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In this investigation, we present and discuss the response of the ionospheric F-region in the South American and East Asian sectors during an intense geomagnetic storm in August 2005. The geomagnetic storm studied reached a minimum Dst of −216 nT at 12:00 UT on 24 August. In this work ionospheric sounding data obtained of 24, 25, and 26 August 2005 at Palmas (PAL; 10.2° S, 48.2° W; dip latitude 6.6° S), São José dos Campos (SJC, 23.2° S, 45.9° W; dip latitude 17.6° S), Brazil, Ho Chi Minh City, (HCM; 10.5° N, 106.3° E; dip latitude 2.9° N), Vietnam, Okinawa (OKI; 26.3° N, 127.8° E; dip latitude 21.2° N), Japan, are presented. Also, the GPS observations obtained at different stations in the equatorial and low-latitude regions in the Brazilian sector are presented. On the night of 24–25 August 2005, the h′F variations show traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with Joule heating in the auroral zone from SJC to PAL. The foF2 variations show a positive storm phase on the night of 24–25 August at PAL and SJC during the recovery phase. Also, the GPS-VTEC observations at several stations in the Brazilian sector show a fairly similar positive storm phase on 24 August. During the fast decrease of Dst (between 10:00 and 11:00 UT) on 24 August, there is a prompt penetration of electric field of magnetospheric origin that result in abrupt increase (∼12:00 UT) in foF2 at PAL, SJC (Brazil) and OKI (Japan) and in VTEC at IMPZ, BOMJ, PARA and SMAR (Brazil). OKI showed strong oscillations of the F-region on the night 24 August resulted to the propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) by Joule heating in the auroral region. These effects result a strong positive observed at OKI station. During the daytime on 25 August, in the recovery phase, the foF2 observations showed positive ionospheric storm at HCM station. Some differences in the latitudinal response of the F-region is also observed in the South American and East Asian sectors.  相似文献   
In this work, the foF2 and hmF2 parameters at the conjugate points near the magnetic equator of Southeast Asia are studied and compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model. Three ionosondes are installed nearly along the magnetic meridian of 100°E; one at the magnetic equator, namely Chumphon (10.72°N, 99.37°E, dip angle 3.0°N), and the other two at the magnetic conjugate points, namely Chiang Mai (18.76°N, 98.93°E, dip angle 12.7°N) and Kototabang (0.2°S, 100.30°E, dip angle 10.1°S). The monthly hourly medians of the foF2 and hmF2 parameters are calculated and compared with the predictions obtained from the IRI-2007 model from January 2004 to February 2007. Our results show that: the variations of foF2 and hmF2 predicted by the IRI-2007 model generally show the similar feature to the observed data. Both parameters generally show better agreement with the IRI predictions during daytime than during nighttime. For foF2, most of the results show that the IRI model overestimates the observed foF2 at the magnetic equator (Chumphon), underestimates at the northern crest (Chiang Mai) and is close to the measured ones at the southern crest of the EIA (Kototabang). For hmF2, the predicted hmF2 values are close to the hmF2(M3000F2OBS) during daytime. During nighttime, the IRI model gives the underestimation at the magnetic equator and the overestimation at both EIA crests. The results are important for the future improvements of the IRI model for foF2 and hmF2 over Southeast Asia region.  相似文献   
A novel orbital transfer system using the mutual action-reaction of two spacecraft as the main propulsive force is proposed. A set of space platforms which are deployed on circular orbits of various altitude and have mobility to transfer to other orbits by themselves can work on a very little propellant.  相似文献   
