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Blade bowing effects on radial equilibrium of inlet flow in axial compressor cascades
Authors:Han XU  Hao CHANG  Donghai JIN  Xingmin GUI
Affiliation:1. School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,China;2. AECC Shenyang Engine Research Institute,Shenyang 110015,China
The circumferentially averaged equation of the inlet flow radial equilibrium in axial compressor was deduced.It indicates that the blade inlet radial pressure gradient is closely related to the radial component of the circumferential fluctuation (CF) source item.Several simplified cascades with/without aerodynamic loading were numerically studied to investigate the effects of blade bowing on the inlet flow radial equilibrium.A data reduction program was conducted to obtain the CF source from three-dimensional (3D) simulation results.Flow parameters at the passage inlet were focused on and each term in the radial equilibrium equation was discussed quantitatively.Results indicate that the inviscid blade force is the inducement of the inlet CF due to geometrical asymmetry.Blade bowing induces variation of the inlet CF,thus changes the radial pressure gradient and leads to flow migration before leading edge (LE) in the cascades.Positive bowing drives the inlet flow to migrate from end walls to mid-span and negative bowing turns it to the reverse direction to build a new equilibrium.In addition,comparative studies indicate that the inlet Mach number and blade loading can efficiently impact the effectiveness of blade bowing on radial equilibrium in compressor design.
Keywords:Axial compressor  Bowing  Cascade  Circumferential fluctuation  Inlet flow  Radial equilibrium
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