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基于UKF的雷达高度计自主定轨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了利用推广卡尔曼滤波估计非线性系统状态时存在的问题,从而介绍了目前广泛使用的分步逼近的卡尔曼滤波(UKF,Unscented Kalman Filter).为了提高导航的可靠性和准确性,在星敏感器导航系统中引入雷达高度计作为一个新的测量设备,提出了一种基于星上雷达测高仪及星敏感器联合进行卫星自主定轨的算法.建立了比较复杂的地球海平面模型,并考虑了其中风生重力波的影响. 利用雷达测高仪的测量结果和地球形状模型,计算地心矢量在卫星本体中坐标系的方向.利用UKF滤波定轨算法,明显提高了自主定轨的精度.数值仿真结果表明,UKF定轨精度要远优于推广卡尔曼滤波.   相似文献   

地球卫星运动中坐标系附加摄动与参考系选择问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对地球赤道面的摆动,曾提出过两种空间地心赤道坐标系,即历元地心平赤道坐标系和混合形式的轨道坐标系.在后一种坐标系中虽然可避免计算因地球引力位变化所引起的坐标系附加摄动的麻烦,但这又带来了两种坐标系之间的不统一和转换的麻烦.针对实际现状,直接在历元地心平赤道坐标系中给出相应的坐标系附加摄动解,所有与此有关的转换问题,均可在历元地心平赤道坐标系中进行,而无需为了避免坐标系附加摄动的计算去通过轨道坐标系来实现.从而建议,不必再引进轨道坐标系,在卫星定轨和预报中,所有的转换问题均可采用同一坐标系,即历元(目前是J2000.0)地心平赤道坐标系.   相似文献   

星载双频GPS载波相位和伪距观测量已成为低轨卫星获取精确三维位置和速度信息的主要方式. 本文以非差消电离载波相位和伪距组合作为观测量,应用简化动力学最小二乘批处理方法进行地球低轨卫星的精密定轨,并给出完整定轨流程. 采用逐段常量的经验加速度对动力学模型误差进行补偿,描述了经验加速度敏感矩阵及稀疏带状矩阵求逆的有效计算方法. 利用GRACE-A卫星GPS观测数据对定轨位置精度进行分析,结果显示,三维位置定轨精度优于5cm,经验加速度在径向、切向和法向上的补偿水平不超过40nm·s-2,大气阻力系数和辐射光压系数的估计值符合物理实际,星载接收机钟差大致呈线性并具有短周期小波动.   相似文献   

传统动力学定轨法受制于动力学模型精度,传统几何定轨法精度受限,只能达到亚米级,而基于精密单点定位(PPP)模式的几何定轨法一般采用浮点解,定轨精度及可靠性较基于双差模式的相对定位较差。为提高PPP模式低轨定轨的定位性能,利用中国区域内外的IGS测站计算出当前所有卫星的宽巷和窄巷相位小数偏差产品,对经过中国大陆区域上空的国产低轨卫星海洋二号(HY-2)和资源三号 (ZY-3) 卫星进行固定模糊度PPP的定轨解算,与事后精密轨道结果进行比较,分析其外符合精度。结果表明:仅利用约10min弧段的HY-2和ZY-3卫星数据,切向与径向的定轨精度可达2cm左右,法向为5cm左右,较浮点解定轨精度大幅提升。基于固定模糊度PPP的定轨方法能够满足厘米级的实时精密定轨。  相似文献   

轨道器精密定轨与着陆器的精确定位在深空探测任务中具有非常重要的科学意义。对一种月球与火星探测多程微波测量链路的定轨定位能力进行了初步仿真分析,推导了这种多程微波测量链路的测量模型,分析了该模型的优势。模拟仿真分析结果表明,此测量跟踪模式的数据具有提升轨道精度的潜在能力,并且同时求得着陆器的位置。定量分析表明,在考虑坐标系转换误差,重力场误差,行星历表误差以及星上转发误差的情况下,模拟1 mm/s的噪声,对于月球探测器来说,轨道器的定轨精度可达几米,着陆器的定位精度有望达到分米量级;对于火星探测器来说,轨道器的定轨精度可达到数10 m,着陆器的定位精度可达到几米。  相似文献   

