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随着近年来国家大力推进工程建设监理制度,大家对工程监理的工作已不陌生,但在基本建设管理程序中还有一项大家不是很熟悉的管理制度,这就是建设工程质量监督制度。对一个具体的工程项目而言,质量监督工作在工程质量、进度、投资三大目标的控制上与工程监理是一致的,但二者在工作性质、工作范围  相似文献   

秦山三期重水堆核电站是国家“九五”重点工程,也是中加两国合作的最大贸易项目,其建设周期短、工程质量高、多项施工纪录创同类核电站建设之最,它的成功建设和良好的商业运行业绩.与秦山三核坚持探索质量管理工作的长效机制建设是分不开的。本文通过对秦山三核在探索以“一个中心、两化运作、三个层次、四大体系”为核心的质量工作长效机制的回顾与总结,对它在确保公司质量管理体系有效运作,以及在如何确保核电站安全可靠经济运行所起的作用,作了一些思考与探讨。  相似文献   

概述了健全的质量与可靠性保证体系是航天型号质量的重要保证条件,介绍了型号工程质量与可靠性应从源头抓起、全过程受控、实施零缺陷管理的几项工作,并对在型号研制中应用推广质量与可靠性创新成果的具体做法作了说明。  相似文献   

国防科工委最近颁布了GJB/Z9000A系列质量管理体系国家军用标准,它是继国防科工委发布质量《三十条》、重点工程《十八条》和技术基础《三十六条》后,在加强质量体系建设方面的又一重要举措。认真学习贯彻GJB/Z9000A系列标准,对于提高国防科技工业质量管理水平具有十分重要的意义。 一、充分认识当前国防科技工业质量的严峻形势 “十五”期间,国防科技工业的首要任务是打好重点工程攻坚战。遵照吴邦国副总理关于“保军首先要确保军品质量”和刘积斌主任关于“质量是国防科技工业的生命”的重要指示,我们必须提高对确保重点工程质量重要性的认识。须知,其它工作做得再好,重点工程质量没抓好,也是我们工作的严重失职。我们应以此为突破口,采取各种措施,确保重点工程的质量,进一步实  相似文献   

2006年是绕月探测工程的决战年。为深入贯彻国务院领导的重要指示精神,全面落实绕月探测工程领导小组第三次会议提出的要求,抓好正样阶段工程研制的质量与可靠性工作,国防科工委制定了《关于加强绕月探测工程质量与可靠性工作的决定》(科工月[2006]310号,以下简称《决定》)。  相似文献   

我国载人航天工程质量建设的总体思考与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展载人航天,是我国航天事业的一次历史性跨越,同时也使航天工程质量建设面临新的机遇和前所未有的历史性挑战。我国载人航天工程实施10年来,历经方案论证阶段、初样研制阶段和正样研制阶段,已成功进行了4次无人飞行试验,为我国首次载人航天飞行的如期实施奠定了坚实基础。整个工程研制工作,在突破和掌握主要关键技术,进入研制、生产和试验阶段后,最重要和最核心的工作就是千方百计保证飞行产品质量,保证飞行试验质量,为最终确保航天员安全、成功实施载人航天创造基本条件。  相似文献   

载人航天工程具有规模庞大、系统复杂以及质量与可靠性要求高等特点,工程实施20年来取得的辉煌成就,不仅是科技成功的典范,同时也是质量管理的成功范例。本文思考与总结了中国航天为保障载人航天工程任务成功,在质量文化、质量管理体系、过程质量控制、质量基础保障能力等方面实施的精细、量化的质量管理实践与方法,为载人航天工程后续任务以及其他大系统工程质量管理,提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

智能建筑,或称建筑智能化,是近年来建筑业面临的一个新课题。它是以建筑为平台,兼备建筑设备、办公自动化及通信网络系统,集结构、系统、服务、管理及它们之间的最优化组合,向人们提供一个安全、高效率、舒适、便利的建筑环境。虽然来自各方向的关于智能建筑的资料很多,国内冠以智能建筑称号的建筑也不少,但究竟什么样的建筑才称得上智能建筑?智能建筑应该具备的条件是什么?系统与集成的关系是什么?智能建筑的标准与衡量工程质量好坏的尺度是什么?  相似文献   

