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This paper describes the three-dimensional (3-D) electron density mapping of the ionosphere given as output by the assimilative IRI-SIRMUP-P (ISP) model for three different geomagnetic storms. Results of the 3-D model are shown by comparing the electron density profiles given by the model with the ones measured at two testing ionospheric stations: Roquetes (40.8°N, 0.5°E), Spain, and San Vito (40.6°N, 17.8°E), Italy. The reference ionospheric stations from which the autoscaled foF2 and M(3000)F2 data as well as the real-time vertical electron density profiles are assimilated by the ISP model are those of El Arenosillo (37.1°N, 353.3°E), Spain, Rome (41.8°N, 12.5°E), and Gibilmanna (37.9°N, 14.0°E), Italy. Overall, the representation of the ionosphere made by the ISP model is better than the climatological representation made by only the IRI-URSI and the IRI-CCIR models. However, there are few cases for which the assimilation of the autoscaled data from the reference stations causes either a strong underestimation or a strong overestimation of the real conditions of the ionosphere, which is in these cases better represented by only the IRI-URSI model. This ISP misrepresentation is mainly due to the fact that the reference ionospheric stations covering the region mapped by the model turn out to be few, especially for disturbed periods when the ionosphere is very variable both in time and in space and hence a larger number of stations would be required. The inclusion of new additional reference ionospheric stations could surely smooth out this concern.  相似文献   
电离层测高仪系统中,O波与X波的分离非常重要.本文提出一种新的O波与X波分离的实现方法,根据电离层回波的极化特性,通过在接收电路上采用数字方法合成圆极化波的方式,实现了对O波与X波的有效分离.与现有DPS-4测高仪系统采用模拟域电信号合成圆极化波的方法相比,本文方法通过在数字下变频处理过程中引入±90°相移,消除了在模拟域电信号合成方法中相移器的带宽限制和非线性问题.另外,该方法在实现发射和接收信号的极化状态转换时不需要连续切换多个模拟开关,从而提高了整个系统的稳定性.  相似文献   
在小型天线和低发射功率条件下,保证电离层测高仪观测数据质量和提高观测速度一直是电离层垂测的技术难点.针对这一问题,基于新近发展的高速数字芯片和射频器件,采用窄带跟踪滤波、脉冲压缩、编码复用和天线均衡匹配等技术,设计和研制一种敏捷数字电离层测高仪.该系统采用数米高的小型收发天线和便携式主机系统,配置任意频率扫描方式频高图、高分辨率多普勒频高图和斜向探测等多种工作模式,具有可流动观测布站、系统参数灵活捷变及适合快速电离层扰动探测等能力.敏捷数字电离层测高仪为组网观测获得大范围电离层时空变化和电离层快速扰动及传播提供了一种有效的探测手段.  相似文献   
HF sky-wave backscatter sounding system is capable of measuring the large-scale, two-dimensional (2-D) distributions of ionospheric electron density. The leading edge (LE) of a backscatter ionogram (BSI) is widely used for ionospheric inversion since it is hardly affected by any factors other than ionospheric electron density. Traditional BSI inversion methods have failed to distinguish LEs associated with different ionospheric layers, and simply utilize the minimum group path of each operating frequency, which generally corresponds to the LE associated with the F2 layer. Consequently, while the inversion results can provide accurate profiles of the F region below the F2 peak, the diagnostics may not be so effective for other ionospheric layers. In order to resolve this issue, we present a new BSI inversion method using LEs associated with different layers, which can further improve the accuracy of electron density distribution, especially the profile of the ionospheric layers below the F2 region. The efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated by computing the mean and the standard deviation of the differences between inverted parameter values and true values obtained from both vertical and oblique incidence sounding. Test results clearly manifest that the method we have developed outputs more accurate electron density profiles due to improvements to acquire the profiles of the layers below the F2 region. Our study can further improve the current BSI inversion methods on the reconstruction of 2-D electron density distribution in a vertical plane aligned with the direction of sounding.  相似文献   
We propose a new parameter for quality evaluation of ionogram traces reconstructed by Autoscala. This parameter efficiently assesses the reliability of the automatic interpretation of ionospheric characteristics. Based on an extensive analysis of the data, the parameter values are statistically associated with the accuracy of foF2 data automatically scaled by Autoscala. Therefore, Autoscala will be improved by providing foF2 accuracy as supplementary output information.  相似文献   
In November 2008, the ionosonde station at Boulder, Colorado, USA (40.0°N; 105.3°W) became the host of a new ionosonde (VIPIR, Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar) developed and built by Scion Associates.  相似文献   
The simulation of the multi-beam ionograms in the polar cap region, assessing absorption effect is performed. It is reasonable to distinguish among four different mechanisms responsible for absorption: regular absorption due to solar UV illumination, absorption associated with energetic particles precipitation, absorption connected with X-rays flare and additional absorption in Auroral oval area. In this paper the absorption attributed to proton precipitations is envisaged. The computational model of the high-latitude ionosphere with irregularities oriented to application for the high frequency wave propagation problem was elaborated (Zaalov et al., 2005). A number of the quasi-vertical ionograms in the polar cap region were simulated on the basis of this model. A well-known algorithm (Sauer and Wilkinson, 2008) is applied for the absorption effects calculation. The simulated high-latitude ionograms with the absorption effect and the measured ionograms exhibit quite a good resemblance. This paper illustrates the importance of the understanding and taking into account the absorption effect in the presence of the various structural features in the polar ionosphere (in particular, patches of enhanced electron density) in interpreting ionosonde data.  相似文献   
An electron density profile model with free parameters is introduced. Initially the parameters are calculated on the basis of the ionospheric characteristics automatically obtained from the ionograms by Autoscala and considering the helio-geophysical conditions. The technique used to adjust the free parameters to the particular ionograms recorded is presented.  相似文献   
The results of this paper demonstrate that the effect of collisions on the group refraction index is small, when the ordinary ray is considered. If, however, in order to improve the performance of a system for automatic interpretation of ionograms, the information contained in ordinary and extraordinary traces is combined, the effect of collisions between the electrons and neutral molecules should be taken into account for the extraordinary ray. The magnitude of these differences is generally very small and must be compared with the resolution in the virtual vertical height of the ionosonde, resolution which is typically of the order of few kilometers.  相似文献   
频高图Es层回波的自动识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于决策树算法的自动识别Es层回波的方法以提高Es识别效率.通过自适应二值化以及中值滤波算法对频高图进行预处理,并提取有效的Es回波区域.利用Es层在虚高轴分布的规律,通过图像投影的方法选择出特征,将这些特征以及时间信息作为决策树算法的输入;通过人工识别方式为每幅频高图标明是否存在Es回波的标签,与决策树算法的输出进行比较.对训练集进行训练、剪枝,获取最接近人工识别结果的决策树,使用测试集对获取的决策树进行测试验证.本文使用云南普洱站(22.7°N,101.5°E)记录的频高图数据作为训练集,分别使用云南普洱站(22.7°N,101.5°E)和四川乐山站(29.5°N,103.7°E)的频高图数据作为测试集对该方法进行测试验证,结果表明该方法对普洱站和乐山站两地Es二跳回波的识别均具有较高的准确率,分别达到84.2%和82.8%.  相似文献   
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