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陈全育 《航天》2010,(3):7-9
当2010年的新年钟声敲响的时候,身在大凉山深处西昌卫星发射中心执行第三颗北斗导航卫星发射任务的火箭、卫星发射试验队也在翘首期盼着新年。但是,和常人的期盼不同,他们更期盼用自己辛勤的工作为新一年的航天发射任务迎来一个精彩的“开门红”。  相似文献   

正航天任务意义重大、影响深远,在其测试发射过程中始终存在不安全因素,稍有不慎就会发生事故,这些事故轻则延误任务进度,重则箭(船、星)毁人亡,甚至连发射设施设备也一并毁掉。因此其高可靠性和高安全性对任务中的质量安全工作提出了苛刻要求,质量安全是任务中一项非常重要的工作,也是试验各方十分关注的一件大事。发射场是卫星升空前的最后一道关口,目前航天产品实施精细化质量管理,在进入发射场后需要开展包括全覆盖性测试检查、关键和强制检验点控制、状态确认和阶段评审、"四查双想两比"等活动,将质量控制工  相似文献   

正2020年2月4日23时36分,在我国西昌卫星发射中心,"长征"三号B运载火箭托举"通信技术试验卫星"六号直冲云霄。随后,卫星被顺利送入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。"通信技术试验卫星"六号由中国航天科技集团有限公司所属上海航天技术研究院抓总研制,主要用于卫星通信、广播电视、数据传输等业务,并开展相关技术试验验证。执行本次发射任务的"长征"三号B运载火箭属于"金牌火箭"——"长征"三号A系列,由中国运载火箭技术研究院研制。  相似文献   

<正>太空探索技术(SpaceX)公司的"猎鹰" 9-1.2型运载火箭2018年12月23日在卡纳维拉尔角空军站发射了美国空军GPS-3导航卫星系列的首颗卫星。这是该公司首次执行美国空军"渐进一次性运载器"(EELV)计划下重要的国家安全发射任务,虽然其以往也曾执行过其他国安发射任务,如2017年发射了国家侦察办公室的保密卫星NROL-76和美国空军的X-37B无人驾驶航天飞机。原计划12月18日的发射因一级温度  相似文献   

本文重点针对卫星发射主动段存在遥测盲区问题,开展卫星发射主动段遥测数据接收方法的研究,突破发射场通信建立、地面测控天线指向控制、卫星发射主动段遥测接收系统搭建等关键技术,提出了一种基于PID的卫星发射主动段遥测接收系统,进而高质量实现卫星发射主动段遥测数据全时段接收与监测。提出的方法在大气环境监测卫星发射任务中得到了试验验证,结果表明卫星发射主动段遥测数据接收完整且有效。  相似文献   

<正>长征二号丁运载火箭取得今年我国宇航发射首胜据《中国航天报》2022年1月17日报道,当天10时35分,长征二号丁运载火箭在太原卫星发射中心发射升空,将试验十三号卫星送入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功,我国宇航发射任务2022年的首战告捷。试验十三号卫星主要用于开展空间环境探测及相关技术试验。执行本次任务的长征二号丁运载火箭由上海航天技术研究院研制,是一型常温液体二级运载火箭,具备不同轨道要求单星、多星发射能力。该火箭被誉为"金牌火箭",具有高可靠、高安全、低成本、短周期发射等特点。  相似文献   

高分多模卫星工作模式复杂,工作模式组合变化多,卫星单轨和1天内可执行任务数量大幅增加。为了解决这些问题,在工程上实现卫星灵活、高效的工作过程精准执行,在操作上实现地面段任务管理的简洁、易用,在应用效能上实现卫星能力的充分发挥与卫星安全性的兼顾,参考国内外遥感卫星技术发展,提出"目标、需求、元任务、动作、指令"的5层次星地任务管理架构,明确了以"元任务"作为星地任务接口,并实现算法开发、地面验证和在轨应用。高分多模卫星星地任务管理方案大幅降低了地面任务管理人员对卫星操作的复杂程度,提高了任务上注效率、执行效率和组合使用灵活性,使得卫星的应用潜能得到完全发挥。  相似文献   