由于轨道机动燃料消耗,科学载荷加载、分离,以及伴飞小卫星在轨释放等原因引起天宫二号空间站质心(COM)发生位移,从而影响天宫二号的动力学质心定轨精度。针对这一问题,提出了基于全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)测量数据的简化动力学质心估计方法。燃料消耗是引起天宫二号质心发生位移的主要原因,质心在本体坐标系X轴方向位移最为显著。利用GNSS测量数据对天宫二号进行质心估计和精密定轨,在三轴对地稳定姿态下,本体坐标系X轴方向与轨道切向重合,定轨结果对本体坐标系X轴方向的质心位移并不敏感。但在连续偏航模式下,本体坐标系X轴在轨道法向上有较大分量,X轴方向的质心位移对基于GNSS测量计算的精密定轨结果有较大影响。定性和定量分析结果表明:偏航姿态模式下天宫二号本体坐标系X轴方向质心位移估计具有可行性。天宫二号实测数据计算结果表明:与未做质心估计的定轨结果进行对比,质心估计后表征轨道动力学建模误差的经验加速度补偿水平在轨道径向、切向和法向上分别降低62%、50%和65%;载波相位后验残差标准差降低0.04 cm;精密轨道与全球激光测距数据比较精度提高0.86 cm。所提方法可以应用于大型低轨航天器在轨质心估计。   相似文献   

基于经验加速度的低轨卫星轨道预报新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究将定轨过程中的经验加速度应用于地球低轨卫星轨道预报的新方法. 利用GPS伪距观测数据和简化动力学最小二乘批处理方法对地球低轨卫星定 轨, 其中卫星位置、速度及大气阻力系数和辐射光压系数可以直接用于轨道预报. 作为简化动力学最重要特征的经验加速度呈现准周期、余弦曲线特点, 可通过 傅里叶级数拟合建模. 确定性动力学模型与补偿大气阻力模型误差的切向经验 加速度级数拟合模型组成增强型动力学模型用于提高轨道预报精度. 应用 GRACE-A星载GPS伪距观测数据和IGS超快星历定轨并进行轨道预报, 结果表明 轨道预报初值位置精度达到0.2m, 速度精度达到1×10-4m·s-1, 预报3天位置精度优于60m, 比只利用确定性动力学模型进行预报精度平 均提高2.3倍. 先定轨后预报的模式可用在星上自主精确导航系统中.   相似文献   

天问一号是中国第一次实现地火转移行星际飞行的探测器,在长达202天的行星际转移飞行期间,共经历了4次中途修正及1次深空机动控制,在2021年2月10日成功进行了近火制动,被火星捕获而进入环火轨道。本文对探测器行星际转移期间的动力学模型进行了分析,制定了转移飞行期间定轨积分中心转换原则:在探测器飞出地球影响球后,定轨积分中心需要由地心更换为日心;对不同版本行星星历表的使用进行了分析,确定了使用DE436行星历表进行计算对定轨影响最小。根据探测器行星际转移飞行的特点,制定了一种基于逐日迭代定轨策略的精度评估方法。基于实测数据分析,验证了该方法的有效性,火星探测器行星际转移期间定轨位置误差优于2 km,速度误差优于20 mm·s–1 (1σ)。  相似文献   