企业质量文化是企业在长期的生产经营中形成的涉及质量的意识规范、价值取向、思维方式、道德观念、行为准则以及风俗习惯和传统惯例的总和,它关系到企业的生存和发展。小平同志说过:质量问题反映了一个民族的素质。的确,质量对社会而言,综合体现了经济、技术和科学文化水平。对于一个企业而言,则反映了管理、技术和企业文化的整体水平。当今社会,已进入到一个全面竞争的时代,作为企业竞争的利器之一——“质量竞争”已经成为企业同竞争者赢得市场的重要武器。质量竞争的背后就是企业质量文化的竞争。西安航天化学动力厂作为承担国家重点型号研制的企业,产品的高质量、高可靠性和尽善尽美的要求,不但使质量成为企业的生命,而且还负有崇高的政治使命。军品有限市场和民品市场的竞争都迫使我们必须用全新的理念扎实推进企业质量文化建设,以全面提高企业的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

置身竞争大潮,谁主市场沉浮?面对历史的发问,答案有目共睹——21世纪是质量的世纪。质量作为一个国家、一个民族文明进步的标志,正在成为市场争夺的决定性因素。企业要发展,国家要富强,民族要复兴,质量管理工作显得越来越重要。为进一步提高质量管理水平,我们必须将质量  相似文献   

针对航天型号批生产任务数量多、任务重、周期短等特点,论述了批生产过程中开展工艺管理工作的一些思路,并探讨了型号批生产工艺管理对于提高生产效率和产品质量的意义。  相似文献   

在使用极限编程(XP,Extreme Programming)方法的软件开发项目中,我们可以使用用户story点来度量项目的规模,这些体现了用户需求的story是以一定的效率被逐次迭代完成的,迭代结束时形成一个完整的软件产品。本文提供一种基于用户story的迭代开发阶段工作量(IE)及任务效率(TE)等指标的计算方法。用一组数据对该方法进行了模拟验证。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):588-593
The paper discusses concepts about the role of architecture in the design of space habitats and the development of a general evaluation criteria of architectural design contribution. Besides the existing feasibility studies, the general requisites, the development studies, and the critical design review which are mainly based on the experience of human space missions and the standards of the NASA-STD-3000 manual and which analyze and evaluate the relation between man and environment and between man and machine mainly in its functionality, there is very few material about design of comfort and wellbeing of man in space habitat. Architecture for space habitat means the design of an artificial environment with much comfort in an “atmosphere” of wellbeing. These are mainly psychological effects of human factors which are very important in the case of a long time space mission. How can the degree of comfort and “wellbeing atmosphere” in an artificial environment be measured? How can the quality of the architectural contribution in space design be quantified? Definition of a criteria catalogue to reach a larger objectivity in architectural design evaluation. Definition of constant parameters as a result of project necessities to quantify the quality of the design. Architectural design analysis due the application and verification within the parameters and consequently overlapping and evaluating results. Interdisciplinary work between architects, astronautics, engineers, psychologists, etc. All the disciplines needed for planning a high quality habitat for humans in space. Analysis of the principles of well designed artificial environment. Good quality design for space architecture is the result of the interaction and interrelation between many different project necessities (technological, environmental, human factors, transportation, costs, etc.). Each of this necessities is interrelated in the design project and cannot be evaluated on its own. Therefore, the design process needs constant check ups to choose each time the best solution in relation to the whole. As well as for the main disciplines around human factors, architectural design for space has to be largely tested to produce scientific improvement.  相似文献   

