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卫星跟踪卫星应用于月球重力场探测的模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月球卫星跟踪卫星技术作为月球和行星重力场探测的一种解决方案已经初步研究和讨论。文章引入已有的解析方法在理论上分析卫星间精密测距与月球重力场信号的频率响应关系,并通过模拟计算,以分析月球卫星跟踪卫星方法应用于月球重力场探测的可行性和恢复重力场的能力。由于月球卫星跟踪卫星方法是目前解决远月面重力探测最有潜力的方法之一,且已为一些月球探测计划采用,而我国的月球探测计划也同样面,临远月面探测的难题,文章的研究成果可为我国月球和行星重力场的探测提供参考。  相似文献   

郑伟  许厚泽  钟敏  员美娟 《宇航学报》2011,32(3):697-697
本文基于改进的能量守恒法,对GRACE星载K波段星间测量系统、GPS接收机和SuperSTAR加速度计精度指标的不同匹配关系进行了系统论证。模拟结果表明:第一,各关键载荷精度指标呈线性匹配关系;第二,由于耗散能表现为累积变化特性,加速度计误差对恢复重力场的贡献不同于其它载荷;第三,以K波段星间测速精度指标1~10μm/s为标准并结合其它载荷匹配指标,在120阶处大地水准面累积误差为17.6~174.8cm,1.5°×1.5°重力异常累积误差为0.3~2.8mGal,其中K波段星间测速精度指标取1μm/s时,结果与德国地学研究中心(GFZ)公布的EIGEN-GRACE02S地球重力场模型符合较好;第四,建议我国将来采用的卫星跟踪卫星测量模式中关键载荷精度指标设计为星间测速1~3μm/s、轨道位置3~10cm、轨道速度0.03~0.10mm/s和非保守力 0.3~1.0 nm/s 2较优。本文的研究为将来GRAIL月球重力探测计划和太阳系其它行星探测计划(如火星)中全球重力场的精确和快速测量提供了理论基础和计算保证。

王祥  王存恩 《航天器工程》2008,17(1):105-107
1引言 由日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)下属的宇宙开发事业团(NASDA)和宇宙科学研究所(ISAS)共同研制的月球和工程探测卫星(SELE—NE,又称“月女神”)是一颗由母卫星和两颗子卫星——“中继星”(RSAT)和“月球重力场分布测量卫星”(VRAD)组成的月球探测卫星。该星不仅仅用所搭载的14种先进的观测仪器进行各种科学观测,而且还利用在轨道上从母卫星上所弹射出的RSAT卫星进行全天候通信,用从母卫星上所弹射出的VRAD卫星对月球的重力场分布情况进行全面、准确的测量,以获取大量详实信息和科学数据。  相似文献   

利用理论分析、数值仿真与相图分析,论述了月球卫星冻结轨道与地球卫星冻结轨道的区别,分析结果表明,月球重力场存在较大异常,会引起月球卫星轨道发生较大漂移。月球冻结轨道在田谐项影响下,还存在中等周期的漂移。仅简单考虑带谐项系数,无法求得完美的月球冻结系数。月球重力场异常对绕月卫星的影响与地球相比存在很大区别。月球轨道卫星的长期运行与控制策略的设计,不能按照地球轨道卫星的传统方法。目前使用的月球引力模型精度较差,尽管基于这些不可靠的引力模型,可以得出很多有用结论,但对未来高精度的月球探测任务来说,还存在不足,需要在将来的月球探测任务中,探测高精度的月球重力场,以利于未来月球探测航天系统的任务分析与设计。  相似文献   

首先给出了地球重力场和重力测量卫星的内涵,然后概要介绍了地球重力场、月球重力场的作用和意义及国外地球重力场测量技术的发展现状和趋势,比较了目前国际上具有代表性的CHAMP、GRACE和GOCE等重力卫星测量系统。最后阐述我国重力场测量的现状以及发展我国重力场测量卫星系统的必要性,并简要介绍了最新研究进展。  相似文献   

迢柳娟 《航天》2011,(10):22-25
2011年9月10日,一对专门设计用来对月球进行引力测量的卫星,GRAIL(Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory),从美国卡纳维拉尔角空军基地出发,搭乘"德尔它"2型火箭踏上前往月球的3个月的旅程。美国航宇局表示,这对卫星的任务是以前所未有的精度测量月球各处的引力强度,这些测量资料结合以往阿波罗计划月震探测的数据,将有望加深人类对月球地质和内部构造的了解。  相似文献   

