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The Hard X-ray Spectrometer aboard the SMM detected several events of energy release late in the development of two-ribbon flares. One such event, at 21:12 UT on 21 May, 1980 (~ 20 min after the flare onset and 15 min after the peak of the impulsive phase) is studied in detail. The site of new brightening first became visible in hard X-rays (> 22 keV) and only afterwards showed up at lower energies. It was clearly located high in the corona so that one can identify it with energy release at the tops of newly formed post-flare loops. Thus, if the Kopp and Pneuman model of the loop formation is adopted, we may have imaged here a reconnection process in the solar corona. An attempt is made to estimate physical parameters at the reconnection site.  相似文献   

A coronal explosion is a density wave observed in X-ray images of solar flares. The wave occurs at the end of the impulsive phase, which is the time at which the flare's thermal energy content has reached its maximum value. It starts in a small area from where it spreads out, mainly into one hemisphere, with velocities that tend to rapidly decrease with time, and which are between ~ 103 and a few tens of km s?1. We interpret them as magneto-hydrodynamic waves that (mainly) move downward from the low corona into denser regions.  相似文献   

本文用多步隐格式求解包含电阻的磁流体力学方程组, 对双带耀斑的主相作数值模拟, 清晰地展示了中性片区由撕裂模线性重联向准稳态重联的过渡以及后随耀斑环的产生和等离子体团的喷发过程.对于在能量方程中计及和忽略焦耳加热两种情况, 分别作了计算.结果表明, 计及焦耳加热时, 电流片中等离子体的温度显著增加(是初始温度的2—3倍), 但等离子体的运动速度却变化不大.两种情况的计算结果均表明:等离子体的运动速度低于声速, 因此不会形成快激波.计及焦耳加热的计算结果显示了两个新的特征:其一是中性片高密度等离子体的受热膨胀, 增大了电流片的有效厚度, 它使重联速率降低, 并逐渐趋于饱和, 其二是同时形成上升和沉降等离子体团, 后者与耀斑环碰撞, 并合并于后随耀斑环内.   相似文献   

Ten years after the first observation of large-scale wave-like coronal disturbances with the EIT instrument aboard SOHO, the most crucial questions concerning these “EIT waves” are still being debated controversially – what is their actual physical nature, and how are they launched? Possible explanations include MHD waves or shocks, launched by flares or driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), as well as models where coronal waves are not actually waves at all, but generated by successive “activation” of magnetic fieldlines in the framework of a CME. Here, we discuss recent observations that might help to discriminate between the different models. We focus on strong coronal wave events that do show chromospheric Moreton wave signatures. It is stressed that multiwavelength observations with high time cadence are particularly important, ideally when limb events with CME observations in the low corona are available. Such observations allow for a detailed comparison of the kinematics of the wave, the CME and the associated type II radio burst. For Moreton-associated coronal waves, we find strong evidence for the wave/shock scenario. Furthermore, we argue that EIT waves are actually generated by more than one physical process, which might explain some of the issues which have made the interpretation of these phenomena so controversial.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the footpoint motion of two large solar flares using observations made by the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) and Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The two flares are the M5.7 flare of March 14, 2002 and the X10 flare of October 29, 2003. They are both classical two-ribbon flares as observed in TRACE 1600 or 171 Å images and have long-duration conjugate hard X-ray (HXR) footpoint emission. We use the ‘center-of-mass’ method to locate the centroids of the UV/EUV flare ribbons. The results are: (1) The conjugate UV/EUV ribbons and HXR footpoints of the two flares show a converging (inward) motion during the impulsive phase. For the two flares, the converging motion lasts about 3 and 10 min, respectively. The usual separation (outward) motion for the flare ribbons and footpoints take place only after the converging motion. (2) During the inward and the outward motion, the conjugate ribbons and footpoints of the two events exhibit a strong unshear motion. In obtaining above results, TRACE UV/EUV and RHESSI HXR data show an overall agreement. The two events demonstrate that the magnetic reconnection for the flares occurs in highly sheared magnetic field. Furthermore, the results support the magnetic model constructed by Ji et al. [Ji, H., Huang, G., Wang, H. Astrophys. J. 660, 893–900, 2007], who proposed that the contracting motion of flaring loops is the signature of the relaxation of sheared magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Recent advances have enabled simultaneous Hα and X-ray observations with substantially improved spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution. In this paper we study two events observed as part of a coordinated observing program between the Solar Maximum Mission and Sacramento Peak Observatory: the flares of 1456 UT, 7 May 1980 and 1522 UT, 24 June 1980. Using recently-developed physical models of static flare chromospheres, and corresponding theoretical Hα line profiles, we can distinguish effects of intense nonthermal electron heating from those of high conduction and pressure from the overlying flare corona. Both flares show the signature of intense chromospheric heating by fast electrons, temporally correlated with X-ray light curves at E > 27keV, and spatially associated with X-ray emission sites at E >62; 16 keV. Interpreting the Hα line profile observations using the theoretical Hα line profiles, we infer values of the thick-target input power contained in nonthermal electrons that are observationally indistinguishable (within a factor of 2–3) from those inferred from the X-ray data. Although these events are small, the energy flux values are large: of order 1011 ergs cm?2 s?1 above 20 keV.  相似文献   

