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Space debris cumulative flux considering the Interval Distance-based method
Authors:Bao-Jun Pang  Dong-Fang Wang  Wei-Ke Xiao  Bin-Bin Lu
Institution:Harbin Institute of Technology, Hypervelocity Impact Research Center, P.O. Box 3020, Science Park, 2 Yikuang Street, Nangang District, Harbin 150080, PR China
Abstract:The availability of engineering models to estimate the risk from space debris is essential for space missions. According to current research, cumulative flux calculation is mostly carried out based on the equal-width interval discretization. The method discretizes the volume around the Earth into cells defined in earth centered inertial coordinates. The resulting debris flux onto a target object is shown to depend on the chosen size of the cells. To avoid a discretization error, this must be accounted for. In order to present reliable flux predictions for space mission, the algorithm improvement is an ongoing topic for the related research field. The aim of this study was to examine the discretization error during the cumulative flux determination process. Both the effect of interval step length and the orbital boundary are under investigation. Several typical orbits are selected as examples here and the 2018/01/03 TLE (Two Line Element) data published by the US Space Surveillance Network is used as the debris background in this paper. Furthermore, the Interval Distance-Based method for Discretization (IDD) is adopted in this paper. A position-centered flux determination method is introduced based on the IDD method. According to the example analysis, the IDD used in the flux calculation process provides results which are less affected by the interval step-size setup; and the orbital boundary has no effect on the calculation process. In other words, the discretization error is significantly reduced. The position-centered method provided a possible suggestion for the improvement of space debris environment models.
Keywords:Flux  Discretization error  Interval Distance-Based method for Discretization
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