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This work creates a framework for solving highly non-linear satellite formation control problems by using model-free policy optimisation deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methods. This work considers, believed to be for the first time, DRL methods, such as advantage actor-critic method (A2C) and proximal policy optimisation (PPO), to solve the example satellite formation problem of propellantless planar phasing of multiple satellites. Three degree-of-freedom simulations, including a novel surrogate propagation model, are used to train the deep reinforcement learning agents. During training, the agents actuated their motion through cross-sectional area changes which altered the environmental accelerations acting on them. The DRL framework designed in this work successfully coordinated three spacecraft to achieve a propellantless planar phasing manoeuvre. This work has created a DRL framework that can be used to solve complex satellite formation flying problems, such as planar phasing of multiple satellites and in doing so provides key insights into achieving optimal and robust formation control using reinforcement learning.  相似文献   
基于深度混合模型评分推荐   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从用户-项目评分矩阵中学习用户对项目的个性化偏好,对于评分推荐来说至关重要。许多推荐方法如潜在因子模型,无法充分利用评分矩阵中的交互信息学到较好的个性化偏好而得到较差推荐效果。受深度学习中Wide and Deep模型应用于APP推荐启发,本文提出一种深度混合模型并命名为DeepHM用于评分推荐。与Wide and Deep模型相比,使用DeepWide和DNN部分重构Wide模型和Deep模型得到DeepHM,并且DeepWide和DNN部分共享交互信息输入。因此,DeepHM可以更有效地使用评分矩阵中的用户和项目的交互信息学到个性化偏好信息。DeepHM将评分推荐作为分类问题旨在提高推荐准确性。实验表明在公开的Movielens数据集上DeepHM算法相比现有的基于评分推荐模型具有更好的效果。  相似文献   
In aerospace industry, gears are the most common parts of a mechanical transmission system. Gear pitting faults could cause the transmission system to crash and give rise to safety disaster. It is always a challenging problem to diagnose the gear pitting condition directly through the raw signal of vibration. In this paper, a novel method named augmented deep sparse autoencoder (ADSAE) is proposed. The method can be used to diagnose the gear pitting fault with relatively few raw vibration signal data. This method is mainly based on the theory of pitting fault diagnosis and creatively combines with both data augmentation ideology and the deep sparse autoencoder algorithm for the fault diagnosis of gear wear. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by experiments of six types of gear pitting conditions. The results show that the ADSAE method can effectively increase the network generalization ability and robustness with very high accuracy. This method can effectively diagnose different gear pitting conditions and show the obvious trend according to the severity of gear wear faults. The results obtained by the ADSAE method proposed in this paper are compared with those obtained by other common deep learning methods. This paper provides an important insight into the field of gear fault diagnosis based on deep learning and has a potential practical application value.  相似文献   
以SSD为代表的主流深度学习方法在目标检测领域取得了显著的成绩,但由于该类方法只能以矩形框给出目标的概略位置,检测结果具有很大的背景冗余区域,特别是港口密集停泊的舰船在图像中会出现区域重叠,导致误检和漏检。针对以上问题,提出了一种具有旋转不变性的舰船目标精细化检测方法,该方法综合利用可变形卷积、可变形池化、旋转的边框回归和旋转的非极大值抑制等模块的优点,借鉴MobileNet架构对网络加速,通过学习密集区域目标的几何形变,有效预测目标的旋转角度,最终以旋转的矩形框给出目标的位置。实验结果表明,该算法可实现多类舰船目标类型区分和目标朝向判定的功能,有效地解决了实际应用中的目标精确定位定向难题,提高了自动目标识别的精确性,并满足工程应用的实时性要求。  相似文献   