微米级微波测距系统是低低卫-卫跟踪重力探测卫星的核心载荷,是反演地球重力场的主要数据来源,星间距离变化的测量精度达微米量级,对系统有源组件的时延稳定性要求非常高,搭建了时延稳定性测试系统,对有源组件进行时延稳定性地面测试验证,得到微米级微波系统有源组件的时延稳定性系数为19.02μm/K,结合无源组件的时延稳定系数及卫星轨道的温度环境,证明轨道谐波误差满足设计要求,微米级微波测距系统的距离变化测量精度满足研制需求.  相似文献   

分析研究了公开发布的全球重力场模型,根据已有真实卫星数据的重力场反演结果,依次分析了激光地球动力学卫星、重力卫星和测高卫星用于地球重力场探测的特点和局限性,并针对上述缺点和局限性,进一步介绍和分析了当前出现的可用于地球重力探测的新型载荷,如激光测距仪、原子干涉绝对重力梯度仪、干涉SAR高度计等,以及新载荷可能产生的探测效益。以上研究可为地球重力场探测技术未来的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,长基线高精度激光干涉距离测量技术的空间应用,为空间引力波探测(天琴计划、太极计划、LISA计划)、系外生命探测(觅音计划)、先进重力场测量(GRACE Follow-on)等大科学计划,以及高精度多星组网技术的实现提供了不可或缺的条件.ESA研制的星间激光干涉测距仪随GRACE Follow-on卫星于2018...  相似文献   

文章分析了月球复杂的重力场环境对月球卫星轨道运行的影响。通过月球卫星冻结轨道与地球卫星冻结轨道的对比分析,结果表明月球重力场存在较大异常,并由此引起月球卫星轨道发生较大漂移。另外,月球冻结轨道在带谐项影响下还存在中等周期的漂移,仅简单考虑带谐项系数无法求得完美的月球冻结系数。由于月球重力场异常对绕月卫星的影响与地球轨道卫星情况相比存在很大差异,因此月球轨道卫星的长期运行与控制策略的设计必须充分考虑此影响。  相似文献   

John M. Sarkissian   《Space Policy》2006,22(2):118-127
On 14 January 2004 President George Bush announced his vision for space exploration, to include a human return to the Moon. He argued that, with a moderate increase in NASA's annual expenditure, such a return was possible. This paper is an exploration of how the President's space initiative can be realised on an international co-operative basis along similar lines to those already existing with the international space station (ISS). By abandoning the concept of a lunar landing as the major goal of a lunar programme, the initiative is made feasible. The three-stage plan here presented meshes with the currently evolving plans for the US space initiative to provide a realistic, affordable and sustainable strategy for manned lunar exploration. It represents a significant opportunity for the USA to unite and lead the world on this grand, civilisation defining adventure.  相似文献   

文章针对未来有人参与的月球探测任务,首先开展了月球表面环境地面模拟试验验证需求分析,归纳总结了国内外技术发展现状。然后,提出并分析了载人月球探测地面模拟试验需重点研究的关键技术:真空热环境下月面移动式多体低重力模拟技术;复杂月面环境高精度热流模拟技术;大容量布尘条件下超高真空获得与保持技术;月面辐射与月尘环境模拟技术;月尘防护效能量化评估技术;月面综合环境试验验证技术等。最后,给出了面向载人月球探测的月面环境模拟试验技术研究总体方案,并对月面环境模拟试验技术的发展目标进行了展望。  相似文献   

With growing knowledge of the lunar surface environment from recent robotic missions, further assessment of human lunar infrastructures and operational aspects for surface exploration become possible. This is of particular interest for the integration of advanced mobility assets, where path planning, balanced energy provision and consumption as well as communication coverage grow in importance with the excursion distance. The existing modeling and simulation tools for the lunar surface environment have therefore been revisited and extended to incorporate aspects of mobile exploration. An extended analysis of the lunar topographic models from past and ongoing lunar orbital missions has resulted in the creation of a tool to calculate and visualize slope angles in selected lunar regions. This allows for the identification of traversable terrain with respect to the mobile system capabilities. In a next step, it is combined with the analysis of the solar illumination conditions throughout this terrain to inform system energy budgets in terms of electrical power availability and thermal control requirements. The combination of the traversability analysis together with a time distributed energy budget assessment then allows for a path planning and optimization for long range lunar surface mobility assets, including manned excursions as well as un-crewed relocation activities. The above mentioned tools are used for a conceptual analysis of the international lunar reference architecture, developed in the frame of the International Architecture Working Group (IAWG) of the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG). Its systems capabilities are evaluated together with the planned surface exploration range and paths in order to analyze feasibility of the architecture and to identify potential areas of optimization with respect to time-based and location-based integration of activities.  相似文献   

