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引用本文:刘学翱,吴宏宇,王春洁,丁宗茂,丁建中. 着陆器变阻尼缓冲器性能分析及参数优化[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2018, 44(10): 2149-2155. DOI: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0805
作者姓名:刘学翱  吴宏宇  王春洁  丁宗茂  丁建中
作者单位:北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院,北京,100083;北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院,北京100083;清华大学机械工程系,北京100084;北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院,北京100083;北京航空航天大学 虚拟现实技术与系统国家重点实验室,北京 100083
摘    要:

关 键 词:腿式着陆器  变阻尼缓冲器  动力学分析  响应面模型  蒙特卡罗法  多目标优化

Performance analysis and parameter optimization of lander with variable damping buffer
LIU Xueao,WU Hongyu,WANG Chunjie,DING Zongmao,DING Jianzhong. Performance analysis and parameter optimization of lander with variable damping buffer[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018, 44(10): 2149-2155. DOI: 10.13700/j.bh.1001-5965.2017.0805
Authors:LIU Xueao  WU Hongyu  WANG Chunjie  DING Zongmao  DING Jianzhong
In order to analyze soft landing performance of typical legged lander with variable damping buffer, the dynamic simulation model of lander was established. Based on the simulation model, the soft landing performance of the lander in the uncertain landing environment was analyzed by using Monte Carlo method. The sample points were obtained by using dynamic simulation model and optimized Latin hypercube experiment design, and the incomplete three-order polynomial response surface surrogate models which reflects the complex relationship among the configuration parameters of landing gear, the landing environment parameters and the values reflecting the soft landing performance were established. In order to obtain the variable damping buffer with best performance, the buffer characteristic parameters of the variable damping buffer were optimized by combining the response surface model, Monte Carlo method and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ). The simulation model verification shows that the optimized soft landing performance of lander with variable damping buffer is enhanced.
Keywords:legged lander  variable damping buffer  dynamic analysis  response surface model  Monte Carlo method  multi-objective optimization
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