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The paper summarises key facts and figures about the phenomenon of auroral radio absorption which are relevant to the problem of predicting its occurrence and intensity. The regions most affected are well known in terms of magnetic latitude (or L-value) and local time. The greater difficulty comes from its highly variable character. Exact predictions are never likely to be possible, but statistical forecasts, which would give the likelihood that some critical level will be reached or exceeded, may well be possible. At the present time it is suggested that they might be based on magnetic indices, since their prediction is already well established. Direct measurements of the solar wind, now available in real time, offer another possibility, perhaps to be considered in parallel. The substorm character of the absorption might also be applied, using the observed duration of absorption events and their known dynamics over the Earth’s surface, as an early warning. A comprehensive reference list is included.  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2011,(7):52-55
"No Plane,No Gain"无飞机,无增值这是美国公务航空协会提出的一个观点,意思是不使用公务航空,企业难以实现持续增值,使用公务飞机并非纯粹是"炫富"和"烧钱"。  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2009,(6):58-71
每年的6月21日或22日,为夏至日,此时太阳直射北回归线。这一天,在中国最北的漠河北极村,一天24小时几乎都是白昼。这一天,在中国南边的云南墨江、广东从化、广西桂平,正午时分"立竿无影"。这一天,山东的人在吃面,而广西的人在吃狗肉……从北至南,在夏至这一天,你会看到最不同的风俗,也会看到最特别的景致,所以,让我们马上开始一次寻夏之旅。  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2009,(6):76-79
丰田FJ酷路泽正式上市已经5个多月的时间了,其时尚前卫的个性、超凡的越野性能,为国内SUV市场增添了些许别样的风景。疯狂的越野迷们也与FJ酷路泽一同,挑战了种种险路阻途。FJ迷们表示,无论是在高温炙烤的沙漠中跋涉沙海,还是在风雪中破冰击雪,FJ酷路泽都能,以金刚般的意念勇往直前。  相似文献   
This study extends the investigation of the ripples in the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field at L1 reported by Birch and Hargreaves (2020) to cover heliospheric distances from 1 to 40 AU, using data from the Voyager 2, Ulysses, Juno, Cassini, Themis and Apollo-12 spacecraft. The ripples were extracted from the source data using a bandpass filter which reduces the noise component of the source data while removing long-term trends. The ripples were found to propagate throughout the heliosphere with an average periodicity of 26 min, without significant attenuation relative to the background. They also permeated within the magnetospheres of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn with an average periodicity of 25 min, though with some attenuation relative to the solar wind, especially in the case of Jupiter. Within the planetary magnetospheres, the ripples were suppressed by the intense fields in close proximity to each planet, and though the distance varied at which this cutoff occurred, the flux density was very similar in all three cases.  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2011,(5):70-74
4月,两年一度的上海车展靓丽登场。本届上海车展总规模将超过20万平方米,创下国内之最。在本届上海车展的主题"创新未来"推动下,各大车企再次在新能源汽车的研发和推广上下足工夫,纷纷在环保、绿色等字眼上大做文章。特别是在日本地震之后,日本品牌更在意"地球很危险",积极准备在车展上推出自己的绿色产品。  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2011,(9):70-74
航空背景所带来的技术优势对汽车的品牌定位可能并无多大帮助,但在理念的层面上,却出现惊人的一致,那就是对"高端"的追求。航空发动机需要的是万无一失的细腻,豪华车主需要的是唯我独尊的精致,而两者,都需要最佳的服务精神。"北京国际航空展"是国内历史最久最专业的航空展。它汇聚中国航空业全部权威机构,得到航空领域相关机构的鼎力支持。历届北京航展吸引了世界14个国家及地区超过129个展商,17000名专业观众参与,北京国际航空展已经成为国内外航空产业同仁高度关注的交流和合作专业展会。第十四届北京国际航空展主题为:环保、科技、安全、商业,2011年9月21日至24日在北京举行。  相似文献   
JK 《今日民航》2009,(6):114-117
四时养生法就是按照一年四季的变化规律和特点,调节人体各部分的机能,从而达到健康长寿的目的。自然界的阴阳变化、四季更替、日夜轮回必然会影响到人体生理和病理,因此养生必须采取相应的措施。即所谓春退、夏平、秋进、冬补。  相似文献   
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