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针对CO_2焊接熔池图像噪声干扰,边缘模糊等问题,以多尺度多结构数学形态学边缘检测算子为基础,结合Canny算子边缘定位准确,提出了将Canny算子与多尺度多结构形态学融合的熔池图像边缘检测算法,并将该算法应用于检测并提取CO_2焊接熔池图像的边缘。实验结果表明,与经典的Canny算子和单尺度形态学算法相比,提出的算法具有图像边缘连续完整、定位准确、图像细节保留较多等优点,为进一步焊接质量控制的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

基于Sobel算子的亚像素边缘检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种基于Sobel算子的亚像素边缘检测方法。此种方法先由Sobel算子确定图像边缘的大致位置,然后用三次样条插值函数对灰度边缘图进行内插计算,使目标边缘定位达到亚像素级。对插值后的灰度边缘图,利用最大类间方差法确定阈值提取边缘。实验表明,该方法能精确定位目标边缘,优于传统的边缘检测方法。  相似文献   

本文针对传统图像边缘检测算子——微分算子和LOG算子在图像边缘检测中存在的不足,引入了多分辨率分析方法,并理论上分析了在不同的尺度下,多分辨率分析中由粗至精的特点,使其在图像边缘检测中具有更良好的特性。  相似文献   

为了能高质量地进行图像边缘检测,提出了一种新的基于B-样条插值的边缘检测方法.该方法为了保证图像边缘检测后的质量,采用3次B-样条对图像的像素点灰度值进行插值运算,提出了基于B-样条插值的一阶和二阶微分算子,并引入数字滤波技术加以实现.利用B-样条可分离的特性,实现了2维空间的基于B-样条插值的连续图像的重构函数,在此基础上提出了用于边缘检测的基于3次B-样条的一阶梯度模板和二阶微分模板.该方法非常适合于采用硬件的并行化实现,极大地提高了图像处理速度和边缘检测质量.  相似文献   

研究了红外图像中道路边界的检测方法。首先分析了用于智能车辆视觉导航的红外道路图像的特点,并指出常用图像处理方法在检测红外道路边界时的缺陷;然后从图像灰度角度出发,提出了基于折线模型的候选道路边界线段快速提取方法,并采用关系稳定性规则对道路边界区域进行筛选和处理;同时利用多尺度形态学梯度进行道路边界区域提取;最后将上述基于灰度和梯度的两种边缘提取结果相互验证,得到可靠的道路边界描述。实验表明文中提出的道路边界检测方法具有很好的性能,能够满足实时应用需要。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于图像处理的航空发动机叶片检测方法。该方法首先对叶片进行校正和滤波,然后进行自适应均衡化图像增强处理,最后进行自动阈值的canny算子边缘检测,实验表明:该方法能够较好地检测出叶片裂纹,取得较好的检测效果。  相似文献   

圆形结构形态学滤波器优化设计及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形态学滤波是红外弱小点目标检测研究中一个有效方法,其滤波器结构将直接影响检测性能。基于目标在实测红外图像上所呈现的凸包结构特点,首先设计了圆形形态学滤波器结构。在此基础上,引入神经网络进行圆形形态学滤波器结构元素优化设计。实测数据的处理结果表明:针对低信噪比图像(SNR≈2),在虚警概率小于等于1%情况下,优化的圆形形态学滤波器算子对的复杂红外弱小目标图像检测概率大于等于98%,优于固定结构元素的形态学滤波器和方形结构的优化形态学滤波器。  相似文献   

基于TOP-HAT滤波器算子的红外弱小目标检测算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对红外序列图像中运动弱小点目标的检测问题,设计了一种基于改进神经网络优化的修正Top-Hat形态学滤波器算子.其中形态学滤波器的结构元素采用两层前馈神经网络,通过大量样本训练优化,将Top-Hat运算作为一个整体当作一层,输出层节点定义为Top-Hat运算后图像矩阵的最大值.实测数据的处理结果表明:针对低信噪比(RSN≈2)图像,在虚警概率≤5%情况下,优化的修正Top-Hat形态学滤波器算子对复杂图像检测概率≥75%,与固定结构元素的Top-Hat形态学滤波器相比检测概率提高了近8%,算法的运算时间仅增加了0.7ms.  相似文献   

为研究低速横流条件下不同工况液体射流破碎的轨迹特征和影响因素,采用高速摄像仪拍摄射流破碎图像,结合图像处理技术提出针对低速横流情况下液体射流破碎弯曲轨迹的提取方法。该方法首先采用直方图均衡化对灰度化后的原始图像进行增强处理,然后利用最佳直方图熵法(KSW法)及传统遗传算法对图像进行二阈值分割,最后结合Sobel算子和凸包算法对射流轮廓进行检测提取以获得射流轨迹的数据点集。对不同工况下典型射流破碎模式的轨迹提取及非线性拟合结果表明,所提出的方法能够准确提取液体射流轨迹,实现低速横流作用下不同破碎模式的轨迹提取,并且通过非线性拟合得到的射流破碎经验公式可以准确预测射流弯曲轨迹。  相似文献   

