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引用本文:姚路,刘文清,阚瑞峰,许振宇,阮俊,王辽,冮强. 小型化TDLAS发动机测温系统的研究及进展[J]. 实验流体力学, 2015, 0(1): 71-76. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20140025
作者姓名:姚路  刘文清  阚瑞峰  许振宇  阮俊  王辽  冮强
作者单位:中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所 国家环境光学监测仪器工程技术研究中心,合肥,230031
摘    要:
在吸气式发动机研究中,需要监测其进气道气流流场分布、燃烧室温度分布和燃烧产物浓度来验证燃烧室内的燃烧理论模型并最终改进发动机设计;同时,这些参数的实时获取还可以用来控制发动机工作状态以实现燃烧效率优化。TDLAS(可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱)技术具有结构紧凑、响应快速、灵敏度高和非入侵式测量等优点,在高温、高速和剧烈振动等恶劣工作环境下可实现随机飞行的发动机测量,因此被国外多家研究机构采用。调研了高超声速燃烧发动机研究项目 HIFiRE及其在传感器小型化方面所采用的技术手段,介绍已有的小型化设计思路和取得的进展。已集成的小型化系统体积为30×15×10cm3,重量<5kg,功耗<10W。经验证,该系统可在发动机地面试验条件下稳定工作,给未来随发动机飞行的小型化测温系统设计提供了参考。

关 键 词:TDLAS(可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱)   发动机测温   DFB激光器驱动   激光器波长锁定   传感器小型化

Research and development of a compact TDLAS system to measure scramj et combustion temperature
Yao Lu,Liu Wenqing,Kan Ruifeng,Xu Zhenyu,Ruan jun,Wang Liao,Jiang Qiang. Research and development of a compact TDLAS system to measure scramj et combustion temperature[J]. Experiments and Measur in Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 0(1): 71-76. DOI: 10.11729/syltlx20140025
Authors:Yao Lu  Liu Wenqing  Kan Ruifeng  Xu Zhenyu  Ruan jun  Wang Liao  Jiang Qiang
Affiliation:Yao Lu;Liu Wenqing;Kan Ruifeng;Xu Zhenyu;Ruan jun;Wang Liao;Jiang Qiang;Key Lab of Environmental Optics and Technology,Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,CAS;Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory,the31st Research Institute of CASIC;
Advanced research on air-breathing engine development requires sensitive tech-niques to monitor the temperature distribution in the engine,gas flow fields distribution in the combustion reactant and product concentrations to validate combustion theoretical models and in the engine designs.Moreover,the real time acquisition of these parameters can be utilized to con-trol the working status of the engine to optimize the combustion efficiency.Because of its com-pactness,high sensitivity,fast response and non-intruding measurement feature,the tunable di-ode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS )has been applied by many research institutes in tough in-flight environment,such as high temperature,high speed and violent vibration.In this paper,some electronic key techniques in the hypersonic research program HIFiRE are introduced and our design on compact sensors and some progresses are presented.It has been proved that this system can work stably in in-situ measurement and the compact design (volume of 30×15× 10cm3 ,mass<5kg,power<10W)can provide a reference for the in-flight system in the future.
Keywords:TDLAS(tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy)  scramjet combustion meas-urement  DBF laser control  laser wavelength stabilizing  compact sensor
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