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洪菁菁 《航天员》2008,(5):30-31
张瑶的笑容和刘伯明的极其相似,安静而活泼、踏实又幸福,俨然成了舒服的自处。自得其乐的人说起话来也娓娓道来,慢慢的、淡淡的,不经意间,已然是篇美好的故事:"我们俩是老乡,又是一所中学的,他比我高两届。我母亲当时是中学校长,刘伯明高二时,母亲代过他们班语文课,当时他就给母亲留下了很深的印象。后来考上飞行员也是我母亲送他去的。从那之后的五六年间,他一直和我母亲保持通信,汇报学习和工作,谈人生、谈理想。有一次,我母亲就问他有对象没,想找个什么样的。他说还没有,找个能独立理家的就行。"说到这儿,张瑶的脸上多了一抹灿烂。  相似文献   

子衿 《航天员》2008,(6):70-71
所谓经典,就是嵌入岁月的纹理,经得起一遍遍的翻拣摩挲,光华依旧,从而成为历史的一部分。当我们摊开人类航天的卷轴,点点星光,仿若永恒。这期,我们继续经典出舱之旅,继续做个在历史长河边搜集贝壳的孩子,顾盼,然后生辉。  相似文献   

天浪  彭志约 《航天员》2009,(4):70-71
浩瀚的宇宙,无边无际无极限,遥远得难以观望,深邃得不可想象。迄今为止,人类所能想象的宇宙,不过都是在那银河横贯的星空,所延伸出来的想象罢了。而系外行星,隐藏在漫天星墨的背后,同样有如这浩瀚的宇宙,深邃邈远,难以观测,也无从想象。但后来,高度智慧的人类,  相似文献   

陈钦丽 《航天员》2008,(3):26-27
他们对着国旗庄严宣誓,他们在志愿者精神的大红幅上签下自己的名字。从那一刻起,他们不仅是孩子的爸爸、爸爸的儿子、妻子的丈夫,他们还成为了一诺千金的战士!他们要遵守的不仅是一个成熟男人的信义,更要承担一项伟大事业参与者的责任。无论身体有多么苦痛,无论日子有多么难熬,承诺,这背后的道德基石和品质力量让他们在自我控制和调节中顽强坚守。这是一场隐忍的战斗,没有刀光剑影,没有战火硝烟,而他们的敌人在他们的心里,在漫长的枯燥时光里,时刻准备着突击。他们相互鼓励,相互打气,让心中的爱,心里存满的挂念化作勇气和力量。你会相信:在和平或战争的年代,他们都是一支精锐之师。  相似文献   

江燕 《航天员》2008,(1):68-69
一日离轨关,使返回舱脱离运行轨道,朝地球方向的弹道飞行;二日再入关,返回舱再入大气层,利用巨大的空气阻力制动减速,直至降到亚音速;三日开伞关,返回舱下降到低空后,打开降落伞,进一步减小下降速度;四日着陆关,着地之前,启动缓冲装置,减缓返回舱与地面的撞击,实现软着陆。  相似文献   

引言随着民航快速发展,管制队伍在不断壮大,但目前管制员总数依然不足,管制员数量增长依然滞后于民航发展速度。目前我国大部分管制单位管制员定岗定员编制数量紧缺,绝大部分地区现有的人力资源仅仅刚好满足排班要求,管制后备力量薄弱,同时又缺乏必要的冗余,在管制员数量捉襟见肘的条件下,很多地区扩大了招生数量,但带来的新问题是培训压力增大,如何  相似文献   

安全和高效在空管行业一直是被关注的话题,随着我国经济的增长,民用航空事业也迎来了大发展的机遇,航班总量增长的同时,对空中交通管理工作也提出了挑战,保证航班的安全,正常,高效以满足民用航空的发展刻不容缓。  相似文献   

在5.12这场突如其来的大灾难面前,空管系统反应迅速得当,指挥协调有力,干部身前士卒,员工恪尽职守,表现出良好的政治业务素质、和谐的团队精神、强有力的系统一体化运行的优势,经受住了前所未有的严峻考验,出色地完成了党中央赋予我们的光荣使命。事实证明,空管这支队伍关键时刻拉得出,靠得住,打得赢,是一支政治合格、业务精通、作风过硬的队伍,是一支忠于职守、勤奋敬业、敢于吃苦、不怕牺牲的队伍。  相似文献   

郝宇华 《航天员》2008,(4):72-75
日全食,日月台璧,天地混沌,稍纵即逝,比宝石更稀少,比昙花一现更短暂,比电闪雷鸣更精心动魄。它以罕见、惊人的壮美景象,吸引了无数的学者和天文爱好者。2008年8月1日发生的日全食是本世纪我国境内首次可见到的日全食,引起了国内外天文学家和天文爱好者的共同关注。新疆哈密地区伊吾县苇子峡乡作为本次日食的最佳观测地点,在这一天迎来了成千上万从异国他乡远道而来的观测者。大家在这里一起见证了这一令人叹为观止的天象奇观。  相似文献   