正2021年5月7日02时11分,"长征"二号C运载火箭在西昌卫星发射中心点火升空,将"遥感"三十号08组卫星送入太空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。"长征"二号C火箭是中国运载火箭技术研究院抓总研制的我国第一型"金牌火箭",服役时间最长、用途最广、执行任务种类最多,主要用于发射低轨和太阳同步轨道卫星,可在西昌、酒泉、太原3个发射场执行任务。  相似文献   

<正>太空探索技术(SpaceX)公司的"重型猎鹰"运载火箭2019年6月25日在卡纳维拉尔角美国航空航天局(NASA)肯尼迪航天中心执行了美国空军代号为"空间试验计划"(STP)2的发射任务,一举发射了24颗科研和气象观测卫星。火箭于美东部时间2时30分(北京时间14时30分)点火起飞。整个发射过程要历时超过6h,需把所载卫星送入3条不同轨道,  相似文献   

正2020年2月20日05时07分,"长征"二号D首次在西昌卫星发射中心点火升空,成功以"一箭四星"的方式将4颗"新技术试验卫星"送入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。这是"长征"二号D火箭首次在西昌卫星发射中心执行任务,此次搭载的"新技术试验卫星" C、D、E、F,用于在轨开展星间链路组网及新型对地观测技术试验。  相似文献   

从总体与导航制导控制的视角,对长征三号甲系列运载火箭发展与成就进行了分析和小结。长征三号甲系列运载火箭,在长征三号运载火箭解决我国发射高轨道卫星有无问题的基础上,历经基本能力、适应能力、高适应能力的发展,具备了高轨道大型卫星运载能力,突破了从单一轨道面到三维空间各种轨道发射、从高轨卫星转移轨道到工作轨道发射、从地球轨道到地月轨道发射以及从航天技术试验到高可靠工程应用发射等关键技术,使我国运载火箭整体能力取得了地球全轨道发射、星际轨道发射等跨越发展。航天重大工程和国际商业发射表明,该系列运载火箭已进入世界高轨道航天器发射的运载火箭前列,并奠定了进一步开拓发展的基础。  相似文献   

Starting from their FIRES proposal [1]the DLR makes a new approach in the design of a small satellite mission dedicated to hot spot detection and evaluation: the BIRD mission. The new approach is characterized by a strict design-to-cost philosophy. A two-channel infrared sensor system in combination with a Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner (WAOSS) shall be the payload of a small satellite (80kg) considered for piggyback launch. So the launch is not a main cost driver as for other small satellite missions with dedicated launchers. The paper describes the mission objectives, the scientific payload, the spacecraft bus, and the mission architecture of a small satellite mission dedicated to the investigation of hot spots (forest fires, volcanic activities, burning oil wells or coal seams), of vegetation condition and changes and of clouds. The paper represents some results of a phase A study and of the progressing phase B.  相似文献   

对完成任务的运载火箭末级、失效卫星等空间非合作目标进行空间操作是复杂的,需要地面测控网与主动航天器的密切合作才能完成抵近及相应操作。以火箭末级残骸作为空间非合作目标,给出了远程自主接近的轨道设计方法。通过地面遥控上传的目标轨道参数,主动航天器进行自主异面机动、主动调相等多次点火,完成对非合作目标的远程接近,接近距离在50km之内,2016年6月底远征一号甲上面级的成功飞行验证了该方法和设计结果的有效性。  相似文献   

嫦娥二号卫星轨道设计   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
嫦娥二号卫星的轨道设计是在充分继承嫦娥一号轨道设计的理论和方法的基础上进行的,并在此基础上做了适应性改进。轨道设计的主要内容包括参数选择、发射窗口、速度增量需求以及嫦娥二号卫星和嫦娥一号卫星不同点的对比,提出了整个飞行轨道的设计思想。  相似文献   

