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几种新型的星载多光谱和成像光谱仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年出现了几种新型的星载多光谱和成像光谱仪,例如:Landsat-7卫星的有效载荷增强型主题测绘仪+(ETM+);EOS AM-1卫星的有效载荷多角度成像光谱仪(MISR)和先进空间热发射和反射辐射计(ASTER);特殊探测器紫外成像光谱仪(SSUSI)。文章从结构、性能参数等方面综述了这几种星载成像光谱仪。  相似文献   
Advanced space-borne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data were evaluated for the hydrothermal alteration mapping of the Nimu porphyry copper deposit, southern Tibet. According to the metallogenic model for porphyry copper, we chose hydrothermal alteration mineral association and then established a remote sensing model. Relative absorption-band depth (RBD) and simple band combination methods in visible near infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands were used to retrieve information about lithological distributions. Principal component analyses (PCA) were applied to extract the prospecting information based on the spectral information of argillization mineral association, propylitization mineral association, and iron stained (limonite) effects. Results of the study match up well with known copper occurrences and a circular structure in study area, while circular structures usually have close relationship with mineralization. Combined with field validation, ASTER data are proved able to characterise the alteration zone of these porphyry deposits. With VNIR and SWIR bands, argillic, propylitic and ferritization alterations in a single deposit can be effectively discriminated.  相似文献   
Mexico is one of the most volcanically active regions in North America. Volcanic activity in central Mexico is associated with the subduction of the Cocos and Rivera plates beneath the North American plate. Periods of enhanced microseismic activity, associated with the volcanic activity of the Popocatépetl volcano are compared with periods, during which the microseismic activity was low. We detected systematical changes in the number of lineaments, associated with the microseismic activity due to lineament analysis of a temporal sequence of high resolution satellite images of the Popocatépetl volcano, provided by the ASTER/VNIR instrument. The Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis (LESSA) software package was used for the lineament extraction. In the future it would allow develop a methodology for detection of possible elevation of pressure in volcano edifice.  相似文献   
This study investigates the application of spectral image processing methods to ASTER data for mapping hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization and related host rock. The study area is located in the southeastern segment of the Urumieh–Dokhtar Volcanic Belt of Iran. This area has been selected because it is a potential zone for exploration of new porphyry copper deposits. Spectral transform approaches, namely principal component analysis, band ratio and minimum noise fraction were used for mapping hydrothermally altered rocks and lithological units at regional scale. Spectral mapping methods, including spectral angle mapper, linear spectral unmixing, matched filtering and mixture tuned matched filtering were applied to differentiate hydrothermal alteration zones associated with porphyry copper mineralization such as phyllic, argillic and propylitic mineral assemblages.  相似文献   
The present study is an assessment and identification of urban heat island (UHI) in the environment of one of the fastest urbanizing city of India, Delhi Metropolis, employing satellite image of ASTER and Landsat 7 ETM+ in the thermal infrared region 3–14 μm. Temporal (2001 and 2005) ASTER datasets were used to analyze the spatial structure of the thermal urban environment subsequently urban heat island (UHI) in relation to the urban surface characteristics and land use/land cover (LULC). The study involves derivation of parameters governing the surface heat fluxes, constructing statistics of ASTER thermal infrared images along with validation through intensive in situ measurements. The average images reveal spatial and temporal variations of land surface temperature (LST) of night-time and distinct microclimatic patterns. Central Business District (CBD) of Delhi, (Connaught Place, a high density built up area), and commercial/industrial areas display heat islands condition with a temperature greater than 4 °C compared to the suburbs. The small increase in surface temperature at city level is mainly attributed to cumulative impact of human activities, changes in LULC pattern and vegetation density. In this study the methodology takes into account spatially-relative surface temperatures and impervious surface fraction value to measure surface UHI intensity between the urban land cover and rural surroundings. Both the spatial and temporal variation in surface temperature associated with impervious surface area (ISA) has been evaluated to assess the effect of urbanization on the local climate.  相似文献   
Spectral transformation methods, including correlation coefficient (CC) and Optimum Index Factor (OIF), band ratio (BR) and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to ASTER and Landsat TM bands for lithological mapping of Soghan ophiolitic complex in south of Iran. The results indicated that the methods used evidently showed superior outputs for detecting lithological units in ophiolitic complexes. CC and OIF methods were used to establish enhanced Red–Green–Blue (RGB) color combination bands for discriminating lithological units. A specialized band ratio (4/1, 4/5, 4/7 in RGB) was developed using ASTER bands to differentiate lithological units in ophiolitic complexes. The band ratio effectively detected serpentinite dunite as host rock of chromite ore deposits from surrounding lithological units in the study area. Principal component images derived from first three bands of ASTER and Landsat TM produced well results for lithological mapping applications. ASTER bands contain improved spectral characteristics and higher spatial resolution for detecting serpentinite dunite in ophiolitic complexes. The developed approach used in this study offers great potential for lithological mapping using ASTER and Landsat TM bands, which contributes in economic geology for prospecting chromite ore deposits associated with ophiolitic complexes.  相似文献   
