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备注:当时我一个人在家,想去厨房拿一杯水和零食。刚到厨房,我就发现了一个物体。一瞬间我觉得那是一个降落在90米~120米以外,街对面树丛上的直升机。接着我猛然意识到,我根本没有听到任何动静。那酷似一袋石头的形状提醒了我它的与众不同,于是我踉跄着去找相机。我不知道在我发现之前它已经停在那里多久了,但是在我发现它之后,它在那里停留了二三分钟,不动也不发光。它周围的气流仿佛在以波浪状运动,有点儿像夏天炎热的  相似文献   

针对美国对其欧洲导弹防御计划进行调整,俄罗斯国防部官员表示,在俄罗斯得出相关结论前,美国应向俄罗斯做出解释。美国国防部长此前表示,美国将放弃在波兰安装升级型拦截弹的计划,取而代之的是在美国西海岸安装14枚新拦截弹。2010年11月,俄罗斯和北约在里斯本峰会上最初同意在欧洲导弹防御系统建设上开展合作。然而,由于北约拒绝依法承诺该系统将  相似文献   

爻辞——九四九四,或跃在渊,无咎。孔子《象辞》中的说明:或跃在渊,进无咎也。或跃在渊,无咎,何谓也?上下无常,非为邪也。进退无恒,非离群也。君子进德修业,欲及时,故无咎。或跃在渊,自试也。或跃在渊,干道乃革。重刚而不中,上不在天,下不在田,中不在人,故或之。或之者,疑之也,故  相似文献   

天上原有北斗七星,它们是天赐的;而北斗导航系统第七颗卫星的成功发射,又在浩瀚太空镶嵌上新的北斗七星,当然,她们是人造的。群星璀璨,不仅在天上,更在人间。当"探月工程嫦娥二号任务突出贡献者",从党和国家领导人手中接过属于中国航天人的至高无上的荣誉的时候;当北斗导航系统工程总设计师孙家栋院士的事迹,在神州大地迅速传播开去的时候,航天人研制的群星在  相似文献   

钱茹 《飞碟探索》2012,(1):10-11
世界上有几千人报告说自己看到了奇怪模样的不明飞行物在空中飞过或者在地面着陆。而在2011年,这种报告尤其多,并且在中国发生了大范围的UFO目击事件,使得2011年成为UFO的"活跃年"。  相似文献   

在片S参数测量系统在半导体行业裸芯片测量中得到了广泛的应用,但是国内在片S参数测量系统无法有效溯源的现状影响了高端裸芯片产品的研发进度。为了建立该类系统的校准能力,本文研制了微带形式的在片校准件、在片传递标准件和在片检验件三类标准样片,搭建了高准确度的在片S参数传递标准件定标系统,通过HFSS仿真方法使得在片S参数溯源至几何量基准,最终建立了在片S参数测量系统中传输参数的计量校准能力,为最终完成在片S参数测量系统校准奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

随着阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机的谢幕演出,在人类航天史上写下了浓墨重彩一笔的航天飞机正式与人们告别。从此,人们再也无法看到它在太空中遨游的雄姿,而只能在博物馆里追忆它往昔的辉煌。别了,航天飞机;别了,航天飞机时代。人类的太空探索事业,总是伴随着巨大的挑战和风险,在  相似文献   

马静 《太空探索》2014,(11):62-63
<正>沙滩与晚虹在夏威夷的莫洛凯岛这片渺无人烟的沙滩西边,一道美丽的晚虹在地平线上方散发着七色光芒。我们知道,只要空气中有水滴,而阳光正在观察者的背后以低角度照射,便可能产生可以观察到的彩虹现象。彩虹拱以内的中央,其实是被水滴反射放大了的太阳影像。当观察者看到彩虹时,它的位置必定是在太阳的相反方向,同样的道理,晚虹是与月亮反向的雨滴反射月光所致,因此,在这幅图中,刚过满相数天的月亮,位于摄影者的正后方,低悬在东方地平线附近。  相似文献   

2008年9月27日下午16点40分左右,历史将永远在这一刻定格——中国航天员翟志刚顺利打开神舟七号飞船轨道舱舱门,在幽蓝色地球的背景下,翟志刚在  相似文献   

提出一种利用标志点构建全局测量控制点的视觉测量三维数据拼接方法.在被测自由曲面上粘贴标志点,并在被测区域放置基线尺,采用1台数码相机在不同视点拍摄标记点和基线尺图像,由此求解数码相机在不同视点的坐标系变换关系.在此基础上,根据立体视觉模型确定标志点三维坐标,转换到全局坐标系下,形成全局测量控制点.视觉传感器在不同位置对各局部区域进行三维扫描,获得局部区域内标志点在局部测量坐标系下的坐标,通过至少3个非共线标志点解算局部坐标系到全局坐标系的变换,从而将实现局部三维数据的拼接.该方法操作简便,适合现场使用.实验结果表明, x,y,z 坐标的拼接误差分别为0.03mm,0.02mm,0.07mm.  相似文献   

