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引用本文:逯兆乾. 80后的思考与行动[J]. 航空港, 2012, 0(8): 121
摘    要:我不是一口气读完《大目标:我们与这个世界的政治协商》的,因为,刚读该书给人一种业余写手习作的感觉,里面充满了自以为是的主观和非专业论述。后来看到一些标题想再读,在渐渐适应了作者写作风格之后,觉得该书有一种独特之处。作者们虽然年轻,但经历丰富,古今中外,并能从人类发展的历史中概括出自己的结论;思考虽有偏激,但没有人云亦云;语言论述不够专业,但立场非常正确,对国家充满希望,对人民满腔热忱;没有严谨的结构,但所研究问题紧贴现实,都属于这个世界和时代的基本问题,有较深刻的哲学思维,能引发读者的共鸣和更深思考,等等。因此,可以说《大目标:我们与这个世界的政治协商》不失为一本极具阅读价值的书。后来知道作者是一群80后,更感到震撼和欣慰。当今社会对

关 键 词:静思考  政治协商  行动  作者  当今世界  读者  充满  立场  历史  社会风气

A history-based textbook for current affair
Abstract:In this book,several post-Sos writers describe the past world,observe the current world,and are prepared to embrace the future. Looking back 100 years ago,you would find the world at that time was undergoing major changes: the First World War was just fin/shed,when the Second Industrial Revolution had borne fruit. Now,the world is brewing a transformation. Standing on the forefront of world transformation,we must have the ability of respond,which will be given a detailed account in this book.This book also presents us the development history of countries in the world from the perspectives of politics,economy,populations and history. It is easy to look back at history,but difficult to choose the way of the future.The writers clearly show their thinking and choice in this book.Which way do they chose? What will they negotiate with this era? The answer will be given in this book.
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