There are two ways of external forcing of the lower ionosphere, the region below an altitude of about 100 km: (1) From above, which is directly or indirectly of solar origin. (2) From below, which is directly or indirectly of atmospheric origin. The external forcing of solar origin consists of two general factors – solar ionizing radiation variability and space weather. The solar ionization variability consist mainly from the 11-year solar cycle, the 27-day solar rotation and solar flares, strong flares being very important phenomenon in the daytime lower ionosphere due to the enormous increase of the solar X-ray flux resulting in temporal terminating of MF and partly LF and HF radio wave propagation due to heavy absorption of radio waves. Monitoring of the sudden ionospheric disturbances (SIDs – effects of solar flares in the lower ionosphere) served in the past as an important tool of monitoring the solar activity and its impacts on the ionosphere. Space weather effects on the lower ionosphere consist of many different but often inter-related phenomena, which govern the lower ionosphere variability at high latitudes, particularly at night. The most important space weather phenomenon for the lower ionosphere is strong geomagnetic storms, which affect substantially both the high- and mid-latitude lower ionosphere. As for forcing from below, it is caused mainly by waves in the neutral atmosphere, i.e. planetary, tidal, gravity and infrasonic waves. The most important and most studied waves are planetary and gravity waves. Another channel of the troposphere coupling to the lower ionosphere is through lightning-related processes leading to sprites, blue jets etc. and their ionospheric counterparts. These phenomena occur on very short time scales. The external forcing of the lower ionosphere has observationally been studied using predominantly ground-based methods exploiting in various ways the radio wave propagation, and by sporadic rocket soundings. All the above phenomena are briefly mentioned and some of them are treated in more detail.  相似文献   

Proton and electron heating of a flaring atmosphere is compared in a kinetic approach for the particles ejected from a non-neutral reconnecting current sheet (RCS) located above the top of reconnected flaring loops in a two-ribbon flare. Two kinds of high-energy particles are considered: particles accelerated by a super-Dreicer electric field and those ejected from the reconnection region as neutral outflows, or separatrix jets. The beam electrons are assumed to deposit their energy in Coulomb collisions and Ohmic heating of the ambient plasma particles by the electric field induced by the precipitating beams. The protons are assumed to deposit their energy in generation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs), which, in turn, dissipate due to Cherenkov resonant scattering on the ambient plasma electrons. The beam electrons are found to provide a fast (within a few tenth of a second) heating of the atmosphere that is well spread in depth from the corona to the lower chromosphere. The protons are shown to precipitate to the lower atmosphere much slower (up to few seconds for beam and up to 10–20 s for slow jets). Slow jet protons provide heating of the two compact regions: the first located at the top of a flaring loop just below the RCS, and the second one appearing at the transition region (TR) and upper chromosphere; fast beam protons deposit their energy in the TR and chromosphere only.  相似文献   

Results are given of the study of active regions and flares by a high resolution Mg XI ion spectra obtained aboard rockets and a satellite. It is shown that there is a noticable similarity in the physical conditions in the plasma of active regions and flares. Plasma of both sources consists okf a thermal component with the temperature T ~ 2.?3.106K for active regions and T ~ 1.5?2.5.107K for flares and in both cases of a relatively small number (~ 1–5%) of suprathermal electrons with an energy E ~ 3–6 kT.  相似文献   

Features of strong interplanetary disturbances (including 14 shock waves) are considered by the solar wind plasma measurements onboard the PROGNOZ-8 satellite. Examination of large-scale structure of the plasma fluxes enabled us to discover extreme values of proton temperature (~106K) and density (~102cm?3) in some cases.The energy transferred by the interplanetary shock waves (1031–1032 erg) and their deceleration are estimated. Determination of the plasma parameter jumps for protons and α-particles at the shock front made it possible to estimate the potential barrier (40–400V) depending on magnetosonic Mach number.  相似文献   

