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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed near the Sun via LASCO coronographic imaging are the most important solar drivers of geomagnetic storms. ICMEs, their interplanetary, near-Earth counterparts, can be detected in situ, for example, by the Wind and ACE spacecraft. An ICME usually exhibits a complex structure that very often includes a magnetic cloud (MC). They can be commonly modelled as magnetic flux ropes and there is observational evidence to expect that the orientation of a halo CME elongation corresponds to the orientation of the flux rope. In this study, we compare orientations of elongated CME halos and the corresponding MCs, measured by Wind and ACE spacecraft. We characterize the MC structures by using the Grad–Shafranov reconstruction technique and three MC fitting methods to obtain their axis directions. The CME tilt angles and MC fitted axis angles were compared without taking into account handedness of the underlying flux rope field and the polarity of its axial field. We report that for about 64% of CME–MC events, we found a good correspondence between the orientation angles implying that for the majority of interplanetary ejecta their orientations do not change significantly (less than 45 deg rotation) while travelling from the Sun to the near-Earth environment.  相似文献   
Centralized/distributed recursive algorithms for temporal-spatial information integration using the Dempster-Shafer technique are developed. Compared with the Bayesian approach, the Dempster-Shafer technique has the strong capability of handling information uncertainties, which are particularly desirable in many applications. In the centralized integration algorithm, all information is pooled into the central processor and integrated. In contrast, the distributed integration algorithm shares the computational burden among the local processors, which increases the computational efficiency. The developed algorithms are effectively applied to a target identification problem with three sensors: identification of friend-foe-neutral (IFFN), electronic support measurement (ESM), and infrared search and track (IRST)  相似文献   
正The FAA's airspace optimization initiative on the U.S.East Coast is expected to bring incremental relief to constraints in business aviation travel beginning with changes taking place this month,according to NBAA.Under the FAA's Northeast Corridor Atlantic Coast Routes (NEC ACR) initiative,operators will see significant changes ahead of the project's targeted November 2020 completion date,the association said.  相似文献   
This program will develop an automated and unmanned ultra-wide band (UWB) perimeter surveillance sensor designed to provide detection and tracking of personnel and vehicles at the perimeter of critical areas such as military installations and other such facilities. This effort describes the work being done for the protection of high value assets using a compact system which incorporates two technologies to enhance the probability of detection in stressing environments  相似文献   
大约两年前,美国国会颁布法律,禁止美国联邦航空局(FAA)为新提出申请的国外MRO企业签发维修许可证.现在又将可能出台一条新的法规,阻止FAA为国外MRO企业更新维修许可证.  相似文献   
A high-frequency (HF) aperture was synthesized by receiving ionospherically propagated signals in an airplane. The signals used the one-hop F lower ray mode to propagate a distance of 2600 km and were processed to yield equivalent aperture lengths of 10 km and 70 km. It was shown that apertures of up to 10 km in length could sometimes achieve their ideal free-space directivity without use of ionospheric compensation.  相似文献   
虽然近期世界航空运输业的形势令人堪忧.但未来20年,维修人员的供需矛盾同样很尖锐.因此,美国公务机协会(NBAA)提出了"项目引导" (Project Bootstrap)计划,旨在以此吸引、稳定和培养有志于航空维修业的年轻人,带动航空维修队伍整体素质的提升.通过不断提高航空维修人员的技术水平、创新能力和组织协调能力,进一步改善航空维修人员的待遇及社会地位.  相似文献   
The active geophysical rocket experiment North Star was carried out in the auroral ionosphere on January 22, 1999, at the Poker Flat Research Range (Alaska, USA) using the American research rocket Black Brant XII with explosive plasma generators on board. Separable modules with scientific equipment were located at distances of from 170 to 1595 m from the plasma source. The experiment continued the series of the Russian–American joint experiments started by the Fluxus experiment in 1997. Two injections of aluminum plasma across the magnetic field were conducted in the North Star experiment. They were different, since in the first injection a neutral gas cloud was formed in order to increase the plasma ionization due to the interaction of neutrals of the jet and cloud. The first and second injections were conducted at heights of 360 and 280 km, respectively. The measurements have shown that the charged particle density was two orders of magnitude higher in the experiment with the gas release. The magnetic field in the first injection was completely expelled by the dense plasma of the jet. The displacement of the magnetic field in the second injection was negligible. The plasma jet velocity in both injections decreased gradually due to its interaction with the geomagnetic field. One of the most interesting results of the experiment was the conservation of high plasma density during the propagation of the divergent jet to considerable distances. This fact can be explained by the action of the critical ionization velocity mechanism.  相似文献   
Effects of ice accretions on aircraft aerodynamics   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This article is a systematic and comprehensive review, correlation, and assessment of test results available in the public domain which address the aerodynamic performance and control degradations caused by various types of ice accretions on the lifting surfaces of fixed wing aircraft. To help put the various test results in perspective, overviews are provided first of the important factors and limitations involved in computational and experimental icing simulation techniques, as well as key aerodynamic testing simulation variables and governing flow physics issues. Following these are the actual reviews, assessments, and correlations of a large number of experimental measurements of various forms of mostly simulated in-flight and ground ice accretions, augmented where appropriate by similar measurements for other analogous forms of surface contamination and/or disruptions. In-flight icing categories reviewed include the initial and inter-cycle ice accretions inherent in the use of de-icing systems which are of particular concern because of widespread misconceptions about the thickness of such accretions which can be allowed before any serious consequences occur, and the runback/ridge ice accretions typically associated with larger-than-normal water droplet encounters which are of major concern because of the possible potential for catastrophic reductions in aerodynamic effectiveness. The other in-flight ice accretion category considered includes the more familiar large rime and glaze ice accretions, including ice shapes with rather grotesque features, where the concern is that, in spite of all the research conducted to date, the upper limit of penalties possible has probably not been defined. Lastly, the effects of various possible ground frost/ice accretions are considered. The concern with some of these is that for some types of configurations, all of the normally available operating margins to stall at takeoff may be erased if these accretions are not adequately removed prior to takeoff. Throughout this review, important voids in the available database are highlighted, as are instances where previous lessons learned have tended to be overlooked.  相似文献   
The considerations involved in the combination of data compression and error-control coding in space telemetry are analyzed through the use of two performance measures, D and R, which are similar to those used by Shannon for his rate distortion function. The average distortion D is a function of the source probability distribution, the overall system transitional probability matrix, and a cost matrix that signifies the relative importance of different types of data errors. The rate ratio R is the reciprocal of the overall system compression ratio and includes the data expansion effect of additional timing and identification data as well as coding redundancy. The effects of the following system parameters and properties on the overall distortion and rate ratio are analyzed: the error-control usefulness of natural data redundancy; the effect of errors in time information; the use of the strict monotonicity of the time information for error control; the probability distribution of the source; the biterror probability of a binary-symmetric channel; and the word-compression ratio. A rationale for comparing and choosing among three systems? uncompressed-uncoded, compressed-uncoded, and compressed-coded ?is given in terms of the performance measures D and R.  相似文献   
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