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MESSENGER: Exploring Mercury’s Magnetosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) mission to Mercury offers our first opportunity to explore this planet’s miniature magnetosphere since the brief flybys of Mariner 10. Mercury’s magnetosphere is unique in many respects. The magnetosphere of Mercury is among the smallest in the solar system; its magnetic field typically stands off the solar wind only ∼1000 to 2000 km above the surface. For this reason there are no closed drift paths for energetic particles and, hence, no radiation belts. Magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause may erode the subsolar magnetosphere, allowing solar wind ions to impact directly the regolith. Inductive currents in Mercury’s interior may act to modify the solar wind interaction by resisting changes due to solar wind pressure variations. Indeed, observations of these induction effects may be an important source of information on the state of Mercury’s interior. In addition, Mercury’s magnetosphere is the only one with its defining magnetic flux tubes rooted beneath the solid surface as opposed to an atmosphere with a conductive ionospheric layer. This lack of an ionosphere is probably the underlying reason for the brevity of the very intense, but short-lived, ∼1–2 min, substorm-like energetic particle events observed by Mariner 10 during its first traversal of Mercury’s magnetic tail. Because of Mercury’s proximity to the sun, 0.3–0.5 AU, this magnetosphere experiences the most extreme driving forces in the solar system. All of these factors are expected to produce complicated interactions involving the exchange and recycling of neutrals and ions among the solar wind, magnetosphere, and regolith. The electrodynamics of Mercury’s magnetosphere are expected to be equally complex, with strong forcing by the solar wind, magnetic reconnection, and pick-up of planetary ions all playing roles in the generation of field-aligned electric currents. However, these field-aligned currents do not close in an ionosphere, but in some other manner. In addition to the insights into magnetospheric physics offered by study of the solar wind–Mercury system, quantitative specification of the “external” magnetic field generated by magnetospheric currents is necessary for accurate determination of the strength and multi-polar decomposition of Mercury’s intrinsic magnetic field. MESSENGER’s highly capable instrumentation and broad orbital coverage will greatly advance our understanding of both the origin of Mercury’s magnetic field and the acceleration of charged particles in small magnetospheres. In this article, we review what is known about Mercury’s magnetosphere and describe the MESSENGER science team’s strategy for obtaining answers to the outstanding science questions surrounding the interaction of the solar wind with Mercury and its small, but dynamic, magnetosphere.  相似文献   
Recent Cluster observations have strongly supported the existence of meso-scale structure in the magnetotail current sheet. In our study, a magnetohydrodynamic simulation event study exhibited current sheet behavior comparable to that seen in the Cluster observations. Geotail and DoubleStar observations also show that the simulation is providing a realistic representation of the magnetosphere during the period of interest; that is, when the current sheet evidently becomes bifurcated. The magnetohydrodynamic simulation allows us to place the local observations into a global contest. It shows that the observations can be explained in terms of localized reconnection tailward of the Cluster location and the formation of a flux rope nearby. The simulation also features wave-like structure across the current sheet.  相似文献   
以Harris Sheet作为初始条件, 使用数值模拟的方法, 研究了二级磁岛不稳定重联的一些性质. 在模拟中随着初始扰动的加入, Harris Sheet将演化到非线性阶段, 形成更薄的有剪切速度的电流片, 并伴有一级磁岛产生. 当Lundquist数大于或等于105时, 非均匀剪切速度的Sweet-Parker电流片开始不稳定, 并有二级磁岛出现. 不稳定Sweet-Parker电流片对应的临界长宽比为65. Lundquist数越大, 演化形成的Sweet-Parker电流片越薄, 更多的二级磁岛将出现, 且沿电流片两边向外喷出, 随时间变大, 相互合并. 二级磁岛的出现使重联率增大, 并与Lundquist数之间不再满足S-1/2的关系, 而似乎对它的依赖关系不明显.  相似文献   
