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脉冲多普勒雷达发射一组脉冲重复频率(PRF)恒定且相位相参的射频脉冲,叫做相干驻留间隔或CDI。由此产生的雷达回波脉冲在雷达接收机/处理机的多普勒滤波器组中被当作一个整体并进行相参积累,以便为在杂波环境中检测小目标提供必要的相参处理增益和速度鉴别能力,相对较长的CDI和最小天线扫描速率约束常常使目标照射限制在每个波束驻留时间的几个CDI上,由于每个CDI回波的功率可能因CDI之间射频频率分集(为减  相似文献   
Bacterial spores have been used as model systems for studying the theory of interplanetary transport of life by natural processes such as asteroidal or cometary impacts (i.e., lithopanspermia). Because current spallation theory predicts that near-surface rocks are ideal candidates for planetary ejection and surface basalts are widely distributed throughout the rocky planets, we isolated spore-forming bacteria from the interior of near-subsurface basalt rocks collected in the Sonoran desert near Tucson, Arizona. Spores were found to inhabit basalt at very low concentrations (相似文献   
苹果的CEO乔布斯说,这世界每天都有一些革命性的产品推出。如果把这句话转变成更好听的话就是:科技,每天都在进步。“玩意儿”是个比李宇春还中性的名词,但相对于科技世界,它就是创意的代名词。它的出现总带来一种新奇,比如说Ipod,再比如说手机,当初无不是从新鲜玩意儿发家的。也许,这些玩意儿并不代表科技的明天,甚至过了本季的流行趋势就成了废品,但至少它会给今天的沉闷注入一些新鲜的空气。  相似文献   
Fran    LA 江琳兴 《空载雷达》1999,(2):71-81
本文概述了数字电视通道内广播多媒体信息的一种新的系统结构。所提出的方案是建立在DSM-CC(数字存贮媒体指令和控制)功能的基础上,并使用了一种最近拟定的,能有效传送多媒体信息的协议。上述的信息与在WWW环境中使用的HTML文件的特性相同,因此,它可以包含本文、图像声音,和按照超本文编制的动画。  相似文献   
Two major parameters influencing the survival of Bacillus subtilis spores in space and on bodies within the Solar System are UV radiation and vacuum, both of which induce inactivating damage to DNA. To date, however, spore survival and DNA photochemistry have been explored only at the extremes of Earth-normal atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa) and at simulated space vacuum (10(-3)-10(-6) Pa). In this study, wild-type spores, mutant spores lacking alpha/beta-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP), naked DNA, and complexes between SASP SspC and DNA were exposed simultaneously to UV (254 nm) at intermediate pressure (1-2 Pa), and the UV photoproducts cis,syn-thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer (c,sTT), trans,syn-thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer (t,sTT), and "spore photoproduct" (SP) were quantified. At 101.3 kPa, UV-treated wild-type spores accumulated only SP, but spores treated with UV radiation at 1-2 Pa exhibited a spectrum of DNA damage similar to that of spores treated at 10(-6) Pa, with accumulation of SP, c,sTT, and t,sTT. The presence or absence of alpha/beta-type SASP in spores was partly responsible for the shift observed between levels of SP and c,sTT, but not t,sTT. The changes observed in spore DNA photochemistry at 1-2 Pa in vivo were not reproduced by irradiation of naked DNA or SspC:DNA complexes in vitro, suggesting that factors other than SASP are involved in spore DNA photochemistry at low pressure.  相似文献   
Bacterial spores have been considered as microbial life that could survive interplanetary transport by natural impact processes or human spaceflight activity. Deposition of terrestrial microbes or their biosignature molecules onto the surface of Mars could negatively impact life detection experiments and planetary protection measures. Simulated Mars solar radiation, particularly the ultraviolet component, has been shown to reduce spore viability, but its effect on spore germination and resulting production of biosignature molecules has not been explored. We examined the survival and germinability of Bacillus subtilis spores exposed to simulated martian conditions that include solar radiation. Spores of B. subtilis that contain luciferase resulting from expression of an sspB-luxAB gene fusion were deposited on aluminum coupons to simulate deposition on spacecraft surfaces and exposed to simulated Mars atmosphere and solar radiation. The equivalent of 42 min of simulated Mars solar radiation exposure reduced spore viability by nearly 3 logs, while germination-induced bioluminescence, a measure of germination metabolism, was reduced by less than 1 log. The data indicate that spores can retain the potential to initiate germination-associated metabolic processes and produce biological signature molecules after being rendered nonviable by exposure to Mars solar radiation.  相似文献   
Bacterial endospores in the genus Bacillus are considered good models for studying interplanetary transfer of microbes by natural or human processes. Although spore survival during transfer itself has been the subject of considerable study, the fate of spores in extraterrestrial environments has received less attention. In this report we subjected spores of a strain of Bacillus subtilis, containing luciferase resulting from expression of an sspB-luxAB gene fusion, to simulated martian atmospheric pressure (7-18 mbar) and composition (100% CO(2)) for up to 19 days in a Mars simulation chamber. We report here that survival was similar between spores exposed to Earth conditions and spores exposed up to 19 days to simulated martian conditions. However, germination-induced bioluminescence was lower in spores exposed to simulated martian atmosphere, which suggests sublethal impairment of some endogenous spore germination processes.  相似文献   
系统设计研究和详细的雷达模拟已经证实了空-时自适应处理(STAP)在目标多普勒信号淹没在旁瓣杂波和干扰的情况下实现目标检测的效用。最近美国空军利用在STAP方面的投资,借助罗马实验室的多通道机载雷达测量(MCARM)计划,建立了多通道雷达数据的数据库,以进一步开发适合于实战环境的STAP结构和算法。一般来说,起初数据不能与模拟数据吻合的一个方面是实际杂波和干扰的非均匀特征。本文研究了非均匀数据对S  相似文献   
The jets of icy particles and water vapor issuing from the south pole of Enceladus are evidence for activity driven by some geophysical energy source. The vapor has also been shown to contain simple organic compounds, and the south polar terrain is bathed in excess heat coming from below. The source of the ice and vapor, and the mechanisms that accelerate the material into space, remain obscure. However, it is possible that a liquid water environment exists beneath the south polar cap, which may be conducive to life. Several theories for the origin of life on Earth would apply to Enceladus. These are (1) origin in an organic-rich mixture, (2) origin in the redox gradient of a submarine vent, and (3) panspermia. There are three microbial ecosystems on Earth that do not rely on sunlight, oxygen, or organics produced at the surface and, thus, provide analogues for possible ecologies on Enceladus. Two of these ecosystems are found deep in volcanic rock, and the primary productivity is based on the consumption by methanogens of hydrogen produced by rock reactions with water. The third ecosystem is found deep below the surface in South Africa and is based on sulfur-reducing bacteria consuming hydrogen and sulfate, both of which are ultimately produced by radioactive decay. Methane has been detected in the plume of Enceladus and may be biological in origin. An indicator of biological origin may be the ratio of non-methane hydrocarbons to methane, which is very low (0.001) for biological sources but is higher (0.1-0.01) for nonbiological sources. Thus, Cassini's instruments may detect plausible evidence for life by analysis of hydrocarbons in the plume during close encounters.  相似文献   
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