Mendell WW 《Acta Astronautica》2005,57(2-8):676-683
The Vision for Space Exploration invokes activities on the Moon in preparation for exploration of Mars and also directs International Space Station (ISS) research toward the same goal. Lunar missions will emphasize development of capability and concomitant reduction of risk for future exploration of Mars. Earlier papers identified three critical issues related to the so-called NASA Mars Design Reference Mission (MDRM) to be addressed in the lunar context: (a) safety, health, and performance of the human crew; (b) various modalities of mission operations ranging surface activities to logistics, planning, and navigation; and (c) reliability and maintainability of systems in the planetary environment. In simple terms, lunar expeditions build a résumé that demonstrates the ability to design, construct, and operate an enterprise such as the MDRM with an expectation of mission success. We can evolve from Apollo-like missions to ones that resemble the complexity and duration of the MDRM. Investment in lunar resource utilization technologies falls naturally into the Vision. NASA must construct an exit strategy from the Moon in the third decade. With a mandate for continuing exploration, it cannot assume responsibility for long-term operation of lunar assets. Therefore, NASA must enter into a partnership with some other entity--governmental, international, or commercial--that can responsibly carry on lunar development past the exploration phase.  相似文献   

By summarizing the history, human achievements in lunar exploration, the vision and prospect of the construction of a lunar base for the further development in lunar exploration is proposed. The idea of building a "beehive" lunar village is proposed, and the promotion of future lunar exploration along with the impact on the development of science, technology and the economy is analyzed in this paper.  相似文献   

月尘对热控系统的退化影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
月尘对热控系统的退化影响直接威胁到探测器在月面的生存,是探测器热控系统设计时所必须考虑的技术重点和难点之一。随着我国探月工程的深入,急需开展月尘对热控系统影响程度的研究,文章在调研的基础上,阐述了目前国内外在月尘的特性、危害性和防护方面的研究现状,并探讨了针对月面探测器设计上的一些可行的防尘措施。  相似文献   

魏延明  任焜  张兵 《航天控制》2005,23(1):15-22
在总结国外探月活动的基础上,提出了我国探月工程中推进系统设计 的初步方案以及总体构成等,并分别就着陆器、上升舱和返回舱提出了推进系统 的初步设想,然后在此基础上提出了推进系统研制中要着重解决的几个问题。  相似文献   

文章介绍了国外月球探测与月球环境地面模拟试验技术的发展现状,提出了为满足我国未来月球探测与着陆所需要的月球环境地面模拟试验技术的主要研究方向.  相似文献   

王平  于晓强  郭继峰 《宇航学报》2022,43(5):548-562
对月球大范围探测巡视器及相应制导、导航与控制(GNC)技术进行了综述。首先对月球大范围巡视探测需求进行分析,介绍了世界各国主要的月球大范围巡视器计划研究进展;其次针对月球大范围探测GNC技术研究现状进行了归纳整理,简要分析了进行月球大范围探测任务现存技术难点;最后为实现更加完备高效的月面大范围探测提出了月球大范围探测网构建设想,并分析了其构建目的、意义及关键技术。  相似文献   

The policy process of international cooperation in space exploration. including optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for the twenty-first century, is modeled and examined in this study. In the optimistic scenario, international cooperation involves a balanced and interdependent distribution of capabilities between states, their respective national space agencies and communities of space scientists and space engineers. Cooperation is characterized by interstate participation in critical path components and joint research and development. In the pessimistic scenario, international cooperation is structured and dominated politically and economically by powerful states vis-a-vis weaker states. Cooperation is limited to coordination of separate nationally approved projects and augmentation of capabilities in noncritical path components. On the basis of these two scenarios, policy predictions and implications relevant to exploration missions in the twenty-first century, such as a human-tended lunar base and human missions to Mars, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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