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何枫  张东东 《推进技术》2003,24(3):247-250
用纹影流动显示、声学特性测量和理论分析相结合方法,研究欠膨胀超声速双射流布局对声学特性的影响。欠膨胀超声速双射流的啸叫基频模式与单自由射流相比,在模式切换对应压比上不同,但基本规律相同。但双射流的三维空间流动特性,使不同空间方位上测得的声学特性不同,射流间对彼此处于螺旋啸叫C模式的声辐射有显著的屏蔽作用,在上、下游靠近主轴的方位角处屏蔽效果最大。利用双射流的声屏蔽特性,可达到降噪目的。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to describe some unusual whistlers (doublets and triplets) and VLF hiss emission recorded simultaneously on February 18, 1998 during nighttime at a low latitude Indian ground station Jammu (geomag. lat., 22° 26′ N; L = 1.17), and to make some discussions about their origin. The detailed structures of the observed VLF hiss emission clearly show that these emissions confined to a narrow continuous frequency band. Some times the frequency of hiss band oscillates and subsequently touches the upper edge of the first whistler component of the doublet. Detailed structures of the dynamic spectra of whistler and VLF hiss emission are briefly presented. From the dispersion analysis of the whistler doublets and triplets, it is found that the individual whistlers of the doublets and triplets simultaneously observed on the same day are one-hop whistlers having propagation path along higher and closely spaced L-values. Our result also shows that VLF hiss has been generated in the equatorial region of higher L-values. Generation and propagation mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Modulation of whistler waves in a plasma with time-dependant magnetic field perturbations was investigated experimentally. The experiments were performed on large “Krot” device, which was specially designed to study space plasma physics phenomena. It is shown that magnetic field variations on the wave propagation path can lead to splitting of initially continuous whistler wave into the sequence of bursts, whose repetition rate corresponds to magnetic field perturbation period. The frequency inside each burst is changing from its front edge to the back edge. Relative shift of the wave frequency can be as large as the relative magnetic disturbance. Distortion of whistler wave frequency spectrum after its passing through magnetically disturbed areas can be used as a diagnostics for low-frequency magnetic field variations. The applicability of our laboratory results to space plasma is discussed.  相似文献   
哨声波与磁层中电子的非线性相互作用,导致电子投掷角降低,沉降到低电离层,引起局部电离增强,而诱发Trimpi效应。本文讨论波-粒子相互作用的过程,并利用超粒子法进行了计算机模拟。计算结果指出共振不仅与电子的速度有关,而且与电子初始拉莫尔相位角有关;计算得到了相互作用时共振电子相位聚焦效应、非共振电子相位聚束效应及电子速度-相位空间中的不均匀振荡等一些结果。同时,也给出了波-电子相互作用引起的沉降电子能量通量随时间的变化和沉降电子的能量分布。  相似文献   
Cassini radio and plasma wave surveys aim to study radio emissions, plasma waves, thermal plasma and dust near Saturn. Using the characteristic solution and dynamics method, the influence of electron beam on the loss cone and bi-Maxwellian distribution of whistler mode waves in the parallel alternating electric field and magnetic field is studied. The dispersion relation and the growth rate of Saturn's magnetic layer were deduced and calculated in detail. Parameter analysis is performed by changing the parameters of the plasma like number density, AC frequency, temperature anisotropy, etc. The influence