太阳耀斑行星际激波传播中的追赶效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文采用二维MHD模型对具有不同间隔时间的2个耀斑先后爆发,模拟研究它们所对应的行星际激波间的追赶效应,并和单个耀斑所产生的行星际激波相比较。研究结果表明,间隔时间一天以内的2个耀斑激波在行星际空间向外传播时,激波之间有明显的相互作用发生,间隔时间的长短决定了激波传播过程中追赶效应的强弱。根据数值试验结果,追赶效应可归纳为4类,(1)强追赶效应,(2)中等追赶效应,(3)弱追赶效应,(4)无追赶效应。属于强追赶效应的2个耀斑激波传播至1AU处,产生的行星际扰动非常相似于单个耀斑激波的扰动。  相似文献   

Radio emissions during and outside solar flares are tracers of energetic electrons from the bottom of the corona to the interplanetary space. This review focusses on impulsive flares, where joint analyses of radio, hard X-ray and γ-ray observations proved to be powerful probes of the properties of accelerated electrons and of the sites in the corona where they are accelerated. Evidence of electron acceleration and transport in the corona from microwave imaging and decimetre wave spectroscopy is reviewed and compared, and recent work on the interpretation of microwave spectra in terms of energetic electron spectra is discussed. The two directions for future instrumentation are the extension to shorter wavelengths, with the aim of probing relativistic electrons, and solar dedicated spectral imaging from centimetric to metric waves to provide a unified view of the acceleration signatures that stem so far from different instruments with either spectroscopic or imaging capabilities.  相似文献   

We have selected four widely different flares from the early period of operations of the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) on SMM to illustrate the characteristic imaging properties of this experiment. For the small flare of April 4, 1980, we demonstrate the instrument's capability for locating a compact source. In the weak, but extensive, flare of April 6 we show how well the instrument can display spatial structure, and also the low level of the instrument background. In the 1B flare of April 7 we are able to locate positions of the X-ray emission in the soft and hard channels, and estimate the positional variations of the emission patches. Finally, in the IN flare of April 10, which produced the strongest hard X-ray burst we have seen so far, we repeat some of the studies made for the April 7 event, and also demonstrate the capability of the HXIS instrument to study the development, with high time resolution, of individual 8″ × 8″ elements of the flare.  相似文献   

Shock waves, as evidenced by type II radio bursts, often accompany flares and coronal mass ejection transients. At present, the density enhancements observed by coronagraphs are believed by some to be ejected matter from the low corona, and by others to be the compressed material behind a shock front. If the former is correct, one would expect in some cases to see a density enhancement, associated with the compression region of the shock, some distance ahead of the transient ejecta. Such a density enhancement has not been previously reported.The coronal transient of 1980 June 29 (0233 UT) was observed with the High Altitude Observatory's Coronagraph/Polarimeter aboard SMM. This flare-associated coronal transient event was well observed with the Culgoora Radioheliograph, including a well-developed type II burst. Visible on the coronagraph images is a faint circular arc moving out well ahead of the transient loops. This arc is moving at more than 900 km s?1 while the transient itself is moving at a speed of about 600 km s?1. Both the arc and transient appear to have originated either prior to the X-ray flare or at some height above the flare at the time of the flare. The type II burst observed at Culgoora is associated with the transient loops, and no type II emission is identified with the faint arc.Due to its great speed, we interpret the faint arc as a manifestation of a shock wave, but also envision a separate shock wave associated with the transient loops as evidenced by the type II emission. Preliminary density measurements are consistent with this interpretation, and show the outer shock wave associated with the faint arc to have a Mach number MA ≤ 1.7. At present we have no convincing explanation for the lack of a type II burst in association with the arc.This work was supported in part by NASA through grants NSG-7287 and NAGW-91 to the University of Colorado, Boulder, and S-55989 to the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research. The National Center for Atmospheric Research, NCAR, is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Experiments on SMM, GAMMA, Yohkoh, GRANAT, Compton GRO, INTEGRAL, RHESSI and CORONAS-F satellites over the past three decades have provided copious data for fundamental research relating to particle acceleration, transport and energetics of flares and to the ambient abundance of the solar corona, chromosphere and photosphere. We summarize main results of solar gamma-astronomy (including some results of several joint Russian–Chinese projects) and try to appraise critically a real contribution of those results into modern understanding of solar flares, particle acceleration at the Sun and some properties of the solar atmosphere. Recent findings based on the RHESSI, INTEGRAL and CORONAS-F measurements (source locations, spectrum peculiarities, 3He abundance etc.) are especially discussed. Some unusual features of extreme solar events (e.g., 28 October 2003 and 20 January 2005) have been found in gamma-ray production and generation of relativistic particles (solar cosmic rays, or SCR). A number of different plausible assumptions are considered concerning the details of underlying physical processes during large flares: (1) existence of a steeper distribution of surrounding medium density as compared to a standard astrophysical model (HSRA) for the solar atmosphere; (2) enhanced content of the 3He isotope; (3) formation of magnetic trap with specific properties; (4) prevailing non-uniform (e.g., fan-like) velocity (angular) distributions of secondary neutrons, etc. It is emphasized that real progress in this field may be achieved only by combination of gamma-ray data in different energy ranges with multi-wave and energetic particle observations during the same event. We especially note several promising lines for the further studies: (1) resonant acceleration of the 3He ions in the corona; (2) timing of the flare evolution by gamma-ray fluxes in energy range above 90 MeV; (3) separation of gamma-ray fluxes from different sources at/near the Sun (e.g., different acceleration sources/episodes during the same flare, contribution of energetic particles accelerated by the CME-driven shocks etc.); (4) asymmetric magnetic geometry and new magnetic topology models of the near-limb flares; (5) modeling of self-consistent time scenario of the event.  相似文献   

