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Quasi-biennial oscillations in the cross-correlation of properties of macrospicules
Authors:T.S. Kiss  N. Gyenge  R. Erdélyi
Affiliation:1. Solar Physics and Space Plasmas Research Centre (SP2RC), School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom;2. Department of Physics, University of Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1, Debrecen H-4032, Hungary;3. Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory (DHO), Konkoly Astronomical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, P.O. Box 30, H-4010, Hungary
Abstract:Jets, whatever small (e.g. spicules) or large (e.g. macrospicules) their size, may play a key role in momentum and energy transport from photosphere to chromosphere and at least to the low corona. Here, we investigate the properties of abundant, large-scale dynamic jets observable in the solar atmosphere: the macrospicules (MS). These jets are observationally more distinct phenomena than their little, and perhaps more ubiquitous, cousins, the spicules. Investigation of long-term variation of the properties of macrospicules may help to a better understanding of their underlying physics of generation and role in coronal heating. Taking advantage of the high temporal and spatial resolution of the Solar Dynamics Observatory, a new dataset, with several hundreds of macrospicules, was constructed encompassing a period of observations over six years. Here, we analyse the measured properties and relations between these properties of macrospicules as function of time during the observed time interval. We found that cross-correlations of several of these macrospicule properties display a strong oscillatory pattern. Next, wavelet analysis is used to provide more detailed information about the temporal behaviour of the various properties of MS. For coronal hole macrospicules, a significant peak is found at around 2-year period. This peak also exists partially or is shifted to longer period, in the case of quiet Sun macrospicules. These observed findings may be rooted in the underlying mechanism generating the solar magnetic field, i.e. the global solar dynamo.
Keywords:Sun: chromosphere  Sun: macrospicules  Sun: solar cycle  Sun: oscillations
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