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文中讲述了数控加工技术在北京空间机电研究所承担的型号产品零件制造中的应用。主要涉及异形零件的编程和加工,使用参数编程的一些技巧和经验,以及使用自动编程软件在数控编程所取得的一些经验。  相似文献   
基于动力学仿真技术的TC4整体叶轮铣削参数优化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
针对某航空发动机TC4整体叶轮在数控加工过程中存在颤振、加工效率低及因加工变形而导致局部超差等问题,提出了相应的铣削参数优化解决方案。在进行切削力系数辨识试验获取TC4材料的切削力系数及锤击试验获取加工系统动力学特性参数的基础上,通过综合使用自行开发的铣削加工动力学仿真软件SimuCut和国外的CutPro软件进行动力学仿真与优化,获得了优化的切削参数。使用优化的切削参数进行加工,有效地消除了颤振和因加工变形引起的局部超差,提高了加工效率。  相似文献   
以薄壁件加工过程为研究对象,针对薄壁件加工的误差预测、补偿问题,提出一种基于双三次B样条插值的薄壁件加工误差补偿方法.在获得薄壁件历史加工数据的基础上,运用插值理论建立误差模型,得到误差分布规律,考虑切削力与弹性变形之间的迭代影响建立误差补偿方法.该方法综合考虑了弹性变形、热误差、几何误差等多种误差源,通过数值分析方法建立误差模型,避免以往薄壁件误差建模中误差源分析不全、解析困难的弊端,最终以薄板工件为例,通过实验验证,应用该误差补偿方法可有效提高薄壁件的加工精度.  相似文献   
Single-crystal superalloys are typical advanced materials used for manufacturing aeroengine turbine blades. Their unique characteristics of high hardness and strength make them exceedingly difficult to machine. However, a key structure of a turbine blade, the film-cooling hole,needs to be machined in a single-crystal superalloy; such machining is challenging, especially considering the increasing levels of machining efficiency and quality demanded by the aeroengine industry. Tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling(TSECDD), a hybrid technique of high-speed electrical discharge drilling and electrochemical machining, provides high machining efficiency and accuracy, as well as eliminating the recast layer. In this study, TSECDD is used to machine a film-cooling hole in a nickel-based single-crystal superalloy(DD6). The Taguchi methods of experiment are used to optimise the machining parameters. Experimental results show that TSECDD can effectively drill the film-cooling hole; the optimum parameters that give the best performance are as follows: pulse duration: 12 ls, pulse interval: 30 ls, peak current:6 A, and salt solution conductivity: 3 m S/cm. Finally, a hole is machined by TSECDD, and the results are compared with those obtained by electrical discharge machining. TSECDD is found to be promising for improving the surface quality and eliminating the recast layer.  相似文献   
分离装置静力试验后发现连接两个舱体的双头螺栓中有7 件发生断裂,螺栓表面进行了达克罗
处理。通过失效分析及相关试验综合分析认为,分离装置上7 件螺栓的断裂性质均为延迟性脆性断裂,断裂机
的氢脆隐患,但是若使用环境中存在水及腐蚀性介质Cl、S 时,产品在拉应力作用下仍可能发生氢脆延迟断裂
双层多支板流道组合件是薄壁焊接机匣,与涡轮后机匣和外支撑环组合件连接,是低压涡轮部件上的重要连接、承力件.该件焊缝密集,结构刚性差,安装边连接孔和篦齿环槽口位置度、尺寸精度高,加工难度大.采用多种工艺措施控制焊接变形,增加辅助支撑减小加工变形,综合运用筒体胀形、焊接、激光切孔、机械加工等加工工艺,实现了薄壁双层多支板流道组合件制造.  相似文献   
MBD模型作为制造过程中唯一依据逐步成为航空制造业的发展趋势,并已应用到CAD/CAM中。但MBD技术尚未在CAPP中展开应用,导致MBD数据集在CAD/CAPP/CAM的集成设计制造过程中无法连续传递。针对航空数控加工需求,建立了基于图层的数控加工MBD工艺模型,提出了基于MBD的数控工艺设计流程,并设计开发了基于MBD的数控加工CAPP系统,实现了UG平台上集成设计制造的MBD应用。  相似文献   
以大批量数控加工的航空结构件生产为研究对象,运用人工干预环节集中化、数控加工过程自动化的理念,探索利用矩阵式数控加工进行多零件同时生产的应用方案。多零件集中装夹,通过系统自动读入每个零件的加工原点,自动调用零件的加工程序,完成相同(或不同)零件数控加工,在充分利用机床工作台面的同时,解决了批量生产过程中零件频繁装夹、找正、换刀和频繁调用加工程序的难题,达到降低劳动强度,提高生产效率的目的。  相似文献   
Nickel-based superalloys are widely employed in modern aircraft engines because of their excellent material characteristics, particularly in the fabrication of film cooling holes. How-ever, the high machining requirement of a large number of film cooling holes can be extremely chal-lenging. The hybrid machining technique of tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling (TEHECDD) has been considered as a promising method for the production of film cooling holes. Compared with any single machining process, this hybrid technique requires the removal of more complex machining by-products, including debris produced in the electrical discharge machin-ing process and hydroxide and bubbles generated in the electrochemical machining process. These by-products significantly affect the machining efficiency and surface quality of the machined prod-ucts. In this study, tube electrodes in different inner diameters are designed and fabricated, and the effects of inner diameter on the machining efficiency and surface quality of TEHECDD are inves-tigated. The results show that larger inner diameters could effectively improve the flushing condi-tion and facilitate the removal of machining by-products. Therefore, higher material removal efficiency, surface quality, and electrode wear rate could be achieved by increasing the inner diam-eter of the tube electrode.  相似文献   
文中详细介绍了平面反射镜框的结构特点和材料的机械加工特性以及在数控编程和精加工中采取的工艺措施和方法。  相似文献   
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