The Mercury Magnetopsheric Orbiter (MMO) is one of the spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission; the mission is scheduled for launch in 2014 and plans to revisit Mercury with modern instrumentation. MMO is to elucidate the detailed plasma structure and dynamics around Mercury, one of the least-explored planets in our solar system. The Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) on board MMO is a comprehensive instrument package for plasma, high-energy particle, and energetic neutral particle atom measurements. The Mercury Ion Analyzer (MIA) is one of the plasma instruments of MPPE, and measures the three dimensional velocity distribution of low-energy ions (from 5 eV to 30 keV) by using a top-hat electrostatic analyzer for half a spin period (2 s). By combining both the mechanical and electrical sensitivity controls, MIA has a wide dynamic range of count rates for the proton flux expected around Mercury, which ranges from 106 to 1012 cm−2 s−1 str−1 keV−1, in the solar wind between 0.3 and 0.47 AU from the sun, and in both the hot and cold plasma sheet of Mercury’s magnetosphere. The geometrical factor of MIA is variable, ranging from 1.0 × 10−7 cm2 str keV/keV for large fluxes of solar wind ions to 4.7 × 10−4 cm2 str keV/keV for small fluxes of magnetospheric ions. The entrance grid used for the mechanical sensitivity control of incident ions also work to significantly reduce the contamination of solar UV radiation, whose intensity is about 10 times larger than that around Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   
This paper describes the principle and the signal design of a proposed new FM radar system. In order to measure the surface characteristics of a small target at a long distance, or to discriminate among multiple targets, very accurate range or Doppler resolutions are necessary [1]. The proposed system satisfies the range resolution requirement by detecting the target with two different resolutions: coarse resolution for measuring range, and fine resolution for measuring the target details. The principal advantage of the system is in the vernier scale for the measurement of a distance. The system is just as easily realizable as conventional FM radar, requires no special filters in the receiver, and represents a saving in the required bandwidth for the same range resolution.  相似文献   
In Japan, Communications Research Laboratory engages in operational space environment information services as National Forecasting Center and Regional Warning Center of ISES. Data from local observations and data collected via internet from domestic and foreign institutes are used for the daily operational forecast. Fundamental research on space weather issues has been carried out at several institutes and universities, including STE Laboratory and NASDA. In this presentation, an overview of current space weather forecast operations and a system for information outreach in Japan will be presented. Current and future observation programs from ground-base and space will be also briefly reviewed.  相似文献   
In this research, as part of working towards improving the IRI over equatorial region, the total electron content (TEC) derived from GPS measurements and IRI-2007 TEC predictions at Chumphon station (10.72°N, 99.37°E), Thailand, during 2004–2006 is analyzed. The seasonal variation of the IRI-2007 TEC predictions is compared with the TEC from the IRI-2007 TEC model with the option of the actual F2 plasma frequency (foF2) measurements as well as the TEC from the GPS and International GNSS service (IGS). The Chumphon station is located at the equatorial region and the low latitude of 3.22°N. For a declining phase of the solar cycle (2004–2006), the study shows that the IRI-2007 TEC underestimates the IRI-2007 TEC with the foF2 observation at the nighttime by about 5 TECU. The maximum differences are about 15 TECU during daytime and 5 TECU during nighttime. The overestimation is more evident at daytime than at nighttime. When compared in terms of the root-mean square error (RMSE), we find that the highest RMSE between GPS TEC and IRI 2007 TEC is 14.840 TECU at 1230 LT in 2004 and the lowest average between them is 1.318 TECU at 0630 LT in 2006. The noon bite-out phenomena are clearly seen in the IRI-2007 TEC with and without optional foF2 measurements, but not on the GPS TEC and IGS TEC. The IRI TEC with optional foF2 measurements gives the lowest RMSE values between IRI TEC predicted and TEC measurement. However, the TEC measurements (GPS TEC and IGS TEC) are more correct to use at Chumphon station.  相似文献   
