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Broad-band spectra of accreting X-ray binary pulsars can be fitted by a phenomenological model composed of a power law with a high energy rollover above 10 keV, plus a blackbody component with a temperature of few hundred eV. While, at least qualitatively, the hard tail can be explained in terms of (inverse) Compton scattering, the origin of the soft component cannot find a unique explanation. Recently, a qualitative picture able to explain the overall broad-band spectrum of luminous X-ray pulsars was carried out by taking into account the effect of bulk Comptonization in the accretion column. After a review of these recent theoretical developments, I will present a case study of how different modeling of the continuum affect broad features, in particular the cyclotron resonance features in Vela X-1.  相似文献   
Interactions of ions accelerated in solar flares produce gamma-ray lines and continuum and neutrons. These emissions contain a rich set of observables that provides information about both the accelerated ions and the environment where the ions are transported and interact. Ion interactions with the various nuclei present in the ambient medium produce gamma-ray lines at unique energies. How abundance information is extracted from the measurements is discussed and results from analyses of a number of solar flares are presented. The analyses indicate that the composition of the ambient gas where the ions interact (typically at chromospheric densities) is different from that of the photosphere and more like the composition of the corona, exhibiting low-FIP elemental enhancements that may vary from flare to flare. Evidence for increased Ne/O and the photospheric 3He abundance is also discussed.  相似文献   
We propose a jet model for the low/hard state of galactic black-hole X-ray sources which explains the energy spectra from radio to X-rays and a number of timing properties in the X-ray domain such as the time lag spectra, the hardening of the power density spectra and the narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy. The model assumes that (i) there is a magnetic field along the axis of the jet, (ii) the electron density in the jet drops inversely proportional to distance, (iii) the jet is “hotter” near its center than at its periphery, and (iv) the electrons in the jet follow a power-law distribution function. We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of Compton upscattering of soft photons from the accretion disk and have found power-law high-energy spectra with photon-number index in the range 1.5–2 and cutoff at a few hundred keV, power-law time lags versus Fourier frequency with index 0.8, and an increase of the rms amplitude of variability and a narrowing of the autocorrelation function with increasing photon energy as they have been observed in Cygnus X-1. The spectrum at long wavelengths (radio, infrared, optical) is modeled to come from synchrotron radiation of the energetic electrons in the jet. We find flat to inverted radio spectra that extend from the radio up to about the optical band. For magnetic field strengths of the order 105–106 G at the base of the jet, the calculated spectra agree well in slope and flux with the observations.  相似文献   
Hard X-ray emitting symbiotic stars are candidates for SN Ia progenitors. The importance of Type Ia SNe as standard candles for cosmology makes the study of their progenitor systems particularly important. Additionally, they provide one of the most promising laboratories for the study of astrophysical jets. Typically, the X-ray emission in these systems is modeled with a collisional plasma model, sometimes with an emission measure distribution taken from a cooling flow model. The lack of any coherent periods in both X-rays and optical wave band strongly suggests that the accreting white dwarfs in the hard X-ray symbiotic stars are non-magnetic. Although relatively few have been discovered to date, but we believe that there are very many of them in our galaxy and could be possible candidates for the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emissions (GRXE).  相似文献   
Hard X-ray balloon altitude measurements with a 1600 cm2 phoswich array are described. Data from observations on Sco X-1, GX1+4, GX5−1, Nova Oph. 1977, SMC X-1, SS433, IC 4329A and MR 2251-178 are presented. The role of Comptonisation in X-ray production for Sco X-1 and GX1+4 is discussed.  相似文献   
Our work focuses on a comprehensive orbital phase-dependent spectroscopy of the four High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars (HMXBPs) 4U 1538-52, GX 301-2, OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1. We hereby report the measurements of the variation of the absorption column density and iron-line flux along with other spectral parameters over the binary orbit for the above-mentioned HMXBPs in elliptical orbits, as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the BeppoSAX satellites. A spherically symmetric wind profile was used as a model to compare the observed column density variations. Out of the four pulsars, only in 4U 1538-52, we find the model having a reasonable corroboration with the observations, whereas in the remaining three the stellar wind seems to be clumpy and a smooth symmetric stellar wind model appears to be quite inadequate in explaining the data. Moreover, in GX 301-2, neither the presence of a disk nor a gas stream from the companion was validated. Furthermore, the spectral results obtained in the case of OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1 were more or less similar to that of GX 301-2.  相似文献   
We use simultaneous observations from RESIK and RHESSI instruments to compare plasma properties of a major solar flare in its rise and gradual phase. This event occurred on 2002 August 3 (peak time at 19:06 UT). The flare had a very good coverage with RESIK data and well-resolved soft and hard X-ray sources were seen in RHESSI images. Spectra of X-ray radiation from RHESSI images are studied and compared with RESIK measurements in different flare phases. Result shows large differences in flare morphology and spectra between flare rise and gradual phase.  相似文献   
The Athens Neutron Monitor Data Processing (ANMODAP) Center recorded an unusual Forbush decrease with a sharp enhancement of cosmic ray intensity right after the main phase of the Forbush decrease on 16 July 2005, followed by a second decrease within less than 12 h. This exceptional event is neither a ground level enhancement nor a geomagnetic effect in cosmic rays. It rather appears as the effect of a special structure of interplanetary disturbances originating from a group of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the 13–14 July 2005 period. The initiation of the CMEs was accompanied by type IV radio bursts and intense solar flares (SFs) on the west solar limb (AR 786); this group of energetic phenomena appears under the label of Solar Extreme Events of July 2005. We study the characteristics of these events using combined data from Earth (the ARTEMIS IV radioheliograph, the Athens Neutron Monitor (ANMODAP)), space (WIND/WAVES) and data archives. We propose an interpretation of the unusual Forbush profile in terms of a magnetic structure and a succession of interplanetary shocks interacting with the magnetosphere.  相似文献   
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