许斌  王霞 《航空学报》2020,41(11):624387-624387
考虑弹性高超声速飞行器纵向动力学模型,提出了一种基于时标分解的智能控制方法。考虑刚体状态和弹性模态具有不同的时标特性,采用奇异摄动理论进行快慢时标分解,将模型转换为刚体慢变子系统和弹性快变子系统。针对刚体子系统考虑动力学不确定,基于平行估计模型构造表征不确定逼近效果的预测误差,结合跟踪误差给出复合学习控制策略。针对弹性子系统设计自适应滑模控制稳定弹性模态。通过李雅普诺夫稳定性分析可证系统状态一致终值有界。仿真表明所提出的控制方法能够实现刚弹模态的稳定收敛,且具有更高的跟踪精度、更好的学习性能和更快的收敛速度。  相似文献   
基于函数链神经网络的深度分类器   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前的宽度学习系统(Broad learning system,BLS)通过所建立的一系列映射节点和增强节点来形成联合节点。因为联合节点与输出层的线性连接,网络权值可以用求解伪逆的方法快速求得,避免了耗时的训练过程,从而成为快速而高效的学习方法。然而在追求高精度结果的过程中,BLS对于增强节点数量的需求过于巨大,容易造成过拟合问题。为此,本文提出了基于函数链神经网络(Functional-link neural network,FLNN)的深度分类器(FLNN based deep classifier,FLNNDC),旨在提供一种更加简单却又不失精度的BLS变体结构。FLNNDC将几个轻量级的BLS子系统堆积成栈式结构,每一个轻量级的BLS子系统随机选择一部分映射节点生成增强节点,而不是全部映射节点。和原宽度结构相比,在几个主流数据集上的实验结果表明本文所提出的FLNNDC分类器具有网络结构更小且学习速度更快的优势。  相似文献   
采用熔融沉积成型方法成形了连续碳纤维增强尼龙复合材料蜂窝芯材,并对不同测试方向的静态单轴压缩特性进行了表征分析,着重关注不同测试方向熔融沉积成形蜂窝芯材平面静态压缩破碎行为和能量吸收行为,并与纯聚合物基体进行对比。结果表明:X_1方向的压缩平台区域的力-位移曲线更加平滑稳定,且载荷值稍高于X_2方向,因此X_1方向更适用于能量吸收应用;此外,连续纤维的增强作用可使蜂窝芯材的平台载荷值得到明显提升。研究结果为连续纤维增强聚合物复合材料的空间增材制造提供理论基础。  相似文献   
基于视频的行人再识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
行人再识别是指在无交叉区域的多摄像机视频监控系统中,匹配不同摄像机中的相同行人目标。本文提出了一种基于视频的行人再识别方法,用HOG3D来描述一组视频的时空特征,在训练集上用预训练的DenseNet来微调模型参数,利用迁移学习得到的模型来提取视频中行人的表观特征,融合两种特征来描述视频序列中的行人。最后将融合的高维特征降维,并用度量学习方法计算行人对之间的距离。本文在PRID 2011和iLIDS-VID这两个视频数据集上进行了使用,实验结果表明本文的方法取得了较高的累积匹配得分。  相似文献   
量子科学实验卫星在轨运行期间完成4种光学实验,地面监测人员通过遥测参数阈值判断卫星是否进行光学实验、实验类型及实验结果.这种方法需要预先设定大量阈值,并且这些阈值需要根据在轨卫星重新设定,可扩展性较差.针对以上问题,提出一种基于机器学习的光学实验判别方法,将量子科学实验卫星的光学实验监测任务抽象为机器学习中的多元分类问题,构建分类模型,利用量子科学实验卫星的真实历史遥测数据对模型进行训练,并通过真实实验计划对训练得到的模型进行验证.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法在没有专家先验知识的前提下,判别准确率达到99%,可用于量子科学实验卫星光学实验的实时监测任务.提出的基于机器学习的判别方法具有较强的可扩展性,可应用于卫星在轨运行的其他监测任务.   相似文献   
Close proximity operations around small bodies are extremely challenging due to their uncertain dynamical environment. Autonomous guidance and navigation around small bodies require fast and accurate modeling of the gravitational field for potential on-board computation. In this paper, we investigate a model-based, data-driven approach to compute and predict the gravitational acceleration around irregular small bodies. More specifically, we employ Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) theories to design, train and validate Single-Layer Feedforward Networks (SLFN) capable of learning the relationship between the spacecraft position and the gravitational acceleration. ELM-base neural networks are trained without iterative tuning therefore dramatically reducing the training time. Analysis of performance in constant density models for asteroid 25143 Itokawa and comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko show that ELM-based SLFN are able learn the desired functional relationship both globally and in selected localized areas near the surface. The latter results in a robust neural algorithm for on-board, real-time calculation of the gravity field needed for guidance and control in close-proximity operations near the asteroid surface.  相似文献   
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