边缘提取是图像处理与图像分析的基础。本文基于小波变换 ,研究了 SAR图像边缘提取的方法 ,从而为合成孔径雷达 (SAR)图像辅助导航系统奠定基础。由于 SAR图像受固有斑点噪声的影响 ,采用小波变换与固定阈值提取 SAR图像边缘特征时 ,将有大量虚假边缘产生 ,特别是在图像的亮区。为此 ,本文提出了采用具有恒定误警率的阈值 ,以消除斑点噪声的影响。同时 ,分别对两幅不同的图进行仿真 ,仿真结果表明 ,斑点噪声的影响被大大抑制 ,且由于阈值是由小波变换系数直接构成 ,能保证辅助导航对实时性的要求。  相似文献   

To cope with the problems that edge detection operators are liable to make the detected edges too blurry for synthetic aperture radar(SAR)images,an edge detection method for detecting river in SAR images is proposed based on contourlet modulus maxima and improved mathematical morphology.The SAR image is firstly transformed to a contourlet domain.According to the directional information and gradient information of directional subband of contourlet transform,the modulus maximum and the improved mathematical morphology are used to detect high frequency and low frequency sub-image edges,respectively.Subsequently,the edges of river in SAR image are obtained after fusing the high frequency sub-image and the low frequency sub-image.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed edge detection method can obtain more accurate edge location and reduce false edges,compared with the Canny method,the method based on wavelet and Canny,the method based on contourlet modulus maxima,and the method based on improved(ROEWA).The obtained river edges are complete and clear.  相似文献   

数字图像处理在焊缝识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数字图像处理的方法,对电荷耦合器(CCD)摄像头在自然光下拍摄的焊接工件图像进行焊缝特征提取。针对图像的实际特征,采用中值滤波-Laplacian图像锐化一Roberts检测-焊缝提取和中值滤波-自适应阈值处理-焊缝提取两套方案对图像进行处理,提取出焊缝特征。通过实际处理结果的对比,后者能较好地对焊缝进行识别。  相似文献   

The car surface scratch detection adopts the traditional manual detection with poor efficiency and high missing rate. Because of the gray mark and the background of car surface scratches,the traditional edge detection algorithm cannot meet the needs of car surface scratch detection. Therefore,the directional SUSAN algorithm based on CIELab color space is adopted in this paper. The direction template and the circle template to calculate the color difference of the color image are used in the algorithm which has been converted to the CIELab space. The edges and scratches are eliminated by matching and contrasting the detected image with the edge template. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively detect scratches on the surface of cars,improve the detection speed and reduce the undetected rate.  相似文献   

磁共振图像的一种多尺度边缘检测算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
医学图像的病灶呈弱边缘特性,用传统的边缘检测方法效果不理想。本文提出了一种改进的多尺度边缘检测算法:在传统的Mallat小波模极大值边缘检测方法的基础上,应用模糊算法构造相应的隶属函数,提取弱边缘信息,最后应用多尺度边缘融合算法将不同尺度下的边缘图像合成。实验结果表明,该方法对噪声有一定的抑制作用,可有效检测出弱边缘信息,定位准确,且检测效果明显。本算法可以兼顾良好的边界定位、噪声抑制和弱边界检测等性能指标,可以有效解决传统边缘检测方法中存在的高定位精度及强去噪能力之间的矛盾。  相似文献   

Objective and accurate classification model or method of cloud image is a prerequisite for accurate weather monitoring and forecast. Thus safety of aircraft taking off and landing and air flight can be guaranteed. Thresholding is a kind of simple and effective method of cloud classification. It can realize automated ground-based cloud detection and cloudage observation. The existing segmentation methods based on fixed threshold and single threshold cannot achieve good segmentation effect. Thus it is difficult to obtain the accurate result of cloud detection and cloudage observation. In view of the above-mentioned problems, multi-thresholding methods of ground-based cloud based on exponential entropy/exponential gray entropy and uniform searching particle swarm optimization (UPSO) are proposed. Exponential entropy and exponential gray entropy make up for the defects of undefined value and zero value in Shannon entropy. In addition, exponential gray entropy reflects the relative uniformity of gray levels within the cloud cluster and background cluster. Cloud regions and background regions of different gray level ranges can be distinguished more precisely using the multi-thresholding strategy. In order to reduce computational complexity of original exhaustive algorithm for multi-threshold selection, the UPSO algorithm is adopted. It can find the optimal thresholds quickly and accurately. As a result, the real-time processing of segmentation of groundbased cloud image can be realized. The experimental results show that, in comparison with the existing groundbased cloud image segmentation methods and multi-thresholding method based on maximum Shannon entropy, the proposed methods can extract the boundary shape, textures and details feature of cloud more clearly. Therefore, the accuracies of cloudage detection and morphology classification for ground-based cloud are both improved.  相似文献   

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