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Lightweight design is important for the Thermal Protection System(TPS) of hypersonic vehicles in that it protects the inner structure from severe heating environment. However, due to the existence of uncertainties in material properties and geometry, it is imperative to incorporate uncertainty analysis into the design optimization to obtain reliable results. In this paper, a six sigma robust design optimization based on Successive Response Surface Method(SRSM) is established for the TPS to improve the reliability and robustness with considering the uncertainties. The uncertain parameters related to material properties and thicknesses of insulation layers are considered and characterized by random variables following normal distributions. By employing SRSM, the values of objective function and constraints are approximated by the response surfaces to reduce computational cost. The optimization is an iterative process with response surfaces updating to find the true optimal solution. The optimization of the nose cone of hypersonic vehicle cabin is provided as an example to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
Helicopter plays an increasingly significant role in Maritime Search and Rescue (MSAR), and it will perform MSAR mission based on response plans when an accident occurs. Thus the rationality of response plan determines the success of MSAR mission to a large extent. However, with the impact of many uncertainty factors, it is difficult to evaluate response plans comprehensively before performing them. Aiming at these problems, an evaluation framework of helicopter MSAR response plan named UMAD is proposed in this paper, which reveals the influence mechanism of uncertainty factors based on Multi-Agent method and analyzes the mission flow based on Discrete Event System (DEVS) method. Furthermore, the evaluation criterion and indicators of response plan are extracted from the aspects of safety and effectiveness. Meanwhile, the Monte Carlo method is adapted to calculate the probability distribution and robustness of response plan comprehensive result. Finally, in order to illustrate the validity of this method, it is discussed and verified by an application example of evaluating multiple response plans to the same MSAR scenario. The results show that this method can analyze the influence of uncertainty more systematically and optimize response plans more comprehensively.  相似文献   
依据量值传递关系,列举了量值传递中的数学模型;依据数学模型,介绍了测氡仪检定结果不确定度的评定方法;结合JJG 825—2013《测氡仪检定规程》RAD-7的检定,评定出了RAD-7测氡仪检定结果体积活度响应的相对合成标准不确定度;结果表明,检定结果的不确定度主要受氡从液体镭源转移过程和被检仪器计数能力的影响。  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于电阻法的工艺液位传感器测量系统的设计与实现,该传感器测量系统包括利用液位传感器、点式液位传感器、耗尽关机液位传感器与剩余液位传感器及对应的变送器。设计了相应的半自动校准系统对传感器的精度进行标定,分析了测量结果的不确定度。经过测试,所有传感器各项指标均满足设计要求。该传感器的研制解决了现有容积计量及液压试验系统不能对贮箱各不同部位进行容积和高度监测的问题。  相似文献   
高辰  杨震  张玉珠  牛文龙 《宇航学报》2020,41(4):499-506
为解决传统基于蒙特卡洛仿真的探测效能不确定性分析评价方法中时间效率低,参数关系映射单一的问题,提出一种基于神经网络的不确定性分析方法,利用人工神经网络在拟合回归分析上的非线性特性,设计了能够替代复杂系统的神经网络结构,能够通过少量仿真计算结果作为训练样本实现模型的收敛并能有效反映被替代系统的原有特性。选择以一个多航天器的天文观测任务作为典型用例,建立了仿真分析模型,并与蒙特卡洛仿真方法结果进行了对比,验证了此方法的准确性和计算效率。  相似文献   
张海瑞  王浩  王尧  洪东跑 《宇航学报》2019,40(4):378-385
为实现飞行器分离任务可靠性的定量分析和高效精确评估,研究了高超声速飞行器分离任务过程中各种不确定性因素对分离可靠性的影响,提出一种基于不确定性的飞行器分离可靠性建模与分析方法。面向高超声速飞行器分离任务需求,建立分离动力学仿真模型,综合考虑分离过程不确定性因素的影响,利用灵敏度分析方法识别主要不确定性因素,构建分离可靠性模型。针对此模型,提出一种改进主动学习Kriging(IAK)的分离可靠性分析方法,通过新的采样策略选取失效概率更大的采样点作为新增训练点,进行高效可靠性分析。实例结果表明,该方法能够准确描述不确定性因素对分离过程的影响,提升分离可靠性定量分析的精度和效率,为飞行器分离方案的精细化设计提供支撑。  相似文献   
To investigate the influence of real leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance of high subsonic compressor blades, a family of leading-edge manufacturing error data were obtained from measured compressor cascades. Considering the limited samples, the leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius distribution forms were evaluated by Shapiro-Wilk test and quantile–quantile plot. Their statistical characteristics provided can be introduced to later related researches. The parameterization design method B-spline and Bezier are adopted to create geometry models with manufacturing error based on leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius. The influence of real manufacturing error is quantified and analyzed by self-developed non-intrusive polynomial chaos and Sobol’ indices. The mechanism of leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance is discussed. The results show that the total pressure loss coefficient is sensitive to the leading-edge manufacturing error compared with the static pressure ratio, especially at high incidence. Specifically, manufacturing error of the leading edge will influence the local flow acceleration and subsequently cause fluctuation of the downstream flow. The aerodynamic performance is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge radius at the design and negative incidences, while it is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge angle under the operation conditions with high incidences.  相似文献   
涡轮导向叶片排气面积是叶片设计和加工中的重要参数,能够显著影响整机性能。为了精确测量涡轮导向叶片排气面积,对三坐标测量机测量叶片排气面积的方法进行研究。在三坐标上测量涡轮叶片排气面积,分别采用触测法和扫描型线法两种测量方法,并对测量结果进行对比分析。通过对涡轮导向叶片排气面积的实际测量,总结了三坐标测量机测量涡轮导向叶片排气面积的测量方法、测量步骤、数据处理方式以及测量不确定度分析。  相似文献   
针对目前多传感器系统中常用的航迹融合方法精度与计算量不能兼顾,不能很好地处理不确定性,特别是对曲线航迹拐点的融合误差较大等问题,提出一种基于不确定性分析的航迹融合算法.该算法通过分析航迹融合所需的信息量,用标准熵量化每条航迹的不确定程度,从总体上删除质量较差的航迹,然后对每条参与融合的航迹进行分析,用正交多项式回归的方法剔除了测量误差较大的数据点.该算法有效的处理了传感器航迹中的不确定因素,解决了目前航迹融合方法中拐点融合误差较大的问题,以较小的计算开销达到了较高的精度,从而平衡了精度与计算量之间的矛盾.最后在多传感器多航迹的环境下讨论了其具体实现过程,仿真实验结果验证了该算法的有效性、优越性.  相似文献   
利用原位拉伸机进行单轴连续加载,对X射线法测量钛合金残余应力的应力增量进行验证;依据JJF 1059.1-2012标准,对钛合金高应力标样(-659±35)MPa的测量不确定度进行评定。结果表明,X射线衍射法测得残余应力的增量与理论计算应力增量有较好的一致性,随着应力水平的增加,应力增量的相对误差保持在11%以内。以测量重复性、应力常数K、应力因子M为不确定度分量对测量不确定度进行了评定,所得扩展不确定度为±32 MPa。  相似文献   
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