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宁强陨石的岩石学、矿物学及化学组成的研究表明,宁强陨石属于异常的CV3碳质球粒陨石,稀有气体和宇宙射线暴露年龄的测定结果与岩石学及化学组成的研究结果是一致的,宁强陨石的宇宙射线暴露年龄为42.2Ma,在CV3球粒陨石中是最高的,U/Th-4He及40K-40Ar气体保存年龄分别为4170±160Ma和4260±70Ma,这与碳质球粒陨石的气体保存年龄为4200Ma是一致的.  相似文献   
Since 1954 a research team (called SVIRCO) has been performing measurements of cosmic rays in Rome at La Sapienza University till 1997 and then at Roma Tre University. The experimental work carried out over more than 50 years is summarized in this paper. It describes: the early history of SVIRCO, the evolution from SVIRCO station to SVIRCO observatory, land and sea cosmic-ray surveys and the mini-network of neutron monitors, operating inside the world-wide network of cosmic ray detectors.  相似文献   
We discuss current progress and future plans for the general antiparticle spectrometer experiment (GAPS). GAPS detects antideuterons through the X-rays and pions emitted during the deexcitation of exotic atoms formed when the antideuterons are slowed down and stopped in targets. GAPS provides an exceptionally sensitive means to detect cosmic-ray antideuterons. Cosmic-ray antideuterons can provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter in such form as neutralinos or Kaluza–Klein particles. We describe results of accelerator testing of GAPS prototypes, tentative design concepts for a flight GAPS detector, and near-term plans for flying a GAPS prototype on a balloon.  相似文献   
The Kumtag meteorite strewn field was found in the Kumtag desert, 132 km south of Hami city in the Xinjiang province, China. It is an ellipse of 2.5 × 7.9 km, with a long axis extending along the northeast-southwest direction. The largest individual meteorite of the strewn field weighs about 10 kg; the smallest individual has a mass of only 27 g. In total, more than 100 individuals with a total mass of more than 180 kg were collected. The location and the distribution of the fragments suggest that the Kumtag meteoroid entered the atmosphere in the direction Northeast-Southwest. All meteorites collected in this strewn field are samples from the same unique meteorite shower. The Kumtag meteorite is an H5 ordinary chondrite with a shock stage S2, and a weathering grade W2. The cosmic ray exposure age of Kumtag is 6.7 ± 0.8 Ma, which is rather typical for H chondrites and which indicates that Kumtag was derived from the massive impact event on its parent body ~7 Ma ago. A significant amount of He has been lost during certain unknown processe(s) before the Kumtag meteorite was ejected from its parent body.  相似文献   
The Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS) is configured with a solenoidal superconducting magnet and a suite of precision particle detectors, including time-of-flight hodoscopes based on plastic scintillators, a silica-aerogel Cherenkov detector, and a high resolution tracking system with a central jet-type drift chamber. The charges of incident particles are determined from energy losses in the scintillators. Their magnetic rigidities (momentum/charge) are measured by reconstructing each particle trajectory in the magnetic field, and their velocities are obtained by using the time-of-flight system. Together, these measurements can accurately identify helium isotopes among the incoming cosmic-ray helium nuclei up to energies in the GeV per nucleon region. The BESS-Polar I instrument flew for 8.5 days over Antarctica from December 13th to December 21st, 2004. Its long-duration flight and large geometric acceptance allow the time variations of isotopic fluxes to be studied for the first time. The time variations of helium isotope fluxes are presented here for rigidities from 1.2 to 2.5 GV and results are compared to previously reported proton data and neutron monitor data.  相似文献   
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope, CALET, mission is proposed for the observation of high-energy electrons and gamma-rays at the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experiment Module on the International Space Station. The CALET has a capability to observe the electrons (without separation between e+ and e) in 1 GeV–10 TeV and the gamma-rays in 20 MeV–several TeV with a high-energy resolution of 2% at 100 GeV, a good angular resolution of 0.06 degree at 100 GeV, and a high proton-rejection power of nearly 106. The CALET has a geometrical factor of 1 m2sr, and the observation period is expected for more than three years. The very precise measurement of electrons enables us to detect a distinctive feature in the energy spectrum caused from WIMP dark matter in the Galactic halo. The excellent energy resolution of CALET, which is much better than GLAST or air Cherenkov telescopes over 10 GeV, enables us to detect gamma-ray lines in the sub-TeV region from WIMP dark matter annihilations. The CALET has, therefore, a unique capability to search for WIMP dark matter by the hybrid observations of electrons and gamma-rays.  相似文献   