基于MNDWI水体指数的ASTER与ETM+影像交互比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张铁军  徐涵秋 《宇航学报》2010,31(4):1244-1252
世纪之交以来相继发射的各种新型传感器给遥感领域带来了一个新的热门课题,即多种传感器影像之间的交互比较(Cross Comparison)。通过3对同日过空的ASTER与ETM+影像对,分别基于影像原始DN值、ICM模型反射率和IACM模型反射率数据来对这两种传感器影像的水体指数(MNDWI)进行综合对比,并提供了两种传感器MNDWI指数互为转换的关系方程。结果表明,ASTER与ETM+影像分别基于三类数据(DN、ICM、IACM)计算的MNDWI指数间,均存在很强的线性相关关系,决定系数都大于或接近0.9。精度验证表明,ASTER与ETM+影像MNDWI指数互为转换的关系方程具有很高的精度,其误差RMSE介于0.057~0.073之间;且以基于IACM模型反射率的结果最为稳定、精度最高。因此,推荐使用该模型数据来进行这两种传感器影像MNDWI指数的互为转换。  相似文献   
The Rodalquilar epithermal quartz-alunite gold deposits that occur within the Rodalquilar caldera complex in southeast Spain, are associated with a pronounced hydrothermal alteration of the country rocks. The hydrothermal alteration zones that are exposed on the surface consist of the vuggy silica zone, the advanced argillic alteration zone, the intermediate argillic alteration zone, the propylitic alteration zone, and a second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. High spatial resolution multispectral imagery recorded by the WorldView-3 satellite was used in this study to map the spatial distribution of the main alteration minerals in the Rodalquilar caldera complex. Thermal infrared (TIR) data of the ASTER satellite were used to detect the quartz-rich zones. The analysis of the Rodalquilar WorldView-3 data was based on the Adaptive Coherence Estimator (ACE), a partial unmixing algorithm. The ACE processing accurately mapped the spatial distribution of alunite, kaolinite, illite and goethite. Alunite is abundant in the vuggy silica and advanced argillic alteration zones, and in the second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. Kaolinite is predominant in the intermediate argillic alteration zone. Illite is abundant in the outer parts of the intermediate argillic alteration zone. Goethite image maps gossans that mainly occur in the vuggy silica and advanced argillic alteration zones, and in the areas characterized by the second stage supergene acid sulfate alteration. The detection of quartz-rich zones from the ASTER TIR data complemented the WorldView-3 mapping results. The study shows the efficiency of high spatial resolution multispectral remote sensing imagery recorded by the WorldView-3 satellite for district-level mineral exploration studies.  相似文献   
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) images covering the Um Rus area in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt were evaluated for mapping geologic structure, lithology, and gold-related alteration zones. The study area is covered by Pan-African basement rocks including gabbro and granodiorite intruded into a variable mixture of metavolcanics and metasediments. The first three principal component analyses (PCA1, PCA2, PCA3) in a Red-Green-Blue (RGB) of the visible through shortwave-infrared (VNIR + SWIR) ASTER bands enabled the discrimination between lithological units. The results show that ASTER band ratios ((2 + 4)/3, (5 + 7)/6, (7 + 9)/8) in RGB identifies the lithological units and discriminates the granodiorite very well from the adjacent rock units.The granodiorites are dissected by gold-bearing quartz veins surrounded by alteration zones. The microscopic examination of samples collected from the alteration zones shows sericitic and argillic alteration zones. The Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) supervised classification methods were applied using the reference spectra of the USGS spectral library. The results show that these classification methods are capable of mapping the alteration zones as indicated by field verification work. The PALSAR image was enhanced for fracture mapping using the second moment co-occurrence filter. Overlying extracted faults and alteration zone classification images show that the N30E and N-S fractures represent potential zones for gold exploration. It is concluded that the proposed methods can be used as a powerful tool for ore deposit exploration.  相似文献   
This research focuses on the application of HyMap airborne hyperspectral data and ASTER satellite multispectral data to mineral exploration and lithologic mapping in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland. The study area is the Kap Simpson complex in central East Greenland. The Kap Simpson complex is one of the largest exposed Palaeogene felsic complexes of East Greenland. It has been the target of several mineral exploration projects. The analysis of the HyMap data produced a detailed picture of the spatial distribution of the alteration minerals in the Kap Simpson complex, unavailable from field-based studies in the area. The analysis of the ASTER data produced mineral maps which due to the moderate spatial and spectral resolution of the ASTER imagery can be useful for reconnaissance level mineral exploration. Colour composites of the mean normalized ASTER thermal bands display lithological information and detected a large felsic igneous intrusion that has not been shown on the recently compiled geological maps of the area. The results of this research have considerable potential to evaluate the use of hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for geological purposes in the Arctic regions of central East Greenland.  相似文献   
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