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An inversion approach for lunar regolith layer thickness using optical albedo data and microwave emission simulation
Authors:Ya-Qiu Jin  Wenzhe Fa
Institution:aKey Laboratory of Wave Scattering and Remote Sensing Information (Ministry of Education), Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Abstract:An approach to inversion of the lunar regolith layer thickness by using multi-channel brightness temperature observation in passive microwave remote sensing is developed. To first make simulation of brightness temperature from the lunar layered media, the lunar regolith layer thickness (d) is proposed being constructed by available lunar DEM (digital elevation mapping) and on site measurements. The physical temperature distribution (T) over the lunar surface is also empirically assumed as a monotonic function of the latitude. Optical albedo of the lunar nearside from the telescopic observation is employed to construct the spatial distribution of the FeO+TiO2 content (S) in the lunar regolith layer. A statistic relationship between the DEM and S of the lunar nearside is further extended to construction of S of the lunar farside. Thus, the dielectric permittivity (ε) of global lunar regolith layer can then be determined. Based on all these conditions (d,T,ε), brightness temperature of the lunar regolith layer in passive microwave remote sensing, which is planned for China's Chang-E lunar project, is numerically simulated by a parallel layering model using the strong fluctuation theory of random media.Then, taking these simulations with random noise as observations, an inversion method of the lunar regolith layer thickness is developed by using three- or two-channels brightness temperatures. When the S is low, and the four channels brightness temperatures in China's Chang-E project are well distinguishable, the regolith layer thickness and physical temperature of the underlying lunar rock media can be inverted by the three-channels approach. When the S becomes high that the brightness temperature at high frequency channels such as 19.35, 37 GHz are saturated, the regolith layer thickness is alternatively inverted only by the two-channels approach.Numerical simulation and inversion approach in this paper make an evaluation of the performance for lunar passive microwave remote sensing, and for future data calibration and validation.
Keywords:Simulation of brightness temperature  Inversion of regolith layer thickness  Optical albedo  color:black" href="/science?_ob=MathURL&_method=retrieve&_udi=B6V1N-4W84GRC-3&_mathId=mml52&_user=10&_cdi=5679&_rdoc=26&_acct=C000069468&_version=1&_userid=6189383&md5=6c3058e72a2e31a09cf72c167f1cfef4" title="Click to view the MathML source"  FeO+TiO2 content" target="_blank">alt="Click to view the MathML source">FeO+TiO2 content  Regolith dielectric constant  DEM
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