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一、征稿范围长度、热学、力学、无线电、时间频率、电磁学、电离辐射、化学和光学等计量标准的设计、研制和计量测试技术、仪器仪表的检定维修技术、误差分析及数据处理技术;石英晶体器件的设计和研制、电子技术应用、自动化测量、计量产品介绍  相似文献   

朱鲁青 《国际太空》2014,(10):58-61
欧洲航天局(ESA)是泛欧洲的民用航天管理机构,由21个成员国(其中包括德国、法国、意大利、英国、西班牙、比利时、瑞士、瑞典、挪威、荷兰、奥地利、丹麦、芬兰、葡萄牙、爱尔兰、卢森堡、捷克、希腊、罗马尼亚、波兰在内的20个欧洲国家和作为准成员国的加拿大)组成的政府间组织。  相似文献   

一、征稿范围无线电、时间频率、电磁学、电离辐射、化学和光学等计量标准的设计、研制和计量测试技术、仪器仪表的检定维修技术、误差分析及数据处理技术;石英晶体器件的设计和研制、电子技术应用、自动化测量、计量产品介绍、国内外计量信息、计量测试动态及发展趋势等。二、撰稿要求  相似文献   

航天发射场是为保障航天运载火箭的装配、发射前准备、发射、弹道测量、发送指令以及接收和处理遥测信息而专门建造的一整套地面设备、设施和建筑。在这里重点介绍美国、苏联/俄罗斯、欧洲、日本、印度以及巴西的航天发射场的测控站部署及设施情况。  相似文献   

一、征稿范围无线电、时间频率、电磁学、电离辐射、化学和光学等计量标准的设计、研制和计量测试技术、仪器仪表的检定维修技术、误差分析及数据处理技术;石英晶体器件的设计和研制、电子技术应用、自动化测量、计量产品介绍、国内外计量信息、计量测试动态及发展趋势等。  相似文献   

游戏规则:在横列、正斜线、反斜线上填入连续数列(例如1~6、3~8、4~9……),使横列、正斜线、反斜线上的数字不重复。也就是说,除了中央的横列、正斜线和反斜线上填人的数字是1~9外,其他横列、正斜线和反斜线上的数字不一定是从1开始。  相似文献   

游戏规则: 在横列、正斜线、反斜线上填入连续数列(例如1~6、3~8、4~9……),使横列、正斜线、反斜线上的数字不重复。也就是说,除了中央的横列、正斜线和反斜线上填入的数字是1~9外,其他横列、正斜线和反斜线上的数字不一定是从1开始。  相似文献   

徐菁 《国际太空》2015,(1):7-12
<正>2015年1月7日,由《国际太空》、《卫星应用》杂志发起组织的2014年全球航天十大新闻和中国航天十大新闻评选揭晓。本次评选得到了戚发轫、叶培建、范本尧、龙乐豪等院士及数十位航天专家的大力支持与参与。来自新华社、科技日报、中国科学报、环球时报、京华时报、北京晨报、北京晚报、北京日报、中国网、人民网、环球网、新浪网、腾讯网、太空探索、北斗网、航天期刊网等媒体从事科技报道的资深记者参加了发布会,同时,发布会还得到中国空间科学学会、中国卫星全球服务联盟、中国通信学会、中国卫星应用产业协会的支持。  相似文献   

2004年6月2日至11日,“联合国和平利用外层空间第47届年会”在维也纳国际中心举行。在为期十天的会议中,来自中国、美国、俄罗斯、法国、加拿大、德国等联合国外空司的60多个成员国的代表.分别就空间技术给全球卫星通讯、自然灾害预警、农业及医药新品开发、人类生存环境净化等带来的附加利益进行了深人的交流与讨论。  相似文献   

雨水 《太空探索》2011,(4):62-63
中国西安卫星测控中心是中国航天测控网的核心组成部分,主要承担各类航天器的测控、回收、在轨管理和航天员的搜索救援任务,目前下辖测控技术部、活动测控回收部、渭南站、南宁站、喀什站、厦门站、青岛站、佳木斯站、三亚站等测控部站,  相似文献   