As a result of the large body of data available from solar and stellar coronae, our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the heating of coronal plasmas to temperatures of the order of ~ 108 K has changed. The solar corona is highly structured by magnetic fields and the acoustic shocks which, according to early theories, should have acted as the coronal energy source have not been observed. Einstein Observatory data show moreover that coronae are present in most regions of the H-R diagram. The observed relationship between X-ray luminosity and rotational velocity in dwarf stars from spectral types F to M again suggests an active role for the magnetic fields.The basic picture which is emerging is that coronae in stellar types from F to M are produced because of the interaction of the magnetic field with the convective velocity fields generated in the photosphere resulting in MHD waves or currents which dissipate in the corona. X-ray emission in early type stars cannot be explained with this mechanism and the models which have been proposed for these stars are not yet completely satisfactory.  相似文献   

Detailed in situ studies of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration, which play a crucial role in the release and redistribution of energy in solar flares, can be performed in tokamak plasmas under conditions resembling those of the flaring solar corona. Recent measurements and modelling of fast particle production during reconnection events in the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) are described. Specifically, observations in this device of electron acceleration during edge localised modes, and of both ion and electron acceleration during merging-compression plasma start-up, are presented, and possible implications of these studies for particle acceleration in flares are discussed. The results from MAST lend weight to the conjecture that large numbers of ions are accelerated to sub-MeV energies in flares.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray observations provide the most direct diagnostic we have of the suprathermal electrons and the hottest thermal plasma present in solar flares. The Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) is obtaining the most comprehensive observations of individual solar flares ever available in hard X-rays. For the first time, high-resolution spectra are available for a large number of flares that accurately display the spectral shape and its evolution and, in many cases, allow us to identify the transition from the bremsstrahlung X-rays produced by suprathermal electrons to the bremsstrahlung at lower energies emitted by thermal plasma. Also, for the first time, images can be produced in arbitrary energy bands above 3–4 keV, and spectra of distinct imaged components can be obtained.I review what we have learned from RHESSI observations about flare suprathermal electron distributions and their evolution. Next, I present computations of the energy deposited by these suprathermal electrons in individual flares and compare this with the energy contained in the hot thermal plasma. I point out unsolved problems in deducing both suprathermal electron distributions and the energy content of the thermal plasma, and discuss possible solutions. Finally, I present evidence that electron acceleration is associated with magnetic reconnection in the corona.  相似文献   

Solar flares are explosive events in the solar corona, representing fast conversion of magnetic energy into thermal and kinetic energy, and hence radiation, due to magnetic reconnection. Modelling is essential for understanding and predicting these events. However, self-consistent modelling is extremely difficult due to the vast spatial and temporal scale separation between processes involving thermal plasma (normally considered using magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approach) and non-thermal plasma (requiring a kinetic approach). In this mini-review we consider different approaches aimed at bridging the gap between fluid and kinetic modelling of solar flares. Two types of approaches are discussed: combined MHD/test-particle (MHDTP) models, which can be used for modelling the flaring corona with relatively small numbers of energetic particles, and hybrid fluid-kinetic methods, which can be used for modelling stronger events with higher numbers of energetic particles. Two specific examples are discussed in more detail: MHDTP models of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in kink-unstable twisted coronal loops, and a novel reduced-kinetic model of particle transport in converging magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The basic ideas to model the large solar flares are reviewed and illustrated. Some fundamental properties of potential and non-potential fields in the solar atmosphere are recalled. In particular, we consider a classification of the non-potential fields or, more exactly, related electric currents, including reconnecting current layers. The so-called ‘rainbow reconnection’ model is presented with its properties and predictions. This model allows us to understand main features of large flares in terms of reconnection. We assume that in the two-ribbon flares, like the Bastille-day flare, the magnetic separatrices are involved in a large-scale shear photospheric flow in the presence of reconnecting current layers generated by a converging flow.  相似文献   

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