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新型Ni_3Al基定向高温合金IC10 总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13
介绍一种新型1100℃用涡轮导向叶片合金.该合金不含元素Ti而含有1.5wt%的Hf,并且Al Ta Cr含量高于19wt%,具有良好的抗氧化性能,同时持久强度达到国外一代定向合金水平,铸造性能突出.IC10合金的碳化物主要为TaC和HfC,并且由于次生MC(2)的生成,抑制了产生M6C相.采用1180℃,2h的预处理消除低熔点Ni5Hf相,提高了合金的初熔温度.测得了IC10合金700℃,980℃的低循环疲劳寿命曲线以及600℃1100℃的热/机械疲劳寿命曲线.利用IC10合金研制的某发动机高压涡轮导向叶片正在进行地面试车考核. 相似文献
FGH96亚尺寸粉末冶金盘低循环疲劳寿命可靠性分析及试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文首先介绍了亚尺寸粉末冶金盘的特点,接着采用一种适合于亚尺寸粉末盘寿命可靠性的预估方法,得到了考核部位的寿命概率分布并对参数敏感性进行了分析,最后对某亚尺寸粉末冶金盘试验件的低循环疲劳试验进行了研究。结果表明,本文采用的寿命可靠性预估方法是切合实际的。 相似文献
观察了1260℃与1240℃固溶温度热处理后DZ8合金的显微组织,比较了两者的拉伸与持久性能.结果表明:采用1260℃固溶温度热处理,DZ8合金存在少于1%的γ+γ'共晶相,但富Hf相发生初熔;采用1240℃固溶温度热处理,合金未发现初熔但仍存在12%左右的γ+γ'共晶相.DZ8合金分别采用1260℃与1240℃固溶温度热处理后,室温、700℃与980℃拉伸性能以及980℃/205 MPa持久性能相当,但采用1260℃固溶温度热处理的D28合金其760℃/725 MPa持久性能较采用1240℃固溶温度热处理的有所下降. 相似文献
在分析激光熔覆涂层基体裂纹形成机理的基础上,针对采用激光熔覆技术在镍基合金基体上制备MCrAlY涂层存在基体裂纹的问题,提出了缓冷处理的止裂措施,研究了将熔覆后的涂层置于300℃下保温30min随炉缓冷和置于已预热至300℃的保温箱中随箱缓冷两种缓冷工艺对基体裂纹的控制行为.结果表明:镍基合金激光熔覆MCrAlY涂层基体裂纹主要是由于熔覆过程中的快速冷却所致;两种缓冷工艺均能有效地避免基体裂纹的产生,但保温随炉缓冷处理会引起熔覆层组织粗大、枝品特征明显等不良影响,而随箱缓冷处理涂层对熔覆层组织并未产生不良影响. 相似文献
为了提高大面积激光冲击强化数值模拟效率及计算精度,本文采用Johnson-Cook模型,分析了激光冲击作用下镍基高温合金GH4169的残余应力分布,并设计试验进行对比。结果表明,单点冲击条件下,表层残余应力最大值随着激光脉冲能量的增大而增大,残余应力最大值在空间中的分布形成一个残余应力“波谷”。多点冲击条件下,残余应力最大值也与激光脉冲能量呈正相关,沿冲击点中心路径的表面残余应力分布在开始阶段表现出类似“正弦”特征。对试验件进行了残余应力测试,在激光脉冲能量为3J、4J、5J时的残余应力平均值分别为627.45MPa、776.94MPa、860.25MPa,分别提升了24%和11%,在三种脉冲能量下,残余应力测试值均与有限元模拟结果较为接近。 相似文献
Benkai LI Chenwei DAI Wenfeng DING Changyong YANG Changhe LI Olga KULIK Vyacheslav SHUMYACHER 《中国航空学报》2021,34(8):65-74
In this article, a grinding force model, which is on the basis of cutting process of single abrasive grains combined with the method of theoretical derivation and empirical formula by analyzing the formation mechanism of grinding force, was established. Three key factors have been taken into accounts in this model, such as the contact friction force between abrasive grains and materials, the plastic deformation of material in the process of abrasive plowing, and the shear strain effect of material during the process of cutting chips formation. The model was finally validated by the orthogonal grinding experiment of powder metallurgy nickel-based superalloy FGH96 by using the electroplated CBN abrasive wheel. Grinding force values of prediction and experiment were in good consistency. The errors of tangential grinding force and normal grinding force were 9.8% and 13.6%, respectively. The contributions of sliding force, plowing force and chip formation force were also analyzed. In addition, the tangential forces of sliding, plowing and chip formation are 14%, 19% and 11% of the normal forces on average, respectively. The pro-posed grinding force model is not only in favor of optimizing the grinding parameters and improving grinding efficiency, but also contributes to study some other grinding subjects (e.g. abrasive wheel wear, grinding heat, residual stress). 相似文献