受地球非球形引力、第三体摄动和太阳光压等摄动因素的影响,导航卫星位置存在长周期变化趋势,需要定期对导航卫星进行轨道机动,以保持卫星轨位和导航服务区.导航卫星机动后的定轨,特别是GEO卫星,其频繁轨控后的轨道快速确定问题,是制约卫星可用度和导航系统服务性能的重要因素.在基于伪距相位数据的轨道测定中,轨道与钟差的统计相关是制约卫星轨道快速确定的关键因素,特别是在观测弧段短的情况下,待估参数之间的相关性更强,动力学参数估计结果严重失真会导致轨道预报精度衰减明显.当卫星钟差与测站钟差通过外部手段高精度测定后,可以减少待估参数的估计,同时利用长弧定轨的动力学与运动学参数先验信息,对短弧定轨模式进行参数约束,卫星定轨精度将有很大的提升空间.通过钟差与力学参数的联合约束,实现了北斗卫星短弧快速定轨,解决了卫星机动后的轨道快速确定问题,SLR评估的卫星机动后4 h定轨外符视向精度优于0.71 m,比常规方法提高了3倍,预报1 h轨道视向精度为1.89 m,用户等效距离误差(UERE)精度达到1.85 m.  相似文献   

数据中继卫星和双星定位系统通常由2或3颗地球同步卫星和数颗近地卫星组成,这些系统所提供的“星-星”测量数据提出了多星同时定轨的需求。文章介绍了已知天基星星历定轨和未知天基星星历定轨的主要差别,建立了距离和观测量的测量模型,描述了多星同时定轨的技术难点,分析了整个系统的定轨精度。  相似文献   

A study of the uncertainty propagation in ITRS/GCRS transformation is presented in this work. General law of propagation of variances is applied to the ITRS/GCRS transformation matrix, deriving the analytical expressions to compute GCRS position uncertainty. This evaluation is based on EOP uncertainties provided by IERS long-term series and formal uncertainties of ITRS-compatible coordinates. Numerical results for the period 1998–2016 are shown and discussed for ITRS positions in different altitudes and latitudes, providing graphical and numerical insights of the mapping of EOP uncertainties to transformed coordinates.Eventually, an analysis of short-term evolution of the Celestial Intermediate Pole coordinates in the GCRS provided by the IAU2006/2000A precession-nutation model is carried out, in order to assess the feasibility to potentially broadcast these parameters in GNSS navigation message. This approach would facilitate the dissemination of terrestrial-celestial transformation parameters for real time users, given that polar motion and UT1-UTC are already foreseen in GPS interface specification. The results presented in this work confirm the feasibility of this idea.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates orbit accuracy and systematic error for altimeter satellite precise orbit determination on TOPEX, Jason-1, Jason-2 and Jason-3 by comparing the use of four SLR/DORIS station complements from the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) 2014 realizations with those based on ITRF2008. The new Terrestrial Reference Frame 2014 (TRF2014) station complements include ITRS realizations from the Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN) ITRF2014, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) JTRF2014, the Deutsche Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut (DGFI) DTRF2014, and the DORIS extension to ITRF2014 for Precise Orbit Determination, DPOD2014. The largest source of error stems from ITRF2008 station position extrapolation past the 2009 solution end time. The TRF2014 SLR/DORIS complement impact on the ITRF2008 orbit is only 1–2 mm RMS radial difference between 1992–2009, and increases after 2009, up to 5 mm RMS radial difference in 2016. Residual analysis shows that station position extrapolation error past the solution span becomes evident even after two years, and will contribute to about 3–4 mm radial orbit error after seven years. Crossover data show the DTRF2014 orbits are the most accurate for the TOPEX and Jason-2 test periods, and the JTRF2014 orbits for the Jason-1 period. However for the 2016 Jason-3 test period only the DPOD2014-based orbits show a strong and statistically significant margin of improvement. The positive results with DTRF2014 suggest the new approach to correct station positions or normal equations for non-tidal loading before combination is beneficial. We did not find any compelling POD advantage in using non-linear over linear station velocity models in our SLR & DORIS orbit tests on the Jason satellites. The JTRF2014 proof-of-concept ITRS realization demonstrates the need for improved SLR+DORIS orbit centering when compared to the Ries (2013) CM annual model. Orbit centering error is seen as an annual radial signal of 0.4 mm amplitude with the CM model. The unmodeled CM signals show roughly a 1.8 mm peak-to-peak annual variation in the orbit radial component. We find the TRF network stability pertinent to POD can be defined only by examination of the orbit-specific tracking network time series. Drift stability between the ITRF2008 and the other TRF2014-based orbits is very high, the relative mean radial drift error over water is no larger than 0.04 mm/year over 1993–2015. Analyses also show TRF induced orbit error meets current altimeter rate accuracy goals for global and regional sea level estimation.  相似文献   

