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最近研究表明,磁层顶凹陷对磁层-电离层耦合具有重要作用.但是,磁层顶凹陷现象的确认需要多颗卫星的联合观测,目前为止报道的磁层顶凹陷事例非常少.本文利用THEMIS5颗卫星的联合观测结果,分析了一例由磁鞘快速流引起的磁层顶凹陷事件.2007年7月21日10:00 UT—10:45 UT,位于日下点磁层顶附近的THEMIS卫星在磁鞘观测到很强的地向流(约400km·-1),随后THEMIS5颗卫星相继穿越磁层顶进入磁层.通过最小方差MVA方法确认局部磁层顶法向,与经典磁层顶模型比较发现,磁鞘快速流压缩磁层顶形成局部凹陷.为了探究此磁鞘快速流的起源,对位于L1点的WIND卫星观测到的太阳风数据进行分析发现:在这个时间段内太阳风条件非常稳定,行星际磁场主要为径向,磁场南北向分量非常小.由此推测此磁鞘快速流的产生很可能与径向行星际磁场有关.   相似文献   

极端太阳风条件下的磁层顶位形   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于极端太阳风条件下的三维MHD数值模拟数据, 构建了一种极端太阳风条件下的三维非对称磁层顶位形模型. 所提出的模型考虑了行星际南向磁场(IMF) Bz日下点距离侵蚀的饱和效应, 太阳风动压Bd对磁层顶张角影响的饱和效应, 赤道面、昼夜子午面磁层顶的不对称性以及极尖区的内凹结构和内凹中心的移动, 并利用Levenberg-Marquart多参量非线性拟合方法拟合了模型参数. 数值模拟研究表明, 在极端太阳风条件下, 随Bd增大, 磁层顶日下点距离减小, 磁层顶磁尾张角几乎不变; 随南向(IMF)Bz增大, 磁层顶日下点距离略有减小, 磁层顶磁尾张角减小, 极尖区内凹中心向低纬移动. 通过对2010年8月1日太阳风暴事件验证发现, 本文所建立的模型能够描述极端太阳风条件下的三维磁层顶位形.   相似文献   

磁层中的超低频(ULF)波动在太阳风和磁层之间的能量输运过程中具有重要作用.ULF波动主要发生在内磁层,且内磁层中ULF波动影响粒子的加速及沉降,而在夜侧磁层尤其是磁尾等离子片中观测到的ULF波动比较少.基于中国自主磁层探测卫星TC-1的观测数据,发现了两例行星际激波导致的磁尾中心等离子片中ULF波动事件,并发现这两例ULF事例都包含很强的环向模驻波分量,与以往THEMIS卫星报道的同类事件观测特征相符.根据ULF波的观测特征,分析了这两例ULF波动的可能触发机制.研究结果有助于深入理解磁层对行星际激波的全球响应.   相似文献   

太阳风与地磁场相互作用形成的磁层顶对磁层内磁场有重要影响。本文假定地磁场为偶极子,太阳风为理想导体,在太阳风与磁层的边界上满足磁场法向分量为零的边界条件。采用最小二乘法求得磁层顶电流在磁层内产生的磁场的球谐系数。从计算结果可以看出磁层顶对磁层磁场的影响。结果表明,向阳面的磁场、中性点、极光区的位置与形状与实际观测比较接近;磁尾磁场与实际观测相差较远,原因是没有加上磁尾片电流。文中还给出了太阳风与地磁轴交不同角度时的磁层磁场的计算结果。   相似文献   

利用全球磁流体力学模拟,研究了高速太阳风条件下日侧磁层顶的磁通量传输事件(FTE)发生率的空间分布.从模拟结果中得到了FTE信号,并且这些FTE信号的特征与观测结果基本一致.磁层顶上的10个取样点共观测到39个FTE信号.统计分析表明,越靠近翼侧则观测到的FTE信号越少.这一现象可能是磁鞘中太阳风速度分布差异导致的.   相似文献   