In a little over four decades, the Indian Space Program has carved a niche for itself with the unique application driven program oriented towards National development. The end-to-end capability approach of the space projects in the country call for innovative practices and procedures in assuring the quality and reliability of space systems. The System Reliability (SR) efforts initiated at the start of the projects continue during the entire life cycle of the project encompassing design, development, realisation, assembly, testing and integration and during launch. Even after the launch, SR groups participate in the on-orbit evaluation of transponders in communication satellites and camera systems in remote sensing satellites. SR groups play a major role in identification, evaluation and inculcating quality practices in work centres involved in the fabrication of mechanical, electronics and propulsion systems required for Indian Space Research Organization's (ISRO's) launch vehicle and spacecraft projects. Also the reliability analysis activities like prediction, assessment and demonstration as well as de-rating analysis, Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) and worst-case analysis are carried out by SR groups during various stages of project realisation. These activities provide the basis for project management to take appropriate techno-managerial decisions to ensure that the required reliability goals are met. Extensive test facilities catering to the needs of the space program has been set up. A system for consolidating the experience and expertise gained for issue of standards called product assurance specifications to be used in all ISRO centres has also been established.  相似文献   

The relatively weak uptake of spatial error handling capabilities bycommercial GIS companies and users can in part be attributed to therelatively low availability and high costs of spatial data qualityinformation. Based on the well established artificial intelligencetechnique of induction, this paper charts the development of anautomated quality capture tool. By learning from example, the tool makesvery efficient use of scarce spatial data quality information, sohelping to minimise the cost and maximise availability of data quality.The example application of the tool to a telecommunications legacy datacapture project indicates the practicality and potential value of theapproach.  相似文献   

针对航天器总装测试试验任务的新形势,提炼出项目管理中质量、进度、成本、风险等各要素,简要介绍了其管理过程、方法和工具。旨在突破技术、设备、人员、保障条件等资源瓶颈的制约,规范航天器总装测试试验过程中项目管理的组织流程和方法,为组织决策提供具有实际价值的理论支持,使多型号航天器项目总装、测试、试验按照最优计划进行。  相似文献   

改变传统的课程教学与考核模式,将先进的教考模式与策略思想融入计算机系列课程教学改革过程中,不仅可提高课程教学质量,也利于促进人才培养质量的提升。本文以《ACCESS数据库程序设计》课程为例,详细阐述了"双层项目驱动的‘二四四’课程考核模式"的构建。实践证明,这种模式有助于教学质量的提高,对学生自主性、研究性、协作性学习能力的培养起到了积极作用,值得进一步完善和推广。  相似文献   

CBERS-1卫星超期图像数据质量评价研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过分析研究中国资源卫星应用中心提供的CCD早期和超期图像数据,本文结合各研究应用单位提出的数据评价方法[2][4],从图像信息工程的角度,提出了一系列可以较好表征图像数据质量的评价参数。分析给出了这些参数在图像理解上的含义,然后将研究成果应用于中巴图像数据评价,得出超期图像质量虽有一定程度的下降,但它包含信息依然丰富,性价比和可用性仍然维持在较高水平的结论。  相似文献   

李建军  杨为民 《宇航学报》2003,24(6):656-660
依据现代质量管理学理论和系统工程原理,探讨了型号研制中的产品保证策略、产品保证的技术领域及其相互关系,提出了基于项目管理要求的产品保证组织体系,结合高新工程项目研制的实践给出了开展产品保证工作的相关结论。  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach for a complex and innovative project requiring international contributions from different communities of knowledge and expertise. Designing a safe and reliable architecture for a manned mission to Mars or the Asteroids necessitates strong cooperation during the early stages of design to prevent and reduce risks for the astronauts at each step of the mission. The stake during design is to deal with the contradictions, antagonisms and paradoxes of the involved partners for the definition and modeling of a shared project of reference. As we see in our research which analyses the cognitive and social aspects of technological risks in major accidents, in such a project, the complexity of the global organization (during design and use) and the integration of a wide and varie d range of sciences and innovative technologies is likely to increase systemic risks as follows: human and cultural mistakes, potential defaults, failures and accidents. We identify as the main danger antiquated centralized models of organization and the operational limits of interdisciplinarity in the sciences. Beyond this, we can see that we need to take carefully into account human cooperation and the quality of relations between heterogeneous partners. Designing an open, self-learning and reliable exploration system able to self-adapt in dangerous and unforeseen situations implies a collective networked intelligence led by a safe process that organizes interaction between the actors and the aims of the project. Our work, supported by the CNES (French Space Agency), proposes an innovative approach to the coordination of a complex project.  相似文献   

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