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Stochastic processes for line shapes and intensities
Authors:R. Stamm  R. Hammami  I. Hannachi  H. Capes  L. Godbert-Mouret  M. Koubiti  Y. Marandet  J. Rosato
Affiliation:1. Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires, UMR 7345, AMU-CNRS, Marseille, France;2. Department of Material Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Batna, Batna, Algeria
Abstract:Stochastic processes provide flexible and fast calculations for modeling dynamical interactions between an atom and charged particles. We use a stochastic renewal process for the plasma microfield being the cause of Stark broadening. The accuracy and improvement possibilities of Lyman profiles calculations with a renewal process are analyzed by comparing to ab initio simulations for ion broadening only. Stochastic processes may also be applied to out of equilibrium plasmas. We present our first results for the effect of Langmuir waves on a line broadened by electrons only, and for the changes of atomic populations submitted to strong temperature fluctuations.
Keywords:Stochastic process   Stark broadening   Line shape   Atomic population   Turbulence
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