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Active ionospheric experiments using high-power, high-frequency transmitters, “heaters”, to study plasma processes in the ionosphere and magnetosphere continue to provide new insights into understanding plasma and geophysical proceses. This review describes the heating facilities, past and present, and discusses scientific results from these facilities and associated space missions. Phenomena that have been observed with these facilities are reviewed along with theoretical explanations that have been proposed or are commonly accepted. Gaps or uncertainties in understanding of heating-initiated phenomena are discussed together with proposed science questions to be addressed in the future. Suggestions for improvements and additions to existing facilities are presented including important satellite missions which are necessary to answer the outstanding questions in this field.  相似文献   
Blue Jets: Upward Lightning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blue jets are beams of blue light propagating from the tops of active thunderclouds up to altitudes of ~50 km. They resemble tall trees with quasi-vertical trunk and filamentary branches. Their apparent speeds are in the range of 10 s to 100 s km/s. Other events, having essentially lower terminal altitudes (<26 km), are named blue starters. These phenomena represent the first documented class of upward electrical discharges in the stratosphere. Some of upward discharges, termed gigantic jets, propagate into the lower ionosphere at much higher speeds in the final phase. We describe salient features of the upward discharges in the atmosphere, give an assessment of the theories of their development, and discuss the consequences for the electrodynamics and chemistry of the stratosphere. We argue that this upward lightning phenomenon can be understood in terms of the bi-directional leader, emerging from the anvil.  相似文献   
The model of beam-plasma discharge near the rocket following electron beam injection into the ionosphere is presented. The dependence of discharge plasma density on neutral atmosphere concentration and beam parameters is found. Radioemission and luminiscence intensities from discharge are estimated. The model is consistent with the data of ARAKS and “Zarnitsa-2” experiments.  相似文献   
In each polar cap (PC) we mark out “old PC” observed during quiet time before the event under consideration, and “new PC” that emerges during the substorm framing the old one and expanding the PC total area. Old and new PCs are the areas for the magnetosphere old and new tail lobes, respectively. The new lobe variable magnetic flux Ψ1 is usually assumed to be active, i.e. it provides the electromagnetic energy flux (Poynting flux) ɛ′ transport from solar wind (SW) into the magnetosphere. The old lobe magnetic flux Ψ2 is supposed to be passive, i.e. it remains constant during the disturbance and does not participate in the transporting process which would mean the old PC electric field absolute screening from the convection electric field created by the magnetopause reconnection. In fact, screening is observed, but far from absolute. We suggest a model of screening and determine its quantitative characteristics in the selected superstorm. The coefficient of a screening is the β = Ψ202, where Ψ02 = const is open magnetic flux through the old PC measured prior to the substorm, and Ψ2 is variable magnetic flux through the same area measured during the substorm. We consider three various regimes of disturbance. In each, the coefficient β decreased during the loading phase and increased at the unloading phase, but the rates and amplitudes of variations exhibited a strong dependence on the regime. We interpreted decrease in β as a result of involving the old PC magnetic flux Ψ2, which was considered to be constant earlier, in the Poynting flux ɛ′ transport process from solar wind into the magnetosphere. Transport process weakening at the subsequent unloading phase creates increase in β. Estimates showed that coefficient β during each regime and the computed Poynting flux ɛ′ varied manifolds. In general, unlike the existing substorm conception, the new scenario describes an unknown earlier of tail lobe activation process during a substorm growth phase that effectively increases the accumulated tail energy for the expansion and recovery phases.  相似文献   
The magnetogram inversion technique (MIT) is based upon recordings of geomagnetic variations at the worldwide network of ground-based magnetometers. MIT ensures a calculation of a global spatial distribution of the electric field, currents and Joule heating in the ionosphere. Variant MIT-2 provides, additionally, continuous monitoring of the following parameters: Poynting vector flux from the solar wind into the magnetosphere (); power, both dissipated and accumulated in the magnetosphere; magnetic flux in the open tail; and the magnetotail length (l T) (distance between the dayside and nightside neutral points in the Dungey model). Using MIT-2 and data of direct measurements in the solar wind, an analysis is made of a number of substorms, and a new scenario of substorms is suggested. The scenario includes the convection model, the model with a neutral line and the model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (outside the current sheet), i.e., the three known models. A brief review is given of these and some other substorms models. A new element in the scenario is the strong positive feedback in the primary generator circuit, which ensures growth of the ratio = / Aby an order of magnitude or more during the substorms. Here Ais the Pointing vector flux in the Akasofu-Perrault approximation, i.e., without the feedback taken into account. The growth of during the substorm is caused only by the feedback effect. It is assumed that the feedback arises due to an elongation of the magnetotail, i.e., a growth of l Tby a factor of (23) during the substorm.In the active phase of substorm, a part (the first active phase) has been identified, where the principal role in the energetics is played by the feedback mechanism and the external energy source (although the internal source plus reconnection inside the plasma sheet make a marked contribution). In the second active phase (expansion) the external generator (solar wind) is switched off, and the main role is now played by the internal energy source (the tail magnetic field and ionospheric wind energy).Models of DP-2 DP-1 transitions are also considered, as well as the magnetospheric substorm-solar flare analogy.  相似文献   
Using ground-based magnetometer data of the April 6–7, 2000, superstorm, we obtained maps of ionospheric and field-aligned currents (FACs). Based on these, we deduced the electrical circuit of the disturbed magnetosphere/ionosphere and a conceptual model of its magnetospheric generators, which supply both hemispheres. This model implies that the generator system creates primarily the Region-1 FACs of Iijima and Potemra at both hemispheres, while the Region-2 and Region-0 FACs form by spreading of the Region-1 currents through the ionosphere. This conclusion is supported by observations.  相似文献   
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