SSETO is the result of a phase-A study in context of the small satellite program of the University of Stuttgart that demonstrates the capability of a university institute to build a small satellite with a budget of 5 million Euro. The satellite will be capable of observing exoplanets in a Neptune–Earth scale and obtaining data of interstellar dust. Due to a system failure of NASA?s Kepler mission, there is currently (October 2013) a lack of satellites searching for exoplanets. This paper details the design of subsystems and payload, as well as the required test tasks in accordance with the mission profile at a conceptional level. The costs for standard spacecraft testing and integration tasks are included, but not those of launch, ground support, operations and engineer working hours.  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the in-orbit performance testing of deployable and retractable umbrella and boom systems, which will be used as important subsystems of Boomerang/Tether satellites. The umbrella is one of the possible candidates of the aerodynamic braking system for boomerang satellite and the boom is also one of the possible candidates of relative position adjusting mechanism between center of mass and aerodynamic force center of the boomerang satellite and initial release/final recovery mechanism of the tethered satellite. For this technology verification, a small and inexpensive satellite, named DEBUT (Deployable Boom and Umbrella Test satellite), was developed in a short period of 1.5 years elapsing from the start of the detailed design until the launch of the mission. The lithium dry cell batteries were used as the primary power and functioned normally during 10 days mission lifetime.  相似文献   

中国巴西地球资源卫星的轨道捕获和轨迹交会控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
中巴地球资源卫星一号(CBERS-1)是中国和巴西合作研制的第一颗运行在太阳同步轨道上的地球资源卫星.CBERS-1于1999年10月14日由中国自行研制的长征运载工具按预定计划准时发射,进入设计轨道,随后通过轨道捕获、星下点轨迹控制和多次轨道保持机动等一系列轨道测控操作,该卫星已按遥感用户的要求正常运行在高精度的太阳同步、回归冻结轨道上.本文简要阐明CBERS-1轨道控制系统的任务目标、系统结构、轨道控制策略、控制性能、飞行软件和在轨操作以及飞行结果.  相似文献   

论述了一种利用中继卫星进行通信的通用型箭载Ka频段中继用户终端的设计方案,对微波信道技术、箭星指向算法技术、热控技术、通用化技术等关键技术进行了重点分析,最后给出了该通用型Ka频段中继用户终端的性能指标。  相似文献   

The far side of the moon is a unique place for some scientific investigations. Chang'e 4 is a Chinese lunar far side landing exploration mission. Relay communication satellite, named as Queqiao, is an important and innovative part of Chang'e 4 mission. It can provide relay communication to the lander and the rover operating on the lunar far side to maintain their contacts with Earth. It was launched by LM-4 C launch vehicle at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on May 21, 2018. After five precise orbit controls and a journey of more than 20 days, Queqiao inserted into final halo mission orbit around Earth-moon libration point 2, located about 65,000 km beyond the moon. It is the world's first communication satellite operating in that orbit. Up to now, Queqiao worked very well and provided reliable, continuous communication relay service for the lander and the rover to ensure the mission success of Chang'e 4 exploration mission. Via Queqiao, the lander and the rover were controlled to work by ground stations and obtained a great amount of scientific data. The mission overview, operation orbit selection, relay communication system design and flight profile were introduced in this article.  相似文献   

Rosetta was selected in November 1993 for the ESA Cornerstone 3 mission, to be launched in 2003, dedicated to the exploration of the small bodies of the solar system (asteroids and comets). Following this selection, the Rosetta mission and its spacecraft have been completely reviewed: this paper presents the studies performed the proposed mission and the resulting spacecraft design.

Three mission opportunities have been identified in 2003–2004, allowing rendezvous with a comet. From a single Ariane 5 launch, the transfer to the comet orbit will be supported by planetary gravity assists (two from Earth, one from Venus or Mars); during the transfer sequence, two asteroid fly-bys will occur, allowing first mission science phases. The comet rendezvous will occur 8–9 years after launch; Rosetta will orbit around the comet and the main science mission phase will take place up to the comet perihelion (1–2 years duration).

The spacecraft design is driven (i) by the communication scenario with the Earth and its equipment, (ii) by the autonomy requirements for the long cruise phases which are not supported by the ground stations, (iii) by the solar cells solar array for the electrical power supply and (iv) by the navigation scenario and sensors for cruise, target approach and rendezvous phases. These requirements will be developed and the satellite design will be presented.  相似文献   

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