The equatorial spread-F (ESF) is a phenomenon of ionopheric irregularities which are mainly generated by the generalized Rayleigh–Taylor (R–T) instability mechanism in conjunction with the other physical mechanisms, originated at the bottom side of the F-layer in the equatorial region after sunset. It degrades the quality of signals that propagate through these irregularities, especially in the navigation satellite system, which requires the high integrity signals. In this work, we analyze the ESF statistics obtained from the FM/CW ionosonde stations over Thailand longitude sector. One is at Chumphon (10.72°N, 99.37°E, dip latitude 3.0°), located near the geomagnetic equator, and the other station is located at Chiangmai (18.76°N, 98.93°E, dip latitude 12.7°). Both stations are as part of the South-East Asia Low Latitude Ionospheric Network (SEALION) project. The ionograms are obtained at every 15 min from September 2004 to August 2005, which has the monthly mean of solar 10.7 cm flux (F10.7) from ∼80 to ∼110. In addition, we compare the diurnal patterns between the ESF occurrences and the variation of virtual height of the F-layer bottom side (h’F) of these two stations. The results show that the ESF occurrences at Chumphon stations are higher than Chiangmai station in all seasons. The high ESF occurrences of both stations mostly occur in equinoctial months corresponded with the rapid rising of the monthly mean h’F in the post-sunset. However, some inconsistent results are still observed, implying the role of other factors such as gravity waves and planetary waves to ESF occurrences.  相似文献   
MAP-PACE (MAgnetic field and Plasma experiment—Plasma energy Angle and Composition Experiment) on SELENE (Kaguya) has completed its ~1.5-year observation of low-energy charged particles around the Moon. MAP-PACE consists of 4 sensors: ESA (Electron Spectrum Analyzer)-S1, ESA-S2, IMA (Ion Mass Analyzer), and IEA (Ion Energy Analyzer). ESA-S1 and S2 measured the distribution function of low-energy electrons in the energy range 6 eV–9 keV and 9 eV–16 keV, respectively. IMA and IEA measured the distribution function of low-energy ions in the energy ranges 7 eV/q–28 keV/q and 7 eV/q–29 keV/q. All the sensors performed quite well as expected from the laboratory experiment carried out before launch. Since each sensor has a hemispherical field of view, two electron sensors and two ion sensors installed on the spacecraft panels opposite each other could cover the full 3-dimensional phase space of low-energy electrons and ions. One of the ion sensors IMA is an energy mass spectrometer. IMA measured mass-specific ion energy spectra that have never before been obtained at a 100 km altitude polar orbit around the Moon. The newly observed data show characteristic ion populations around the Moon. Besides the solar wind, MAP-PACE-IMA found four clearly distinguishable ion populations on the dayside of the Moon: (1) Solar wind protons backscattered at the lunar surface, (2) Solar wind protons reflected by magnetic anomalies on the lunar surface, (3) Reflected/backscattered protons picked-up by the solar wind, and (4) Ions originating from the lunar surface/lunar exosphere.  相似文献   
A numerical study for the unsteady detonation of an unconfined tetryl charge of small diameter, which is assumed to be homogeneous, was performed by using the two-dimensional Lagrangian hydrodynamic computer code, 2 DL, with the first order Arrhenius equation of reaction rate. Becker-Kistiakowsky-Wilson (BKW) and Kihara-Hikita (KH) equations of state have been applied to the detonation products.In the case of BKW, it is shown that the rarefaction waves propagating inward from the lateral surface make the reaction rate slow and give a curvature to the front. Then after an induction time, a strong initiation occurs in the reaction zone near the lateral surface and higher pressure zone moves to the axis. This higher pressure accelerates the detonation propagation near the lateral surface and the curvature of detonation front is reduced. Then, the reaction at the lateral surface again begins to decay by the rarefaction waves. Such a sequence of process is repeated periodically.The possibility of the occurrence of the strong initiation depends on the pressure and temperature in the shocked zone near the surface. In a small diameter charge, the delayed explosion becomes weaker near the surface, while its frequency increases. No shock interaction occurs because the direction of the particle flow is always divergent.In the case of KH equation of state, the temperature of detonation is higher than that obtained by BKW and the behaviour of instability becomes rather different from the previous result, i.e. in the axis the pressure oscillates repeating the overdriven and underdriven detonation similar with the case of BKW.  相似文献   
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