通过大量的仿真,发现现行的滤波算法各有其利弊.在综合考虑和分析各种滤波方法之后,在理论推导的基础上,提出了一种新的控制滤波发散的方法,即通过判定发散的判据,求出噪声统计的估计值,然后再按得到的噪声统计的估计值计算新息序列的协方差阵.将该算法应用于惯导初始对准问题.通过仿真,可以验证该算法是十分有效的.  相似文献   

This paper is one of the components of a larger framework of activities whose purpose is to improve the performance and productivity of space mission systems, i.e. to increase both what can be achieved and the cost effectiveness of this achievement. Some of these activities introduced the concept of Functional Architecture Module (FAM); FAMs are basic blocks used to build the functional architecture of Plan Management Systems (PMS). They also highlighted the need to involve Science Operations Planning Expertise (SOPE) during the Mission Design Phase (MDP) in order to design and implement efficiently operation planning systems. We define SOPE as the expertise held by people who have both theoretical and practical experience in operations planning, in general, and in space science operations planning in particular. Using ESA’s methodology for studying and selecting science missions we also define the MDP as the combination of the Mission Assessment and Mission Definition Phases. However, there is no generic procedure on how to use FAMs efficiently and systematically, for each new mission, in order to analyse the cost and feasibility of new missions as well as to optimise the functional design of new PMS; the purpose of such a procedure is to build more rapidly and cheaply such PMS as well as to make the latter more reliable and cheaper to run. This is why the purpose of this paper is to provide an embryo of such a generic procedure and to show that the latter needs to be applied by people with SOPE during the MDP. The procedure described here proposes some initial guidelines to identify both the various possible high level functional scenarii, for a given set of possible requirements, and the information that needs to be associated with each scenario. It also introduces the concept of catalogue of generic functional scenarii of PMS for space science missions. The information associated with each catalogued scenarii will have been identified by the above procedure and will be relevant only for some specific mission requirements. In other words, each mission that shares the same type of requirements that lead to a list of specific catalogued scenarii can use this latter list of scenarii (regardless of whether the mission is a plasma, planetary, astronomy, etc. mission). The main advantages of such a catalogue are that it speeds-up the execution of the procedure and makes the latter more reliable. Ultimately, the information associated to each relevant scenario (from the catalogue or freshly generated by the procedure) will then be used by mission designers to make informed decisions, including the modification of the mission requirements, for any missions. In addition, to illustrate the use of such a procedure, the latter is applied to a case study, i.e. the Cross-Scale mission. One of the outcomes of this study is an initial set of generic functional scenarii. Finally, although border line with the above purpose of this paper, we also discuss multi-spacecraft specific issues and issues related to the on-board execution of the plan update system (PUS). In particular, we show that the operation planning cost of N spacecraft is not equal to N times the cost of 1 spacecraft and that on-board non-synchronised operation will not require inter-spacecraft communication. We also believe that on-board PUS should be made possible for all missions as a standard.  相似文献   

In this report the main results of the study of radioactivity of the solar sistem bodies are considered. The radioactivity of the Moon and planets was measured by means of vehicles in situ. The radioactivity of the lunar samples, brought to the Earth was studied with laboratory equipment.  相似文献   

Remote sensing applications have greatly enhanced ability to monitor and manage in the areas of forestry. Accurate measurements of regional and global scale vegetation dynamics (phenology) are required to improve models and understanding of inter-annual variability in terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange and climate–biosphere interactions. Study of vegetation phenology is required for understanding of variability in ecosystem. In this paper, monitoring of vegetation dynamics using time series of satellite data is presented. Vegetation variability (vegetation rate) in different topoclimatic areas is investigated. Original software using IDL interactive language for processing of satellite long-term data series was developed. To investigate growth dynamics vegetation rate inferred from remote sensing was used. All estimations based on annual time series of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. Vegetation rate for Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated using MODIS data. The time series covers spring seasons of each of 9 years, from 2000 to 2008. Comparison of EVI and NDVI derived growth rates has shown that NDVI derived rates reveal spatial structure better. Using long-term data of vegetation rates variance was estimated that helps to reveal areas with anomalous growth rate. Such estimation shows sensitivity degree of different areas to different topoclimatic conditions. Woods of heights depend on spatial topoclimatic variability unlike woods of lowlands. Principal components analysis shows vegetation with different rate conditions. Also it reveals vegetation of same type in areas with different conditions. It was demonstrated that using of methods for estimating the dynamic state of vegetation based on remote sensing data enables successful monitoring of vegetation phenology.  相似文献   