利用MMS观测数据,对磁层顶通量绳内离子惯性尺度(di)的结构进行分析研究.结果发现,许多不同尺度(约1di至数十di)的通量绳内都存在具有di尺度的电流 j m,其方向在磁层顶局地坐标系的-M方向,即与磁层顶查普曼-费拉罗电流同向,由电子在+M方向的运动( v em)携带.这些电流结构具有以下特征:磁鞘与磁层成分混合,磁场为开放形态;离子去磁化,电子与磁场冻结;N方向(即垂直于磁层顶电流片方向)的电场 E n显著增大,幅度达到约20mV·m-1,并伴有明显的尖峰状起伏,该增强和尖峰状起伏的电场对应于霍尔电场.分析表明,电流、电子与离子运动的偏离以及霍尔电场之间遵从广义欧姆定律,三者密切关联.进一步对磁层顶磁重联的探测数据进行分析发现,在很多重联区内也存在与通量绳内相似的结构,其尺度约为di量级,其中霍尔电场 E N、电流 j M和电子速度 v eM均与通量绳内对应物理量的方向相同且幅度相近.基于上述观测事实,采用经典FTE通量绳模型,对通量绳内电流、电子运动和霍尔电场的起源进行了初步探讨,认为其来源于磁层顶无碰撞磁重联区内的相应结构,并且后者在离子尺度通量绳的形成过程中起到重要作用.   相似文献   

赵明现 《空间科学学报》2022,42(6):1068-1078
以ACE卫星实时观测数据驱动的全球磁流体模拟为背景场,选取2003年10月22-24日行星际磁场(IMF)持续北向的事件,使用试验粒子方法,对太阳风粒子向磁层输运的过程进行模拟研究,分析北向IMF下太阳风粒子注入磁层过程中粒子在磁层内的空间分布和时间演化特征。IMF北向期间,进入环电流区域的粒子在晨侧区域的密度大于昏侧,且晨侧的粒子分布范围更广。背阳面磁鞘中的太阳风粒子可以通过低纬边界层进入磁层,但很难通过南北侧磁层顶进入磁层。进入磁尾的太阳风粒子聚集形成冷而密的等离子体片(CDPS),模拟中CDPS的空间分布和密度大小与观测数据符合。在IMF长时间北向期间,磁尾的粒子数量呈现随时间增长的趋势,并存在约20 min的小幅度准周期变化和约5~6 h的较大幅度的准周期变化。   相似文献   

磁层顶是太阳风与磁层进行质量、动量、能量交换的关键区域.磁层顶穿越事件(MCEs)可通过对卫星探测到的粒子能谱和磁场数据图进行人工分析的方式来识别.因太阳风动压和行星际磁场的易变性,位于磁层顶附近的卫星经过长期观测可能会经历成千上万次的磁层顶穿越.人工分析的方法工作量巨大,而且识别速度慢.本文发展了一种新的日下点附近MCEs自动识别算法.此算法综合分析卫星探测到的粒子和磁场数据,能有效地减少误判的发生.为了验证算法的有效性,采用单CPU计算机对THEMIS卫星在2007—2018年靠近日下点附近观测到的数据进行MCEs自动识别,最终在约6h共识别出16758个MCEs.这些自动识别出来的MCEs样本可用于统计研究磁层顶相关的诸多物理问题,如凹陷磁层顶、太阳风与磁层相互作用,磁层顶磁场重联等.同时还分析了算法的精确性和局限性.   相似文献   

