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摘    要:察颜观色,通过对方一个不经意的小表情、小动作破解其深藏的内心奥秘,是行走于百态人问人们的一个普遍心愿。世界太复杂,准不想拥有一双火眼金睛,探知动作、表情背后潜藏的危机呢?美国电视剧《Lie to Me》(别对我说谎)的热播,更是点燃了人们破解微动作、微表情的热情火药。一时间各路"神仙"纷纷著书立说,鱼龙混杂,那么究竟人们的表情、动作能否透露内心深藏的秘密?中国"应激心理微反应"学科带头人姜振宇,在《姜振宇教你察言观色》一书中破除了诸多不靠谱的"读心"神话,带领读者从科学的角度出发,一步步破解人类的丛林基因密码,帮助读者分析

关 键 词:察言观色  表情  应激事件  微动  心理反应  动作  人类  科学  作者  基因图谱

Micro Reaction——JiangZhenyu teaches you how to Watch a person’s every mood
Abstract:Learn to "Micro Reaction" You Will Become a Polygraph Detective——" Micro Reaction——JiangZhenyu teaches you how to Watch a person’s every mood " comes Following the first two bestseller books,Mr.Jiang Zhenyu introduced a cartoon version of micro reaction again.Comparing with the esoteric academic books in the past,this book is read very easily.The book begins by exposing us many false polygraph skills which we learn from the film and TV paly.Then,the book explains the skills according to the steps that how people learn micro reaction.First,it shows us which expressions reflect one’s inner life and which expressions are false to fool others in real life;Then it explains what kinds of micro reactions and micro expressions will appear in different situations;People of different micro reactions and micro expressions created by different experiences,and the book tells us how to combine the different experiences to read one’s inner life that reflected by micro reactions;Finally,it combined man and environment,and explained how to use micro reactions in complex situations.
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