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The strain–stress state of the solid propellant rocket engines (SPREs) is simulated under impact. The effect of orientation of elastic and strength properties of orthotropic organoplastic shell material on the strain–stress state of the solid propellant is investigated. Normal and oblique impact of single steel cylinder projectiles, both simultaneous and at different times of multiple, converging steel spheric particles with SPRE are investigated in this study. The investigation is conducted numerically. The numerical modeling was carried out in a three-dimensional formulation by the method of finite elements for the continuous approach of the mechanics of a deformable solid. The destruction of the anisotropic material is described by the tensor-polynomial criterion of the fourth degree, which takes into account the influence of hydrostatic pressure.  相似文献   
从离子连续性方程和动量方程出发,比较全面地考虑了太阳光电离、星光电离、地冕电离、星际背景电离和流星离子流等电离源,综合分析Es层的主要动力学过程和光化学过程,以风剪切理论为基础,研究中性成分碰撞、电场作用、金属离子作用和分子离子作用等机制对离子分布的影响,建立了一维时变电离层Es物理模型.对离子产生率、垂直方向的离子速度在高度和时间上的变化进行仿真和计算,得到了在电场及风剪切作用下的离子密度剖面24h内的变化规律.根据建立的模型,以昆明相干散射雷达观测的径向风结果作为模型输入参考,仿真并得到了电离层Es电子密度的时空分布,据此反演出电离层Es临界频率f0Es.与昆明站电离层测高仪同时间观测的情况进行对比,结果比较一致,验证了建立的Es层物理模型正确性.  相似文献   
冲压发动机试车台空气燃烧加热器流量参数计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
给出了空气燃烧加热器热力计算方程,计算得到了燃烧加热所需燃料流量以及补氧量随模拟飞行马赫数变化曲线,分析了加热器压力对加热所需燃料流量以及补氧量的影响。计算分析结果可为冲压发动机试车台空气燃烧加热器设计提供参考。  相似文献   
超临界压力下航空煤油RP-3壁面结焦特性对换热的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了超临界压力下航空煤油(RP-3)在微细管内流动过程中结焦对换热的影响规律.实验中系统压力保持为5MPa,燃油质量流量为3g/s.燃油溶解氧达到饱和,实验段进出口油温分别为127℃和450℃,实验时间为60min,并利用“称质法”获得煤油结焦量.结果表明:由于壁面结焦的差异使得换热特性沿实验段可分为3个区域:进口低温段的传热稳定区、结焦峰值处的传热恶化区和出口高温段的短期强化区.进口低温段结焦量较少,对换热的影响可以忽略;结焦峰值处由于其结焦迅速且量大致使管内传热热阻突增,传热系数下降36.1%故出现传热恶化;高温段出现短期强化是由于结焦微粒附着于管壁,增加了其粗糙度而导致近壁面处流体湍动能增大以及由于近壁面高温区域煤油裂解结焦而产生化学吸 热量,进而强化换热.随着时间的推移,结焦量不断增多,结焦热阻增加的效应抵消并超过以上两种因素的影响,因此又出现传热恶化.   相似文献   
由于生产制造、运行环境和使用条件等个体性差异,航空发动机部件性能/寿命不确定,进一步导致机队送修率和小时维修费率等运维指标不确定.为了量化评估部件设计可靠性、运行环境、维修决策等不确定性因素对机队运维指标(送修率、送修原因、平均拆换时间间隔、小时维修费率等)的影响,提出了一种航空发动机全寿命周期维修概率建模方法.该方法...  相似文献   
张鸿  宋迎东 《航空动力学报》2007,22(10):1730-1736
采用虚裂纹闭合技术(VCCT)计算了基体裂纹在界面处不同传播路径的能量释放率,并结合基于能量释放率的裂纹偏转准则对陶瓷基复合材料基体裂纹偏转进行了研究.计算了弹性错配参数α和β、基体裂纹扩展长度a、基体裂纹相对扩展长度ad/ap对裂纹偏转的影响,并将VCCT计算结果与积分法的计算结果进行比较.结果表明:VCCT能够准确计算基体裂纹扩展时的能量释放率,计算结果可为研究陶瓷基复合材料失效机制提供一定参考.   相似文献   
We developed a general method for determination of water production rates from groundbased visual observations and applied it to Comet Hale–Bopp. Our main objective is to extend the method to include total visual magnitude observations obtained with CCD detector and V filter in the analysis of total visual magnitudes. We compare the CCD V-broadband careful observations of Liller [Liller, W. Pre-perihelion CCD photometry of Comet 1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp). Planet. Space Sci. 45, 1505–1513, 1997; Liller, W. CCD photometry of Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp): 1995–2000. Int. Comet Quart. 