董晓峰 《航天员》2008,(3):66-68
不是神学,却被冠以最为晦气的称谓;不是文学,却衍生出最为动人的传说;不是哲学,却引发了最为深广的哲思;作为太阳系中的"游民",彗星,万般皆谜。多少次,可能正经历着一场战争和屠杀,也可能正面对着一次瘟疫和摧残,饱经磨难的人们在绝望中仰视天空的时候,突然被一个明亮刺眼天体所震惊。那怪异的天体拖着一条长长的尾巴,就像一把"扫帚"……  相似文献   

Translational-rotational motion of two viscoelastic planets in a gravitational force field is studied. The planets are modeled by homogeneous isotropic viscoelastic bodies. In their natural undeformed state each of the planets represents a sphere. We investigate a specific case when the planet’s centers of mass move in a fixed plane, the axis of rotation for each planet being directed along the normal to this plane. An equation describing the evolution of a slow angular variable (perihelion longitude) is derived. The observed displacement of the perihelion of Mercury is compared with the results obtained in the considered model problem about motion of two viscoelastic planets. Quite important is the fact that the planet of smaller mass (Mercury) moves not in a central Newtonian field of forces, but rather in the gravitational field of a rotating viscoelastic planet (Sun).  相似文献   

Properties of differential equations of multi-orbit trajectory motion of a spacecraft are investigated analytically. The spacecraft moves under the action of small perturbations (in particular, low thrust) in the plane of a central Newtonian field of attraction. The conditions are specified for existence of a partial singular aperiodic solution, in the neighborhood of which the behavior of osculating elements changes sharply. In this case, phase variables (the angular position of the pericenter and the true anomaly) are found to undergo the sharpest changes. The exact superposition of solutions is suggested for the equations of motion transformed to the form of a quasi-linear, weakly non-stationary system: a partial singular aperiodic solution and fast solutions oscillating around it. Asymptotic representations are obtained for both components of the superposition. They are fairly exact in the region of smallness of perturbing terms at a long variation of the argument.  相似文献   

文章根据某卫星在轨工作工况,对星上功率电缆的热特性进行了理论计算,以此为基础结合卫星在轨外热流环境条件,提出了整星状态下的试验验证方案,通过试验验证获取了星上功率电缆在整星状态下的温度参数分布,对获取的温度数据及其环境特点进行了分析,获得了星上功率电缆的热特性,对电缆在卫星内的走向、固定方式等提出建议。研究成果可为后续卫星功率电缆相关设计提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the results of measuring the residual accelerations arising when investigations in space materials science are carried out onboard the unmanned Fotonspacecraft. The levels of vibroaccelerations are analyzed in the frequency band of 1–500 Hz for the technological devices UZ01, UZ04, and POLIZON, developed by the Federal Unitary State Enterprise Barmin Design Bureau of General Machine Building (V.P. Barmin KBOM). The levels of accelerations are estimated in the frequency band of 0–1 Hz in the zone of technological operations of these facilities. The basic sources of vibroaccelerations acting upon the frames of devices are determined in the capsule zone, where technological processes of producing new materials take place. In the frequency band of 1–500 Hz the vibroaccelerations are shown to be generated by the operation of Fotonspacecraft units and a drive of capsule translation during the technological process. On the capsule frame they reach the values of (1–3) × 10–3 g. The level of linear accelerations in the infralow-frequency band is determined by rotational motions of the Fotonspacecraft. It depends on the device location with respect to the spacecraft center of mass and does not exceed (1–7) × 10–6 gin the steady-state regime in the zone of technological activity.  相似文献   

We present the results of comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigations of encounter with a barrier of a group of bodies thrown with a high-velocity. Throwing of a group of particles (from two to twelve bodies) was realized on a ballistic route using powder and light-gas units of different calibers in the range of velocities 500–3500 m/s. The process of particle throwing was controlled by acting aerodynamic forces. In experiments on collisions with barriers of a finite thickness (which imitates the protective shield of spacecraft) the number of particles in a homogeneous stream was varied from 2 to 7 at changing the flux density (distances between particles). Experimental data are obtained on variations of the area and mass of back-surface splinters. Numerical calculations simulated a knock of 2 to 4 particles against a barrier in the cases of normal impact and at an angle. The calculations were performed in three-dimensional formulation and applying criteria of complete destruction of material. The appearance of additional destruction centers in the barrier due to mutual influence of particles is revealed. Simple criteria are obtained for estimating the degree of interference of particles and the character of barrier destruction.  相似文献   