载人深空探测任务的空间环境工程关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对载人深空探测过程中将遭受的太阳宇宙射线、银河宇宙射线、微重力、尘与尘暴、深空微生物等环境进行分析。对不同深空环境给航天员带来的威胁进行了探讨。从物理屏蔽防护、辐射风险的监测和预警、辐射防护药物、航天员选拨等角度对采取的措施进行了阐述。从空间辐射对航天员的损伤机理、抗辐射和微重力药物开发、空间辐射屏蔽防护结构与材料、航天服自清洁、抗微生物侵蚀材料的研发等多个角度对需要进一步开展的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The human exploration of space is one of the great voyages of discovery in human history. For over forty years space exploration, human have gotten more profound knowledge about outer space and life phenomena, ranging from understanding and recognizing space to adapting and utilizing space. With these development, space medicine that aimed at studying effect of space environment on human health and ensuring the safety, health and effective working of human in space exploration, will become increasingly improved and matured.The contents of research will develop from the early phenomena observation of the effect of space environment on human physiology and biochemistry, and the effect definition, to the study of the mechanism of changes of cell, molecule, and gene, from the passive adaptation for space environment to taking the initiative countermeasures, in order to ensure the safety, health and effective working of astronauts during space flight.Space practices in the past forty years have confirmed that a variety of physiological and pathological changes have been found for organism exposed to space flight. These changes include cardiovascular dysfunction, bone loss,muscle atrophy, decline of immune function, endocrine function disorder and space motion sickness. In recent years, more attention has been focused on the study of the mechanism of these changes, especially the effects of space environment on cell, molecule and its gene expression. With the demand of China's manned space engineering task and continuous development, a series of studies on medical problem caused by space environment have been carried out.  相似文献   

飞机驾驶员视觉信息流系统工效综合评定研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对驾驶员的视域、视觉信息流向、视觉信息获取工效的影响因素、视觉信息流工效的测定与评估方法的研究,建立了一套视觉信息流工效综合评估系统研究体系.研究的初步结果主要有:飞机驾驶员视域在水平面中存在最佳、较好、极限工效区,并且振动、反射眩光、噪声、显示字符的形状/颜色特征/对比度/显示方式等是影响信息获取工效的主要因素;飞机信息显示区域必须限于驾驶员视域,其显示布局及显示方式应符合视觉工效学设计原则.   相似文献   

全球海表流场多尺度结构观测卫星计划(Ocean Surface Current multiscale Observation Mission, OSCOM)首次提出海表流场、海面风场和海浪谱(简称 “流–风–浪”)一体化探测的多普勒散射计(Doppler Scatterometer, DOPS)测量原理和系统体制。OSCOM采用Ka-Ku双频多波束圆锥扫描体制的真实孔径雷达,将实现超过1000 km观测刈幅、公里级分辨率的“流–风–浪”一体化卫星直接观测。OSCOM将突破海洋亚中尺度非平衡态动力学、海洋多尺度相互作用、海气耦合的研究瓶颈,支撑实现海洋系统科学、气候变化等理论研究的重大突破。未来,应用OSCOM海表流速观测的模式改进,将奠定海洋非平衡态过程数值模拟、同化和预报的动力学基础,实现海洋和海气耦合模式的重大改进。通过与多源数据融合,OSCOM海流观测的应用将为海洋生物地球化学循环、碳收支研究和国家重大任务提供支撑。OSCOM科学卫星的实施对于我国地球系统科学和卫星对地观测重大应用的突破有至关重要的意义,有望带动我国应用卫星的发展从追赶、并行走向领跑。   相似文献   

In view to prepare Mars human exploration, it is necessary to promote and lead, at the international level, a highly interdisciplinary program, involving specialists of geochemistry, geophysics, atmospheric science, space weather, and biology. The goal of this program will be to elaborate concepts of individual instruments, then of integrated instrumental packages, able to collect exhaustive data sets of environmental parameters from future landers and rovers of Mars, and to favour the conditions of their implementation. Such a program is one of the most urgent need for preparing human exploration, in order to develop mitigation strategies aimed at ensuring the safety of human explorers, and minimizing risk for surface operations. A few main areas of investigation may be listed: particle and radiation environment, chemical composition of atmosphere, meteorology, chemical composition of dust, surface and subsurface material, water in the subsurface, physical properties of the soil, search for an hypothesized microbial activity, characterization of radio-electric properties of the Martian ionosphere. Scientists at the origin of the present paper, already involved at a high degree of responsibility in several Mars missions, and actively preparing in situ instrumentation for future landed platforms (Netlander--now cancelled, MSL-09), express their readiness to participate in both ESA/AURORA and NASA programs of Mars human exploration. They think that the formation of a Mars Environment working group at ESA, in the course of the AURORA definition phase, could act positively in favour of the program, by increasing its scientific cross-section and making it still more focused on human exploration.  相似文献   