of AC frequency on Doppler shift and the comparative study of growth rate of oblique and parallel propagating waves are analyzed using generalized distribution function. We found temperature anisotropy AT=1.25 can explain the linear spatiotemporal growth rate of whistler mode waves. It provides the majority of the observed frequency integral power. It can be seen that the effective parameters for the generation of Whistler mode waves are not only temperature anisotropy, but also the relativistic factors discussed in the results and discussion section, and the AC field frequency and width of the loss cone distribution function.  相似文献   
Iss-b卫星探测结果表明,|电离层离子丰度呈现经度变化.本文选取较真实的电离层模型参数,对130°E和114°E两个子午面内传播的低纬哨声进行了射线跟踪.我们发现,由于[O~+],[He~+]和[H~+]决定的电子浓度垂直梯度的经度变化,导致哨声传播特性的经度效应,使得130°E比114°E内传播的低纬哨声更好地满足透射条件:|μsinδ|≤1.与电子浓度的水平梯度的影响比较,离子丰度决定的电子浓度垂直梯度随经度的变化使哨声传播产生的经度效应明显得多.武昌(地理30.5°N,114.6°E;地磁19.3°N).和鹿儿岛(31.5°N,130.8°E;20.5°N)两台站观测到的哨声出现率的经度效应证实了本文的理论预言.  相似文献   
无碰撞电流片哨声波不稳定性   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
通过数值求解文献[4]中物理模型A得到的一般形式的色散关系,讨论了无碰撞电流片低频波不稳定性问题.结果表明,哨声波能被无碰撞电流片直接激发.在中性片上(z/di=0),在较宽的波数范围内,斜哨声波是可以传播的,但它基本上是稳定的.在离子惯性区内(z/di<1,电子惯性区外),斜传播的哨声波是不稳定的.在离子惯性区边缘(z/di=1),斜传播的哨声波仍然是不稳定的,增长率更大,不稳定的波频率范围更高.此外,朝向中性片方向传播(kzdi<0)的哨声波比离开中性片方向传播(kzdi>0)的哨声波有更大的增长率.  相似文献   
数值研究Hall电流效应对于重联动力学特征及波动特性的影响.结果表明,具有强Hall效应的算例,重联出流区张角大,重联率高.对于不同Hall效应的算例,应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT),将平面外磁场By分量和(x,z)平面内的速度分量vx,vz位于给定点的时间序列转换为功率谱,并对电场E采用最小方差分析法,确定波的传播方向与偏振特性.研究发现,在强Hall效应的算例中,磁分界线附近存在具有典型特征的哨声波,Hall效应减弱,则波动信号减弱.上述结果表明,Hall电流效应对重联动力学特征具有重要影响,是产生哨声波和快速重联率的关键因素;此外,对于强Hall效应的算例,磁分界线附近哨声波幅度与平面内场向电流Jp间存在正相关关系,它从另一个侧面展示了哨声波与Hall效应间的重要联系.  相似文献   
In this paper the investigation of wave-particle interaction during simultaneous injection of electron and xenon ion beams from the satellite Intercosmos-25 (IK-25) carried out using the data of the double satellite system with subsatellite Magion-3 (APEX). Results of active space experiment devoted to the beam-plasma instability are partially presented in the paper Baranets et al. (2007). A specific feature of the experiment carried out in orbits 201, 202 was that charged particle flows were injected in the same direction along the magnetic field lines B0 so the oblique beam-into-beam injection have been produced. Results of the beam-plasma interaction for this configuration were registered by scientific instruments mounted on the station IK-25 and Magion-3 subsatellite. Main attention is paid to study the electromagnetic and longitudinal waves excitation in different frequency ranges and the energetic electron fluxes disturbed due to wave-particle interaction with whistler waves. The whistler wave excitation on the 1st electron cyclotron harmonic via normal Doppler effect during electron beam injection in ionospheric plasma are considered.  相似文献   
利用一维粒子模拟方法研究了损失锥电子速度分布激发的哨声波非线性演化过程, 并与双麦克斯韦电子分布激发哨声波的情况进行了比较. 结果表明, 这两种情况下, 在线性增长阶段哨声波的主导频率 (能量最集中的一个频率) 是一样的, 波动的激发使得平行于背景磁场方向的电子温度有所提高. 比较而言,在损失锥分布情况下, 哨声波具有主导频率的波模可较早地被激发, 而在线性增长阶段, 哨声波的能量更倾向于集中在高频(短波长)波段. 部分粒子被散射到损失锥中, 而使损失锥分布得以补充. 本文还研究了不同各向异性分布和磁场强度条件下的激发过程.  相似文献   
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