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Broad-band spectra of accreting X-ray binary pulsars can be fitted by a phenomenological model composed of a power law with a high energy rollover above 10 keV, plus a blackbody component with a temperature of few hundred eV. While, at least qualitatively, the hard tail can be explained in terms of (inverse) Compton scattering, the origin of the soft component cannot find a unique explanation. Recently, a qualitative picture able to explain the overall broad-band spectrum of luminous X-ray pulsars was carried out by taking into account the effect of bulk Comptonization in the accretion column. After a review of these recent theoretical developments, I will present a case study of how different modeling of the continuum affect broad features, in particular the cyclotron resonance features in Vela X-1.  相似文献   
本文介绍了在弹道靶设备上对再入速度下模型的热辐射进行的实验研究工作。铝、高硅氧和聚碳酸酯三种材料的模型在速度为4.5~6.0(km/s),压力为600—8000Pa条件下做了实验,在258nm—1100nm光谱范围内完成了九个波段的辐射测量,给出了三种材料模型的辐射光谱分布曲线。结果表明辐射量除了受环境条件影响外,还强烈地依赖于模型材料;由烧蚀产物引起的辐射通量主要在可见光和近红外区(465nm以上)。估算了烧蚀产物引起的辐射加热率,对头部和近尾流辐射通量做了比较。  相似文献   
研究了设计参数具有固定容差的阵列天线方向图综合法;给出了阵列天线方向图容差优化的数学模型;提出了求解容差优化最坏情况问题的离散化方法;建立了直线阵列天线容差区内误差任意分布的物理模型,并采用修正正多面体优化方法对激励幅度具有容差的侧射天线阵进行了综合。当设计参数偏离其标称值时,文中的综合方法可以使天线性能的偏差最小。  相似文献   
大型转动机械碰摩故障分析的声发射检测系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
汽轮发电机、空气压缩机等采用油膜支撑的大型转动机械,由于安装或运行中的原因,在转子旋转过程中,可能和器壁发生轻微的摩擦和碰击,简称碰摩.声发射技术在碰摩发生特别是故障早期诊断上有优越性.本系统的特点是没有沿用传统的计数、幅度、能量和持续时间等声发射特性参数,而是在声发射包络信号的频率分析中进行特征提取.声发射发生的过程分析和现场试验都表明这种方法对碰摩检测很敏感,在碰摩发生的起始阶段,包络谱中与转速同步的周期性分量显著增加.根据这种新的设计思想自行研制了BUAA碰摩声发射检测仪并对此作了介绍.  相似文献   
We propose a jet model for the low/hard state of galactic black-hole X-ray sources which explains the energy spectra from radio to X-rays and a number of timing properties in the X-ray domain such as the time lag spectra, the hardening of the power density spectra and the narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy. The model assumes that (i) there is a magnetic field along the axis of the jet, (ii) the electron density in the jet drops inversely proportional to distance, (iii) the jet is “hotter” near its center than at its periphery, and (iv) the electrons in the jet follow a power-law distribution function. We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of Compton upscattering of soft photons from the accretion disk and have found power-law high-energy spectra with photon-number index in the range 1.5–2 and cutoff at a few hundred keV, power-law time lags versus Fourier frequency with index 0.8, and an increase of the rms amplitude of variability and a narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy as they have been observed in Cygnus X-1. The spectrum at long wavelengths (radio, infrared, optical) is modeled to come from synchrotron radiation of the energetic electrons in the jet. We find flat to inverted radio spectra that extend from the radio up to about the optical band. For magnetic field strengths of the order 105–106 G at the base of the jet, the calculated spectra agree well in slope and flux with the observations.  相似文献   
New measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation temperature at 12 cm, 6.3 cm, 3 cm, 0.9 cm and 0.3 cm have made in July 1982 from the White Mountain High Altitude Research Station. The results are presented and the existence of spectral distortions discussed.  相似文献   
辐射带高能电子通量波动与地磁暴警报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地球磁场捕获带电粒子形成辐射带,地磁场的扰动将导致带电粒子通量的变化.根据磁暴期间外辐射带高能电子通量起伏和波动的特点及规律,利用GOES卫星实时发布的5min分辨率高能电子微分通量数据,构建了高能电子通量波动指数,并分析了该指数与地磁活动的关系.结果表明,所提出的高能电子通量波动指数与地磁事件有很好的相关性,能起到地磁暴发生的指示剂作用,相对于目前空间环境业务化预报过程中广泛使用的3hKp指数,高能电子通量波动指数能更早地警报地磁暴的发生,是潜在有效的地磁暴警报辅助手段,能为空间环境预报中的地磁暴实时警报提供重要参考.  相似文献   
太阳活动与全球气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太阳不断向地球辐射电磁波和粒子, 太阳辐射是地球气候系统最主要的能量来源. 地球气候系统对太阳活动的响应是一个复杂的过程, 包括辐射过程、动力学过程以及微观物理过程等. 根据太阳辐射的卫星观测结果和重建结果, 例举了古气候、温度、大气环流和云量等方面太阳影响气候的观测证据, 论述了太阳影响气候的三种可能机制, 即太阳总辐射变化可以影响地表温度, 并通过海-气耦合改变大气环流; 太阳紫外辐射通过调制平流层的温度和风场影响下面的对流层; 太阳通过行星际磁场调制银河宇宙线, 而银河宇宙线通过电离大气影响云量, 进而改变地球的能量收支.  相似文献   
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