分析了2004年3月13日12:15到12:25UT期间TC-1和Cluster卫星簇的磁通门磁力计(FGM)和电子/电流试验仪(PEACE)的联合观测数据.在此期间,TC-1卫星位于日下点以南的磁层顶附近的磁鞘中,并在12:19UT左右观测到了一个典型的先正后负的磁鞘磁通量传输事件(FTE);而Cluster卫星簇位于北半球日侧高纬磁层项附近,并于12:23UT左右穿出磁层顶进入磁鞘,且在12:21 UT左右也观测到了一个典型的先正后负的磁层FTE.比较分析发现此两个FTE具有类似的磁场结构和等离子体特征,可能是同一个北向运动的FTE先后被TC-1和Cluster卫星观测到.利用Cluster 4颗卫星的多点同时观测数据,采用最小方向微分法和时空微分方法,推断Cluster卫星观测的这个FTE是尺度大小约为1.21Re的准二维结构,其运动方向为东北方向,与Cooling模型预测方向基本一致.利用Cooling模型的预测,推算了TC-1卫星在12:19UT观测的FTE的运动速度和尺度,进而得出随着通量管的极向运动,其速度和尺度均有所增加.  相似文献   

利用全球磁流体力学(MHD)模拟结果,通过确立包含磁层顶的太阳风流线内边界来识别三维磁层顶位形,并以极尖区位置作为磁层顶日侧与夜侧的分界线,在此基础上定量研究了不同条件下穿过磁层顶向磁层内输入的电磁能量. 研究发现,磁层顶的能量传输与太阳风条件密切相关,磁重联是控制电磁能量传输的重要机制. 结果表明,当IMF(行星际磁场)南向时,极尖区后方的磁尾附近存在电磁能输入最大值,当IMF北向时,电磁能输入最大值发生在极尖区附近;南向IMF条件下,在IMF强度增大或太阳风密度增大时,磁层顶电磁能传输的电磁能量比北向IMF条件时增加更显著. 太阳风通过调节磁层顶面积间接影响到磁层顶能量传输大小. 研究还发现,北向IMF与南向IMF条件下穿过磁层顶的电磁能输入的比值范围约为10%~30%,此比值一定程度上反映了北、南方向IMF与地磁场磁重联效率的比值.   相似文献   

A coherent data set of high-latitude dayside magnetopause encounters by old (Heos 2, Hawkeye, Prognoz 7, 8) and new (Polar, Interball Tail, Cluster) spacecraft is needed to build a realistic model of the magnetopause (MP) including an indentation in the cusp. In building such a coherent data set a caution is necessary as the dayside magnetopause at high-latitudes may be less clearly defined than in the case of observations at low latitudes. It is due to expected presence of bundles of newly-reconnected magnetic field lines forming an extended boundary layer on the magnetosheath (MS) side of the magnetopause in the cusp region. Moreover, numerical magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction predict that under northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) an additional thin current sheet should form inside the magnetopause at high latitudes on the dayside (e.g., Wu, 1983; Palmroth et al., 2001). Such a thin currect sheet is absent in empirical magnetosphere models. This internal current sheet, if a real one, may be mistaken for the magnetopause if magnetic field data are only taken into account and/or plasma data are unavailable. The Interball-Tail orbit allows for a full transition of magnetopause boundary layers at high-latitudes. We compare plasma and magnetic field signatures of the magnetopause poleward of the cusp for southward and northward IMF. The distance between the magnetic signature of the magnetopause (the current layer) and a cold and laminarly antisunward flowing MS plasma (so called free-flow MS) was found to be 0.5 to 1 RE, at least. These observations were made under nominal solar wind of v350 km/s and pdyn=1 to 4 nPa. We also observed several transient magnetic field reversals in the cusp related to pulses of solar wind dynamic pressure and/or the IMF discontinuity arrival. These transient reversals occurred at the same distance to the model MP as well defined full MP crossing, so most probably they represent just short encounters with the magnetopause current layer. Our analysis suggests that an indentation of the magnetopause with a subtle structure dependent on the local magnetic shear would explain and allow to predict the magnetic configuration in the high-altitude cusp.  相似文献   