平流层飞艇是一种新型的长航时临近空间飞行器,具有驻空高度高、驻空时间长、承载能力大、使用效费比高等特点,在对地观测及通信中继等领域具有广泛应用前景。但是该飞行器系统十分复杂,技术与设计实现难度大,总体设计需要考虑的基础问题及解决方案尚不完全明晰。根据平流层大气风场、温度和压力的基础特征,考虑平流层环境对平流层飞艇总体设计的影响,根据空气动力学与热力学基本理论,分析平流层飞艇的显著特征及与常规低空飞艇的区别,研究这些基础问题对平流层飞艇总体设计的影响,为平流层飞艇技术发展提供建议和参考。   相似文献   

机械产品设计的过程建模   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
产品设计是一种复杂的人类创造性思维活动.在分析产品设计及其过程的基础上,利用集合与映射的理论与方法,依此建立了产品设计、产品设计过程、产品概念设计过程的模型,给出了产品概念设计过程的网络算法框图,并且详细定义了后者的分解与综合的流程,为产品设计过程的模型化、规律化打下了良好的基础,同时也为产品全生命周期设计过程计算机软件支持工具的开发作出了有益的探索.  相似文献   

China’s Space Astronomy and Solar Physics in 2011-2012   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the first part of this paper, we describe briefly the mid and long-term plan of Chinese space astronomy, its preliminary study program, the current status of satellite missions undertaken, and the current status of astronomy experiments in China’s manned space flight program. In the second part, the recent research progress made in the fields of solar physics is summarized briefly, including solar vector magnetic field, solar flares, CME and filaments, solar radio and nonthermal processes, EUV waves, MHD waves and coronal waves, solar model and helioseismology, solar wind and behavior of solar cycle.   相似文献   

通过平均影响值(MIV)影响因子权重分析算法,以碳钢Q235、Ste355、St12和Q450腐蚀速率的暴露时间、气候因素和环境因素数据为依据,以|MIV|值为评价依据,定量分析15种影响因子(暴露时间、平均温度、平均相对湿度、日照时数、降水量、平均风速、海盐粒子浓度、SO2、HCl、NO2、H2S、硫酸盐化速率、NH3、降尘量-非水溶性、降尘量-水溶性)对碳钢腐蚀速率影响的权重大小。结果表明: 当MIV调节率从5%逐步递增至25%时,同种影响因子对腐蚀速率的影响权重变化不大,但4种碳钢对各影响因子的敏感度略有不同;气候因素对腐蚀速率影响最大,其次为暴露时间,环境因素中SO2和降尘量对腐蚀速率影响较大;平均相对湿度、日照时数、平均温度是影响腐蚀速率最主要的3个因子。   相似文献   

The atmosphere of Titan is constantly bombarded by galactic cosmic rays and Saturnian magnetospheric electrons causing the formation of free electrons and primary ions, which are then stabilized by ion cluster formation and charging of aerosols. These charged particles accumulate in drops in cloud regions of the troposphere. Their abundance can substantially increase by friction, fragmentation or collisions during convective activity. Charge separation occurs with help of convection and gravitational settling leading to development of electric fields within the cloud and between the cloud and the ground. Neutralization of these charge particles leads to corona discharges which are characterized by low current densities. These electric discharges could induce a number of chemical reactions in the troposphere and hence it is of interest to explore such effects. We have therefore, experimentally studied the corona discharge of a simulated Titan's atmosphere (10% methane and 2% argon in nitrogen) at 500 Torr and 298 K by GC-FTIR-MS techniques. The main products have been identified as hydrocarbons (ethane, ethyne, ethene, propane, propene + propyne, cyclopropane, butane, 2-methylpropane, 2-methylpropene, n-butene, 2-butene, 2,2-dimethylpropane, 2-methylbutane, 2-methylbutene, n-pentane, 2,2-dimethylbutane, 2-methylpentane, 3-methylpentane, n-hexane, 2,2-dimethylhexane, 2,2-dimethylpentane, 2,2,3-trimethylbutane, 2,3-dimethylpentane and n-heptane), nitriles (hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen, ethanenitrile, propanenitrile, 2-methylpropanenitrile and butanenitrile) and an uncharacterized film deposit. We present their trends of formation as a function of discharge time in an ample interval and have derived their initial yields of formation. These results clearly demonstrate that a complex organic chemistry can be initiated by corona processes in the lower atmosphere. Although photochemistry and charged particle chemistry occurring in the stratosphere can account for many of the observed hydrocarbon species in Titan, the predicted abundance of ethene is to low by a factor of 10 to 40. While some ethene will be produced by charged-particle chemistry, its production by corona processes and subsequent diffusion into the stratosphere appears to be an adequate source. Because little UV penetrates to the lower atmosphere to destroy the molecules formed there, the corona-produced species may be long-lived and contribute significantly to the composition of the lower atmosphere and surface.  相似文献   

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