23(3), 93–97, 2001] with the total visual magnitude observations from experienced international observers found in the International Comet Quarterly (ICQ) archive. A data set of ∼400 CCD observations covering about the same 6 years time span of the ∼12,000 ICQ selected total visual magnitude observations were used in the analysis. A least-square method applied to the water production rates, yields power laws as a function of the heliocentric distances for the pre- and post-perihelion phases. The average dimension of the nucleus as well as its effective active area is determined and compared with values published in the literature.  相似文献   
喷注器流强分布是除声学阻尼装置以外使液体火箭发动机稳定工作的重要措施,通过控制喷注流强分布使推进剂的燃烧尽量远离主要振型的波腹区,减少热声耦合振荡的能量源,从而达到抑制高频振荡的效果。因此,建立喷注流强分布与稳定性之间的综合分析模型,研究流强分布的不稳定性抑制特性具有重要实际意义。针对采用自击式喷嘴器、液滴蒸发作为燃烧速率控制过程的某自燃推进剂缩尺燃烧室高频纵向燃烧不稳定问题,近似采用蒸发速率峰值区代替集中燃烧释热区,引入燃烧室三维声学控制方程以考虑多喷嘴条件下燃烧响应空间分布,建立了针对喷注器流强分布条件下的高频纵向燃烧稳定性分析模型,并对喷注流强的稳定性抑制特性进行了分析,给出了不同分布流强下燃烧室一阶纵向信号的增长率变化规律。研究表明,喷注流强分布有利于燃烧室稳定,"驼峰区"喷注孔径的增大对改善高频纵向不稳定性更为显著,"驼峰区"流强增加30%,相应的增长率降低15%。  相似文献   
航空煤油RP-3结焦产物的物性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在环境温度为800K和900K条件下,获取RP-3航空煤油结焦产物,通过试验获得表观形貌及物性,拟合了结焦产物的比热容和导热系数随温度变化的经验关系式。结果表明:航空煤油结焦产物的微观结构为球状颗粒堆积且表面存在可见孔隙,表观密度约为1 049kg/m~3,真密度约为1 498kg/m~3,孔隙率约为29.9%,环境温度为800K下生成的油焦真密度较900K下生成的小;通过闪光法测得油焦比热容约为1.1~2.2J/(g·K),导热系数约为0.19~0.28W/(m·K),比热容和导热系数均随着温度的升高而增加,环境温度为800K下生成的油焦比热容和导热系数较在900K条件下生成的略大。  相似文献   
Waligora JM  Kumar KV 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):595-599
The work rates or energy utilization rates during EVA are major factors in sizing of life support systems. These rates also provide a measure of ease of EVA and its cost in crew fatigue. From the first Shuttle EVA on the STS-6 mission in 1983, we have conducted 59 man-EVA and 341 man-hours of EVA. Energy utilization rates have been measured on each of these EVA. Metabolic rate was measured during each EVA using oxygen utilization corrected for suit leakage. From 1981–1987, these data were available for average data over the EVA or over large segments of the EVA. Since 1987, EVA oxygen utilization data were available at 2-minute intervals. The average metabolic rate on Shuttle EVA (194 kcal/hr.) has been significantly lower than metabolic rates during Apollo and Skylab missions. Peak rates have been below design levels, infrequent, and of short duration. The data suggest that the energy cost of tasks may be inversely related to the degree of training for the task. The data provide insight on the safety margins provided by life support designs and on the energy cost of Station construction EVA.  相似文献   
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