Given the highly complex and nonlinear nature of Near Earth Space processes, mathematical modeling of these processes is usually difficult or impossible. In such cases, modeling methods involving Artificial Intelligence may be employed. We demonstrate that data driven models, such as the Neural Network based approach, shows promise in its ability to forecast or predict the behavior of these processes. In this paper, modeling studies for forecasting magnetopause crossing locations are summarized and a Neural Network algorithm is presented to describe the nonlinear time-dependent response of the subsolar region of the magnetopause to varying solar wind conditions. In our approach the past history of the solar wind has, for the first time to the best knowledge of the authors, been included in forecasting the subsolar region of the magnetopause. It is proposed that the data driven approach is a valid approach to understanding and modeling the physical phenomena of Near Earth Space. The only basic requirement for the data driven approach is the availability of representative data for the phenomena. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that by using WIND and GEOTAIL satellite data a Neural Network based model can be adapted to the modeling of the Earth’s magnetopause.  相似文献   

A preliminary model is proposed to describe quantitatively the position and movement of cusp equatorward boundary. This integrated model, consisting of an empirical model of the magnetopause and a compressed dipolar model of Open/Closed field line, connects quantitatively the solar wind conditions, subsolar magnetopause and cusp equatorward boundary. It is shown that the increasing solar wind dynamic pressure and the increasing southward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) component drive the magnetopause to move inward and the cusp equatorward. This model is adopted to interpret quantitatively the cusp movement of August 14, 2001 observed by Cluster. The results show that the subsolar magnetopause moved earthward from 10.7 He to 9.0 Re during the period of 002300-002800 UT, and correspondingly the cusp equatorward boundary shifted equatorward. The observations of Cluster C1 and C4 show the cusp equatorward boundary that Cluster Cl and C4 were crossing during same interval moved equatorward by 4.6°. The cusp equatorward boundary velocity computed in the theoretical model (10.7km/s) is in good agreement with the observed value (9.4km/s) calculated from the data of CIS of Cluster C4 and C1.  相似文献   

The Polar satellite has explored the high-latitude, high-latitude magnetosphere out to 9 Earth radii (Re). The magnetic field data returned from this mission can be used both to provide data for new empirical models and to test existing models. Tests include comparing the observed location of the polar cusp with its position in the empirical models and comparing the strength of the magnetic field in the surrounding region. Near the cusp the magnetosphere is quite sensitive to solar wind conditions. In particular the energy density of the cusp plasma depends on the pressure of the solar wind applied to the interface of the cusp and the sheath. The applied pressure in turn depends on the shape of the magnetopause and the orientation of that interface, both controlled by the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models provide a coarse picture of the magnetosphere at high latitudes. While generally quite realistic, these too require testing against observations because even the MHD models must make some simplifying assumptions.  相似文献   

磁层顶磁场重联是太阳风向磁层输入能量的主要方式.重联如何触发一直是空间物理研究的难点,其机制仍然有待深入研究.由于卫星穿越磁层顶时,很难恰好穿越重联发生的区域,因此难以观测到重联的触发条件.本文利用THEMIS卫星观测,确立了反演磁层顶重联点的方法.当重联刚开始发生时,卫星能够观测到离子的能量色散特征,可利用其计算卫星到重联发生位置的距离.沿着磁力线模型追踪该距离即可反演出磁层顶发生重联的位置.与其他方法进行了对比分析,结果显示本文方法比其他方法具有更高的精度.   相似文献   

构建了一个可以得到火星赤道面上磁场分布的模型. 模型根据卫星观测数据, 提出了火星电离层、磁层顶和磁尾电流片上都各自通有电流的假设. 由电流的连续性条件可知, 这三种背景条件下的电流之间满足一定关系, 即火星磁层顶上的总电流是电离层上的总电流与磁尾电流片上的总电流之和. 这些电流产生的磁场与太阳风磁场共同构成了火星赤道面上磁场分布. 通过计算发现, 采用这种磁场模型得到的结果与目前卫星所观测的结果以及与采用其他方法得到的结果符合得较好.   相似文献   

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