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The Earth and the near interplanetary medium are affected by the Sun in different ways. Those processes generated in the Sun that induce perturbations into the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system are called geoeffective processes and show a wide range of temporal variations, like the 11-year solar cycle (long term variations), the variation of ~27?days (recurrent variations), solar storms enduring for some days, particle acceleration events lasting for some hours, etc.In this article, the periodicity of ~27?days associated with the solar synodic rotation period is investigated. The work is mainly focused on studying the resulting 27-day periodic signal in the magnetic activity, by the analysis of the horizontal component of the magnetic field registered on a set of 103 magnetic observatories distributed around the world. For this a new method to isolate the periodicity of interest has been developed consisting of two main steps: the first one consists of removing the linear trend corresponding to every calendar year from the data series, and the second one of removing from the resulting series a smoothed version of it obtained by applying a 30-day moving average. The result at the end of this process is a data series in which all the signal with periods larger than 30?days are canceled.The most important characteristics observed in the resulting signals are two main amplitude modulations: the first and most prominent related to the 11-year solar cycle and the second one with a semiannual pattern. In addition, the amplitude of the signal shows a dependence on the geomagnetic latitude of the observatory with a significant discontinuity at approx. ±60°.The processing scheme was also applied to other parameters that are widely used to characterize the energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth: F10.7 and Mg II indices and the ionospheric vertical total electron content (vTEC) were considered for radiative interactions; and the solar wind velocity for the non-radiative interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. The 27-day signal obtained in the magnetic activity was compared with the signals found in the other parameters resulting in a series of cross-correlations curves with maximum correlation between 3 and 5?days of delays for the radiative and between 0 and 1?days of delay for the non-radiative parameters. This result supports the idea that the physical process responsible for the 27-day signal in the magnetic activity is related to the solar wind and not to the solar electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   
考虑辐射的化学平衡流驻点线解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用数值方法求解了化学平衡的高超声速粘性激波层驻点线流场。考虑了辐射和质量引射对流场的影响。辐射模型采用线和连续谱模型。文中讨论了引射率、头部半径、来流速度对壁面传热的影响。与有关文献结果比较表明,本文的方法是可行的。  相似文献   
In this review the IR emission from circumstellar material is discussed, both of ionized gas and dust grains, and the astrophysical information that can be extracted from such observations. Some emphasis is placed on the possibilities of stellar IR astronomy using a large space-borne telescope, especially with respect to the much better spatial and spectral resolution of such a telescope compared to the current generation of ground-based and space IR telescopes.  相似文献   
反辐射导弹设计技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
反辐射导弹(ARM)是一种利用雷达辐射源的电磁波,发现、跟踪并摧毁雷达系统的导弹。反辐射导弹的出现,使仅有“软”杀伤能力的电子战有了“硬”摧毁能力。论述了反辐射导弹的特点及其局限性,讨论了提高反辐射导弹性能的技术方法。这些技术包括:缩窄工作频带、采用比相比幅单脉冲侧向体制、数字化和集成化设计等。  相似文献   
卫星抗辐射加固技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了FY-1C卫星运行轨道空间辐射环境,介绍了整星、单机、器件抗辐射要求。卫星研制过程中,对各单抗和系统在技术设计、元器件设计、软件编制等的抗辐射加固设计要求。特别对有CPU和存储器的单粒子翻转效应(SEU)和闩锁效应(SEL)试验。仪器和系统的软件均用故障注入的方法完成了抗SEU的仿真试验。  相似文献   
Chinese scientists studied some of the problems in the field of space life science and achieved success in the area during 2000-2001. Space biological experi ments were carried out in the orbit and the results of ground studies on protein crystallization, space radiation, space motion sickness were introduced in this paper. The influences of simulated weightlessness on the brain-function, the car diovascular, endocrine hormones, immunity, skeletal and muscle systems were presented. In addition, gravity medicine and space environment medicine, as well as countermeasures to space deconditioning, such as the traditional Chinese medicine, were also reported.  相似文献   
首先讨论了纯辐射换热的航天器系统温度场在恒定热源情况下具有渐近稳定特性,然后据此提出了对该系统可采用比缩热负载进行热模拟试验的方法。  相似文献   
防区外空地反辐射导弹攻击区及作战效能仿真   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
建立了防区外空地反辐射导弹运动数学模型,结合给定的导引规律形成控制信号,通过空地反辐射导弹的全弹道仿真,对反辐射导弹攻击区及作战效能进行了计算分析,仿真结果表明;机载反辐射导弹命中精度高,杀伤概率大,是压制地面雷达设备的一种有效武器。  相似文献   
高超声速小钝锥尾流化学非平衡辐射研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文主要目的是研究化学非平衡对高超声速小钝锥尾流辐射的影响。计算结果表明:激发发射辐射比化学发光辐射重要,红外辐射比可光辐射重要。结果还表明:由化学非平衡瞬时辐射模型计算求得的NO5.3μ的辐射能比由局部平衡辐射模型求得的辐射能大30 ̄70%。由此可知,小钝锥尾流的化学非平衡辐射模型对辐射的影响是不能忽略的。  相似文献   
A model for the emission processes causing rapid variability (less than one day) in active galactic nuclei is developed. Relativistic electron beams escape from reconnection sheets in coronae of accretion disks and excite plasma turbulence with a typical frequency , which depends on the electron number densityn (see also the contribution by R. van Oss). The finite lengths of different beams emerging from different reconnection sheets allows that the waves arecoherently scattered to frequencies 2pe. For Lorentz factors 103 and densities typical for disk coronaen106 cm –3 (derived from iron line observations) one easily reaches the optical, frequency range. The time scale of the variability is then caused by the relaxation of the electron beams. Likewise, this model explains the very rapid variability in the X-ray (less than 10 minutes) by changing the parameters slightly. According to this scenario the higher the variable frequency is, the closer to the central black hole it should originate.  相似文献   
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