反舰导弹平面机动突防策略的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了遗传算法在反舰导弹综合突防策略的优化设计方面的应用.反舰导弹的综合突防包括若干个相互承接的环节,首先将反舰导弹的综合突防概率优化问题分解为各个环节突防的条件概率的优化问题,复杂事件得到简化.反舰导弹为了提高突防概率必须做机动,每个环节对应的机动参数取值在一定范围内变化,每个环节的突防概率受到对应的这组参数的影响.选用遗传算法对突防参数进行优化设计.用遗传算法对反舰导弹各个突防环节进行优化设计,找出使每个突防环节突防概率最大的一组参数,进而得到综合突防最优机动参数组合,使反舰导弹的综合突防概率最大.  相似文献   

微型涡喷发动机结构设计研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
探讨了一种正在研制的推力为100 N,转速为105 r/min的微型涡喷发动机的结构设计特点.首先介绍了微型涡轮发动机的总体构造特点;其次,又对这台发动机独有的结构特点进行了分析;最后,对它的旋转部件进行了强度、振动分析.最终结果表明旋转部件的结构设计满足要求.这些设计经验对于发展高推重比微型涡喷发动机有参考价值.   相似文献   

提出了基于三次样条曲线插值的温度补偿方法,用这种方法对测压范围为0.013 3×105~3.198 9×105 Pa,温度应用范围为-55~+80℃的高精度谐振筒压力传感器的实验标定结果进行了温度补偿.为加快标定过程,给出了传感器标定点数的减少方案.结果表明,在传感器的标定点数减少2/3的情况下,提出的温度补偿方法的综合误差为0.007 9%,约是基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的温度补偿方法的1/2,从而有效减少了传感器的标定成本和工作量.这对于解决高精度压力传感器的温度补偿问题具有一定的理论意义和工程应用价值.   相似文献   

根据新型相机结构复杂、载荷多的特点,针对性地设计并实现了一种新型星载相机的电性能地面测试系统。分析并总结了地面测试系统的设计需求,并且针对新型相机测试的全面性要求,设计并实现了整星和多种载荷的模拟接口;针对新型相机测试的可靠性要求,提出了冗余网络切换的测试系统设计方法并解决了数据库访问冲突的问题;针对新型相机测试的安全性要求,提出了针对冗余链路的测试方法和错误注入的测试方法。该系统已经成功配合完成了某高轨型号星载相机的研制,并交付使用。试验证明测试系统功能全面稳定,连续测试72h误码率为0,能够满足新型相机全面性、可靠性、安全性的测试需求。  相似文献   

The article analyzes new and previously reported data on several catalytic and photochemical processes yielding biologically important molecules. UV-irradiation of formaldehyde aqueous solution yields acetaldehyde, glyoxal, glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde, which can serve as precursors of more complex biochemically relevant compounds. Photolysis of aqueous solution of acetaldehyde and ammonium nitrate results in formation of alanine and pyruvic acid. Dehydration of glyceraldehyde catalyzed by zeolite HZSM-5-17 yields pyruvaldehyde. Monosaccharides are formed in the course of the phosphate-catalyzed aldol condensation reactions of glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde and formaldehyde. The possibility of the direct synthesis of tetroses, keto- and aldo-pentoses from pure formaldehyde due to the combination of the photochemical production of glycolahyde and phosphate-catalyzed carbohydrate chain growth is demonstrated. Erythrulose and 3-pentulose are the main products of such combined synthesis with selectivity up to 10%. Biologically relevant aldotetroses, aldo- and ketopentoses are more resistant to the photochemical destruction owing to the stabilization in hemiacetal cyclic forms. They are formed as products of isomerization of erythrulose and 3-pentulose. The conjugation of the concerned reactions results in a plausible route to the formation of sugars, amino and organic acids from formaldehyde and ammonia under presumed ‘prebiotic’ conditions.  相似文献   

The life on Mars remains an open question because of the lack of proof of its past emergence and its current presence. The only indices of a potential Martian life were provided by the Viking Landers, and the study of the Martian meteorite ALH84001 discovered in the Antarctic. In the two case, the results of experiments could be explained either by the presence of life forms or by abiotic processes. The recent data of Mars Express orbiter and Mars Exploration Rovers show different proofs of a past environment favourable for life. Among the targets we seek, the organic molecules are primordial because they are necessary to the origin of life. A key question is to know if they are present, in which concentration and under which form. Within the framework of a search for organic, we are developing an experimental setup simulating as close as possible the environmental conditions of Mars surface in order to determine how organic species evolve. We present here the first step of the development of this experiment which focuses on the study of the impact of the solar UV radiations reaching the Mars surface on glycine. First results show that glycine does not resist if directly exposed to UV radiations.  相似文献   

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