The effect of a latitude-dependent solar wind speed on a Fisk heliospheric magnetic field [Fisk, L. A. Motion of the footpoints of heliospheric magnetic field lines at the Sun: implications for recurrent energetic particle events at high heliographic latitudes. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 15547–15553, 1996] was first discussed by Schwadron and Schwadron and McComas [Schwadron, N.A. An explanation for strongly underwound magnetic field in co-rotating rarefaction regions and its relationship to footpoint motion on the the sun. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 1–8, 2002. and Schwadron, N.A., McComas, D.J. Heliospheric “FALTS”: favored acceleration locations at the termination shock. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 41–1, 2003]. Burger and Sello [Burger, R.A., Sello, P.C. The effect on cosmic ray modulation of a Parker field modified by a latitudinal-dependent solar wind speed. Adv. Space Res. 35, 643–646, 2005] found a significant effect for a simplified 2D version of a latitude-dependent Fisk-type field while Miyake and Yanagita [Miyake, S., Yanagita, S. The effect of a modified Parker field on the modulation of the galactic cosmic rays. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, 445–448, 2007] found a smaller effect. The current report improves on a previous attempt Hitge and Burger [Hitge, M., Burger, R.A. The effect of a latitude-dependent solar wind speed on cosmic-ray modulation in a Fisk-type heliospheric magnetic field. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, pp. 449–450, 2007] where the global change in the solar wind speed and not the local speed gradient was emphasized. The sheared Fisk field of Schwadron and McComas [Schwadron, N.A., McComas, D.J. Heliospheric “FALTS”: Favored acceleration locations at the termination shock. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 41–1, 2003.) is similar to the current Schwadron–Parker hybrid field. Little difference is found between the effects of a Parker field and a Schwadron–Parker hybrid field on cosmic-ray modulation, in contrast to the results of Burger and Sello and Miyake and Yanagita [Burger, R.A., Sello, P.C. The effect on cosmic ray modulation of a Parker field modified by a latitudinal-dependent solar wind speed. Adv. Space Res. 35, 643–646, 2005 and Miyake, S., Yanagita, S. The effect of a modified Parker field on the modulation of the galactic cosmic rays. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, pp. 445–448, 2007]. The two-dimensional approximation used by these authors is therefore inadequate to model the complexities of the actual three-dimensional field. We also show that a Fisk-type field with a latitude-dependent solar wind speed (Schwadron–Parker hybrid field) decreases both the relative amplitude of recurrent cosmic ray intensity variations and latitude gradients and yields similar constants of proportionality for these quantities as for the constant solar wind speed case.  相似文献   
The intensity of cosmic-ray electrons is only ∼1% of the protons at 10 GeV, and decreases very rapidly with energy to be ∼0.1% of protons at 1 TeV. Nevertheless, electrons in cosmic-rays have unique features, complementary to all other cosmic-ray nucleonic components, because they enable us to find the origins of cosmic-rays and the properties of their propagation mechanisms in the Galaxy. High-energy electrons lose energy by synchrotron and inverse Compton processes during the propagation in the Galaxy. Since the energy loss rate by these processes is proportional to the square of energy, TeV electrons accelerated in the sources at distances larger than ∼1 kpc, or ages greater than a few 105 yr, cannot reach the solar system. This suggests that some nearby sources leave unique signatures in the form of identifiable structures in the energy spectrum of TeV electrons, and show increases of the flux towards the sources. In this paper, I review the past observations of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons and discuss their astrophysical significance.  相似文献   
Cosmic-ray electrons have been observed in the energy region from 10 GeV to 1 TeV with the PPB-BETS by a long duration balloon flight using a Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) in Antarctica. The observation was carried out for 13 days at an average altitude of 35 km in January 2004. The PPB-BETS detector is an imaging calorimeter composed of scintillating-fiber belts and plastic scintillators inserted between lead plates. In the study of cosmic-ray electrons, there have been some suggestions that high-energy electrons above 100 GeV are a powerful probe to identify nearby cosmic-ray sources and search for particle dark matter. In this paper, we present the energy spectrum of cosmic-ray electrons in the energy range from 100 GeV to 1 TeV at the top of atmosphere, and compare our spectrum with the results from other experiments.  相似文献   
The Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer (BESS) has been carried out to search for primordial antiparticles in cosmic rays. In ten flights from 1993 to 2004, it measured the cosmic-ray antiproton spectrum in the energy range 0.1–4.2 GeV at various solar activity conditions. It also searched for antideuterons and antihelium nuclei, and it made precise measurement of cosmic-ray particle spectra. The BESS program has been extended to long duration balloon (LDB) flights in Antarctica (BESS-Polar) with the goal of achieving unprecedented sensitivity in the search for primordial antiparticles. This report describes recent results from BESS and progress of the BESS-Polar program.  相似文献   
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