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We investigate accelerated electrons observed by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), using data from the Electron Reflectometer (ER) instrument. We find three different types of accelerated electron events. Current sheet events occur over regions with weak or no crustal fields, have the highest electron energy fluxes, and are likely located on draped magnetotail fields. Extended events occur over regions with moderate crustal magnetic fields, and are most often observed on closed magnetic field lines. Localized events have the lowest energy fluxes, occur in strong magnetic cusp regions, and are the most likely kind of event to be found on open magnetic field lines. Some localized events have clear signatures of field-aligned currents; these events have much higher electron fluxes, and are preferentially observed on radially oriented open magnetic field lines. Electron acceleration events, especially localized events, are similar in many ways to events observed in the terrestrial auroral zone. However, physical processes related to those found in the terrestrial cusp and/or plasmasheet could also be responsible for accelerating electrons at Mars.  相似文献   
在综合无线电平台中,根据硬件平台通用化要求,需要选择一种总线同时满足CNI 不同波形的中频数据传输对延时、带宽和误码率的要求。本文针对不加协议的GTX 和加上高速串行通信协议的Aurora、SRIO进行测试,得到这三种高速串行总线在延时、带宽和误码率的对比分析,从而选择一种总线作为多波形综合的中频数据传输总线。  相似文献   
The relationships between the magnetic disturbance onsets, aurora dynamics and particles injections at the geostationary orbit have been analyzed in detail for 25 sawtooth substorms. It is shown that inconsistency between the above signatures of the substorms onset is typical of the powerful sawtooth substorms, unlike the isolated (“classical”) magnetospheric substorms. The distinguishing feature of the aurora in case of saw-tooth substorms is permanently high level of auroral activity irrespective of the magnetic disturbance onsets and the double oval structure of the aurora display. The close relationship between the aurora behavior and the particle injections at geostationary orbit is also broken. The conclusion is made, that the classical concept of the substorm development, put forward by Akasofu (1964) for isolated substorms, is not workable in cases of the sawtooth disturbances, when the powerful solar wind energy pumping into the magnetosphere provides a permanent powerful aurora particle precipitation into the auroral zone.  相似文献   
The downward field-aligned current region plays an active role in magnetosphere–ionosphere coupling processes associated with aurora. A quasi-static electric field structure with a downward parallel electric field forms at altitudes between 800 km and 5000 km, accelerating ionospheric electrons upward, away from the auroral ionosphere. Other phenomena including energetic ion conics, electron solitary waves, low-frequency wave activity, and plasma density cavities occur in this region, which also acts as a source region for VLF saucers. Results are presented from high-altitude Cluster observations with particular emphasis on the characteristics and dynamics of quasi-static electric field structures. These, extending up to altitudes of at least 4–5 Earth radii, appear commonly as monopolar or bipolar electric fields. The former occur at sharp boundaries, such as the polar cap boundary whereas the bipolar fields occur at softer boundaries within the plasma sheet. The temporal evolution of quasi-static electric field structures, as captured by the pearls-on-a-string configuration of the Cluster spacecraft, indicates that the formation of electric field structures and of ionospheric plasma density cavities are closely coupled processes. A related feature of the downward current is a broadening of the current sheet with time, possibly related to the depletion process. Preliminary studies of the coupling of electric fields in the downward current region, show that small-scale structures are typically decoupled from the ionosphere, similar to what has been found for the upward current region. However, exceptions are also found where small-scale electric fields couple perfectly between the ionosphere and Cluster altitudes. Recent FAST results indicate that the degree of coupling differs between sheet-like and curved structures, and that it is typically partial. The electric field coupling further depends on the current–voltage relationship, which is highly non-linear in the downward current region, and still unrevealed, as to its specific form.  相似文献   
Analysing the initial mid-latitude aurora phase during strong geomagnetic storms we found that the initial phase of the mid-latitude aurorae observed at 630 nm emission during the strong geomagnetic storms on March 24, 1991, April 6, 2000, October 30 and November 20, 2003 is characterized by a short (∼1 h) wave-like disturbance. This disturbance corresponds to the beginning of main phase of the magnetic storms. The marked effect of the mid-latitude aurorae is analyzed using data on magnetosphere and ionosphere conditions in observation periods. The features of the dynamics of the 630 nm emission intensity and its connection with the dynamics of magnetospheric–ionospheric structures are considered. Possible excitation mechanisms of the atomic oxygen emission (630 nm) during these disturbances are discussed.  相似文献   
Daylight auroral imaging is a proposed application of the NASA high-altitude long-duration balloon technology. This paper discusses the theoretical background of this application and test observations, for proof of the feasibility. It is demonstrated that nitrogen auroral emissions in the near-infrared band are detectable at altitudes of 35–40 km and above using a near-infrared InGaAs camera. The purpose of such observations is to identify auroral small-scale structures that are manifestations of auroral particle accelerations and the solar wind – magnetosphere – ionosphere interaction. Use of this new approach will enable studies of the dayside aurora, low-latitude aurora, and storm-time and substorm-time auroral conjugacy.  相似文献   
从FREJA卫星近期观测发现,地球低极尖区等离子体密度的衰减有多种可能的机制,不同机制所形成的密度空穴都可能捕获低混杂频率附近的湍动波,进而使原有的密度空穴加深.由于同时检测到静电和电磁的低混杂小尖峰,故提出电磁低混杂湍动的电场分量被密度空穴所捕获.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new calculation of neutral gas heating by precipitating auroral electrons. It is found that the heating rate of the neutral gas is significantly lower than previous determinations below 200 km altitude. The neutral gas heating arises from the many exothermic chemical reactions that take place from the ions and excited species created by the energetic electrons. The calculations show that less than half the energy initially deposited ends up heating the neutral gases. The rest is radiated or lost in the dissociation of O2 because the O atoms do not recombine in the thermosphere. This paper also presents a new way of calculating the heating rate per ionization that can be used for efficient determination of the overall neutral gas heating for global thermosphere models. The heating rates are relatively insensitive to the neutral atmosphere when plotted against pressure rather than altitude coordinates. At high altitudes, the heating rates are sensitive to the thermal electron density and long-lived species. The calculations were performed with the Field Line Interhemispheric Plasma (FLIP) model using a 2-stream auroral electron precipitation model. The heating rate calculations in this paper differ from previous heating rate calculations in the treatment of backscattered electrons to produce better agreement with observed flux spectra. This paper shows that more realistic model auroral electron spectra can be obtained by reflecting the up going flux back to the ionosphere at the upper boundary of the model. In this case, the neutral gas heating rates are 20%–25% higher than when the backscattered flux escapes from the ionosphere.  相似文献   
对大气中声重波的产生源的效率作了分析计算。结果显示,不同源的效率相差很大,而且还随频率、离原的距离和方向,以及不同的波动参量而变。对于极光带电急流产生声重波的源,即洛伦兹力和焦耳加热两个源来说,产生近场声重波的效率以洛伦兹为高、对于沿极光带电急流平面的运场区声重波而言,焦耳加热的效率高得多。但对垂直于极为带电流平面的速度波动则洛伦兹力的产生效率高得多;对于沿极光带电急流平面的法向的远场区内的所有声重波参量而言,洛地兹力的产生效率高得多。  相似文献   
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