The high repetition rate Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) system developed in Graz, Austria, measures ranges to the High Earth Orbiting satellites Etalon-1 and Etalon-2 with the millimeter accuracy. The 2 kHz repetition rate of the laser and the relatively high return rates allow to use the SLR data to calculate the spin parameters of the Etalon satellites. The analysis of the 10 years (October 2003–September 2013) of the SLR data gives trends of the spin axes orientation (J2000 Inertial Reference Frame):  相似文献   

DPOD2014: A new DORIS extension of ITRF2014 for precise orbit determination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
To support precise orbit determination of the altimetry missions, the International DORIS Service (IDS) regularly estimates the DPOD (DORIS terrestrial reference frame for Precise Orbit Determination) solution which includes mean positions and velocities of all the DORIS stations. This solution is aligned to the current realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF) and so, can be seen as a DORIS extension of the ITRF. In 2016, moving to the IDS Combination Center, the DPOD construction scheme changed. The new DPOD solution is produced from a DORIS cumulative position and velocity solution. We present the new methodology used to compute DPOD2014 and its validation procedure. In order to present geophysical applications and interpretations of these results, we show two examples: (1) the Gorkha earthquake (M7.8 – April 2015) generates a 3-D mis-positioning of nearly 55?mm of the EVEB DORIS station at the Everest base camp 90?km from the epicenter. (2) Applying the results the DPOD2014 realization, we show that the most recent vertical velocity of Thule, Greenland is similar to that observed between 2006 and 2010, indicating further ongoing ice mass loss in the Thule region of northwest Greenland.  相似文献   

Network based real-time precise point positioning system includes two stages, i.e. real-time estimation of satellite clocks based on a reference network and real-time precise point positioning thereafter. In this paper, a satellite- and epoch-differenced approach, adopted from what is introduced by Han et al. (2001), is presented for the determination of satellite clocks and for the precise point positioning. One important refinement of our approach is the implementation of the robust clock estimation. A prototype software system is developed, and data from the European Reference Frame Permanent Network on September 19, 2009 is used to evaluate the approach. Results show that our approach is 3 times and 90 times faster than the epoch-difference approach and the zero-difference approach, respectively, which demonstrates a significant improvement in the computation efficiency. The RMS of the estimated clocks is at the level of 0.1 ns (3 cm) compared to the IGS final clocks. The clocks estimates are then applied to the precise point positioning in both kinematic and static mode. In static mode, the 2-h estimated coordinates have a mean accuracy of 3.08, 5.79, 6.32 cm in the North, East and Up directions. In kinematic mode, the mean kinematic coordinates accuracy is of 4.63, 5.82, 9.20 cm.  相似文献   

The International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), as a realization of the International Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS), is represented by a set of station positions and linear velocities. They are intended to be used as regularized coordinates to which some corrections should be added to access instantaneous coordinates. The latest ITRS realization is the ITRF2005, which has integrated time series of station positions to form long-term solutions for the four space geodetic techniques. Currently, a purely linear model is used to parameterize station displacements in the estimation process, plus occasional discontinuities in case of earthquakes or equipment changes. However the input data have been derived without applying surface loading models and so surface loading effects are supposed to be embedded in the coordinates as measured quantities. We evaluate the effect of applying a posteriori loading corrections, which include the effect of atmospheric, non-tidal ocean, and continental water loading, to time series of positions estimated from Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and Global Positioning System (GPS) data. We notice that they reduce about 50% or more of the annual signals in the translation and scale parameter time series of the SLR and VLBI techniques, except in SLR Z translation. In general, the estimated secular frame definition is negligibly affected and estimated positions and velocities are not significantly modified for stations that have accumulated a large number of observations. A multi-technique combination of such derived frames allows concluding that, for some cases, loading model corrections might degrade co-located station coordinates almost as much as they benefit them. However, most significant improvement of the estimated secular coordinates is observed for stations with less than 100 estimated positions as demonstrated with a multi-technique combination.  相似文献   

