signals. As the spaceborne receiver employs two independent boards to track the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) satellites, we design an orbit determination strategy by estimating independent receiver clock offsets epoch by epoch for each GNSS to realize the multi-GNSS data fusion from different boards. The performance of the spaceborne receiver is evaluated and the contribution of BDS3 to the kinematic and reduced-dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of TH02-02 satellites is investigated. The tracking data onboard shows that the average number of available BDS3 and GPS satellites are 8.7 and 9.1, respectively. The carrier-to-noise ratio and carrier phase noise of BDS3 B1C and B2a signals are comparable to those of GPS. However, strong azimuth-related systematic biases are recognized in the pseudorange multipath errors of B1C and B3I. The pseudorange noise of BDS3 signals is better than that of GPS after eliminating the multipath errors from specific signals. Taking the GPS-based reduced-dynamic orbit with single-receiver ambiguity fixing technique as a reference, the results of BDS3-only and BDS3 + GPS combined POD are assessed. The Root Mean Square (RMS) of orbit comparison of BDS3-based kinematic and reduced-dynamic POD with reference orbit are better than 7 cm and 3 cm in three-Dimensional direction (3D). The POD performance based on B1C&B2a data is comparable to that based on B1I&B3I. The precision of BDS3 + GPS combined kinematic orbit can reach up to 3 cm (3D RMS), which has a more than 25% improvement relative to the GPS-only solution. In addition, the consistency between the BDS3 + GPS combined reduced-dynamic orbit and the GPS-based ambiguity-fixed orbit is better than 1.5 cm (3D RMS).  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统全球星座部署即将完成,其应用领域不断扩大,实时精密服务性能受到了极大关注。基于动力学精密定轨方法,设计了北斗卫星实时轨道、钟差算法流程和解算策略。利用不同频点信号,分别计算了BDS-2和BDS-3卫星的实时精密轨道和钟差,建立了完整的轨道和钟差精度评定方法,重点对解算的实时产品的精度进行了评定。结果表明:BDS-2和BDS-3实时精密轨道和钟差产品精度均可满足大部分实时用户的需求。对于B1IB3I频点,BDS-3 MEO卫星的实时轨道精度约为26cm,径向精度约为6cm,实时钟差精度约为0.45ns,且相较于BDS-2,性能更加稳定;对于B1CB2a频点,BDS-3 MEO卫星的实时轨道精度优于20cm,精度和稳定性较高。  相似文献   

Autonomous orbit determination via integration of epoch-differenced gravity gradients and starlight refraction is proposed in this paper for low-Earth-orbiting satellites operating in GPS-denied environments.Starlight refraction compensates for the significant along-track position error that occurs from only using gravity gradients and benefits from integration in terms of improved accuracy in radial and cross-track position estimates.The between-epoch differencing of gravity gradients is employed to eliminate slowly varying measurement biases and noise near the orbit revolution frequency.The refraction angle measurements are directly used and its Jacobian matrix derived from an implicit observation equation.An information fusion filter based on a sequential extended Kalman filter is developed for the orbit determination.Truth-model simulations are used to test the performance of the algorithm,and the effects of differencing intervals and orbital heights are analyzed.A semi-simulation study using actual gravity gradient data from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) combined with simulated starlight refraction measurements is further conducted,and a three-dimensional position accuracy of better than 100 m is achieved.  相似文献   

The orbit determination using the GPS navigation solutions for the KOMPSAT-1 spacecraft has been studied. The Cowell method of special perturbation theories was employed to develop a precision orbit propagation, and the perturbations due to geopotential, the gravity of the Sun and the Moon, solid Earth tides, ocean tides, the Earth's dynamic polar motion, solar radiation pressure, and atmospheric drag were modeled. Specifically, the satellite box-wing macro model was applied to minimize the drag errors at low altitude. The estimation scheme consisted of an extended Kalman filter and Bayesian least square method. To investigate the applicability of the method to the KOMPSAT-1 spacecraft, the orbit determination was accomplished using the GPS navigation solutions for the TOPEX/POSEIDON and TAOS satellites. The orbit determination results were compared with NASA POE generated by global laser tracking. The position and velocity accuracy was estimated about 16∼7 m and 0.0157∼0.0074 m·s−1 RMS, respectively, for the two satellites in the presence of SA. These results verify that an orbit determination scheme using GPS navigation solutions can provide the static orbit information and reduce conspicuously the position and velocity errors of navigation solutions. It can be suggested that the sequential and batch orbit determination using the GPS navigation solutions be the most appropriate method in the KOMPSAT-1 type mission.  相似文献   

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