大攻角翼面超声速热颤振分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了大攻角超声速翼面气动加热条件下的热颤振。根据模态叠加法建立颤振运动方程,用当地流活塞及小扰动线性化理论分别计算超声速区和亚声速区的非定常气动力,状态空间法与Runge-Kutta法结合仿真求解结构动响应。给出的两个工程实例计算结果表明,该方法计算精度可满足工程要求。另外还讨论了气动加热效应对颤振的影响。  相似文献   

文章介绍了塑封微电路在高可靠性领域的应用,塑封微电路可靠性研究的现状,以及塑封微电路老炼研究在塑封微电路可靠性研究中的地位。具体分析了商用塑封器件老炼当前所面临的主要问题,其中重点介绍了随着器件集成度和工艺水平的提高,元器件漏电流的增加和元器件参数差异增大是老炼研究中不可忽略的因素。针对上述问题,指出了塑封微电路老炼过程热稳定研究的迫切性,尤其对我国高可靠应用领域,并介绍了国内外相关研究现状和我国在这一领域的差距。  相似文献   

Nikolaev VP 《Acta Astronautica》1998,42(1-8):139-158
Formation and subsequent evolution of gas bubbles in blood and tissues of subjects exposed to decompression are casual processes in their nature. Such character of bubbling processes in a body predetermines probabilistic character of decompression sickness (DCS) incidence in divers, aviators and astronauts. Our original probabilistic theory of decompression safety is based on stochastic models of these processes and on the concept of critical volume of a free gas phase in body tissues. From positions of this theory, the probability of DCS incidence during single-stage decompressions and during hypobaric decompressions under EVA in particular, is defined by the distribution of possible values of nucleation efficiency in "pain" tissues and by its critical significance depended on the parameters of a concrete decompression. In the present study the following is shown: 1) the dimensionless index of critical nucleation efficiency for "pain" body tissues is a more adequate index of decompression stress in comparison with Tissue Ratio, TR; 2) a priory the decompression under EVA performed according to the Russian protocol is more safe than decompression under EVA performed in accordance with the U.S. protocol; 3) the Russian space suit operated at a higher pressure and having a higher "rigidity" induces a stronger inhibition of mechanisms of cavitation and gas bubbles formation in tissues of a subject located in it, and by that provides a more considerable reduction of the DCS risk during real EVA performance.  相似文献   

We investigate the mode of spinning up a low-orbit satellite in the plane of its orbit. In this mode the satellite rotates around its principal central axis of the minimum moment of inertia which executes small oscillations with respect to the normal to the orbit plane; the angular velocity of the rotation around this axis several times exceeds the mean orbital motion. Gravitational and restoring aerodynamic moments are taken into account in the satellite’s equations of motion. A small parameter characterizing deviation of the satellite from a dynamically symmetric shape is introduced into the equations. A two-dimensional integral surface of the equations of motion, describing quasi-steady-state rotations of the satellite close to cylindrical precession of the corresponding symmetrical satellite in a gravitational field, has been studied by the method of small parameter and numerically. Such quasi-steady-state rotations are suggested to be considered as unperturbed motions of the satellite in the spin-up mode. Investigation of the integral surface is reduced to numerical solution of a periodic boundary value problem of a certain auxiliary system of differential equations and to calculation of quasi-steady-state rotations by the two-cycle method. A possibility is demonstrated to construct quasi-steady rotations by way of minimization of a special quadratic functional.  相似文献   

Some issues concerning the influence of multi-ion composition of plasma on the spectrum of ultralow frequency (ULF) oscillations in the magnetosphere are analyzed. Main emphasis is made on the effects that are perceptible by analyzing the results of observations of ULF oscillations. The resonator confining ion cyclotron waves in the equatorial zone high above the Earth is considered, as well as the near-equatorial waveguide existing under the plasmasphere arch and canalizing magnetosonic waves in the azimuth direction. It is shown that the very existence of the ion-cyclotron resonator would be impossible, if only one species of ions were contained in plasma. It is emphasized that the problem of excitation of magnetosonic waves with harmonics of the gyrofrequency of O+ needs further investigation. The effect of heavy ions on the spectrum of Alfvén oscillations of the magnetosphere is considered. Some arguments are presented giving evidence that existence of alpha-particles in the solar wind leads to an asymmetry of the spectrum of magnetosonic oscillations in front of the Earth’s bow shock. Anomalously large asymmetry is expected at immersion of the Earth into the “plasmasphere” of the flare-associated stream of solar plasma. The general conclusion is made that even a small admixture of heavy ions can have a substantial effect on the spectrum of ULF oscillations.  相似文献   

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