DORIS is one of the four space-geodetic techniques participating in the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), particularly to maintain and disseminate the Terrestrial Reference Frame as determined by International Earth rotation and Reference frame Service (IERS). A few years ago, under the umbrella of the International Association of Geodesy, a DORIS International Service (IDS) was created in order to foster international cooperation and to provide new scientific products. This paper addresses the organizational aspects of the IDS and presents some recent DORIS scientific results. It is for the first time that, in preparation of the ITRF2008, seven Analysis Centers (AC’s) contributed to derive long-term time series of DORIS stations positions. These solutions were then combined into a homogeneous time series IDS-2 for which a precision of less than 10 mm was obtained. Orbit comparisons between the various AC’s showed an excellent agreement in the radial component, both for the SPOT satellites (e.g. 0.5–2.1 cm RMS for SPOT-2) and Envisat (0.9–2.1 cm RMS), using different software packages, models, corrections and analysis strategies. There is now a wide international participation within IDS that should lead to future improvements in DORIS analysis strategies and DORIS-derived geodetic products.  相似文献   

一种磁悬浮飞轮增益预调交叉反馈控制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
磁悬浮飞轮转子在高转速下表现出的陀螺效应是影响系统稳定性的主要因素.为了提高磁悬浮飞轮的失稳转速,针对陀螺效应引起的系统章动失稳和进动失稳,提出了一种基于转速的增益预调交叉反馈控制方法,针对不同的转速段,建立在线控制相对应的交叉反馈通道增益和带宽参数表,对进动模态和章动模态分别实现交叉相位补偿.采用该控制方法用经典控制理论中的根轨迹法对系统的章动稳定性进行了仿真并对控制参数进行了优化.仿真和实验结果表明,采用这种基于转速的增益预调交叉反馈的控制算法,能够有效地抑制磁悬浮飞轮转子陀螺效应所导致的章动失稳,所设计的磁悬浮飞轮原理样机能够稳定运行在其额定转速30000r/min.   相似文献   

We present a qualitative analysis in a phase space to determine the longitudinal equilibrium positions on the planetary stationary orbits by applying an analytical model that considers linear gravitational perturbations. We discuss how these longitudes are related with the orientation of the planetary principal inertia axes with respect to their Prime Meridians, and then we use this determination to derive their positions with respect to the International Celestial Reference Frame. Finally, a numerical analysis of the non-linear effects of the gravitational fields on the equilibrium point locations is developed and their correlation with gravity field anomalies shown.  相似文献   

PSR B1828-11 has long-term, highly periodic and correlated variations in pulse shape and a slow-down rate with period variations of approximately 1000, 500 and 250 days [Stairs, I.H., Lyne, A.G., Shemar, S.L. Evidence for free precession in a pulsar. Nature 406, 484–486, 2000]. There are three potential explanations of pulses time-of-arrival from a pulsar. These are related to the interior of the neutron star, planetary bodies, free precession and nutation. We use the Hamiltonian canonical method of Getino (1995) for analyzing the dynamically symmetric pulsar PSR B1828-11, consisting of a rigid crust, elliptical liquid outer core and solid inner core. Using the theory of differential rotation of a pulsar, we investigate the dependence on Chandler wobble period, inner core wobble, retrograde free core nutation and prograde free inner core nutation from ellipticity of the inner crystal core, outer liquid core and total pulsar.  相似文献   

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