This is a concise review of physics of the substorm in the magnetotail. It consists of two parts. The first part summarizes historical developments in the early days of the space age (1960--1975) when the basic concepts such as magnetotail and reconnection were established and the leading model of the substorm was introduced. The second part is an overview of the research conducted in recent years (1995--2010) when very significant advances have been achieved in understanding the substorm physics by virtue of several major satellites missions that addressed the magnetotail physics intensively.  相似文献   
Scholer  M.  Treumann  R. A. 《Space Science Reviews》1997,80(1-2):341-367
This is a brief overview on what we know and do not know about the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) at the flanks of the magnetotail. On the basis of recent observations, simulations and theories we conclude that reconnection is the dominant process in generating the LLBL and its structure probably even under northward IMF conditions. Part of the LLBL always seems to be on open field lines. Possibly the LLBL possesses a double structure with its outer part open and inner part closed. Anomalous diffusive processes cannot sustain the LLBL but provide sufficient diffusivity for reconnection. Strong diffusion is only expected in narrow localized regions and can make the transition to superdiffusion. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) is favoured for northward IMF, producing vortices at the tail flanks. Its contribution to efficient mass transport still remains questionable. Coupling of the LLBL to the ionosphere can strongly affect the internal structure of the LLBL, causing turbulent eddies and detachments of plasma blobs as also field-aligned currents and electron heating. The structure and dynamics of the LLBL are affected by field-aligned electric potentials that decouple the LLBL from the ionosphere. Non-ideal coupling simulations suggest that the dusk flank is decoupled, favouring KHI, while the dawn flank is dominated by currents and turbulence.  相似文献   
We investigate numerically the dynamical evolution of a boundary driven, topologically complex low plasma. The initial state is a simple, but topologically nontrivial 3D magnetic field, and the evolution is driven by forced motions on two opposite boundaries of the computational domain. A large X-type reconnection event with a supersonic one-sided jet occurs as part of a process that brakes down the large scale topology of the initial field. An energetically steady state is reached, with a double arcade overall topology, in which the driving causes continuous creation of small scale thin current sheets at various locations in the arcade structures.  相似文献   
采用多步隐格式,对在瞬间形成的电流片的触发下的高剪切无力场的磁重联过程进行了数值模拟。磁重联首先在交界面处的非中性电流片区出现,然后向无力场区蔓延。在磁重联过程中,在无力场区形成一高温环状结构,物质向光球层流动。在高温环内侧的新喷发场区,物质向上流动。磁重联主要集中在初始电流片外侧的高剪切无力场区,高温环顶部的温度最高,位置基本固定。在磁重联的过程中,剪切磁场分量的空间梯度减小,无力场因子下降。  相似文献   
利用ACE和WIND卫星2007年1月6日的联合探测, 在1AU附近发现了一个等离子体密度极低的Petschek-like重联喷流区. 该喷流区内部出现了非常明显的Hall双极磁场、等离子体密度下降区以及与Hall电流相符的低能段电子投掷角分布. 这些特征与重联离子扩散区的Hall效应非常吻合, 说明很可能在太阳风中观测到了一个离子扩散区. 分析表明, 与之相关的磁场重联为准稳态快速完全反向重联, 其扩散区以一对慢模波为边界, 空间尺度达到80个离子惯性长度, 表现出了大尺度重联的特征.  相似文献   
We show that magnetic field annihilation depends strongly on the behaviour of the vorticity and is quite different in 2D and 3D. In 3D the vorticity can be increased locally by the stretching of vortex lines (an effect that is absent in 2D). This leads to the onset ofcellular flow at quite low vorticities and the fragmentation of the simple current sheet.  相似文献   
利用全球磁流体力学(MHD)模拟结果,通过确立包含磁层顶的太阳风流线内边界来识别三维磁层顶位形,并以极尖区位置作为磁层顶日侧与夜侧的分界线,在此基础上定量研究了不同条件下穿过磁层顶向磁层内输入的电磁能量. 研究发现,磁层顶的能量传输与太阳风条件密切相关,磁重联是控制电磁能量传输的重要机制. 结果表明,当IMF(行星际磁场)南向时,极尖区后方的磁尾附近存在电磁能输入最大值,当IMF北向时,电磁能输入最大值发生在极尖区附近;南向IMF条件下,在IMF强度增大或太阳风密度增大时,磁层顶电磁能传输的电磁能量比北向IMF条件时增加更显著. 太阳风通过调节磁层顶面积间接影响到磁层顶能量传输大小. 研究还发现,北向IMF与南向IMF条件下穿过磁层顶的电磁能输入的比值范围约为10%~30%,此比值一定程度上反映了北、南方向IMF与地磁场磁重联效率的比值.  相似文献   
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